scholarly journals The role of prophylactic antibiotics in hepatitis B virus-related acute-on-chronic liver failure patients at risk of bacterial infection: a retrospective study

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
Xiao-Qin Liu ◽  
Xue-Yun Zhang ◽  
Yue Ying ◽  
Jian-Ming Zheng ◽  
Jian Sun ◽  

Abstract Background Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is characterized by an excessive systemic inflammatory response and organ failure and has high mortality. Bacterial infections (BIs) worsen the clinical course of ACLF and carry a poor prognosis in ACLF patients. The efficacy of third-generation cephalosporins has been challenged in recent years. The aim of this study was to characterize the difference between ACLF patients with and without BIs and to provide a reference for medical intervention. Methods A total of 140 patients with hepatitis B virus-related ACLF (HBV-ACLF) hospitalized at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University (Shanghai, China) between May 2013 and January 2020 were enrolled. Mann-Whitney U test was used to compare the baseline characteristics of HBV-ACLF patients with and without BIs. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to find predictors of BIs. The characteristics of BIs and the role of prophylactic antibiotics were profiled. Results A total of 97 episodes of BIs occurred in patients during the course of HBV-ACLF. Patients with and without BIs differed in clinical characteristics. The incidence of BIs showed a positive correlation with the ACLF grade (P = 0.003) and the clinical course (P = 0.003). The 90-day transplant-free survival of patients with BIs was lower than those without BIs (P < 0.0001). Patients administered prophylactic antibiotics showed a lower incidence of BIs and had a higher transplant-free survival probability than those who did not (P = 0.046). No statistical differences in antibiotic efficacy between third-generation and other antibiotics were observed (P = 0.108). Conclusions BIs affected the clinical course and prognosis of patients with HBV-ACLF. Prophylactic antibiotics were of potential clinical importance in the prevention of BIs and improving the clinical course and prognosis in HBV-ACLF patients. Third-generation cephalosporins were qualified for use in antibiotic prophylaxis.

2020 ◽  
Xiaoqin Liu ◽  
Xueyun Zhang ◽  
Yue Ying ◽  
Jianming Zheng ◽  
Jian Sun ◽  

Abstract Background: Acute-on-chronic liver failure (ACLF) is characterized by an excessive systemic inflammatory response and organ failure and has high mortality. Bacterial infections (BIs) worsen the clinical course of ACLF and carry a poor prognosis in ACLF patients. The efficacy of third-generation cephalosporins has been challenged in recent years. The aim of this study was to characterize the difference between ACLF patients with and without BIs and to provide a reference for medical intervention.Methods: A total of 147 patients with hepatitis B virus-related ACLF (HBV-ACLF) hospitalized at the Department of Infectious Diseases, Huashan Hospital, Fudan University (Shanghai, China) between May 2013 and January 2020 were enrolled. Mann‐Whitney U test was used to compare the baseline characteristics of HBV-ACLF patients with and without BIs. Univariate and multivariate analyses were performed to find predictors of BIs. The characteristics of BIs and the role of prophylactic antibiotics were profiled.Results: A total of 104 episodes of BIs occurred in HBV-ACLF patients either at admission or during hospitalization. Patients with and without BIs differed in clinical characteristics. The incidence of BIs showed a positive correlation with the ACLF grade (P < 0.001) and the clinical course (P < 0.001). The 90-day transplant-free survival of patients with BIs was lower than those without BIs (P < 0.0001). Patients administered prophylactic antibiotics showed a lower incidence of BIs and had a higher transplant-free survival probability than those patients there were not administered prophylactic antibiotics (P = 0.038). No statistical differences in antibiotic efficacy between third-generation and other antibiotics were observed (P = 0.108).Conclusions: BIs affected the clinical course and prognosis of patients with HBV-ACLF. Prophylactic antibiotics were of potential clinical importance in the prevention of BIs and improving the clinical course and prognosis in HBV-ACLF patients. Third-generation cephalosporins were qualified for use in antibiotic prophylaxis.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (29) ◽  
pp. 4288-4301
Yue Chang ◽  
Qin-Yu Liu ◽  
Qing Zhang ◽  
Ya-Mei Rong ◽  
Cheng-Zhen Lu ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 10 (7) ◽  
pp. 2642
MamunA Mahtab ◽  
SharkerM. S. Hossain ◽  
DulalC Das ◽  
SheikhM Noor-E-Alam ◽  
AyubA Mamun ◽  

2010 ◽  
Vol 151 (28) ◽  
pp. 1132-1136 ◽  
István Tornai

A krónikus vírushepatitisek jelentik ma a legismertebb okokat a hepatocellularis carcinoma (HCC) kialakulásában. A krónikus B- és C-vírus-hepatitis a májrákok körülbelül 40-50%-át okozza. A nyugati típusú társadalmakban a HCC előfordulása folyamatosan növekvő tendenciát mutat. Az alkohol számít a környezeti tényezők közül a legfontosabbnak, bár az alkoholfogyasztás a legtöbb országban csökken. Ez aláhúzza az egyéb környezeti tényezők fontosságát is. Az elfogyasztott alkoholmennyiséggel egyenes arányban növekszik a cirrhosis és a következményes HCC gyakorisága nőkben és férfiakban egyaránt. A kémiai anyagok közül a legismertebb a Kínában és Afrikában elterjedt aflatoxin, amely a gabonaféléket szennyező mycotoxin. Hasonló területeken endémiás, mint a hepatitis B-vírus, együtt szinergista hatást fejtenek ki. A dohányzás is egyértelműen bizonyított hepatocarcinogen hatással rendelkezik. Ez is jelentősen fokozódik, ha alkoholfogyasztással vagy vírushepatitisszel társul. Társadalmilag talán a legfontosabb az elhízás, a következményes nem alkoholos zsírmáj, illetve steatohepatitis és a 2-es típusú cukorbetegség, amelyek prevalenciája egyre fokozódik. Feltehetően ezek állnak a növekvő HCC-gyakoriság hátterében. Az inzulinrezisztencia és az oxidatív stressz képezik a legfontosabb patogenetikai lépéseket a májsejtkárosodásban. További fontos rizikótényező az orális fogamzásgátlók elterjedt használata. Egyes foglalkozások esetén a tartós szervesoldószer-expozíció is növeli a HCC rizikóját. Védelmet jelenthetnek az antioxidánsok, a szelén, a gyógyszerek közül a statinok és a feketekávé-fogyasztás.

2014 ◽  
Vol 35 (12) ◽  
pp. 1299
Xiao-wei JI ◽  
Jia-xin NIU ◽  
Xi CHEN ◽  
Guang-wen CAO

2014 ◽  
Vol 112 (11) ◽  
pp. 1751-1768 ◽  
S. Fiorino ◽  
L. Bacchi-Reggiani ◽  
S. Sabbatani ◽  
F. Grizzi ◽  
L. di Tommaso ◽  

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) infection represents a serious global health problem and persistent HBV infection is associated with an increased risk of cirrhosis, hepatocellular carcinoma and liver failure. Recently, the study of the role of microRNA (miRNA) in the pathogenesis of HBV has gained considerable interest as well as new treatments against this pathogen have been approved. A few studies have investigated the antiviral activity of vitamin E (VE) in chronic HBV carriers. Herein, we review the possible role of tocopherols in the modulation of host miRNA with potential anti-HBV activity. A systematic research of the scientific literature was performed by searching the MEDLINE, Cochrane Library and EMBASE databases. The keywords used were ‘HBV therapy’, ‘HBV treatment’, ‘VE antiviral effects’, ‘tocopherol antiviral activity’, ‘miRNA antiviral activity’ and ‘VE microRNA’. Reports describing the role of miRNA in the regulation of HBV life cycle,in vitroandin vivoavailable studies reporting the effects of VE on miRNA expression profiles and epigenetic networks, and clinical trials reporting the use of VE in patients with HBV-related chronic hepatitis were identified and examined. Based on the clinical results obtained in VE-treated chronic HBV carriers, we provide a reliable hypothesis for the possible role of this vitamin in the modulation of host miRNA profiles perturbed by this viral pathogen and in the regulation of some cellular miRNA with a suggested potential anti-HBV activity. This approach may contribute to the improvement of our understanding of pathogenetic mechanisms involved in HBV infection and increase the possibility of its management and treatment.

2021 ◽  
Pao‐Yuan Huang ◽  
Jing‐Houng Wang ◽  
Chao‐Hung Hung ◽  
Sheng‐Nan Lu ◽  
Tsung‐Hui Hu ◽  

2006 ◽  
Vol 26 (2) ◽  
pp. 213-217 ◽  
Kai Ming Chow ◽  
Cheuk Chun Szeto ◽  
Alan Ka Lun Wu ◽  
Chi Bon Leung ◽  
Bonnie Ching Ha Kwan ◽  

Objective We hypothesized that patients with hepatitis B virus infection and cirrhosis are more susceptible to peritonitis as a complication of peritoneal dialysis (PD). Methods A retrospective study was carried out to compare peritonitis rates between cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients with hepatitis B virus infection. Results Between 1994 and 2004, 25 PD patients with hepatitis B cirrhosis and 36 patients with hepatitis B without cirrhosis were included for analysis. Mean follow-up duration was 52 months. Subjects with hepatitis B cirrhosis consisted of more males and had higher total body weight. No cirrhotic patients (20 of them being Child–Pugh class A, 2 class B, and 3 class C) had undergone portosystemic shunting or liver transplantation. Cirrhotic patients had slightly higher bilirubin concentration than the non-cirrhotic group (22 ± 50 vs 9 ± 4 μmol/L, p = 0.16). There was no difference in median peritonitis-free survival between cirrhotic and non-cirrhotic patients (40 vs 37 months, p = 0.64 by log-rank test). The average peritonitis rate was 1 episode every 19.2 patient-months in the cirrhotic group and 1 episode every 20.5 patient-months in the non-cirrhotic group. Time to first peritonitis did not differ between the two groups with respect to gram-negative organisms ( p = 0.88) or gram-positive organisms ( p = 0.52). Cirrhotic patients had more frequent Streptococcus species peritonitis, which accounted for 13% of all peritonitis episodes, as opposed to 2% among the non-cirrhotic patients ( p = 0.01). Overall treatment response rate and outcome did not differ between patients with and patients without cirrhosis. Conclusions Peritonitis-free survival of cirrhosis patients infected by hepatitis B virus compares favorably with that in patients without cirrhosis. The presence of liver cirrhosis does not appear to compromise PD outcome.

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