Building a structural image in the Elward area in the Syrian Euphrates Graben using 3D seismic data

2016 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. T63-T77
Rabah Shaheen ◽  
Riad Taifour ◽  
Mohammad Alsouki

By generating fault maps, isochron maps, and applying restoration techniques to 3D seismic data acquired over the Elward area of Syria, we have built a suite of cross sections that represent the tectonic evolution of the area. Fault maps and time structure maps reveal structural deformation, whereas isochron maps define areas of fault-controlled depocenters. Seismic attributes delineate fluvial channels formed during the Late Triassic period. The main rift phase in the study area is the Upper Cretaceous (Coniacian). Our analysis explained the absence of the Judea and the upper part of the Rutbah Formations from the stratigraphic column of the Elward north field.

Geofluids ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2021 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Xi Wang ◽  
Yin Liu ◽  
Jian Cao ◽  
Yiduo Liu ◽  
Bing Luo ◽  

Deep-seated faults and folds of foreland basin systems have become important exploration targets in the recent years because they are crucial in controlling fluid migration and hydrocarbon accumulation. In this study, we analyzed the characteristics and formation history of these structures in the northwestern Sichuan Basin using recently acquired two-dimensional (2D) and three-dimensional (3D) seismic data. The seismic interpretation revealed that the thrust sheets, tectonic wedges, and foredeep were well developed in the northwestern Sichuan Basin from the mountain to the basin. Forward thrusts, fault-bend folds, and wedges are the main types of structures in the thrust sheets and tectonic wedges. The deep-seated faults and folds were easily recognized in the high-resolution 3D seismic data. The imbricate thrust faults that merged into detachment layers of the Lower Cambrian are the main types of structures in the foredeep, and they show a prominent strike-slip influence in the horizontal direction. The formation of these structures in the foredeep in the northwestern Sichuan Basin mainly endured two stages of thrusting, including those during the Middle-to-Late Triassic and Cenozoic. Based on the tectonic evolution and seismic data, we infer that these deep-seated faults and folds in the foredeep may have formed earlier than the northern Longmen Shan fold-and-thrust belts and they may have been initially active in the late of Early Triassic and reactive during the Cenozoic. Furthermore, evaporites in the Lower and Middle Triassic were crucial in forming these structures. The petroleum exploration data suggested that the deep-seated faults can facilitate hydrocarbon accumulation. The thrust faults in the foredeep were more likely to act as migration pathways for fluids instead of sealing barriers along the horizontal direction. The interconnected reservoirs of deep-seated folds possess a great potential to allow large-scale hydrocarbon accumulation. Our study provides a good example for evaluating the hydrocarbon exploration potential in the deeply buried area in the sedimentary basin.

O. A. Khlebnikova ◽  
Ya. E. Terekhina

In the section of the eastern Black Sea basin and the Caucasus continental slope, according to 3D seismic data, unique objects were first discovered and described — vertical failure in the Upper Cretaceous — Lower Miocene deposits. An interesting feature of these structures is a close to isometric shape in plan. About 40 objects have been identified on an area of more than 1000 m2. «Bulls-eye» («multiphase») paleo-pockmarks [Andresen, Huuse, 2011], as well as karst collapse [Zuo et al., 2009] are proposed as world analogues with a similar wave pattern on seismic data. The corresponding genesis models are considered, but none of the theories allows drawing a conclusion. The discovered objects are unique and require further investigation.

2017 ◽  
Florian W.H. Smit ◽  
Frans S.P. Van Buchem ◽  
Jesper H. Holst ◽  
Mikael Lüthje ◽  

2012 ◽  
Vol 2012 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-4 ◽  
Peter Kovesi ◽  
Ben Richardson ◽  
Eun-Jung Holden ◽  
Jeffrey Shragge

2015 ◽  
R. Rajesh* ◽  
R.K. Tiwari ◽  
Mrinal K. Sen ◽  
Nimisha Vedanthi

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