Health-related quality of life of of women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy in the northern region of Brazil.
92 Background: In Brazil, the estimate for the year 2015 is approximately 576,000 new cases of cancer. Breast cancer is the most common in Brazilian women and the state of Pará is the first with the highest incidence of breast cancer in northern Brazil. The high incidence and changes caused by treatment and own illness as the disturbances in body image, functional, emotional and social changes cause fear in women, as well as disrupting daily activities and impact the health-Related Quality of Life (HRQOL). Improving HRQOL is an important goal so the evaluation of HRQoL of these patients is of interest to health professionals, as they provide information that help in planning treatment and rehabilitation. The objective is to evaluate the HRQoL of patients with breast cancer in chemotherapy treatment. Methods: It is a cross-sectional study with quantitative exploratory design. This place was a public hospital in the city of Belém do Pará, Women were included with breast cancer, over eighteen years old and excluded those with cognitive problems and metastases. The European Organization for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality of Life (EORTC QLQ C 30) and Questionnaire Breast Cancer Module (QLQ BR23) have been administrated. The project was approved by the Ethics Committee and were respected the resolution 466/2012 CNS / MS. Results: The sample consisted of 89 women with breast cancer undergoing chemotherapy, most in the age group over 40, mulatto, married, fundamental level of education, domestic load, Catholic religion, live in rural areas with incomes of one to two minimum salaries. The EORTC QLQ C 30 showed that the average QOL was 75.56, and the most impaired functions were physical (M = 65.62) and role performance (M = 58.61) and the most frequent symptoms were diarrhea, constipation, dyspnea, nausea and vomiting, fatigue, pain and loss of appetite. EORTC BR23 demonstrated functional scale (M = 49.95) and symptoms scale (M = 33.00). Conclusions: The results show that the side effects of chemotherapy affect the physical and functional function and consequently HRQoL of these patients.