Adaptive logistics: Simulation based decision making in assembly planning and – control

Hui Li ◽  
Linxuan Zhang ◽  
Tianyuan Xiao ◽  
Jietao Dong

This paper introduces a CPS application for intelligent aeroplane assembly. At first, the CPS structure is presented, which acquires the characteristics of general CPS and enables "simulation-based planning and control" to achieve high level intelligent assembly. Then the paper puts forward data fusion estimation algorithm under synchronous and asynchronous sampling, respectively. The experiment shows that global optimal distributed fusion estimation under synchronized sampling proves to be closer to the actual value compared with ordinary weighted estimation, and multi-scale distributed fusion estimation algorithm of wavelet under asynchronous sampling does not need time registration, it can also directly link to data, and the error is smaller. This paper presents hybrid control strategy under the circumstance of joint action of the inner and outer loop to address the problems caused by the less controllable feature of the parallel mechanism when undertaking online process simulation and control. A robust adaptive sliding mode controller is designed based on disturbance observer to restrain inner interference and maintain robustness. At the same time, an outer collaborative trajectory planning is also designed. All the experiment results show the feasibility of above proposed methods.

2018 ◽  
Vol 108 (04) ◽  
pp. 221-227
T. Donhauser ◽  
L. Baier ◽  
T. Ebersbach ◽  
J. Franke ◽  
P. Schuderer

Die Kalksandsteinherstellung weist aufgrund prozesstechnisch und zeitlich divergierender Teilprozesse einen hohen Planungs- sowie Steuerungsaufwand auf. Durch Einsatz eines simulationsgestützten Optimierungsverfahrens kann diese Komplexität bewältigt werden. Um bei hoher Lösungsqualität eine Laufzeit zu erreichen, die einen operativen Einsatz des Verfahrens gestattet, wird auf Basis einer vorangegangenen Studie ein Dekompositionsansatz implementiert und dessen Eignung durch Testläufe validiert.   Calcium silicate masonry production requires a great deal of planning and control due to the fact that subprocesses vary in terms of process technology and time. To overcome this complexity, a simulation-based optimization approach is applied. As a short runtime that allows the method to be used operationally and yet still offers a high quality of solution is crucial, a decomposition approach is implemented on the basis of a previous study and its suitability is validated by means of test runs.

Arun Kumar Sangaiah ◽  
Vipul Jain

The prediction and estimation software risks ahead have been key predictor for evaluating project performance. Discriminating risk is vital in software project management phase, where risk and performance has been closely inter-related to each other. This chapter aims at hybridization of fuzzy multi-criteria decision making approaches for building an assessment framework that can be used to evaluate risk in the context of software project performance in following dimensions: 1) user, 2) requirements, 3) project complexity, 4) planning and control, 5) team, and 6) organizational environment. For measuring the risk for effectiveness of project performance, we have integrated Fuzzy Multi-Criteria Decision Making (FMCDM) and Fuzzy Technique for Order of Preference by Similarity to Ideal Solution (TOPSIS) approaches. Moreover the fusion of FMCDM and TOPSIS has not been adequately investigated in the exiting studies.

2018 ◽  
Vol 7 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-7
Ewelina Zarzycka ◽  
Justyna Dobroszek ◽  
Alina Almasan ◽  
Cristina Circa

The paper uses the phenomenon of isomorphism to present the similarities and differences in the use of management accounting information by managers in Poland and Romania. In order to analyze the set of data obtained from the conducted survey, cluster analysis and descriptive statistics have been applied. The studied managers use mainly management accounting information for planning and control tasks (budgeting) and less for formulating strategy and decision making. In their work, they rather apply financial data than nonfinancial indicators. The findings confirm that management accounting in both countries is strongly influenced by the mechanisms of coercive, normative and mimetic isomorphism connected with their specific economic and political development.  

2018 ◽  
Vol 108 (03) ◽  
pp. 148-154
G. Höllthaler ◽  
C. Richter ◽  
M. Hörmann ◽  
A. Zipfel ◽  
J. Fischer ◽  

Mit zunehmender Komplexität in Produktionssystemen, die sich auch aus der steigenden Variantenvielfalt ergibt, sind Entscheider im Produktionsumfeld mit immer komplexeren Fragestellungen konfrontiert. Zur Entscheidungsunterstützung stellt dieser Beitrag ein simulationsbasiertes Assistenzsystem vor. Neben einer allgemeinen Beschreibung des Aufbaus des Assistenzsystems wird im Detail der integrierte Materialflussservice betrachtet, der zur Beantwortung von Fragen rund um die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung zum Einsatz kommt.   An increasing complexity in production systems resulting, for example, from a growing number of variants, gives rise to more complex issues which stakeholders in the production area have to cope with. To support these stakeholders, this paper introduces a novel simulation-based assistant system. In addition to the general description of the assistant system’s setup, a detailed presentation of the integrated material flow service is given. This service deals with issues of production planning and control.

2015 ◽  
Vol 105 (04) ◽  
pp. 215-219
B. Denkena ◽  
A. Georgiadis

Die Produktionsplanung und -steuerung (PPS) steht bei der Instandhaltung komplexer Produkte vor der Herausforderung, mittelfristig Entscheidungen ohne detaillierte Kenntnis des Bauteilzustandes treffen zu müssen. Je nach Bauteildiagnose sind dann kurzfristig die Fertigungskapazitäten und Lagerbestände anzupassen. Die getroffenen Entscheidungen beeinflussen die Wirtschaftlichkeit des gesamten Instandhaltungsprozesses maßgeblich. Im Rahmen des Fachbeitrags wird eine simulationsbasierte Methode vorgestellt, um die PPS in der Instandhaltung mittels Ersatzteildisposition und Reihenfolgebildung zu optimieren. Dabei werden die Entwicklung und Ergebnisse des Ansatzes zur Ersatzteildisposition beschrieben.   Production planning and control (PPC) systems concerned with maintaining complex products are faced with the challenge of making decisions without knowing the product’s condition. After the diagnosis, the production and warehouse capacities are adapted at short notice. This article presents a simulation-based method for optimizing PPC in maintenance companies. It focuses on the development and the results of a new approach for the management of spare parts.

2000 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 103-109 ◽  
Naoyuki Kubota ◽  
Yusuke Nojima ◽  
Fumio Kojima ◽  
Toshio Fukuda ◽  

We studied intelligent control of self-organizing manufacturing system (SOMS) composed of modules that self-organize based on time-series information from other modules and environment. Modules create output through interaction with other modules. We discuss intelligent control and path planning in a manufacturing line of conveyer units and machining centers. Genetic algorithm are applied to conveyor pallet path planning in global decision making and learning automaton is applied to local conveyer decision making. We use simplified fuzzy inference to control pallets providing interval, verifying its feasibility by simulation.

2012 ◽  
Vol 152-154 ◽  
pp. 1010-1017
Si Jun Zhao ◽  
Jia Yua Shan ◽  
Lu Yan Bi

This paper presents research and simulation analysis on kinematics and dynamics problem based on the 6-axis serial robot. By means of Denavit-Hartenberg method, the robot kinematics model is established as well as and the derivation process of kinematic and inverse kinematic resolution is described in detail. Furthermore, in software simulationX, robot system model including mechanical sub-system and control sub-system are founded. Additionally, through simulation, different performances of robot are illustrated based on different trajectory planning and control. In this way a theoretical reference is provided for the further study on trajectory planning and controls of 6-axis serial robot.

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