Higher professional education for GPs: will this change the culture?

Tareq Abouharb ◽  
Neil Jackson
O. S. Korneva

Within the implementation of the national strategy for improving financial competency and financial education in Russia, aimed at the broad masses of the population, any experience in promoting financial competency among young people, accumulated in the system of training bachelors of Economics, will be useful. The purpose of the article is to present the methodological and practical aspects of teaching the basics of financial calculations of future economists and the formation of computer modeling skills in the field of financial and economic activity. The reason for writing the article was the problem of interdisciplinary integration in the system of financial and economic education. The analysis of educational literature and curricula of the system of secondary and higher professional education, as well as the study and generalization of pedagogical experience showed weak integration of mathematical and economic disciplines with information technologies. The article also presents the problems associated with the calculations in the financial and economic activities with the use of computer modeling. The elements of the presented methods of teaching the basics of financial computing in conjunction with the modeling of financial problems on the computer can be useful for both school teachers and university teachers of mathematics and computer science.

2013 ◽  
pp. 137-141 ◽  
D. A. Philippov ◽  
O. V. Galanina

June 12, 2012 marks 75 years since the birth of the Leningrad (St. Petersburg) bolotoved, tortued, botanical geographer, honorary worker of higher professional education of Russia, candidate of geographical sciences, associate Professor Viktor Petrovich Denisenkov.

2021 ◽  
Vol 18 (1) ◽  
pp. 80-92
Valery E. Gordin ◽  
Irina A. Sizova

This article examines online educational products developed by museums both independently and in cooperation with educational institutions. The analysis revealed a pool of museum online products, including mass open online courses (MOOCs), specialized professional online courses (SPOCs), educational games, mobile apps, and podcasts. The authors identify advantages and features of each type of the museum online products (MOPs) and determine the prospects for their inclusion in the educational process.The study aims to reveal the activity of different kinds of museums and museum communities in the development and implementation of educational online products both in their own educational activities, carried out by an increasing number of museums, and in the process of formal and non-formal education in cooperation with universities, schools, and further education institutions that implement it. The study discovered that museums develop both MOOCs that are traditional for the system of higher professional education, and educational online products, such as educational games, podcasts, and mobile applications with educational content, that are not widely used at present, but are promising for formal and, especially, non-formal education. An important result of the study was the conclusion about the common practice of cooperation between museums and universities in the joint development of online products, as well as about the feasibility of deploying such work with institutions of secondary general and vocational education.The authors’ analysis of the system of museum educational online products allowed us to conclude that new players — museums — have appeared in the online education market in the role of organizations that create and use various online resources in their activities, including those that can be used in the field of education.

R.A. Almaev ◽  

The possibilities of using distance learning on the Internet are considered with the fulfillment of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Professional Education to the learning out-comes according to the indicators established in the discipline programs - to know, be able, and have skills. It is noted that distance learning, being accessible to users, does not have an evidence base for its effectiveness in ensuring the quality of education. In universities with a technological focus, the creation of an educational environment that meets the established requirements is impossible with distance learning. As an additional educational resource, it can be used in organizing students' independent work, studying optional courses, in DPO centers (retraining, professional development).

2013 ◽  
Elena N. Belova

The monograph presents the results of a study of the organizational and pedagogical conditions for the formation of managerial competence of the head of an educational institution in the sphere of culture, which has important theoretical and practical importance for the successful development of educational institutions in the sphere of culture in the context of the modernization of Russian art education. The essence, components and criterial characteristics of the formation of managerial competence of the head are considered. It is intended for researchers, teachers, students of management specialties, institutions of higher professional education, students of institutions of additional professional education, heads and specialists of educational institutions in the sphere of culture. Published on the recommendation of the State Scientific Institution "Siberian Scientific Center of the Russian Academy of Education".

V. V. Petrov

The social transformations that took place under the influence of globalization and neoliberalization at the turn of the 20th – 21st centuries led to the need for deep structural and functional changes in the system of domestic higher professional education. Despite the fact that over the past twenty years in domestic practice a lot of directive documents have been developed and a number of serious management decisions have been adopted that have a direct impact on the development of the Russian education system at all levels, the domestic higher school in many respects cannot reach a level that makes it possible to make a serious competition to the participants of the world scientific and educational space. A retrospective analysis of the main conceptual documents that determine the development of the domestic education system, carried out in the work, showed that reforms of the domestic higher education system often do not reach their logical conclusion, since they are predominantly declarative in nature, far from always supported by a legislative framework, which leads to inconsistency in practical actions on their implementation. The article reveals that the incompleteness of the reforms is largely due to the existing gaps in cooperation between the institutions of education, science and industrial production, which all conceptually significant documents declare, but in practice, close mutually beneficial cooperation between these actors does not sufficiently manifest itself. The author indicates that such interaction can be carried out through the development of university systems, which, being integrated into the economy of the regions and acting as a driver of innovative development, can contribute to increasing the competitiveness of Russian universities in the international scientific and educational space.

2020 ◽  
Vol 208 ◽  
pp. 09032
Yuliya Masalova

In the modern world, many countries recognize that education should act in the interests and for the benefit of the ideas of sustainable development. At the same time, sustainable development itself becomes an integral element of quality education and its key factor. In Russia, the “national strategy of education for sustainable development” has been formed, which provides for a reorientation from ensuring that students have certain knowledge to the ability to analyse real problems and find possible solutions for them. At the same time, the traditional approach to teaching based on the study of specific subjects remains, but it is important to ensure that each student is able to carry out an interdisciplinary analysis of real-life situations. Currently, a project on “Key areas of development of Russian education for achieving the goals and objectives of sustainable development in the education system” until 2035 has been developed and published, which contains indicators that allow us to assess the achievement of the goals set out in it. However, this document hardly presents the level of higher professional education and its contribution to sustainable development. The article will examine the role of Russian higher education in the concept of sustainable development.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (SPE2) ◽  
Maria A. Erofeeva ◽  
Alla N. Stolyarova ◽  
Aleksandra I. Terekhova ◽  
Alla V. Ignatyeva ◽  

I.E. Rakhimbaeva ◽  
A.M. Bashlykov

The article deals with the problem of improving the quality of professional training of cadets of military educational institutions of higher professional education of the National Guard troops of the Russian Federation (hereinafter referred to as military universities of the VNG RF), the solution of which determines the level of security of the Russian Federation. In connection with the changes that have occurred in the educational process on the basis of the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard of Higher Education 3 ++, as well as in the structure of the troops, the need to revise the content of military education, as well as the choice of more effective methods for its implementation, has been identified. After analyzing the current state of affairs, the possibilities of frame methods were studied, the main advantage of which is the intensification of the educational process through the structuring of educational information. The authors have developed frame schemes, the effectiveness of which has been tested experimentally. All this made it possible for the teacher to devote more time to explaining the educational material of a lesson, eliminating the excessive amount of information, and for the cadets - to study the subject in more detail, to comprehend the information received, and then apply these methods in their future professional activities when training the personnel of their unit in the army.

New Collegium ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (102) ◽  
pp. 118-121
O. Bielikova ◽  
S. Dytiuk ◽  
O. Tesalovskaya

The article deals with structural compounds of lecturer's rhetorical culture, its role in forming of professionaly oriented person. Lecturer's cultural and language literacy forms a style of pedagogical communication, a culture of his speaking behavior, and that exerts influence on learning process, on forming students' skills, on their personalities. The theoretical bases of diagnostics and determination of the results of the formation of professional competencies of language training lecturer`s for foreign citizens as the actual pedagogical problem in universities of technical profile were investigated and substantiated. In the conditions of socio-economic changes in Ukraine, the improvement of higher professional education system, in the process of introducing new requirements and standards of education, there are significant transformations in the system "lecturer-to-student". Changes in the first place concern perception of lecturer, the system of role expectations regarding the leading qualities of the lecturer changes. Strengthening the attention to the issues of diagnosing the level of proficiency of language training lecturers of professional competences, as a modern trend requires not only scientifically based tools for continuous measurement, analysis and improvement of evaluation of educational results of students' professional training, but also a new look at the system of pedagogical diagnostics. System diagnostics based on a competent approach should become a key and crosscutting component of monitoring the quality of vocational training of language training specialists in universities of technical profile.

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