The Parallel Port as a Host Interface Port

1998 ◽  
pp. 215-234
2000 ◽  
pp. 271-288

2018 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 26-34
Markus Dwiyanto Tobi ◽  

Komputer atau disebut PC (personal Computer) sudah berada hampir di setiap rumah, gedung atau perkantoran. Kebanyakan komputer lebih sering digunakan untuk keperluan pengetikan, memutar film, mendengarkan musik dan untuk permainan atau game. Pada saat sebagian orang juga dapat menghabiskan waktu seharian di depan computer mereka. Hal ini dapat membuat orang malas untuk mengerjakan hal lain saat sibuk di depan komputer, miasalnya saja untuk menghidupkan lampu, pendingin ruangan (Air Conditioner), atau perangkat elektronik lainnya. Penelitian ini dirancang untuk mengendalikan peralatan listrik menggunakan akses parallel port dengan pemrograman Delphi 7.0. Peralatan listrik yang dikontrol adalah lampu pijar, untuk mengontrol lampu pada suatu rumah, gedung ataupun di industry-industri yang dihubungkan dan di control melalui komputer dengan memanfaatkan interface port parallel. dan untuk menghidupkan dan mematikan lampu pada suatu gedung atau tempat lainnya dapat dilakukan dengan menekan tombol-tombol yang telah dirancang pada modul program computer dan agar dapat mengakses port parallel dengan baik digunakan sebuah file library, yaitu “inpout32.dll”.

Stefan Appelhoff ◽  
Tristan Stenner

AbstractModern experimental research often relies on the synchronization of different events prior to data analysis. One way of achieving synchronization involves marking distinct events with electrical pulses (event markers or “TTL pulses”), which are continuously recorded with research hardware, and can later be temporally aligned. Traditionally, this event marking was often performed using the parallel port in standard personal computers. However, the parallel port is disappearing from the landscape of computer hardware, being replaced by a serial (COM) port, namely the USB port. To find an adequate replacement for the parallel port, we evaluated four microcontroller units (MCUs) and the LabJack U3, an often-used USB data acquisition device, in terms of their latency and jitter for sending event markers in a simulated experiment on both Windows and Linux. Our results show that all four MCUs were comparable to the parallel port in terms of both latency and jitter, and consistently achieved latencies under 1 ms. With some caveats, the LabJack U3 can also achieve comparable latencies. In addition to the collected data, we share extensive documentation on how to build and use MCUs for event marking, including code examples. MCUs are a cost-effective, flexible, and performant replacement for the disappearing parallel port, enabling event marking and synchronization of data streams.

2000 ◽  
pp. 271-288
William Buchanan

Salah Haridy ◽  
Zhang Wu ◽  
Amro Shafik

Computer numerical control (CNC) involves machines controlled by electronic systems designed to accept numerical data and other instructions, usually in a coded form. CNC machines are more productive than conventional equipment and consequently produce parts at less cost and higher accuracy even when the higher investment is considered. This article proposes an educational scheme for designing a CNC machine for drilling printed circuit boards (PCB) holes with small diameters. The machine consists of three-independently move-fully controlled tables. Output pulses from the personal computer (PC) parallel port are used to control the machine after processing by an interface card. A flexible, responsive and real-time visual C # program is developed to control the motion of the stepper motors. The educational scheme proposed in this article can provide engineers and students in academic institutions with a simple foundation to efficiently build a CNC machine based on the available resources.

2000 ◽  
pp. 289-300
William Buchanan

2017 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 97
Rajesh Shrestha ◽  
Dipak Subedi ◽  
Shekhar Gurung

<p class="Default">A parallel port is an inexpensive and powerful tool for controlling the real world peripherals. It provides eight Transistor Transistor Logic (TTL) outputs, fives inputs and four bidirectional input and output for Personal Computer (PC) interruption. By using the structure oriented programming language they are fused in circuit boards, microcontrollers etc. to carry out specified functions. The reason is the elegance and simplicity of the code used in visual basic.</p><p><strong>Journal of Nepal Physical Society</strong><em><br /></em>Volume 4, Issue 1, February 2017, Page: 97-100</p>

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