c program
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2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (1) ◽  
Yuli Murdianingsih ◽  
Lina Aprianti

Shoes are one of the human equipment that must always be worn in conditions, including during the rainy season, and conventional shoe drying still faces several challenges, including relying on the help of sunlight to facilitate drying. Shoes are one of the human equipment that must always be worn in conditions, including during the rainy season. The goal of this research is to create a shoe dryer monitoring system using the Node-ed Platform and the Internet of Things. Light, temperature, and humidity are all monitored in shoes. Arduino Uno, NodeMC ESP8266, Breadboard, Jumper Cables (male-to-male, male-to-female, female-to-female), Arduino USB Cable, 2 Channel Relay, Incandescent Lamp, CPU Fan, Servo Motor, DHT11 Sensor, and LDR Sensor are the components needed to make this system. While the software, specifically Ardu, was used, While the software employed, specifically the Arduino IDE, allows the author to program the NodeMCU ESP8266, Arduino Uno, and other hardware components that will be used in this study. To write programs, you'll need a C program editor and compiler. The major component in the implementation of this research is the Node-red platform. The NodeMCU ESP8266 is used as a tool in this shoe dryer monitoring system, which leverages a wireless network architecture. The shoe dryer monitoring system can perform as intended as a result of this research; this tool can monitor light, temperature, and humidity in shoes in real-time, as well as deliver actions in the form of notifications via social media in the form of Telegram.

2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 128-136
Yasminar Amaerita Telaumbanua

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperbaiki kemampuan mahasiswa semester III IKIP Gunungsitoli yang tidak mampu meringkas sebuah teks dengan benar dan untuk mengetahui bagaimana pelaksanaan metode Reciprocal  Teaching dalam pengajaran keterampilan membaca sehingga dapat menghasilkan keterampilan menulis summary.  Mahasiswa semester III ini merupakan subjek dalam penelitian ini. Untuk mencapai tujuan penelitian tersebut, peneliti melaksanakan penelitian tindakan kelas yang berkolaborasi dengan jumlah siswa sebanyak 37 orang, khususnya kelas C. Peneliti menggunakan 4 jenis instrumen penelitian seperti lembar pengamatan, catatan lapangan, lembar karakter yang diharapkan, dan lembar evaluasi. Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian, dapat dilihat dalam instrumen penelitian bahwa mahasiswa melakukan semua aktifitas yang direncanakan dalam satuan acuan pengajaran; melaksanakan strategi memprediksi, mengklarifikasikan, menyusun pertanyaan, dan meringkas; mengembangkan karakter positif; serta nilai mahasiswa disiklus kedua lebih baik/tinggi daripada disiklus pertama. Nilai terendah dan tertinggi disiklus pertama adalah 0 dan 65 sedangkan nilai terendah dan tertinggi disiklus kedua adalah 50 dan 70. Berdasarkan hasil temuan penelitian di atas, peneliti menemukan bahwa penerapan metode Reciprocal Teaching dapat memperbaiki kemampuan meringkas sebuah teks menggunakan kosa kata sendiri bagi mahasiswa semester III kelas C program studi pendidikan Bahasa Inggris di IKIP Gunungsitoli.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 332
Puji Rosaldy ◽  
Syuraini Syuraini

This research was motivated by the learning outcomes of citizens studying sociology subjects in the SPNF-SKB Package C program in Pariaman City. The purpose of this study was to determine the differences in the learning outcomes of learning residents on sociology subjects in the SPNF-SKB Package C program in Pariaman City.This type of research is a type of comparative causal research. The population in this study were 50 students of the Pariaman City SPNF-SKB Package C Program. The sample in this study amounted to 40 residents studied using cluster random sampling technique. The data collection technique used is documentation. The data analysis technique used is descriptive quantitative. Analysis of the data used quantitatively by using the t-test using SPSS16 software.Based on the results of the research on the learning outcomes of the residents of the Package C Program before the pandemic, the highest was in the very good category, amounting to 29 people with a percentage of 72.5%, of the 40 residents studying the Package C Program before the pandemic and the value of learning outcomes for learning residents during the covid pandemic. the highest is the unfavorable category, totaling 19 learning residents with a percentage of 47.5% of the 40 residents studying the Package C Program during the pandemic. So there are differences in the learning outcomes of learning residents before the Covid pandemic with the learning outcomes of learning residents during the Covid pandemic, meaning that the Ha hypothesis is accepted. It is recommended for the department of education outside the school of Padang State University to use the results of this study as a reference in teaching materials for courses. Keywords: learning outcomes, Pandemic Covid-19

2021 ◽  
pp. 341-346
Mayank Joshi ◽  
Sandeep Kumar Sunori ◽  
Naveen Tewari ◽  
Sudhanshu Maurya ◽  
Mayank Joshi ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Mutia Hariyani ◽  
Dwi Kusumawardani ◽  
Moch Sukardjo

Electronic modules have an important role because they can help the learning process of students. The problems obtained can be seen from the motivation and learning outcomes that cannot be said to be optimal, one of the causes is the lack of learning media used. With the use of electronic modules, abstract material can be concreted and make students interested and motivated in learning and can improve learning outcomes. The purpose of this study was to test the effectiveness of the electronic module on cognitive learning outcomes on social change material in the Education package C program. The research approach used was a quantitative approach. The type of research used is Pre-Experimental. The design used in this research is One Group Pretest-Posttest. The research subjects were students of class XII package C program, totaling 38 students with 17 males and 21 females. Methods of data collection by observation, interviews, and tests. The instrumentes used are in the form of an objective test with a total of 10 items. The analysis of improving learning outcomes was analyzed using the N-Gain formula. N-Gain is used to calculate the increase in learning outcomes. Based on the N-gain analysis, student learning outcomes show a value of 0.60 in the medium category and the value of the effectiveness of N-gain in percent is 60 with an effective enough category. So learning by using electronic modules can improve student learning outcomes.

2021 ◽  
Vol 64 (8) ◽  
pp. 56-68
Patrick Baudin ◽  
François Bobot ◽  
David Bühler ◽  
Loïc Correnson ◽  
Florent Kirchner ◽  

A panoramic view of a popular platform for C program analysis and verification.

Yangkang Chen ◽  
Omar M. Saad ◽  
Min Bai ◽  
Xingye Liu ◽  
Sergey Fomel

Abstract Microseismic source-location imaging is important for inferring the dynamic status of reservoirs during hydraulic fracturing. The accuracy and resolution of the located microseismic sources are closely related to the imaging technique. We present an open-source program for high-fidelity and high-resolution 3D microseismic source-location imaging. The presented code is compact in the sense that all required subroutines are included in one single C program, based on which seismic wavefields can be propagated either forward during a synthetic test or backward during a real time-reversal imaging process. The compact C program is accompanied by a Python script known as the SConstruct file in the Madagascar open-source platform to compile and run the C program. The velocity model and recorded microseismic data can be input using the Python script. This compact program is useful for educational purposes and for future algorithm development. We introduce the basics of the imaging method used in the presented package and present one representative synthetic example and a field data example. The results show that the presented program can be reliably used to locate source locations using a passive seismic dataset.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (5) ◽  
pp. 185-188
Maxwell Christian ◽  
Bhushan Trivedi , PhD ◽  

The process of automatic evaluation of a structured C++ program has the first and foremost requirement of specifying the developed structural C++ program in a standard, generalized and unified format. This generalized and standard representation of the program needs to incorporate the specification in terms of semantics as per the language features used and also the contextual binding in regards of the program definition as perceived and desired by the subject expert. Hence an inter - lingua which can represent the semantic and contextual knowledge of the developed structured C++ program will be the first and foremost requirement towards the process of automated assessment and grading of a structured C++ program.The work presented here is published for patent at Patent Office Branch, Mumbai, India with the reference number E-12/215/2021/MUM and application number 202121000796.

Jurnal Digit ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 20
Dena Djayusman ◽  
Ida Suhartini ◽  
Fadhlan Naufal Gunawan ◽  
Naufal Taufik Alhakim ◽  
Thalissa Gunawan A

ABSTRAK Permainan Snake merupakan sebuah permainan dengan konsep dimana pemain mengendalikan tubuh karakter permainan yang memanjang berupa sebuah garis. Tubuh dari karakter permainan tersebut dapat dijabarkan dengan struktur data tree. Struktur data tree digunakan untuk mengetahui keterkaitan antara bagian tubuh karakter yang satu dengan yang lainnya. Penerapan struktur data tree pada program terbagi dalam fungsi-fungsi yang merupakan dasar dari struktur program C. Dengan penerapan struktur data tree yang dibuat dalam program C, program permainan Snake ini dapat digunakan dan dikembangkan seperti program permainan Snake pada umumnya. Program ini dibuat dengan tujuan hiburan bagi pengguna-nya serta tujuan edukasi bagi tim pengembang, khususnya edukasi terkait ilmu struktur data tree. Kata kunci: Program, Permainan Snake, Struktur Data Tree, Bahasa C

2021 ◽  
Vol 15 (1) ◽  
pp. 69-80
Ibrahim Khliefat ◽  
Mohammed Naser ◽  
Fadi Alhomaidat ◽  
Shadi Hanandeh

Background and Objective: This study aims to improve the capacity and level of service at the sixth circle in Jordan by using traffic signals and a roundabout metering approach. Methods: VISSIM software and C++ program were used to improve the capacity and level of service. The site area (Sixth circle) was located near Crown Plaza and the Jordan Gate Towers project, which causes congestion due to heavy traffic flow. Therefore, this paper assesses the traffic in the sixth circle and presents the possible solutions to reduce the daily traffic flow for the users of this circle. Results: Four signals were placed at the roundabout in the second scenario, which was connected to each other with different cycle lengths. 90-second cycle length gives D value of the level of service. The third scenario was placed adaptive signals on the roundabout, which connects traffic signals with ground detectors placed at a certain distance before the signal and based on the queue length of the flow cars that pass the detector. Conclusion: The adaptive signals worked on the opening and closing and were designed according to the language simulation and the adoption of the language C++. The first two signals were opened considering the Swefieh road with the reference of King Faisal for a period of 45 seconds. It was then closed for 45 seconds to open the signal from the next street from the fifth circle with Zahran street.

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