Chemical compound forms of cadmium in uranium tailings of Schneckenstein

2010 ◽  
pp. 451-455
T Naamoun ◽  
B Merkel
2011 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 13
Budi Tri Cahyana ◽  
Andri Taruna Rachmadi

Blood fever and Chikungunya cases in Indonesia are increasing annually. For preventing the mosquios, people use mosquito coil which is contain dangerous chemical compound. This research has successly created a natural mosquito coil with gemor bark and hazelnut fruit shell as the main material. Gemor bark is positive containing alcaloid,tanin, phenolk, flvonoid, triterpnoid and glycocydic compounds which are natural bioinsecticide. As formulation the comparison of gemor bark and hazelnut shell as follow :100% : 0 %  ; 80 % : 20 % ; 65 % : 35 % ; 50 % : 50 % ; 35 % : 65% and 20 % : 80% were used. Base one random variance analysis, the best formula was the using of gemor bark in 50%, 35% and  20% of concentration. The mosquitos killing force analysis was using the LT50 for 6 days with 5 diferent concentrations. The result showed that 50 %  of gemor bark was significantly influenced in the killing force. From the economic view, the producion of this coil was cheaper then the same product in the maket. Base on all the result, the research product is applicable in mass producion and safe for human health and the environment.Keywords: gemor bark , hazelnut fruit shell ,  mosquito coil, natural ,  ecofriendly

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
Lusiana Dian Anjarsari ◽  
Dwi Aditiyarini ◽  

Lipstick is one kind of cosmetics which is used as lips colorant to increase self-confidence. Nowadays, lipsticks from natural source is popular to reduce the negative impact of chemical compound or synthetics colorant in lipstick intensively for health. Super red dragon fruit is one kind of natural ingredients which can be used as colorant for lipstick. Moreover, this fruit is rich of antioxidant and antibacterial component that is good for skin health. In this research, extract of super red dragon fruit flesh was added in the lipstick during preparation with variation of concentration 0, 10, 20, 30 and 40%. Antioxidant analysis resulted the IC50 value in 81.55% indicating the strong antioxidant properties. Furthermore, the concentration of dragon fruit extract 40% was able to inhibit the growth of Staphylococcus aureus bacteria.

2019 ◽  
pp. 175-181
A. I. Kovtunov ◽  
T. V. Semistenova ◽  
A. M. Ostryanko

The paper offers technology of argon-arc surfacing with titanium wire in order to form heat and wear resistant coating based on the titanium cuprides. The influence of surfacing modes on the chemical compound and structure of formed coatings is determined. The wear resistance and heat resistance at 600°C and 800°C were researched for copper–titanium coating with 8–63% titanium.

2019 ◽  
Vol 17 (1) ◽  
pp. 955-962 ◽  
Zhiqiang Zhang ◽  
Zeshan Saleem Mufti ◽  
Muhammad Faisal Nadeem ◽  
Zaheer Ahmad ◽  
Muhammad Kamran Siddiqui ◽  

AbstractAtoms displayed as vertices and bonds can be shown by edges on a molecular graph. For such graphs we can find the indices showing their bioactivity as well as their physio-chemical properties such as the molar refraction, molar volume, chromatographic behavior, heat of atomization, heat of vaporization, magnetic susceptibility, and the partition coefficient. Today, industry is flourishing because of the interdisciplinary study of different disciplines. This provides a way to understand the application of different disciplines. Chemical graph theory is a mixture of chemistry and mathematics, which plays an important role in chemical graph theory. Chemistry provides a chemical compound, and graph theory transforms this chemical compound into a molecular graphwhich further is studied by different aspects such as topological indices.We will investigate some indices of the line graph of the subdivided graph (para-line graph) of linear-[s] Anthracene and multiple Anthracene.

Mukesh Shakya ◽  
Mamta Singh ◽  
Sachin Kumar ◽  
A. K. Jayraw ◽  
G. P. Jatav ◽  

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