scholarly journals Efficiency of fast- and slow-twitch muscles of the mouse performing cyclic contractions.

1994 ◽  
Vol 193 (1) ◽  
pp. 65-78 ◽  
C J Barclay

The mechanical efficiency of mouse fast- and slow-twitch muscle was determined during contractions involving sinusoidal length changes. Measurements were made of muscle length, force production and initial heat output from bundles of muscle fibres in vitro at 31 degrees C. Power output was calculated as the product of the net work output per sinusoidal length cycle and the cycle frequency. The initial mechanical efficiency was defined as power output/(rate of initial heat production+power output). Both power output and rate of initial heat production were averaged over a full cycle of length change. The amplitude of length changes was +/- 5% of muscle length. Stimulus phase and duration were adjusted to maximise net work output at each cycle frequency used. The maximum initial mechanical efficiency of slow-twitch soleus muscle was 0.52 +/- 0.01 (mean +/- 1 S.E.M. N = 4) and occurred at a cycle frequency of 3 Hz. Efficiency was not significantly different from this at cycle frequencies of 1.5-4 Hz, but was significantly lower at cycle frequencies of 0.5 and 1 Hz. The maximum efficiency of fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus muscle was 0.34 +/- 0.03 (N = 4) and was relatively constant (0.32-0.34) over a broad range of frequencies (4-12 Hz). A comparison of these results with those from previous studies of the mechanical efficiency of mammalian muscles indicates that efficiency depends markedly on contraction protocol.

2015 ◽  
Vol 114 (6) ◽  
pp. 3283-3295 ◽  
Ollie M. Blake ◽  
James M. Wakeling

This study investigated the influence of cycle frequency and workload on muscle coordination and the ensuing relationship with mechanical efficiency and power output of human limb movement. Eleven trained cyclists completed an array of cycle frequency (cadence)-power output conditions while excitation from 10 leg muscles and power output were recorded. Mechanical efficiency was maximized at increasing cadences for increasing power outputs and corresponded to muscle coordination and muscle fiber type recruitment that minimized both the total muscle excitation across all muscles and the ineffective pedal forces. Also, maximum efficiency was characterized by muscle coordination at the top and bottom of the pedal cycle and progressive excitation through the uniarticulate knee, hip, and ankle muscles. Inefficiencies were characterized by excessive excitation of biarticulate muscles and larger duty cycles. Power output and efficiency were limited by the duration of muscle excitation beyond a critical cadence (120–140 rpm), with larger duty cycles and disproportionate increases in muscle excitation suggesting deteriorating muscle coordination and limitations of the activation-deactivation capabilities. Most muscles displayed systematic phase shifts of the muscle excitation relative to the pedal cycle that were dependent on cadence and, to a lesser extent, power output. Phase shifts were different for each muscle, thereby altering their mechanical contribution to the pedaling action. This study shows that muscle coordination is a key determinant of mechanical efficiency and power output of limb movement across a wide range of mechanical demands and that the excitation and coordination of the muscles is limited at very high cycle frequencies.

2001 ◽  
Vol 204 (10) ◽  
pp. 1765-1774 ◽  
L.J. Mellors ◽  
C.L. Gibbs ◽  
C.J. Barclay

The results of previous studies suggest that the maximum mechanical efficiency of rat papillary muscles is lower during a contraction protocol involving sinusoidal length changes than during one involving afterloaded isotonic contractions. The aim of this study was to compare directly the efficiency of isolated rat papillary muscle preparations in isotonic and sinusoidal contraction protocols. Experiments were performed in vitro (27 degrees C) using left ventricular papillary muscles from adult rats. Each preparation performed three contraction protocols: (i) low-frequency afterloaded isotonic contractions (10 twitches at 0.2 Hz), (ii) sinusoidal length change contractions with phasic stimulation (40 twitches at 2 Hz) and (iii) high-frequency afterloaded isotonic contractions (40 twitches at 2 Hz). The first two protocols resembled those used in previous studies and the third combined the characteristics of the first two. The parameters for each protocol were adjusted to those that gave maximum efficiency. For the afterloaded isotonic protocols, the afterload was set to 0.3 of the maximum developed force. The sinusoidal length change protocol incorporated a cycle amplitude of +/−5 % resting length and a stimulus phase of −10 degrees. Measurements of force output, muscle length change and muscle temperature change were used to calculate the work and heat produced during and after each protocol. Net mechanical efficiency was defined as the proportion of the energy (enthalpy) liberated by the muscle that appeared as work. The efficiency in the low-frequency, isotonic contraction protocol was 21.1+/−1.4 % (mean +/− s.e.m., N=6) and that in the sinusoidal protocol was 13.2+/−0.7 %, consistent with previous results. This difference was not due to the higher frequency or greater number of twitches because efficiency in the high-frequency, isotonic protocol was 21.5+/−1.0 %. Although these results apparently confirm that efficiency is protocol-dependent, additional experiments designed to measure work output unambiguously indicated that the method used to calculate work output in isotonic contractions overestimated actual work output. When net work output, which excludes work done by parallel elastic elements, rather than total work output was used to determine efficiency in afterloaded isotonic contractions, efficiency was similar to that for sinusoidal contractions. The maximum net mechanical efficiency of rat papillary muscles performing afterloaded isotonic or sinusoidal length change contractions was between 10 and 15 %.

2000 ◽  
Vol 278 (5) ◽  
pp. H1545-H1554 ◽  
J. Baxi ◽  
C. J. Barclay ◽  
C. L. Gibbs

The mechanical efficiency of rat cardiac muscle was determined using a contraction protocol involving cyclical, sinusoidal length changes and phasic stimulation at physiological frequencies (1–4 Hz). Experiments were performed in vitro (27°C) using rat left ventricular papillary muscles. Efficiency was determined from measurements of the net work performed and enthalpy produced by muscles during a series of 40 contractions. Net mechanical efficiency was defined as the percentage of the total, suprabasal enthalpy output that appeared as mechanical work. Maximum efficiency was ∼15% at contraction frequencies between 2 and 2.5 Hz. At lower and higher frequencies, efficiency was ∼10%. Enthalpy output per cycle was independent of cycle frequency at all but the highest frequency used. The basis of the high efficiency between 2 and 2.5 Hz was that work output was also greatest at these frequencies. At these frequencies, the duration of the applied length change was well matched to the kinetics of force generation, and active force generation occurred throughout the shortening period.

1991 ◽  
Vol 157 (1) ◽  
pp. 409-423 ◽  

Fast muscle fibres were isolated from the abdominal myotomes of the shorthorned sculpin Myoxocephalus scorpius L. Sinusoidal length changes were imposed about resting muscle length and fibres were stimulated at a selected phase during the strain cycle. The work output per cycle was calculated from the area of the resulting force-position loops. The strain amplitude required for maximum work per cycle had a distinct optimum at ±5 % of resting length, which was independent of temperature. Maximum positive work loops were obtained by retarding the stimulus relative to the start of the length-change cycle by 30° (full cycle=360°). The maximum negative work output was obtained with a 210° stimulus phase shift. At intermediate stimulus phase shifts, work loops became complex with both positive (anticlockwise) and negative (clockwise) components. The number and timing of stimuli were adjusted, at constant strain amplitude (±5% of resting muscle length), to optimize net positive work output over a range of cycle frequencies. The cycle frequency required for maximum power output (work per cycle times cycle frequency) increased from around 5–7 Hz at 4°C to 9–13 Hz at 15°C. The maximum tension generated per cycle at 15°C was around two times higher at all cycle frequencies in summer-relative to winter-acclimatized fish. Fast muscle fibres from summer fish produced consistently higher tensions at 4°C, but the differences were only significant at 15 Hz. Acclimatization also modified the relationship between peak length and peak force at 4°C and 15°C. The maximum power output of muscle fibres showed little seasonal variation at 4°C and was in the range 20–25 W kg−1. In contrast, at 15°C, maximum muscle power output increased from 9 W kg−1 in the winter- to 30 W kg−1 in the summeracclimatized fish

1988 ◽  
Vol 140 (1) ◽  
pp. 287-299 ◽  

The mechanical power output was measured from scaphognathite (SG = gill bailer) muscle L2B of the crab Carcinus maenas (L.). The work was determined from the area of the loop formed by plotting muscle length against force when the muscle was subjected to sinusoidal length change (strain) and phasic stimulation in the length cycle. The stimulation pattern (10 stimuli per burst, burst length = 20% of cycle length) mimicked that which has been recorded from muscle L2B in intact animals. Work output was measured at cycle frequencies ranging from 0.5 to 5 Hz. The work output at optimum strain and stimulus phase increased with increasing cycle frequency to a maximum at 2–3 Hz and declined thereafter. The maximum work per cycle was 2.7 J kg−1 (15 °C). The power output reached a maximum (8.8 W kg−1) at 4 Hz. Both optimum strain and optimum stimulus phase were relatively constant over the range of burst frequencies examined. Based on the fraction of the total SG musculature represented by muscle L2B (18%) and literature values for the oxygen consumption associated with ventilation in C. maenas and for the hydraulic power output from an SG, we estimate that at a beat frequency of 2 Hz the SG muscle is about 10% efficient in converting metabolic energy to muscle power, and about 19% efficient in converting muscle power to hydraulic power.

1993 ◽  
Vol 183 (1) ◽  
pp. 137-147 ◽  
N. A. Curtin ◽  
R. C. Woledge

Net work output and heat production of white myotomal muscle fibres from the dogfish were measured during complete cycles of sinusoidal movement at 12°C. The peak-to-peak movement was about 9 % of the muscle fibre length; three stimuli at 32 ms intervals were given in each mechanical cycle. The frequency of movement and the timing of the stimulation were varied for each preparation to find the optimal conditions for power output and those optimal for efficiency (the ratio of net work output to total energy output as heat+work). To achieve either maximum power or maximum efficiency, the tetanus must start while the muscle fibres are being stretched, before the beginning of the shortening part of the mechanical cycle. The highest power output, averaged over one cycle, was 0.23+/−0.014 W g-1 dry mass (+/−s.e.m., N=9, 46.9+/−2.8 mW g-1 wet mass) and was produced during movement at 3.5 Hz. The highest efficiency, 0.41+/−0.02 (+/−s.e.m., N=13), occurred during movements at 2.0-2.5 Hz. This value is higher than the efficiency previously measured during isovelocity shortening of these fibres. The implications of the high efficiency for crossbridge models of muscle contraction are discussed.

1992 ◽  
Vol 170 (1) ◽  
pp. 143-154 ◽  

Fast muscle fibres were isolated from abdominal myotomes of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua L.) ranging in size from 10 to 63 cm standard length (Ls). Muscle fibres were subjected to sinusoidal length changes about their resting length (Lf) and stimulated at a selected phase of the strain cycle. The work performed in each oscillatory cycle was calculated from plots of force against muscle length, the area of the resulting loop being net work. Strain and the number and timing of stimuli were adjusted to maximise positive work per cycle over a range of cycle frequencies at 8°C. Force, and hence power output, declined with increasing cycles of oscillation until reaching a steady state around the ninth cycle. The strain required for maximum power output (Wmax) was ±7-11% of Lf in fish shorter than 18 cm standard length, but decreased to ±5 % of Lf in larger fish. The cycle frequency required for Wmax also declined with increasing fish length, scaling to Ls−0.51 under steady-state conditions (cycles 9–12). At the optimum cycle frequency and strain the maximum contraction velocity scaled to Ls−0.79. The maximum stress (Pmax) produced within a cycle was highest in the second cycle, ranging from 51.3 kPa in 10 cm fish to 81.8 kPa in 60 cm fish (Pmax=28.2Ls0.25). Under steady-state conditions the maximum power output per kilogram wet muscle mass was found to range from 27.5 W in a 10 cm Ls cod to 16.4 W in a 60 cm Ls cod, scaling with Ls−0.29 and body mass (Mb)−0.10 Note: To whom reprint requests should be sent

2000 ◽  
Vol 203 (17) ◽  
pp. 2667-2689 ◽  
R.K. Josephson ◽  
J.G. Malamud ◽  
D.R. Stokes

The basalar muscle of the beetle Cotinus mutabilis is a large, fibrillar flight muscle composed of approximately 90 fibers. The paired basalars together make up approximately one-third of the mass of the power muscles of flight. Changes in twitch force with changing stimulus intensity indicated that a basalar muscle is innervated by at least five excitatory axons and at least one inhibitory axon. The muscle is an asynchronous muscle; during normal oscillatory operation there is not a 1:1 relationship between muscle action potentials and contractions. During tethered flight, the wing-stroke frequency was approximately 80 Hz, and the action potential frequency in individual motor units was approximately 20 Hz. As in other asynchronous muscles that have been examined, the basalar is characterized by high passive tension, low tetanic force and long twitch duration. Mechanical power output from the basalar muscle during imposed, sinusoidal strain was measured by the work-loop technique. Work output varied with strain amplitude, strain frequency, the muscle length upon which the strain was superimposed, muscle temperature and stimulation frequency. When other variables were at optimal values, the optimal strain for work per cycle was approximately 5%, the optimal frequency for work per cycle approximately 50 Hz and the optimal frequency for mechanical power output 60–80 Hz. Optimal strain decreased with increasing cycle frequency and increased with muscle temperature. The curve relating work output and strain was narrow. At frequencies approximating those of flight, the width of the work versus strain curve, measured at half-maximal work, was 5% of the resting muscle length. The optimal muscle length for work output was shorter than that at which twitch and tetanic tension were maximal. Optimal muscle length decreased with increasing strain. The curve relating work output and muscle length, like that for work versus strain, was narrow, with a half-width of approximately 3 % at the normal flight frequency. Increasing the frequency with which the muscle was stimulated increased power output up to a plateau, reached at approximately 100 Hz stimulation frequency (at 35 degrees C). The low lift generated by animals during tethered flight is consistent with the low frequency of muscle action potentials in motor units of the wing muscles. The optimal oscillatory frequency for work per cycle increased with muscle temperature over the temperature range tested (25–40 degrees C). When cycle frequency was held constant, the work per cycle rose to an optimum with increasing temperature and then declined. We propose that there is a temperature optimum for work output because increasing temperature increases the shortening velocity of the muscle, which increases the rate of positive work output during shortening, but also decreases the durations of the stretch activation and shortening deactivation that underlie positive work output, the effect of temperature on shortening velocity being dominant at lower temperatures and the effect of temperature on the time course of activation and deactivation being dominant at higher temperatures. The average wing-stroke frequency during free flight was 94 Hz, and the thoracic temperature was 35 degrees C. The mechanical power output at the measured values of wing-stroke frequency and thoracic temperature during flight, and at optimal muscle length and strain, averaged 127 W kg(−1)muscle, with a maximum value of 200 W kg(−1). The power output from this asynchronous flight muscle was approximately twice that measured with similar techniques from synchronous flight muscle of insects, supporting the hypothesis that asynchronous operation has been favored by evolution in flight systems of different insect groups because it allows greater power output at the high contraction frequencies of flight.

1976 ◽  
Vol 230 (6) ◽  
pp. 1637-1643 ◽  
IR Wendt ◽  
CL Gibbs

Relationships between initial heat and recovery heat in fast-twitch extensor digitorum longus (EDL) and slow-twitch soleus (SOL) muscles of the rat have been investigated by estimating the ratio of total heat (initial + recovery) to estimated initial heat. Results obtained from SOL agreed well with earlier data from amphibian skeletal muscle and indicated that in tetanic contractions of SOL the ratio,total heat/initial heat, was slightly greater than 2. Experiments on EDL revealed complexities not previously reported for amphibian muscle. Anaerobic total heat production by EDL was as much as 75% of aerobic heat production. When the initial heat was estimated under anaerobic conditions and with iodacetate present, the apparent ratio of total heat/initial heat in tetanic contractions of EDL approached a value of 2. The results are discussed in relation to the enzymatic characteristics of these muscles, and it is suggested that the recovery heat of SOL arises mainly from mitochondrial oxidative metabolism while that of EDL arises, to a large extent, from glycolytic activity.

1997 ◽  
Vol 200 (3) ◽  
pp. 583-600 ◽  
JM Wakeling ◽  
CP Ellington

A mean lift coefficient quasi-steady analysis has been applied to the free flight of the dragonfly Sympetrum sanguineum and the damselfly Calopteryx splendens. The analysis accommodated the yaw and accelerations involved in free flight. For any given velocity or resultant aerodynamic force (thrust), the damselfly mean lift coefficient was higher than that for the dragonfly because of its clap and fling. For both species, the maximum mean lift coefficient L was higher than the steady CL,max. Both species aligned their strokes planes to be nearly normal to the thrust, a strategy that reduces the L required for flight and which is different from the previously published hovering and slow dragonfly flights with stroke planes steeply inclined to the horizontal. Owing to the relatively low costs of accelerating the wing, the aerodynamic power required for flight represents the mechanical power output from the muscles. The maximum muscle mass-specific power was estimated at 156 and 166 W kg-1 for S. sanguineum and C. splendens, respectively. Measurements of heat production immediately after flight resulted in mechanical efficiency estimates of 13 % and 9 % for S. sanguineum and C. splendens muscles, respectively.

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