scholarly journals Complex Terrain Load Carriage Energy Expenditure Estimation Using Global Positioning System Devices

2018 ◽  
Vol 50 (10) ◽  
pp. 2145-2149 ◽  
2013 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 352-356 ◽  
Glen E. Duncan ◽  
Jonathan Lester ◽  
Sean Migotsky ◽  
Lisa Higgins ◽  
Gaetano Borriello

This technical note describes methods to improve activity energy expenditure estimates by using a multi-sensor board (MSB) to measure slope. Ten adults walked over a 4-km (2.5-mile) course wearing an MSB and mobile calorimeter. Energy expenditure was estimated using accelerometry alone (base) and 4 methods to measure slope. The barometer and global positioning system methods improved accuracy by 11% from the base (p < 0.05) to 86% overall. Measuring slope using the MSB improves energy expenditure estimates during field-based activities.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (8) ◽  
pp. 1067-1073 ◽  
Darcy M. Brown ◽  
Dan B. Dwyer ◽  
Samuel J. Robertson ◽  
Paul B. Gastin

The purpose of this study was to assess the validity of a global positioning system (GPS) tracking system to estimate energy expenditure (EE) during exercise and field-sport locomotor movements. Twenty-seven participants each completed a 90-min exercise session on an outdoor synthetic futsal pitch. During the exercise session, they wore a 5-Hz GPS unit interpolated to 15 Hz and a portable gas analyzer that acted as the criterion measure of EE. The exercise session was composed of alternating 5-minute exercise bouts of randomized walking, jogging, running, or a field-sport circuit (×3) followed by 10 min of recovery. One-way analysis of variance showed significant (P < .01) and very large underestimations between GPS metabolic power– derived EE and oxygen-consumption (VO2) -derived EE for all field-sport circuits (% difference ≈ –44%). No differences in EE were observed for the jog (7.8%) and run (4.8%), whereas very large overestimations were found for the walk (43.0%). The GPS metabolic power EE over the entire 90-min session was significantly lower (P < .01) than the VO2 EE, resulting in a moderate underestimation overall (–19%). The results of this study suggest that a GPS tracking system using the metabolic power model of EE does not accurately estimate EE in field-sport movements or over an exercise session consisting of mixed locomotor activities interspersed with recovery periods; however, is it able to provide a reasonably accurate estimation of EE during continuous jogging and running.

2013 ◽  
Vol 27 (11) ◽  
pp. 3216-3220 ◽  
Nobuko Hongu ◽  
Barron J. Orr ◽  
Denise J. Roe ◽  
Rebecca G. Reed ◽  
Scott B. Going

2018 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
Yaman Khaeruzzaman

Seiring dengan pesatnya kemajuan teknologi saat ini, kebutuhan manusia menjadi lebih beragam, termasuk kebutuhan akan informasi. Tidak hanya media informasinya yang semakin beragam, jenis informasi yang dibutuhkan juga semakin beragam, salah satunya adalah kebutuhan informasi akan posisi kita terhadap lingkungan sekitar. Untuk memenuhi kebutuhan itu sebuah sistem pemosisi diciptakan. Sistem pemosisi yang banyak digunakan saat ini cenderung berfokus pada lingkup ruang yang besar (global) padahal, dalam lingkup ruang yang lebih kecil (lokal) sebuah sistem pemosisi juga diperlukan, seperti di ruang-ruang terbuka umum (taman atau kebun), ataupun dalam sebuah bangunan. Sistem pemosisi lokal yang ada saat ini sering kali membutuhkan infrastruktur yang mahal dalam pembangunannya. Aplikasi Pemosisi Lokal Berbasis Android dengan Menggunakan GPS ini adalah sebuah aplikasi yang dibangun untuk memenuhi kebutuhan pengguna akan informasi lokasi dan posisi mereka terhadap lingkungan di sekitarnya dalam lingkup ruang yang lebih kecil (lokal) dengan memanfaatkan perangkat GPS (Global Positioning System) yang telah tertanam dalam perangkat smartphone Android agar infrastruktur yang dibutuhkan lebih efisien. Dalam implementasinya, Aplikasi Pemosisi Lokal ini bertindak sebagai klien dengan dukungan sebuah Database Server yang berfungsi sebagai media penyimpanan data serta sumber referensi informasi yang dapat diakses melalui jaringan internet sehingga tercipta sebuah sistem yang terintegrasi secara global. Kata kunci: aplikasi, informasi, pemosisi, GPS.

2000 ◽  
M. Phillips ◽  
R. Clinkenbeard ◽  
T. Hall ◽  
D. Johnson ◽  
R. Lynch ◽  

Violet Bassey Eneyo

This paper examines the distribution of hospitality services in Uyo Urban, Nigeria. GIS method was the primary tool used for data collection. A global positioning system (GPS) Garmin 60 model was used in tracking the location of 102 hospitality services in the study area. One hypothesis was stated and tested using the nearest neighbour analysis. The finding shows evidence of clustering of the various hospitality services. The tested hypothesis further indicated that hospitality services clustered in areas that guarantee a sustainable level of patronage to maximize profit. Thus, the hospitality services clustered in selected streets in the metropolis while limited numbers were found outside the city’s central area.

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