scholarly journals A comparative study on the abundance and elemental composition of POM in three interconnected basins: the Black, the Marmara and the Mediterranean Seas

2000 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 51 ◽  

The abundance and elemental composition of suspended particulate organic matter in the upper layers of the interconnected Mediterranean, Marmara and Black Seas having different ecosystems were determined in 1990-1998. The aim was principally to compare the C:N:P ratio of seston and understand factors controlling the seston composition in near- and off-shore waters of these seas. In the Marmara Sea, euphotic zone average particulate concentrations varied regionally and seasonally between 10-35 ìM for POC, 0.4-4.5 ìM for PON and 0.05-0.45 ìM for PP. These concentrations are mostly above the off-shore Black Sea values but much greater than those measured in the open waters of the north-eastern Mediterranean whose near-shore data are comparable with the seston content of the deep Black Sea. Comparison of C:N:P ratios of seston reveals that atmospheric and land-based phosphorus input influences the C:P and N:P ratios in the near-shore waters. Apparent nutrient deficiencies observed in the water column were not as remarkable in the elemental composition of seston. Unexpectedly, in the NE Mediterranean, N:P ratios from regression analyses of particulate data are very low (7-9) in the coastal region but slightly increase to levels of 10-15 in the open sea. In the Sea of Marmara, the N:P ratios (7-12) of seston are as low as in the Mediterranean, being consistent with the particulate ratios of the Black Sea inflow and NO3:PO4 ratios of the Marmara sub-halocline water. The Black Sea seston is relatively rich in carbonaceous compounds with N:P ratio ranging merely between 15-17 in the open sea but 9-27 in coastal waters where riverine discharges markedly influence the stoichiometry of seston.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (4) ◽  
pp. 14-28 ◽  
I. P. Bondarev

The name Flexopecten glaber ponticus (Bucquoy, Dautzenberg & Dollfus, 1889) is generally used for the only Pectinidae representative inhabiting the Black Sea. It is registered in the Red Book of the Republic of Crimea as endemic subspecies reducing in amount. F. glaber ponticus is listed in WoRMS MolluscaBase as the only accepted subspecies of Flexopecten glaber (Linnaeus, 1758). In the past its taxonomic status has been changed from a geographic variety to valid species. The purpose of this study is to establish its correct taxonomic status. The study is based on a comparative analysis of conchological features of Flexopecten glaber and F. glaber ponticus in relation with the brief natural history of population in the Black Sea. Sampling was performed by snorkel equipment in Kazach’ya Bay (Black Sea, Crimea, Sevastopol) at 2–6 m depths. A total of 100 scallop specimens were sampled in September 2017. To assure a better understanding in a broader context those results are compared with the previously published morphological data based on the analysis of a large amount of material from the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea – Marmara Sea regions. Comparative analysis of conchological features of F. glaber ponticus from the Black Sea with F. glaber from the Mediterranean region has not revealed any distinct differences between them. Thus, there are no evidenced data for the diagnosis of F. glaber ponticus as a subspecies. Species F. glaber appeared in the Black Sea not earlier than 7,000 years ago and formed a well developed population less than 3,000 years ago. We have to conclude that the specified divergence period is not long enough to form a subspecies. As a result of the present survey the subspecific status of F. glaber ponticus is not retained and the name is placed in synonymy of the parent species Flexopecten glaber.

2021 ◽  
pp. 23-62

İzmit Gulf is located between Kocaeli and Armutlu peninsulas at east of Marmara Sea and the interaction area of North Anatolian Fault Zone (NAFZ) and Marmara Graben systems. In this study, the faunal and floral contents (ostracod, foraminifer, mollusc and diatom) of the samples belonging to seven drilling cores were studied and obtained the radiocarbon and optically stimulated luminescence (OSL) age data in order to establish on the Black Sea – Marmara Sea - Mediterranean water connections and palaeoenvironmental changes. The sediments in this study are Late Pleistocene-Holocene aged and only cover the Marine Isotope Stages MIS-5 (interglacial), MIS-3 (an interstadial period between MIS-4 and MIS-2 glacial epochs) and MIS-1. The determination of ostracod and mollusc fauna of the Mediterranean and Ponto-Caspian origin provide important clues to water exchange between the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. Although some Mediterranean originated ostracods occur sporadically with low abundance, absence of foraminiferal fauna and existence of Ponto-Caspian ostracods together with fresh water and cosmopolitan diatom flora indicate that the area strongly interacted with the Black Sea waters during MIS-5. The faunal and floral characteristics of the sediments deposited during MIS-3, clearly denote that the Izmit Gulf was connected with the Black Sea and the Mediterranean Sea at the beginning of MIS-3 (ca. 52.0 - 40.0 ky BP) and the shallow shelf areas were frequently affected by both the Black Sea discharge and Mediterranean input. A thick Holocene sedimentary sequence recovered from the southern Hersek Burnu drilling cores reflects the environmental changes after the latest Black-Mediterranean seas connection. The studied ostracod and mollusc assemblages are mainly characterized by the Mediterranean originated species with a few relict Ponto-Caspian fauna. Also, the benthic foraminiferal assemblages are dominated by normal marine and euryhaline species, reflecting the salinity fluctuations in the Holocene interval.

2021 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 303-309
Nuray Çelik Mavruk ◽  
Sinan Mavruk ◽  
Dursun Avşar

Although goatfishes (Mullidae Rafinesque, 1815) are among the most important commercial fishes in Turkey, no research has been found investigating the characteristics and spatial patterns of goatfish fishery. Here, we assessed the goatfish fishery of Turkey based on the microdata set of Turkish National Fishery Statistics gathered by Turkish Statistical Institute (TÜİK) between 2014 and 2017. In this context, we investigated the variation of total goatfish catch by cities. In addition, we compared the contribution of small (boat <10m) and large scale (boat >10m) fishers as well as different fishing techniques to the total goatfish catch in Turkey. Finally, an evaluation was made on the discard rates recorded in the official landing statistics. The results showed that higher red mullet (Mullus barbatus Linnaeus, 1758) catch was reported in the eastern Mediterranean, whereas surmullet (Mullus surmuletus Linnaeus, 1758) catch was significantly higher in the western Black Sea. On the other hand, fishery-independent investigations revealed that the Turkish fishery fleet mostly catches red mullet throughout the coasts of Turkey. Therefore, the separate records of red mullet and surmullet in the landing statistics likely represent the local names of red mullet rather than two different species. Large scale fishers were the main source of fishery pressure in the Mediterranean Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Black Sea. However, the majority of the catch was landed by small scale fishers in the Marmara Sea. The bottom trawl fishery landed 88, 92 and 87% of total goatfish catch in the Black Sea, the Aegean Sea and the Mediterranean Sea, respectively. Purse seiners provided the largest part of total goatfish catch (40%) in the Marmara Sea, where the bottom trawl fishery is prohibited. The overall average for the discard rate was found to be 0.47%. There were no statistically significant differences among the discard rates of two species, marine regions or fishing methods.

2000 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 141 ◽  
B. ALPAR ◽  
E. DOGAN ◽  
H. YUCE ◽  

Short, tidal, subtidal, seasonal, secular sea-level variations, sea-level differences and interactions between the basins have been studied, based on the data collected at some permanent and temporary tide gauges located along the Turkish coasts, mostly along the Straits connecting the Marmara Sea to outer seas. Even though the deficiency of sufficient information prevented us to reach the desired results, many pre-existed studies have been improved. Short-period oscillations were clearly identified along the Turkish Strait System and related to their natu-ral periods. The tidal amplitudes are low along the Turkish coasts, except northern Aegean and eastern Mediterranean. The stability of harmonic constants of Samsun and Antalya were examined and most of the long period constituents were found to be unstable. Even the Marmara Sea is not affected from the tidal oscillations of Black and Aegean Seas, some interactions in low frequency band have been detected. Subtidal sea level fluctuations (3-14 day) have relations with the large-scale cyclic atmospheric patterns passing over the Turkish Straits System. Short-term effects of wind on sea level are evident.Seasonal sea-level fluctuations along the Turkish Straits System are in accord with Black Sea's hydrological cycle. The differential range of the monthly mean sea levels between the Black Sea and the Marmara Sea is highly variable; high during spring and early summer and low during fall and winter.On the average, there is a pronounced sea-level difference (55 cm) along the Turkish Straits System. However, the slope is nonlinear, being much steeper in the Strait of Istanbul. This barotrophic pressure difference is one of the most important factors causing the two-layer flow through the system. The topography and hydrodynamics of the straits, the dominant wind systems and their seasonal variations make this flow more complicated. For secular sea level changes, a rise of 3.2 mm/a was computed for Karsiyaka (1935-71) and a steady trend (-0.4 mm /a) has been observed for annual sea levels at Antalya (1935-77). The decreasing trend (-6.9 mm/a) at Samsun is contrary to the secular rising trend of the Black Sea probably because of its rather short monitoring period (1963-77).

2021 ◽  
George Zodiatis ◽  
Robin Lardner ◽  
Marios Nikolaidis ◽  
Sarantis Sofianos ◽  
Vasilis Vervantis ◽  

&lt;p&gt;The Cyprus coastal ocean forecasting system, known as CYCOFOS has been providing operational hydrodynamical and sea state forecasts in the Eastern Mediterranean since early 2002. Recently, it has been improved with the implementation of new hydrodynamic and new wave modeling systems with the objective of targeting higher resolution domains, at coastal, sub-regional and regional scales in the Mediterranean and the Black Sea. For the new CYCOFOS hydrodynamic modeling system a novel parallel version of the well established POM has been implemented. The new CYCOFOS hydrodynamical models covers the entire Eastern Mediterranean with a resolution of 2 km and the Levantine Basin with a resolution of ~600 m, both nested in the Copernicus Marine Environmental Monitoring Service of the Mediterranean Forecasting Center-CMEMS Med MFC. For sea waves forecasting, CYCOFOS has implemented &amp;#160;the new ECMWF wave model WAM CY46R1 in the Mediterranean and the Black seas at a higher resolution of 5 km. The CYCOFOS hydrodynamical models received an extended cal/val against the parent model, Argo profiles and satellite SST time series, while in-situ wave data gathered by the HERMES buoy monitoring network in the Eastern Mediterranean and the Black Sea were used for statistical validation of the new CYCOFOS wave forecasts. The new CYCOFOS validated modeling systems,&amp;#160; provide higher resolution quality controlled forecasting data suiting the needs for : a) down-streaming applications supporting risk assessment for offshore platforms in the Levantine Basin and studies concerning the coastal erosion in the Eastern Mediterranean (Albania, Cyprus, Greece) and the Black Sea (Bulgaria) in the framework of the HERMES project, and b) further hierarchical downscaling applications for the development of the COASTAL CRETE operation forecasting system at a higher resolution in the Eastern Mediterranean (Crete, Greece).&lt;/p&gt;

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 549 ◽  

A quantitative assessment of the riverine freshwater, suspended and dissolved sediment loads is provided for the watersheds of the four primary (Western Mediterranean-WMED, Central Mediterranean-CMED, Eastern Mediterranean-EMED and Black Sea-BLS) and eleven secondary marine regions of the Mediterranean and Black Sea Earth System (MBES). On the basis of measured values that cover spatially >65% and >84% of MED and BLS watersheds, respectively, water discharge of the MBES reaches annually almost the 1 million km3, with Mediterranean Sea (including the Marmara Sea) to provide 576 km3 and the Black Sea (included the Azov Sea) 418 km3. Among the watersheds of MED primary marine regions, the total water load is distributed as follows: WMED= 180 km3; CMED= 209 km3; and EMED= 187 km3. The MBES could potentially provide annually some 894 106 t of suspended sediment load (SSL), prior to river damming, most of which (i.e., 708 106 t is attributed to MED). Between MED primary marine regions, CMED receives the highest amount of suspended sediment (287 106 t), followed by WMED (239 106 t) and EMED 182 106 t, while 185 106 t are delivered to BLS. The dissolved load (DL) of MBES is about 376 106 t, from which 215 106 t (approximately 57%) is provided by the MED watershed. The large river systems (watershed>104 km2) provide >85% of the water load, >80% of SSL and >60% of DL of both MED and BLS.

2020 ◽  
Estrella Olmedo ◽  
Verónica González-Gambau ◽  
Antonio Turiel ◽  
Cristina González-Haro ◽  
Justino Martínez ◽  

&lt;p&gt;The monitoring of the sea surface salinity (SSS) in the semi-enclosed seas has a significant impact in the study of the climate change. In those basins the oceanographic processes occur at higher temporal scales than in the open ocean, and therefore, trends and anomalies can be detected before. The Mediterranean Sea is a strongly evaporative basin (evaporation exceeds the precipitation and river run-off). Converserly, in the Black Sea the river run-off and precipitation exceeds the evaporation. Based on a 4-year time series (2015-2019) of SMAP SSS, a recent study has shown that there is an increase of the salinity in the Eastern Mediterranean [Grodsky, et al. 2019]. On the other hand, the Black Sea exhibits a rich variability in space and time from (sub)mesoscale to larger scales (interannual and larger)&amp;#160; that needs to be appropriately taken into account when trying to identify long-term trends. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;We present new estimates of SSS trends in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. These estimations are based on 10-year series obtained from the European Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) mission. Two new SMOS SSS regional products have been generated. On the one hand, we have generated a new realease of SMOS SSS regional product for the Mediterranean Sea. The new release of SMOS SSS regional product for the Mediterranean Sea provides better coverage in the Eastern Mediterranean than the previous version of this product (see [Olmedo et al 2018]). The new dedicated SMOS SSS product for the Black Sea has been developed under the currently on-going ESA EO4BIS contract (An Earth Observation Data for Science and Innovation in the Black Sea). The Black Sea and the Eastern Mediterranean are strongly affected by Radio Frequency Interferences (RFI) sources, which hamper the salinity retrieval. We have applied specific methodologies to diminish the strong RFI effects in these two basins [Gonz&amp;#225;lez-Gambau et al 2017].&amp;#160; The new realase of these two SMOS SSS regional products will be available soon in the Barcelona Expert Center website ( ). &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;At this conference we will present&amp;#160;the&amp;#160;methodologies that we have used for the generation of&amp;#160;both&amp;#160;regional&amp;#160;SMOS SSS products.&amp;#160;We will&amp;#160;also&amp;#160;present a quality assessment&amp;#160;over the&amp;#160;two regions consisting of&amp;#160;comparing&amp;#160;with in situ salinity measurements. Finally, we will show the SSS trends that are obtained in the different basin (and sub-basins) as well as the significance of the results with respect to the accuracy of the new SMOS SSS products. &lt;br&gt;&lt;br&gt;[Grodsky, et al. 2019] Grodsky S., et al. (2019), &amp;#8220;Eastern Mediterranean salinification observed in satellite salinity from SMAP mission&amp;#8221;, Journal of Marine Systems,&amp;#160; 198 &lt;br&gt;[Olmedo et al 2018] Olmedo, E, et al. , (2018) &amp;#8220;Improving SMOS Sea Surface Salinity in the Western Mediterranean Sea through Multivariate and Multifractal Analysis,&amp;#8221; Remote sensing,&amp;#160; 10(3), 485. &lt;br&gt;[Gonz&amp;#225;lez-Gambau et al 2017] Gonz&amp;#225;lez-Gambau, V. et. al, (2017), &quot;Improvements on calibration and image reconstruction of SMOS for salinity retrievals in coastal regions,&quot; in IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Applied Earth Observations and Remote Sensing, 10, 7, 3064-3078&lt;/p&gt;

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