“Exclusivity” and quantifier float in bakari
This paper presents a descriptive study that analyzes the semantic meaning of Toritate focus particle bakari. Previous studies reported that, although bakari expresses exclusivity, it is characterized by the fact that it permits non-applicable cases, thereby drawing the conclusion that the meaning of bakari is not exclusivity. This paper argues that bakari does indeed denote “exclusivity” as bakari is supported by the phenomenon that non-applicable cases are unacceptable when bakari co-occurs with floating quantifiers. Considering existing research on this subject, the following was observed. Even though the subjective set, as established by the speaker’s past experiences to interpret the meaning of bakari, may not be consistent with the real world, the number of events that form the said set match the number of real-world events when bakari co-occurs with floating quantifiers due to the characteristics of floating quantifiers. In such cases, bakari does not permit non-applicable cases. The interpretation that permits non-applicable cases applies to situations where the set established by the speaker is fixed at a narrower range than the real world, and the non-applicable cases exist outside the set. We thus conclude that bakari denotes “exclusivity” that does not permit non-applicable cases.