Human Capital of Transnational Corporations

10.12737/5963 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Сухов ◽  
Andrey Sukhov

The paper examines human capital of transnational corporations (TNC), as being nowadays the basic subjects of global economic relations and the principal elements of the global economy development. Human capital structure of TNCs is considered, specifics of its formation under the conditions of the ongoing process of production and capital transnationalization are featured. The range of TNCs’ businesses and their specific features are outlined, as well as current strategies, applied by modern TNCs, and various ways through which TNCs tap the world market in the context of globalizing world economy. The author reveals the crucial role of TNCs in developing cutting-edge technologies and scientific and technical potential of national economies, which in turn helps to develop and enhance human capital of TNCs and of international human capital as well.

2021 ◽  
Sergey Kaledin ◽  
Marina Motorina

In the modern economic system, there is a continuous acceleration of the integration processes that lead to the formation of a unified global economic system. The international economy can no longer be described as a community of sufficiently independent and even largely self-sufficient national economies. Accordingly, the concept of internationalization can no longer be used to describe contemporary international relations, which traditionally presupposes, above all, the prevailing role of international trade, manifested in the mass entry of national companies into the world market. At present, the processes of unification and interdependence affect not so much trade as the universal interrelationships of the countries of the world. В современной экономической системе происходит непрерывное ускорение объединительных процессов, вызывающих формирование единой глобальной мирохозяйственной системы. Международная экономика уже не может быть охарактеризована как сообщество достаточно независимых и даже во многом самодостаточных национальных экономик. Соответственно, для описания современных международных отношений уже не может использоваться понятие интернационализации, традиционно предполагающее, прежде всего, превалирующую роль международной торговли, проявляющуюся в массовости выхода национальных компаний на мировой рынок. В настоящее время процессы объединения и установления взаимозависимостей затрагивают не столько торговые, сколько всеобщие взаимосвязи стран мира.

2013 ◽  
pp. 97-116 ◽  
A. Apokin

The author compares several quantitative and qualitative approaches to forecasting to find appropriate methods to incorporate technological change in long-range forecasts of the world economy. A?number of long-run forecasts (with horizons over 10 years) for the world economy and national economies is reviewed to outline advantages and drawbacks for different ways to account for technological change. Various approaches based on their sensitivity to data quality and robustness to model misspecifications are compared and recommendations are offered on the choice of appropriate technique in long-run forecasts of the world economy in the presence of technological change.

Svitlana Frunza ◽  
Liudmyla Romaniuk ◽  
Daria Nasypaiko

The purpose of the article is to study the features of financing the production of intellectual products of multinational corporations in the context of globalization. Research methodology – system-structural and comparative research (to understand the logic of financing the production of intellectual products of multinational corporations), statistical and economic analysis (in assessing the status and prospects of the role of transnational corporations). The scientific novelty is to substantiate the peculiarities of financial management in multinational companies and to determine the main aspects of international financial management, which will increase the production of intellectual products of multinational corporations and the development of international economic relations. The article identifies the distinctive features of modern multinational companies and technologically sound strategies that contribute to their economic success. The main ways to obtain long- term investments and the peculiarities of the formation of strategic alliances and their agreements are clarified. Various forms of international cooperation are considered. Conclusions. According to the results of the study, it was concluded that the role of transnational corporations is growing, which is determined by their participation in world gross domestic product, increasing the share of international movement of capital, labor and other resources. Their importance in the world economy is evidenced by the scale of foreign operations in all sectors and areas of social production. The main obstacles to the financing of multinational corporations are the disagreement of the interests of companies and governments of the host countries, taking into account economic, political, monetary, financial and legal risks. Ukraine is able to use the model of open innovation networks as a key to entering the global innovation economy in line with current trends. Keywords: transnational corporations, transnationalization, investments, innovations, research and development, research and development works.

2016 ◽  
Vol 11 (9) ◽  
pp. 13
Ian Jackson ◽  
John McManus

The purpose of this paper is to address the role of the OECD in the global marketplace. The paper highlights some current trends in the global market and the changing role of the OECD. In this context, the authors discuss various perspectives on the role of OECD in a globalized world. The authors focus on recent debates on the state of the global economy and the changing position of the OECD in the world market. The authors apply a conceptual approach combined with analyses of data and secondary material. The authors also put forward an argument for investigating what determines competition within and outside the OECD. In this context, creating markets within a global economy requires considerable stimulus on the part of national governments. This necessitates national governments working together in partnership with national and global firms to reduced bureaucracy and increase transparency to boost trade in a cost effective manner. This is seen by some economists to be a prerequisite to future competitiveness. Finally, the authors seek to demonstrate how leading countries within the OECD are building innovative capability to master the challenges and opportunities that the new emerging economies present (such as Brazil).

2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
pp. 252-260
Olha Podra ◽  
Nataliia Litvin ◽  
Zinaida Zhyvko ◽  
Marta Kopytko ◽  
Liliia Kukharska

The development of a knowledge economy is a key priority for innovative progress and for ensuring the country’s competitiveness through the efficient use of intellectual resources and human capital. Our paper is focused on a necessity to find out the influence of human capital in providing innovative development and the formation of knowledge economy, to develop measures for its formation, accumulation, preservation, reproduction in order to increase national competitiveness at the world market. The foundation of the knowledge economy is productive knowledge and quality education that contribute to the intellectual capital embodiment into productive activities. A detailed analysis of the current state and problems of the education and science spheres has been carried out, international ratings have been analyzed and the place of Ukraine in them is determined in the article. An estimation of financial losses of the economy in connection with the outflow of students to study abroad is hold in the article. By using the trend modeling method we propose to estimate the effect of the predicted values of the components of innovation activity on the Global Innovation Index. Results show that Ukraine position in the Global Innovation Index rating will strengthen, which can testify, about the redistribution of financing of the innovation sphere in favor of private institutions and investors. The transition to a knowledge economy involves an understanding of the decisive influence of science, the latest technologies, innovations in the global economy, and enables the resource-oriented countries to leave this status and become a countries of high-tech and high skilled development, based on the transformation of knowledge into a source of value and the driving force of economic progress.

2021 ◽  
Vol 258 ◽  
pp. 06022
Irina Dovbiy ◽  
Vlada Kobyljakova

The article describes the transformations taking place in the Russian regional economy. The research is based on the hypothesis that the regional economy develops according to the laws of cyclical development. The research is based on the theory of technologies and global economic structures of Yuri Glazyev. A special place is occupied by the identification of patterns of change in the phenomenon of region and the prediction of its institutional characteristics. The global economy is entering a new cycle of development driven by climate change. The place and role of the region as a special subject of economic relations is changing. The region's environmental and economic security becomes a condition for its competitiveness. The task was set and solved to analyze the main trends in the development of the ecological and economic security of the region, which can ensure the harmonization of interests of the regions and the federal center during the transition to a new technological structure. The authors formulated a conflict of interests caused by the state's development policy and the deterioration of the environment in the regions.

2016 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
pp. 769-787 ◽  
Adriano José Pereira ◽  
Ricardo Dathein

ABSTRACT This study analyzes the influence of the international trade pattern of Transnational Corporations (TNCs) on the international insertion of Brazilian manufacturing industry between 1995 and 2005, based on data of the Census of Foreign Capitals of the Central Bank of Brazil. The work aims to investigate to what extent increased international insertion of TNCs in national economies has contributed to the evolution of Brazilian manufactures in terms of international trade. It has been concluded that the significant participation of TNCs in Brazilian foreign trade reveals that the international insertion of the country's industrial output presents an increasing dependency on strategic decisions of TNCs.

2018 ◽  
Vol 16 (02) ◽  
pp. 167-181
Ely Steven Ingratubun ◽  
Wihalminus Sombolayuk

The dynamics of globalization and liberalization of the world economy are moving so fast, encouraging increased openness of economic relations between nations. Through various trade agreements, such as APEC, AFTA and CAFTA, competition is increasing. According to the World Economic Forum on global competitiveness, Indonesia was ranked 69th (among 177 countries studied) in 2004 and fell to 74th in 2005 .. The development of industrialization in the global economy is a step strategy in response to economical globalization. The involvement of Indonesia in the global economic cooperation has increased its national commitment, both in undergoing economic liberalization and in developing its national economic competitiveness. This research illustrates Indonesia's political challenges in responding to the dynamic changes of the global economy. So this research is in the form of a literature review of the literature on political economy about the development of global industries as one of the central economies of a country, especially Indonesia in order to stabilize future economic fundamentals. This study aims to find out and explore the role of political economy in the development of global industries in each country, both developing and developed countries and this research to determine the extent to which the role of global industrialization affects the economy of a country in the future.

V. Нursky

The article discusses the phenomenon of coordination of industrial policies as a way to resolve the conflict of modern international economic relations. The concept of modern industrial policy in the context of deepening globalization and expansion of international integration is clarified. It is proposed to expand the number of subjects of industrial policy by including transnational corporations, international financial organizations and industrial lobbies of foreign countries. The qualitative changes in the system of international economic relations due to the transformation of the interests of the subjects of industrial interaction are revealed, which increases the role of national industrial policies and causes an objective need for their interstate coordination and subordination.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 49-56
M. V. Glinskaya ◽  
V. V. Abrosimova

The relevance of the selected topic of the article is due to the fact that the coronavirus pandemic and the imposed restrictive measures associated with it, which have swept the entire planet, affects all national economies and, accordingly, the integration groups that include these states. The EAEU is no exception. The Eurasian Economic Union was created with the aim of strengthening the national economies and the potential of the member states in the global economy, in which four freedoms operate: the movement of goods, services, finance and labor. Its appearance occurred during the period of global economic instability and geopolitical changes in Eurasia, which affected the situation within the EAEU.The purpose of this article is to study trade and economic relations between the EAEU countries during the COVID-2019 pandemic. Achievement of the goal set in the work was performed based on the application of general scientific methods within the framework of comparative, logical and statistical analysis.The results of the research performed in the article are based on the analysis of statistical information on foreign trade within the integration group, as well as on data on the prevailing trends in foreign economic relations between countries in non-trade spheres.It was concluded that in the context of the COVID-2019 pandemic, the growth rates slowed down, and the intensity of the countries’ foreign economic relations decreased significantly, which aggravates the negative trends in the decrease in the integration ties strength and the increase in contradictions between countries even before the start of the pandemic. The prospects for the recovery and further development of the EAEU member states’ economies are largely associated with the influence of external factors. The macroeconomic forecast for the states of the region critically depends on the nature of the COVID-19 pandemic course. An important factor is that each of the states in the region is in a unique epidemiological situation, which also makes it difficult to assess both the quarantine measures duration and the economic consequences depth of the imposed restrictions.Nevertheless, it is obvious that the EAEU countries intend to continue working towards a joint response to the threat of coronavirus infection. It should be borne in mind that the nature of such interaction will have certain limits associated with the current level of integration.

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