Functioning of enterprises in the global economy

2021 ◽  
Sergey Kaledin ◽  
Marina Motorina

In the modern economic system, there is a continuous acceleration of the integration processes that lead to the formation of a unified global economic system. The international economy can no longer be described as a community of sufficiently independent and even largely self-sufficient national economies. Accordingly, the concept of internationalization can no longer be used to describe contemporary international relations, which traditionally presupposes, above all, the prevailing role of international trade, manifested in the mass entry of national companies into the world market. At present, the processes of unification and interdependence affect not so much trade as the universal interrelationships of the countries of the world. В современной экономической системе происходит непрерывное ускорение объединительных процессов, вызывающих формирование единой глобальной мирохозяйственной системы. Международная экономика уже не может быть охарактеризована как сообщество достаточно независимых и даже во многом самодостаточных национальных экономик. Соответственно, для описания современных международных отношений уже не может использоваться понятие интернационализации, традиционно предполагающее, прежде всего, превалирующую роль международной торговли, проявляющуюся в массовости выхода национальных компаний на мировой рынок. В настоящее время процессы объединения и установления взаимозависимостей затрагивают не столько торговые, сколько всеобщие взаимосвязи стран мира.

2013 ◽  
pp. 97-116 ◽  
A. Apokin

The author compares several quantitative and qualitative approaches to forecasting to find appropriate methods to incorporate technological change in long-range forecasts of the world economy. A?number of long-run forecasts (with horizons over 10 years) for the world economy and national economies is reviewed to outline advantages and drawbacks for different ways to account for technological change. Various approaches based on their sensitivity to data quality and robustness to model misspecifications are compared and recommendations are offered on the choice of appropriate technique in long-run forecasts of the world economy in the presence of technological change.

2020 ◽  
Vol 19 (4) ◽  
pp. 40-49
E.V. Potekhina ◽  
A.D. Efremova ◽  

the article examines such topical problems of the world economy as the peculiarities of interaction between the subjects of the world economy, international trade, international monetary and financial relations, the role of the exchange rate for national economies. The issues of the national economy of the Russian Federation and the degree of the country’s participation in the international division of labor and its openness are considered. In this paper, using the example of Russia, the export of goods and services is analyzed, its relationship with a number of factors (exchange rate and oil price), where the main tools are methods of statistical and econometric analysis.

P. V. Ushanov

The article terminates the author's series of publications on the impact of system of stereotypes of behaviour – "success formula" - on the development of phases of the life cycle of the socio-economic systems [7-11]. The author argues in favor of the view that lifecycle of any object of management is a complex spiral consisting of 10 phases, each of which, in turn, can be regarded as a separate life cycle. Because of the stereotypes of behaviour, prevailing during previous lifecycle phases, a change of lifecycle phases often leads to a crisis and is accompanied by painful correction of exchange proportions. The author motivates his conclusion that the modern economic crisis is caused by the distortion of exchange proportions. The indexes of changes in exchange proportions are proposed to use as an indicator of stability of the world market. Proposals on overcoming the crisis are made.

10.12737/5963 ◽  
2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (5) ◽  
pp. 27-34
Сухов ◽  
Andrey Sukhov

The paper examines human capital of transnational corporations (TNC), as being nowadays the basic subjects of global economic relations and the principal elements of the global economy development. Human capital structure of TNCs is considered, specifics of its formation under the conditions of the ongoing process of production and capital transnationalization are featured. The range of TNCs’ businesses and their specific features are outlined, as well as current strategies, applied by modern TNCs, and various ways through which TNCs tap the world market in the context of globalizing world economy. The author reveals the crucial role of TNCs in developing cutting-edge technologies and scientific and technical potential of national economies, which in turn helps to develop and enhance human capital of TNCs and of international human capital as well.

1973 ◽  
Vol 26 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27 ◽  
Richard Rosecrance ◽  
Arthur Stein

One of the uncertainties of modern international relations is the degree of interdependence among states. Some theorists have asserted that interdependence is high and/or growing, and others have maintained that it is low and/or declining. Essentially, the debate about interdependence has proceeded in three separate phases, (i) In the aftermath of World War II, technology was heralded as the stimulus to an interrelationship among states: The world was shrinking; technological, military, and economic factors would produce interdependence even among erstwhile enemies. (2) Later this conventional wisdom was challenged by Karl Deutsch and his associates, who purported to show that various economic indicators of external reference were declining. International transactions were lessening relative to intranational transactions. More and more, citizens were turning to the nation-state for the satisfaction of their needs, and national economies were taking precedence over the previous international economy of the nineteenth century. This theme has recently been powerfully reinforced by Kenneth Waltz. (3) In reaction to the claims of the Deutsch group, which initially predicted stalemate in European unification efforts and a greater autarchy for industrial states, new presentations of the argument in favor of interdependence have been made. According to this view, interdependence among states is certainly increasing. A symposium on the international corporation partly reinforces Deutsch's view, while one on transnational processes argues against it. The resultant of these theoretical vectors remains uncertain. In this essay we hope to offer new data and to provide a modest reconciliation of the contending claims, drawing a trial balance between them.

2020 ◽  
pp. 251484862090238
Nicholas Beuret

The only existing plans to arrest dangerous climate change depend on either yet to be invented technologies to keep us below 2°C or on crashing the world economy for decades to come. The political choice appears to be between doing what is scientifically necessary or what is politically realistic; between shifting to an entirely different kind of global socio-economic system or suffering catastrophe. We are thus in a moment of governmental impasse, caught between old and still-emerging political rationalities. Working through the liminal governmental role of environmental non-governmental organisations, this paper explores the shift from governmental regimes centred on biopower to ones that work through the register of geopower, from governing life to governing the conditions of life. Confronted with climate change as an irresolvable problem, what we find emerging are techniques that aim to contain the worst effects of climate change without fundamentally transforming the global economy.

Valentyna Tropina ◽  
Natalia Yevtushenko

Relevance of the research topic. The strategy of social and economic development of Ukraine declares the European choice of the state. Accordingly, it is relevant to study the processes of Ukraine's integration into the world financial space and its regional subsystems in order to determine the strategic directions of the country's economic policy, taking into account the latest trends in the development of the world market. Formulation of the problem. With the acceleration of financial globalization, its impact on the country's economy and its financial component is substantially changing and intensifying, the processes of integration into the world financial space are becoming irreversible, and their impact on national economies is controversial, which requires further scientific research of the theoretical and applied aspects of integrating the financial system of Ukraine into European financial space. Analysis of recent research and publications. The problem of the influence of globalization on the financial systems of countries, the consequences of integration of the Ukrainian economy and its financial component into the global economic space and its regional subsystems is now quite widespread in scientific research. These are the works of famous scientists: Raghuram G. Rajan, D. Lukianenko, S. Lutsyshyn, A. Mozgovyi, L. Petkova, A. Rogach, K. Rogoff, J. Stolyarchuk, N. Stukalo, and others. Selection of unexplored parts of the general problem. At the same time, these issues are being updated in connection with the acceleration of financial globalization and the European choice of Ukraine, which requires the solution of a number of specific tasks related to the integration of Ukraine into the global financial space. Setting the task, the purpose of the study. The objective of the study is to analyze the latest trends in the development of the world financial system to justify the conditions and the main directions of the country's integration into the European financial space. The purpose of the study is to determine the main directions of Ukraine's financial eurointegration policy. Method or methodology for conducting research. The article uses a set of methods of scientific research: the system approach, statistical analysis, structuring, analysis and synthesis. Presentation of the main material (results of work). The influence of financial globalization on the development of the financial system of Ukraine is determined and the conditions and main directions of the country's integration into the European financial space are justified. The advantages of sectoral integration of Ukraine in the financial sphere are proved. The field of application of results. The results of this study can be applied in the process of forming and implementing the financial Eurointegration policy of Ukraine. Conclusions according to the article. With the acceleration of financial globalization, its impact on the economies of the countries and their financial component is substantially changing and intensifying. Accordingly, it is relevant for Ukraine to monitor the latest trends in the development of the global economy, the world financial system and its regional subsystems to determine the strategic priorities for reforming the financial system of Ukraine and timely and effective adjustment of the state's financial eurointegration policy.

2021 ◽  
Vol 14 (5) ◽  
pp. 187-202
V. N. Kirillov ◽  
Y. A. Savinov ◽  
A. E. Gudzenko

The article aims to determine the essence, role, and significance of re-export in international trade using its opportunities to develop Russian exports and imports.The authors define re-export and its key characteristics, analyze the main factors of re-export trade development, study re-export dynamics compared to the commodity supplies dynamics within the framework of ordinary exports. When exporting highly differentiated goods, it is the role of knowledge about the terms, forms, and trading methods on the international market that increases. Specialized trading companies possess this knowledge; they create large transport and logistics centers in the countries crossing international trade routes, including extensive consignment warehouses.The article studies the dynamics of re-export flows and makes calculations, based on which it concludes that the volume of these commercial operations is growing faster in the world market. At the same time, large re-export operations are now performed not only by small states located at the intersection of sea roads but also by large, industrialized states: the USA, Great Britain, Italy, etc.The authors conclude that an essential factor in the development of re-export was the growth of trade restrictions imposed primarily for political reasons. Such restrictions apply in trade relations between India and Pakistan, Israel and the Arab countries, between some states of the Persian Gulf, etc. The anti-Russian sanctions adopted in the United States and other Western states inadvertently contribute to the development of re-exports, since many trading companies, including Western ones conducting international commercial operations, do not consider themselves bound by unilateral decisions of the anti-Russian part of the US government. Many US trading companies themselves are actively involved in re-export operations without disclosing partners. Given the undesirability of disseminating information on re-export operations, many countries actively involved in re-export have stopped submitting data on their re-exports to international statistical agencies.The authors concentrate on the re-export operation of the United Arab Emirates, where are thousands of trading firms with transport and logistics infrastructure and consignment warehouses. Russia is involved in re-export trade, mainly through the UAE companies, carrying on export and import operations on the world market. The authors conclude that expanding the practice of re-export increases sales of national products in the world market.

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 811-819
Muhammad Shahid Maqbool ◽  
Furrukh Bashir ◽  
Hafeez Ur Rehman ◽  
Rashid Ahmad

The aim of this study is to examine the export performance and competitiveness of Pakistan's toy exports by using different indices of revealed comparative advantage. The data were looked at from the International Trade Centre (ITC) for Pakistan’s toys exports during 2004-2020. The results of this study show that Pakistan enjoyed a comparative advantage in exporting toys to the world market during 2004-2020, because the RCA index is greater than 1. The positive values of RSCA and LnRCA indicate that Pakistan had a CA in the concerned sector during 2004-2020. The study also observed that Pakistan had a competitive advantage by employing Vollrath index (RCA#). In addition, the revealed competitiveness index (RC) indicates that Pakistan experienced competitiveness in the toy export sector. The RMA index shows that Pakistan also enjoyed a comparative advantage in the imports of toys during 2004-2020. This means that Pakistan also imports these products from other economies of the world. The index of RTA describes that Pakistan had a net comparative advantage in this sector during analysis. TBI illustrates that Pakistan is the net-exporter in the toys and games sector in the global economy. Pakistan's toy manufacturers need to find new innovative and technologically advanced methods to stimulate domestic toy production and exports.

2020 ◽  

This study is prepared by the Center for European Studies of Primakov National Research Institute of World Economy and International Relations. It observes the problems of competitiveness and the challenges faced by European countries and the European Union as a whole in contemporary global economy. The first part of the book presents the general position of the EU in the world economy, examines industrial competitiveness and describes the role of State in its ensuring. The second part is dedicated to national competitiveness of European countries in the European Single Market. The publication is intended for Agencies developing Russia's economic policy, as well as for researchers, higher education professors, postgraduates, students, and anyone interested in the current trends in the world economy and international relations.

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