2018 ◽  
Vol 12 (4) ◽  
pp. 54-60
Рафил Шакиров ◽  
Rafil Shakirov ◽  
Закиржан Бикмухаметов ◽  
Zakirzhan Bikmuhametov ◽  
Фидаил Хисамиев ◽  

Complex studies were conducted in eight-field grain-steam-crop and grain-steam-tilled crop rotations using the following terms: fertilizer systems, plant protection, basic tillage methods and plastic varieties. Scientific novelty lies in the fact that for the first time in the forest-steppe of the Volga region, on a systemic basis, resource-saving technologies have been developed on the basis of fertile crop rotations in an ecologically balanced, biologized farming system. Agroecological principles of conservation and reproduction of gray forest soil fertility and obtaining a planned harvest of high quality. Experimental substantiation of the role of action and interaction of the main factors of saving technology, in increasing crop productivity of crop rotations, productivity of arable land and soil fertility. Agroeconomic evaluation of the resource-saving technology effectiveness. Crop rotations of leguminous crops and perennial legumes increase the productivity of arable land to 15-20%, provide a positive balance of humus (0.45-0.5 tons per hectare). Organomineralic fertilizer system reduces the need for mineral fertilizers by 2-3 times, ensures the receipt of planned high quality harvest and reproduction of soil fertility. The integrated plant protection system, using biological means and methods, provides a saving of plant protection products to 30-35%, raises productivity to 15-25%. Moisture-resource-saving mode of soil cultivation (mulching various deep loosening without turnover of beds) allows to save 25-35% of fuel and reduce the moisture loss to 35-40%. Complex application of these factors with the use of high-yielding plastic varieties makes resource-saving technology that increases the productivity of cultivated crops and the productivity of arable land by 1.5-2 times, the profitability of production by 30-50% and ensuring the reproduction of soil fertility.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (3) ◽  
pp. 53-58
Marat Sabitov ◽  
Sergey Zaharov

Studies to study the effectiveness of various resource-saving models of spring wheat cultivation, which allow forming stable yields with the lowest costs, were carried out in Ulyanovsk region in a stationary field experiment in 2017-2019. The soil of the experimental site is leached chernozem, medium-sized with a humus content of 6.35 %, mobile P2O5 and K2O (according to Chirikov) – 225 and 119 mg/kg, respectively, pHsalt - 6.8, the sum of absorbed bases - 48.6 mg.-eq./100 g. The scheme of the experiment provided for the study of variants of technologies for spring wheat, differing in the main tillage, the number of operations in the technological process against the background of the use of mineral fertilizers and plant protection products: traditional technology-plowing to a depth of 23 ... 25 cm (control); resource-saving technology − non-fall processing at 23 ... 25 cm; minimum technology-without autumn main processing, sowing was carried out on treated stubble in spring. The yield of spring wheat in wet 2017 according to the traditional technology was 4.21 t/ha, according to the resource − saving one – 4.15 t/ha, according to the minimum one-4.12 t/ha, or 0.09 t/ha lower than according to the traditional one. In the dry year of 2018, the yield for the resource – saving technology was 2.72 t/ha, for the traditional one – 2.08 t/ha, for the minimum one – 2.03 t/ha, which is 0.64 and 0.69 t/ha lower than for the resource-saving one. In a moderately dry 2019, according to traditional and resource-saving technologies, the wheat yield was the same-3.39 and 3.40 t/ha, and at the minimum it was lower by 0.14 and 0.15 t/ha. The developed models of resource-saving and minimal agricultural technologies allow to preserve soil fertility, reduce costs by 3.0...5.5%, reduce the cost of grain by 2.5...8.4 %, increase the efficiency and profitability of spring wheat grain production by 65 ... 75%

2021 ◽  
Vol 51 (2) ◽  
pp. 13-21
N. G. Pilipenko ◽  
O. T. Andreeva ◽  
L. P. Sidorova ◽  
N. Yu. Kharchenko

The results of the study on the comparative assessment of different tillage methods in the field crop rotation with different levels of mineral nutrition (N30P30 and N60P30 kg of active ingredient/ ha) are presented. The experiment was carried out on low-humus low-carbonate chernozem of the forest-steppe zone of Eastern Trans-Baikal Territory in 2012–2014. The zoned variety of Buryatskaya-79 spring wheat, and Metis oat variety were used for sowing. Low-cost methods of soil tillage were studied, providing for the preservation and improvement of soil fertility, an increase in the productivity of grain and fodder crops, and a decrease in material and energy costs. Replacement of the basic tillage with a PN-4-35 plow with a ring roller in the third and fourth crop rotation fields by surface tillage with a Stepnyak-7.4 cultivator and direct sowing on the stubble with a PPM Ob4-ZT seeder when applying mineral fertilizers at a rate of N60P30 kg of active ingredient/ha had a positive effect on the condition of the soil. The following indicators of soil fertility were achieved: structural coefficient 1.28–1.38, organic matter content 3.15–3.33%, productive moisture content in the 0–50 cm layer 29.2–31.8 mm, the release of carbon dioxide 1.810–1.969 kg per 1 hour, the content of Р2О5 in the 0–20 cm layer 71–96 mg/kg of soil, the content of K2O – 57–82 mg/kg of soil. An increase in the yield of oat grain of 0.16–0.21 t/ha, the green mass of annual grasses of 3.44.0 t/ha, the collection of feed units of 0.32–0.34 t/ha, a reduction in the cost of fuel and lubricants by 31.2-36.4%, and an increase in profitability by 25.0–40.3% were achieved.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 182-190
Igor E. Soldat

In the Russian Federation, solving problems of land use, land relations, and land policy leave the basis for social, environmental, economic, and overall political stability of the state. The area of the Belgorod region is 2713.4 thousand hectares, including arable land - 1654.4 thousand hectares (61 %), pastures - 347.6 thousand hectares (12.8 %), hayfield - 68.1 thousand hectares (2.5 %), forests and other lands - 316.5 thousand hectares (22.7 %). The area of eroded soils is 53.6 % of the entire territory of the region. They include: slightly washed out soils - about 35 %, moderate washed out soils - about 13 %, strongly washed out soils - 5.6 %, and flushed - about 1 %. According to Belgorod agrarian scientific center of the RAS area of eroded lands in the Belgorod region has increased in the Western natural-agricultural zone - by 5.1 %, in the Central - by 8.4 % and in the South-East - by 9.1 % over the last 3040 years. Currently, the concept of adaptive landscape farming has been developed, which provides for comprehensive measures to prevent soil degradation and create environmentally sustainable agricultural landscapes. Adaptive landscape soil protection system of agriculture provides for expansion of perennial grasses up to 25 %, introduction of leguminous crops and annual grasses in crop rotations. With a reduction in the use of mineral and organic fertilizers in modern economic conditions, it is impossible to achieve a balance of humus acceptable for sustainable development of the studied agricultural landscape. System of agriculture adapted to local landscapes provides for introduction of the whole complex of soil conservation measures which can stop land degradation caused by soil erosion. Introduction of adaptive landscape system of agriculture in the pilot farm of the Belgorod agricultural research center allowed to minimize erosion processes, stabilize soil fertility, and significantly improve economic indicators and energy efficiency of agriculture in the economy. The area of arable land was slightly reduced, and the area of forest belts and soil protection crop rotations increased. The average yield of grain crops and sugar beets increased greatly, the use of organic and mineral fertilizers increased significantly, their payback improved, and the crop industry became profitable and cost-effective. Only through adaptive landscape agriculture it is possible to stop water erosion, create conditions for stabilizing and increasing soil fertility, ensure the biologization of agriculture and increase its economic efficiency. Ultimately, this will increase production of domestic agricultural products and increase Russias food security.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (91) ◽  
pp. 12-16
A.V. Demidenko ◽  
I.S. Shapoval ◽  
P.I. Boiko ◽  
D.V. Litvinov

It is rotined that in the modern terms of management in default of stock-raising and manure indemnification of elements of feed takes place due to uncommodity part of harvest, that is considered as biologithation of crop rotations. In 5 field crop rotations with a pea and herbares without top-dressing returning all uncommodity part, provides complete indemnification of makroelements feeding on potassium, and on nitrogen and phosphorus bal­ ance was negativ. At top-dressing in uncommodity part of harvest there was sufficient number of elements of feed for achievement of positive balance on nitrogen and phosphorus, and in medial 1 ga of crop rotation retorn: 22 kg of nitrogen, 33 kg of phosphorus and 102 kg of potassium.

A. Egorov ◽  
N. Zhidok ◽  
E. Grischenko ◽  
I. Shabanova

The influence of litter manure and straw as fertilizers in pure form and in combination with manure, green manure and mineral fertilizers on the content of humus and basic nutrients in sod-podzolic soil has been studied. A significant effect on the change of humus content on sod-podzolic soils depending on fertilizer systems has been established. The highest indicators of humus content in the soil were found in the variants with 40 t/ha of manure, 0.97–1.14% and 1.17–1.23%, respectively, and straw 4 t/ha in combination with lupine green manure — 0.94–1.15% and 1.16–1.25%. The most significant increase in humus content per rotation was observed in sidereal crop rotation, against the background without fertilizers the indicator increased by 0.05–0.29%, against the background of N40P40K120 application — by 0.03–0.21%, in crop rotation — 0.05–0.19% and 0.01-0.09%, respectively. Analyzing the dynamics of the content of easily hydrolyzed nitrogen, it was found that the greatest growth both at the beginning and at the end of crop rotation provided options with the introduction of 40 t/ha of manure (+69…+85 mg/kg of soil), 4 t/ha of straw with half dose of manure (+63…+82 mg/kg of soil) and straw with green manure (+71…+80 mg/kg of soil). The application of manure, straw and plowing of green manures contributed to the increase of the content of mobile phosphorus compounds from 9 to 69 mg/kg of soil on the background without fertilizers and 38 to 67 mg/kg of soil on the background N40P40K120. The combination of straw with manure and straw with green manure for the application of mineral fertilizers helped to increase the content of mobile phosphorus compounds to the level recorded in the variant for the application of 40 t/ha of manure, and in some versions of the experiment even exceed it. It was found that the deficit-free and positive balance of potassium for rotation of crop rotation and sidereal crop rotation was provided by variants with 4 t/ha of straw in combination with 20 t/ha of manure and 4 t/ha of straw in combination with lupine green manure against N40P40K120. Balances and productivity of arable land use in short-rotation crop rotations of Polissya are calculated. In crop rotation, the humus balance is negative for the alienation of lupine green mass for fodder. Variants with application of 10 t / ha of crop rotation area of manure (–0.03 t/ha) and 1 t/ha of straw with half dose of manure (–0.1 t/ha) on the background of N35P35K85 application allowed to get as close as possible to the deficit-free balance of humus. In sidereal crop rotation, a positive balance of humus is observed with the application of 10 t/ha of manure (+0.21…+0.29 t/ha), 1 t/ha of straw in combination with 5 t/ha of manure, 22 t/ha) and 1 t/ha of straw in combination with green manure (+0.09… +0.18 t/ha). Close to the deficit-free balance of humus is the option with the introduction of 1 t/ha of straw in its pure form. An alternative to manure in Polissya should be the use of straw in combination with green manure (including lupine), which will help preserve and reproduce the humus content in the soil, improve the balance of nutrients and increase the productivity of arable land in crop rotations.

V. А. Shchedrin

In OOO “Dubovitskoe” which was organized in 2006 as investment project of the AO “Shchelkovo Agrokhim” for 2010 – 2012 three advanced crop rotations have been developed. Before their introduction the grain crops fraction in the cropping system was 62%, then it fell to 49%. At the same time the portion of raw crops increased from 15 to 20%, legumes from 6 to 8%, others (buckwheat, grain maize, etc.) - up to 23%. As of 2017, the crops of leguminous crops have increased noteworthily. There are two predominant soil types here heavy clay loam podzolized chernozem (6615 ha) and grey forest soil (856 ha). Weighted average indicators (as of 2017): humus content in the soils of arable land is 5, 34%; acidity pH is 4.92; labile phosphorus - 111.8 mg / kg soil; exchange potassium - 144 mg / kg soil. The coefficient of the soil fertility in the enterprise (weighted average) is 0.66. This means that maintaining and increasing the soil fertility for arable land of the enterprise is critical task. As a result of the research, it has been established that the technologies introduced in the crop vegetation management (CVS) in the crop rotation conditions ensure high productivity of cultivated crops and stability of humus content in soils as an energy basis and a guarantor of increasing fertility. The indicators of the labile phosphorus Р205 and exchange potassium К20 in the soils depending on the crop rotation vary from a certain decrease to expressed steady growth. Therefore it is necessary to specify seeding rates based on actual data. Sustainable soil acidification in the crop rotations under crop cultivation in OOO “Dubovitskoe” it is the result of the acid feterlizers high rates application, during studying period did not carried out required agromelioration with calcium contenting elements.

Е.В. Чебыкина

Представлены результаты исследований агроэкологической оценки разных систем обработки и видов удобрений при выращивании ярового рапса в условиях агроландшафта с дерново-подзолистыми глееватыми почвами. При проведении полевых и лабораторных опытов в 2019 году изучалось последействие заделки органо-минерального субстрата (был внесён в почву в 2017 г.), состоящего из обеззараженного куриного помёта и отработанных вегетационных матов, на биологические показатели плодородия почвы. В ходе исследований было установлено, что заделка органо-минерального субстрата способствует поддержанию почвенного плодородия. Так, содержание органического вещества увеличилось на 10,8% при отвальной системе обработки и на 7,8% – при поверхностной, по сравнению с контролем без удобрений. Существенного влияния изучаемых систем обработки почвы и удобрений на активность почвенного фермента каталаза и целлюлозразлагающих микроорганизмов обнаружено не было. Активность каталазы в большей степени определялась системой удобрений, их последействие проявилось в тенденции к снижению ферментативной активности. Урожайность ярового рапса зависела от биологических показателей плодородия почвы, в ходе корреляционно-регрессионного анализа были выявлены средние по тесноте взаимосвязи, в частности с активностью целлюлозоразлагающих микроорганизмов (r = –0,5693) и фермента каталаза (r = 0,5457). Между изучаемыми биологическими показателями плодородия почвы не обнаружено тесных корреляционных связей. К существенному снижению урожайности ярового рапса (на 13,4%) приводило проведение поверхностной системы обработки почвы в сравнении с отвальной. Применение органо-минерального субстрата самостоятельно и особенно в сочетании с минеральными удобрениями обеспечивало достоверную прибавку урожая зелёной массы ярового рапса. The results of researches of the agroecological assessment of different tillage systems and types of fertilizers when growing spring rape in conditions of cultivated land with soddy podzolic gleyic soils are presented. When conducting field and laboratory experiments in 2019, the afteraction of covering of the organo-mineral substrate (it was introduced into the soil in 2017), consisting of disinfected chicken manure and worked vegetation mats on biological indicators of soil fertility was studied. As part of study it was found that covering of the organo-mineral substrate contributes to maintaining soil fertility. Thus, the content of organic matter increased by 10.8% with the moldboard tillage and by 7.8% with the surface one compared with the control without fertilizers. No significant effect of the tillage systems and fertilizers under study on the activity of the soil enzyme catalase and cellulose decomposing microorganisms was found. Catalase activity was largely determined by the fertilizer system, their aftereffect was manifested in a tendency to a decrease in enzymatic activity. The yield of spring rape depended on the biological indicators of soil fertility, during the correlation and regression analysis medium-sized relationships were found, in particular, with the activity of cellulose decomposing microorganisms (r = –0.5693) and the enzyme catalase (r = 0.5457). Close correlation was not found between the studied biological indicators of soil fertility. A significant decrease in the yield of spring rape (by 13.4%) was caused by a surface tillage system in comparison with the moldboard one. The use of organic-mineral substrate independently and especially in combination with mineral fertilizers provided a reliable increase in the yield of green mass of spring rape.

2019 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 113
Oleg Goryanin ◽  
Anatoly Chichkin ◽  
Baurzhan Dzhangabaev ◽  
Elena Shcherbinina

<p>The influence of long-term use of mineral and organic fertilizers, crop rotations, plant residues, soil treatment systems on humus content of common chernozems and stabilization of productivity of field crops in the arid conditions of the Middle Volga region is considered on the example of researches in the Samara area. The zone climate of field experiments is characterized as extremely continental. The sum of the active temperatures (above 10°C) is 2,800-3,000°C. The average annual rainfall is 454.1 mm with fluctuations over the years from 187.5 mm to 704.6 mm. At some years, precipitation does not happen within a month or more. Hydrothermal index in May-August is 0,7, the duration of the frost-free period is 149 days. If the humus content in the region is 4.35-4.52%, then, it is necessary to introduce 6.7-8.0 t/ha of manure per year to maintain the balance of the deficit. The introduction of biological methods for the conservation and reproduction of soil fertility (green fertilizers, perennial grasses, straw as fertilizer) reduces the loss of humus by 0.15-0.24 t/ha. This makes it possible to increase the payback of mineral fertilizers, which must be taken into account when developing fertility reproduction systems for soils. In the variants with minimal and differentiated cultivation of the soil during crop rotation in 30 years of the study, the loss of humus in the 0-30 cm layer decreased by 0.04 - 0.73% (43-789 kg per year with maximum values in the combination of direct seeding of spring crops with deep loosening for a number of crop rotations is 4.14%, significantly exceeding the control (by 0.54%). The decrease in soil fertility in the variants with constant plowing and minimal tillage contributed to an increase in the conjugation of productivity of crops with humus. Based on the research, in order to preserve the fertility of the soil of ordinary chernozem, it is necessary to use green fertilizer, leguminous perennial grasses. In the regional rotations of crop production, new generation technologies are recommended, the basis of which is differentiated tillage with the use of crushed straw as fertilizer.</p>

S. M. Vasilyev ◽  
A. N. Babichev ◽  

Purpose: to establish the basic principles of the organization of reclamed agricultural landscapes and to substantiate the use of the agricultural landscape approach in the organization of the territory. Materials and Methods. When preparing this article, the materials of Russian scientists dealing with the issues of soil fertility conservation and ecological sustainability of reclaimed agricultural landscapes were considered. The methods used were analysis, generalization, synthesis and other methods of working with literary sources on this issue. Results. In performing the work, the main principles and indicators were determined, such as productivity, sustainability, the rule of transforming measures for the natural environment, optimization of the agricultural landscape, authenticity, principles of the formation of reclaimed agricultural landscapes, the complexity of the reclamation impact, the required diversity, the uniqueness of the reclamation impact. The basic requirements for the preservation of soil fertility of reclaimed irrigated agricultural landscape have been established. It was found that to maintain ecological balance within the irrigated agricultural landscape, it is necessary to adhere to the indicators of the reclamation load of the natural environment. The limits of agricultural lands saturation in reclaimed agricultural landscapes for various agro-climatic zones have been substantiated and recommended. Conclusions. It has been determined that the coefficient of reclamation loading of irrigated lands, showing the maximum share of irrigated lands that can be irrigated in a particular climatic zone, varies from 0.3 in the forest-steppe zone to 0.60–0.85 in the semi-desert and desert zone. This suggests that with an increase in moisture supply, this indicator decreases, the recommended amount of agricultural land in various agroclimatic zones varies from 30 to 87 %, while the area of arable land should not exceed 20–25 % in a very dry zone, and with an increase in moisture supply, it can increase up to 80 % in the semi-arid zone. The amount of irrigated land in the reclaimed agricultural landscape should not exceed 18–20 %. Irrigated meadows and pastures should account for 1–2 to 5–6 % of the area.

Bioenergy ◽  
2021 ◽  
H. P. Voitova

Purpose. To study the ways of improving energy and economic efficiency of sugar beet cultivation based on the biological system of fertilizer grain-beet crop rotations under the conditions of sufficient moisture, the right-Bank forest-Steppe. Methods. Laboratory and field, statistical. Results. The results of studies on ways of improving energy and economic efficiency of sugar beet cultivation based on the biological system of fertilizers in grain-beet crop rotations under the conditions of sufficient moisture in the Right-Bank Forest-Steppe are presented, which included technology for sustainable cultivation of sugar beet under the conditions of an acute shortage of organic fertilizers. The technology includes the following elements of biologization: straw, green manure biomass was used as an alternative organic fertilizer directly under sowing of pre-crop. The positive results of increasing energy and economic efficiency of sugar beet is shown. Conclusions. In the acute shortage of organic fertilizers, it is required to use mineral fertilizers and basic elements of biologization, such as green manure, crop residues, and perennial grasses and legumes as pre-crops. This will contribute to the increase in the value of the gross output of feedstock, energy-economic viability and sustainability of agricultural systems in agronomic sense.

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