This paper discusses the content of Q.S. al-Baqarah ([2]: 67-73). The data used in the preparation of this paper is the data that is primary and secondary. The primary source is data obtained from the core source. In conducting a study of a verse, it is clear that the primary data source is derived from the Qur'an,precisely on Q.S. al-Baqarah ([2]: 67-73). Secondary data is dataobtained from other sources that are still related to the problemand provide interpretation of the primary source. The method usedin analyzing this paper is the tahlili method. This method describesthe meaning contained by the Qur'an, verse by verse, and letterafter letter according to the order in the Mushaf. The descriptionincludes the various aspects which the interpreted verses contain,such as the meaning of the vocabulary, the connotation of thesentence, the background of the verse down, its relation to otherverses, both before and after. And do not miss the opinion that hasbeen given regarding the interpretation of these verses, whetherdelivered by the Prophet, companions, the tabi'in, as well as othercommentators. This study shows that in Q.S. (2): 67-73) there arevalues of moral education which include: 1) morals in asking, (2)morals to parents, (3) patience of educators, (4) educator honesty,and (5) obedience of learners.