2017 ◽  
pp. 193-199
Юлия (Julija) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Литовка (Litovka) ◽  
Игорь (Igor') Николаевич (Nikolaevich) Павлов (Pavlov) ◽  
Татьяна (Tat'jana) Васильевна (Vasil'evna) Рязанова (Rjazanova) ◽  
Алена (Alena) Владимировна (Vladimirovna) Газизулина (Gazizulina) ◽  
Нелли (Nelli) Александровна (Aleksandrovna) Чупрова (Chuprova)

Presents the results of a research of wood-destroying properties of the basidiomycete Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.) P. Karst. The strains were isolated in pure culture from fruiting bodies that grew on the Abies sibirica Ledeb, Pinus sylvestris Ledeb, Pinus sibirica Du Tour and Larix sibirica Ledeb in the forests of the Krasnoyarsk Territory (56°09'–56°22' N; 92°10'–92°58' E). The cultures screened for growth parameters and the dynamics of enzymatic activity during cultivation on cellulose-containing media. The radial growth rate of Siberian strains on the agar medium and plant substrates is 1,1–3,3 mm / day; the growth coefficient is 10–42. All studied cultures synthesize extracellular cellulolytic enzymes that hydrolyze the sodium salt of carboxymethylcellulose. The enzymatic activity is in the range 0,05–0,39 U / ml with a maximum of 7–9 days. The most active strain of Fp5-15 F. pinicola used for bioconversion of coniferous plant substrates under solid-phase culture conditions. The maximum wood-destroying activity observed on pine and larch wood – the mass loss of substrates was 16 and 20%, respectively. On Pinus sylvestris sawdust, the total content of polysaccharides decreased by 1,2 times due to the fermentolysis of the hardly hydrolyzable fraction (a decrease of 1,4 times); the content of lignin substances did not change significantly. On the sawdust of Larix sibirica, the amount of polysaccharides decreased by 1,3 times in comparison with the initial substrate; lignin – in 1,2 times.

2020 ◽  
pp. 371-383
Yuliya Aleksandrovna Litovka ◽  
Igor' Nikolayevich Pavlov ◽  
Polina Vasil'yevna Makolova ◽  
Anton Alekseyevich Timofeev ◽  
Ekaterina Alekseyevna Litvinova ◽  

The results of a study of the wood-destroying properties of Siberian strains of xylotrophic basidiomycetes (Armillaria, Ganoderma, Fomitopsis, Heterobasidion and Porodaedalea) are presented. The growth parameters and enzymatic activity of the strains were determined during solid-phase and deep cultivation. Fomitopsis pinicola and Ganoderma lucidum are fast-growing fungi on cellulose-, tannin-containing nutrient media, coniferous and deciduous plant substrates (source and hydrodynamically activated). The growth coefficient on media with tannin and Na-carboxymethyl cellulose is more than 45; on plant substrates - more than 30. The strains exhibit a different growth reaction to the preliminary activation of birch sawdust (growth acceleration / growth slowdown / indifference). The maximum wood-destroying activity on wood of A. sibirica noted for the fungi A. borealis, G. tsugae, G. lucidum, F. pinicola, and P. niemelaei. The decrease in substrate mass was 8–11%; the amount of polysaccharides decreased on average 1.4 times mainly due to the fermentolysis of hard-hydrolyzable polysaccharides. High enzymatic activity of fungi observed during solid-phase and deep cultivation with an inducer. The maximum activity of phenol oxidase is characteristic of G. tsugae (1.21 units/g·s); carboxymethyl cellulase – for F.pinicola and G. lucidum strains (11.8 and 10.3 units/ml, respectively); xylanases – for H. abietinum (3.8 u/ml). The maximum accumulation of extracellular protein observed in F. pinicola (0.89 mg/ml). According to the totality of rapid test indicators, quantitative determination of enzymatic activity, growth parameters on lignocellulosic substrates and the degree of wood bioconversion, the most promising producer of lignolytic enzymes in vitro is the Gl4-16A Ganoderma lucidum strain; cellulolytic enzymes – strain Fp6-17 Fomitopsis pinicola.

2011 ◽  
Vol 41 (6) ◽  
pp. 1242-1255 ◽  
Louis De Grandpré ◽  
Jacques C. Tardif ◽  
Amy Hessl ◽  
Neil Pederson ◽  
France Conciatori ◽  

In light of a significant increase in the warming trend observed in recent decades in semi-arid Mongolia, tree-ring attributes and anomalies were analysed to detect potential changes in the growth–climate relationship. In a moisture-limited environment, an increase in temperature could cause a shift in the seasonal response of trees to climate. Chronologies were developed for the dominant tree species (Larix sibirica Ledeb., Pinus sibirica Du Tour, and Pinus sylvestris L.) from north-central Mongolia. In addition to annual ring width, both earlywood and latewood width were measured, and tree-ring anomalies such as false rings and light rings were systematically identified. Earlywood width was mainly associated with precipitation in the year prior to ring formation and early growing season conditions. Temperature was associated with current year growth and mainly influenced latewood development. False rings were good indicators of early summer droughts, whereas light rings were mainly associated with a cold end of summer. A seasonal shift in the significance of monthly climate variables was observed in recent decades. This displacement presumably resulted from changes in the timing and duration of the growing season. Tree growth starts earlier in spring and is now affected by late summer to early autumn climate conditions.

2020 ◽  
pp. 385-394
Igor' Nikolayevich Pavlov ◽  
Yuliya Aleksandrovna Litovka ◽  
Ekaterina Alekseyevna Litvinova ◽  
Stefaniya Mikhaylovna Petrenko ◽  
Rustam Khamidzhanovich Enazarov

The results of solid-phase and deep cultivation of the Siberian strain Fp6-17 Fomitopsis pinicola (Sw.) P. Karst. are presented. Growth parameters were determined on cellulose-containing agarized media and plant substrates with the addition of a solid phase after hydrodynamic activation of fir needles and sawdust of birch. Radial growth rate 3.0–4.3 mm / day; growth coefficient 37–64. Changes in polysaccharides in activated birch sawdust during fermentation noted, despite the low growth coefficient of the fungus. After hydrodynamic activation, the content of easily hydrolysable polysaccharides increased by 9 %, the proportion of hardly hydrolysable polysaccharides decreased by 8%. After further solid-phase cultivation, the content of easily and hardly hydrolysable polysaccharides decreased by 10 and 23%, respectively. The conditions for the deep cultivation of the strain Fp6-17 on a modified Norkrans medium with microcrystalline cellulose selected. At 26 °C and a pH of 4.6 on the seventh day, the maximum activity of carboxymethyl cellulase was 13.6 units / ml; biomass yield – 16.2 g/l. The optimal composition of the solid phase medium was selected after hydrodynamic processing of fir needles and sawdust of birch with enrichment of (NH4)2SO4. The maximum activity of the enzyme was 14.2 u/ml. With high enzymatic activity in the culture fluid, the formation of small globules with a diameter of up to 5 mm and a smaller amount of biomass is noted. At lower enzyme indices, in most cases a greater increase in biomass recorded due to the formation of large ellipsoid pellets with a fringed edge.

2020 ◽  
Vol 66 (1) ◽  
Murzabyek Sarkhad ◽  
Futoshi Ishiguri ◽  
Ikumi Nezu ◽  
Bayasaa Tumenjargal ◽  
Yusuke Takahashi ◽  

Abstract The quality of dimension lumber (2 by 4 lumber) was preliminarily investigated in four common Mongolian softwoods: Pinus sylvestris L., Pinus sibirica Du Tour, Picea obovata Ledeb., and Larix sibirica Ledeb. to produce high quality dimension lumber for structural use. In total 61, 39, 67, and 37 pieces of lumber were prepared for Pinus sylvestris, Pinus sibirica, Picea obovata, and L. sibirica, respectively. The lumber was visually graded and then tested in static bending to obtain the 5% lower tolerance limits at 75% confidence level (f0.05) of the modulus of elasticity (MOE) and the modulus of rupture (MOR). In addition, the effects of sawing patterns on bending properties were also analyzed. The f0.05 of the MOE and MOR were 4.75 GPa and 15.6 MPa, 3.39 GPa and 11.0 MPa, 3.78 GPa and 11.7 MPa, and 6.07 GPa and 22.3 MPa for Pinus sylvestris, Pinus sibirica, Picea obovata, and L. sibirica, respectively. These results suggested that with a few exceptions, characteristic values of MOR in the four common Mongolian softwoods resembled those in similar commercial species already used. In visual grading, over 80% of total lumber was assigned to select structural and No. 1 grades in Pinus sylvestris and Pinus sibirica, whereas approximately 40% of total lumber in L. sibirica was No. 3 and out of grades. Sawing patterns affected bending properties in Pinus sylvestris and L. sibirica, but did not affect Pinus sibirica and Picea obovata. Dynamic Young's modulus was significantly correlated with bending properties of dimension lumber for the four species. Based on the results, it was concluded that dimension lumber for structural use can be produced from the four common Mongolian softwoods.

2014 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 174-180 ◽  
A. I. Matvienko ◽  
M. I. Makarov ◽  
O. V. Menyailo

Vítězslav Vlček ◽  
Miroslav Pohanka

Soil samples (n = 11) were collected in the chernozem areas of the Czech Republic (the Central Europe) from the topsoil and used as representative samples. All sampling areas have been used for agricultural purposes (arable soil) and they were selected as typical representatives of agricultural soil. These samples represented the soil with same genesis (to reduction differencies between soil types) but with different soil properties (physical and chemical). Complete chemical and physical analyses were made for confirmation of copper adsorption on solid phase: we analysed the particle size distribution, content of oxidizable carbon (Cox), the cation exchange capacity (CEC), supply of exchange calcium, magnesium, sodium, phosphorus and potassium, soil reaction and the total supply of Fe, Al, Mn, Ca, Mg, K, P and N. The strongest simple correlation between analysed soil properties and copper concentration had content of available magnesium (r = 0.44) and available phosphorus (r = −0.51). In the case of multiple correlations (i. e. collective influence of multiple soil properties) had the strongest influence combination of clay, soil reaction, total content of phosphorus, available magnesium and available phosphorus. The main influence of phosphorus and magnesium is evident. We suppose that copper and phosphorus enter into specific complex. Influence of these five soil properties can explain 92.7 % (r = 0.927) changes in the content of copper changes in the experiment.

2020 ◽  
Vol 112 ◽  
pp. 32-35
Boguslaw Andres ◽  
Agnieszka Jankowska ◽  
Grzegorz Duchnik

The aim of prestened study was to determine the natural durability of selected coniferous wood species from Asia to the effect of Coniophora puteana (Schumach.) P. Karst., which causes brown rot. The species tested were: Larix gmellini (Rupr.) Kuzen., Larix sibirica Ledeb. and Pinus sibirica Du Tour.. The test was conducted on the basis of PN-EN 350:2016-10 and PN-EN 113:2000. As a result of the research durability classes were determined. Wood durability of tested Asian species was compared with the domestic wood species such as Pinus sylvestris L. and Larix decidua Mill.. The most durable of the tested wood species was Larix sibirica Ledeb., while the European larch showed comparable durability. The wood of Larix gmellini (Rupr.) Kuzen. showed the lowest persistence among the tested species.

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