scholarly journals Effect of Gas Mixture Composition on the Parameters of an Internal Combustion Engine

10.14311/1540 ◽  
2012 ◽  
Vol 52 (3) ◽  
Andrej Chríbik ◽  
Marián Polóni ◽  
Ján Lach

This paper deals with the use of the internal combustion piston engine, which is a drive unit for micro-cogeneration units. The introduction is a brief statement of the nature of gas mixture compositions that are useful for the purposes of combustion engines, together with the basic physical and chemical properties relevant to the burning of this gas mixture. Specifically, we will discuss low-energy gases (syngases) and mixtures of natural gas with hydrogen. The second section describes the conversion of the Lombardini LGW 702 combustion engine that is necessary for these types of combustion gases. Before the experimental measurements, a simulation in the Lotus Engine simulation program was carried out to make a preliminary assessment of the impact on the performance of an internal combustion engine. The last section of the paper presents the experimental results of partial measurements of the performance and emission parameters of an internal combustion engine powered by alternative fuels.

The transportation sector holds a big share of the emission to the atmosphere. The emission of Green House Gas (GHG) leads to the thinning of the ozone layer. This situation leads to global warming. An international summit in Kyoto 1997 decided to stabilize the Green House Gas (GHG) emission. Therefore, many types of research have been conducted to reduce emissions. Improving engine performance is another method to reduce the amount of gasoline usage. One of the methods is to reduce emissions is by using alternative fuels. hydrogen, alcohol, and biofuel are among the examples. Among the alternatives, alcohol is a very popular alternative used in an internal combustion engine. This paper aims at reviewing the effect of alcohol on the performance and emission of the use of alcohol inside the spark-ignition engine. This review has confirmed that alcohol serves as good alternative fuel, especially if it is mixed at a good ratio with gasoline. With a good blend of alcohol-gasoline, emission can be reduced significantly

Elie Haddad ◽  
David Chalet ◽  
Pascal Chesse

Automotive manufacturers nowadays are constantly working on improving their internal combustion engines’ performance by reducing the fuel consumption and emissions, without compromising the power generated. Manufacturers are therefore relying on virtual engine models that can be run on simulation software in order to reduce the amount of time and costs needed, in comparison with experiments done on engine test benches. One important element of the intake system of an internal combustion engine is the throttle valve, which defines the amount of air reaching the plenum before being drawn into the cylinders. This article discusses a widely used model for the estimation of air flow rate through the throttle valve in an internal combustion engine simulation. Experiments have been conducted on an isolated throttle valve test bench in order to understand the influence of different factors on the model’s discharge coefficient. These experiments showed that the discharge coefficient varies with the pressure ratio across the throttle valve and with its angle. Furthermore, for each angle, this variation can be approximated with a linear model composed of two parameters: the slope and the Y-Intercept. These parameters are calibrated for different throttle valve angles. This calibration can be done using automotive manufacturers’ standard engine test fields that are often available. This model is then introduced into an engine simulation model, and the results are compared to the experimental data of a turbocharged engine test bench for validation. They are also compared with a standard discharge coefficient model that varies only with the throttle valve angle. The results show that the new model for the discharge coefficient reduces mass flow estimation errors and allows expanding the applications of the throttle valve isentropic nozzle model.

Shijin Shuai ◽  
Zhi Wang ◽  
Hongming Xu

2013 ◽  
Vol 768 ◽  
pp. 250-254
N. Balakrishnan ◽  
K. Mayilsamy ◽  
N. Nedunchezhian

Biomass derived vegetable oil is a promising alternative fuel for an internal combustion engine. Direct use of vegetable oil has inferior performance with higher emission due to its higher viscous in nature. This can be overcome by transesterification process with its byproduct which is called as used vegetable oil methyl ester. While blending this biodiesel with fossil diesel upto maximum of 30:70, will give the higher performance and lower emission than the fossil diesel alone. In this present study biodiesel in the form of B23 is used in a four stroke water cooled variable compression ratio engine without any modifications. The performance and emission characteristics are studied with different compression ratio and compared with a base line fossil diesel mode operation. This study reveals that the compression ratio of 18 is the optimum in the view of ignition delay, maximum pressure crank angle, exhaust gas temperature and Smoke emission.

2019 ◽  
Vol 179 (4) ◽  
pp. 86-92
Mieczysław DZIUBIŃSKI ◽  
Artur DROZD ◽  
Michał ŚCIRKA ◽  

The article discusses the impact of ignition system damage on the emission of toxic subcategories in a spark-ignition internal combustion engine. The aim of the work was to develop an analytical model of ignition system diagnostics, test performance and comparative analysis of the results of simulations and experiments. The model developed allows to analyse the basic parameters of the ignition system affecting the content of toxic substances in the exhaust. Experimental tests were carried out using the MAHA MGT5 exhaust gas analyser for four different combustion engines fueled with petrol at various operating conditions. During the tests, the content of toxic substances in the exhaust gas of a properly working engine and the engine working with damage to the ignition system were registered. The tests will be used to assess the impact of the damage of the spark-ignition engine on the emission of individual components of toxic fumes.

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