2020 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 313
Nurul Himatil ‘Ula ◽  
Senata Adi Prasetia

Al-Qur'an is accepted by the public in various forms. One of them by using a few pieces of verse as part of the protection spell. The use of al-Qur'an in this function is manifested in the face of Sheikh Subakir in Tawing Village, Trenggalek. This study aims to find the process of changing the rajah tradition which is the result of acculturation of Javanese culture and Islamic values as well as the meaning of society towards rajah, and receptions of the verses of the Koran as pager omah (house protection). This research is a field research with descriptive-analysis method, analyzed using social construction theory of reality by Peter L. Berger and Thomas Luckmann. The results showed that the people of Tawing Village used the rajah of Sheikh Subakir as a pager omah. The phenomenon of the rajah of Sheikh Subakir is not only meant as a house protection or cultural acculturation, but also acts as a social cohesion that unites the local community. In fact, this tradition influences a set of people’s beliefs about feeling safe, belief in protection, and reinforcement in their social structure.

Daniel Putra Pardamean Mbarep ◽  
Hayati Sari Hasibuan ◽  
Setyo Sarwanto Moersidik

Kalijodo green open space has vegetated area 48 %. The ideal green open space, has vegetated area ​​80-90 % of total area. The results of the thermal comfort index in the Kalijodo green open space is 30.75. This condition makes the Kalijodo green open space in very uncomfortable status, and the thermal comfort index is categorized as comfortable is in 29 and below. This research was conducted to determine and analyze the perception of thermal comfort that  felt by the public in the green open space of Kalijodo. Descriptive analysis method is used to examine any information obtained from data processing from questionnaires filled out by 50 respondents. The results of this research on the perception of thermal comfort show that as many as 24 respondents felt very uncomfortable, 14 respondents felt comfortable, and 12 respondents felt uncomfortable when they were in the green open space of Kalijodo. These results indicate that the majority of people living in green open spaces are in line with the results of research on thermal comfort in the Kalijodo green open space which is in the very uncomfortable category. The condition of the Kalijodo green open space, which lacks vegetation, results in a very uncomfortable thermal comfort index value, so that the people there also feel the discomfort.

2021 ◽  
Vol 16 (1) ◽  
pp. 152-182
Ahmad Arif Masdar Hilmy ◽  
Ria Cahyaning Utami

The determination of the dowry in the marriage of the people of Karangsono Village was originally based on the rules of Islamic law, namely by using the principles of convenience, lightness, and simplicity. However, people's lives that are never stagnant make them always interact with each other, thus forming a new concept of dowry determination in the community. The purpose of this article is to determine the description and implementation of the concept of the dowry class in the community marriage of Karangsono Village and to review it using the perspective of the social construction theory. This field research used a qualitative descriptive method and data analysis used Berger and Luckmann's social construction theory. Data were collected through document study, interviews, and observations. This research resulted in conclusions: (1) The concept of the dowry class in the community marriage of Karangsono Village is based on the classification of the prospective bride, which is seen from the status of a virgin or widow, her beauty, and age. The higher the quality of the woman, the higher the dowry she can get, (2) The determination of the dowry in Karangsono Village has undergone a social construction based on three simultaneous processes. The externalization process is illustrated through adaptation to religious texts and life being experienced. The process of objectivation here gives birth to new meanings, which are manifested in the actions of the wider community so that they become objective facts. The process of internalization is illustrated by the affirmation in the consciousness experienced subjectively.(Penentuan mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono mulanya didasarkan pada aturan hukum Islam, yakni dengan menggunakan asas kemudahan, keringanan dan kesederhanaan. Namun kehidupan masyarakat yang tidak pernah stagnan, membuat mereka selalu berinteraksi satu sama lain, Tujuan artikel ini ialah untuk mengetahui deskripsi dan implementasi konsep kelas mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono, serta ditinjau menggunakan perspektif teori konstruksi sosial. Penelitian lapangan ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif dan analisis datanya menggunakan teori konstruksi sosial Berger dan Luckmann. Pengambilan data dilakukan melalui studi dokumen, wawancara dan observasi. Penelitian ini menghasilkan beberapa kesimpulan: (1) Konsep kelas mahar dalam perkawinan masyarakat Desa Karangsono ialah berdasarkan klasifikasi yang dimiliki calon pengantin perempuan, yakni dilihat dari status perawan atau janda, paras kecantikan dan usianya. Semakin tinggi kualitas yang dimiliki perempuan, maka semakin tinggi pula mahar yang bisa didapatkannya, (2) Penentuan mahar di Desa Karangsono telah mengalami konstruksi sosial berdasarkan tiga proses simultan. Proses eksternalisasi tergambar melalui adaptasi dengan teks-teks keagamaan dan kehidupan yang sedang dialami. Proses objektivasi disini melahirkan pemaknaan baru, yang termanifestasikan ke dalam tindakan-tindakan masyarakat luas sehingga menjadi kenyataan objektif dan biasa dilakukan dalam kehidupan sehari-hari. Proses internalisasi tergambar oleh penegasan dalam kesadaran yang dialami secara subjektif dan pentransferan akan pengetahuan tentang makna-makna objektif)

2021 ◽  
Vol 317 ◽  
pp. 01007
Nofansyah ◽  
Redyanto Noor

Langen Mandra Wanara is a Javanese dance-drama genre that tells Ramayana story taking place in the Kepatihan complex. It has become a very popular performing art and has been widely studied by the people of Yogyakarta. This study aimed to discuss the concept, attractiveness and development of the "Langen Mandra Wanara" art. The study used a descriptive analysis method. In this research, the data was the art of Langen Mandra Wanara from Yogyakarta, which was obtained from various secondary sources, including previous research journals, internet sites, books and documentation. The results showed that Langen Mandra Wanara has a basic concept called the Joged Mataram philosophy in dancing. At the beginning of its development, the art performance was marked by the appearance of a large number of wanara (monkey) dancers. Unlike other arts, Langen Mandra Wanara basically aims to provide entertainment to the public for free. In its development, Langen Mandra Wanara's performance declined due to the influence of the Dutch colonial economic situation. Currently, Langen Mandra Wanara shows tend to be concise, performed much shorter, and involve fewer players. Thus, the production cost of court performing arts can be reduced much cheaper than before.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-28
Heri Kuswanto ◽  
Ricy Fatkhurrokhman ◽  
Khoirul Anam

The Rasulan tradition is synonymous with the coastal communities of Gunungkidul. This tradition is used as a means of worship and offerings to spirits, the spirits of the ancestors of the gods and the rulers of the universe. Considering that this tradition is related to the belief system, the people on the coast of Gunungkidul still believe in and carry out this tradition with full awareness, comfort and holiness. Until now, the authenticity of the apostolic tradition has been preserved, starting from the time and place of implementation, the uborampe, the rites and the arts. Even though they have adapted to Islam and contemporary culture, the majority of people on the coast of Gunungkidul still have mystical beliefs about the various rites and offerings that are in the apostolic procession. After researching using qualitative data-based field research then analyzed by descriptive analysis method using various theories, it can be concluded that the people on the coast of Gunungkidul still believe in the mystical values ​​that exist in the rites and uborampe of the apostolic tradition. These values, among others, are the value of worship of spirits and ancestral spirits, the value of asking for safety, rejecting danger, freedom from prayer, togetherness, religion, mutual assistance, mutual assistance and the value of giving thanks to God.

2020 ◽  
Vol 13 (2) ◽  
pp. 155
Sulistianawati Sulistianawati

ABSTRAKPribumi subaltern menjadi subjek nyata adanya gejolak penindasan oleh serdadu pemerintah dan gerakan bawah tanah dalam situasi Aceh yang telah beralih menjadi Daerah Operasi Mililiter. Tujuan penelitian ini mendeskripsikan penyalahgunaan tahta tertinggi, adanya pemberontakan gerakan bawah tanah sebagai bentuk perlawanan, dampaknya bagi kaum subaltern seperti pelecehan seksual, mentalitas down, dan dimiskinkan. Data diperoleh dengan teknik pustaka dari sumber tertulis berupa kata dan kalimat dalam novel kemudian dianalisis dengan metode analisa deskriptif. Hasil penelitian menunjukan dominasi kekuasaan penguasa superior yang menduduki tahta tertinggi, dua bentuk perlawanan berupa caci maki serta aksi pemberontakan, dan dampaknya bagi subaltern begitu signifikan memunculkan keterpurukan, semakin merajalela pelecehan seksual, mentalitas down akhirnya termiskinkan. Pada akhirnya subaltern semakin lemah, ketakutan dan tak berdaya. Adanya persekutuan pemberontak sebagai akibat mentalitas era kolonial yang masih menjarah pemikiran masyarakat. Pada dasarnya penjajahlah yang menjadi cikal bakal adanya teroris dan pemberontakan. Penelitian ini diharapkan memberikan sumbangsih untuk mendukung kebijakan pemerintah mendisiplinkan politik agar tidak mengalami carut-marut. Serta menjadi pengingat bagi masyarakat akan masih adanya gerakan bawah tanah dalam bentuk apapun yang mengancam keberlangsungan hidup masyarakat lain, dalam menghadapi kolonialisme yang masih berkembang hingga saat ini.Kata kunci: subaltern, poskolonial, perlawanan, pemberontakABSTRACTSubaltern natives are the real subject of the turmoil of oppression by government troops and underground movements in the Aceh situation which has turned into the Military Operations Area. The purpose of this study is to describe the abuse of the highest throne, the existence of an underground movement rebellion as a form of resistance, the impact on the subalterns such as sexual harassment, down mentality, and impoverished. Data obtained by library techniques from written sources in the form of words and sentences in the novel and then analyzed by descriptive analysis method. The results showed the dominance of the power of superior rulers who occupied the highest throne, two forms of resistance there are in the form of insults and acts of rebellion, and the impact on subalterns was so significant that it leds to adversity, increasingly rampant sexual harassment, the down mentality finally impoverished. In the end the subaltern is getting weaker, frightened and helpless. The existence of the rebel alliance is as a result of the mentality of the colonial era which still plundered the minds of the people. Basically, invaders are the embryo of terrorists and rebellion. This research is expected to contribute to support government policy to discipline politics. Therefore, it does not experience chaos. As well as a reminder to the public of the existence of underground movements in any form that threatens the survival of other communities, in the face of colonialism that is still developing today.Keyword: subaltern, postcolonial, resistance, rebel

2017 ◽  
Vol 8 (2) ◽  
pp. 45-48
Sarlota Ratang

This research is aimed to determine the public perception towards the impact of people activities in sand and stone mining in Nolokla village, Jayapura, determine the people income levels of sand and stone mining in Nolokla village Jayapura, and the impact which is felt by the miners in terms of the surrounding environment. This research is a survey with descriptive analysis method. The positive impact in term of economics, sand and stone mining in Nolokla is increasing the income of the miners. The gross income of sand miners per day is Rp. 1.037.500, while for stone miners is Rp. 1.365.000. However, the negative impact of the activity is environmental degradation, water flow decrease and critical land.

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 16-24
Ni Kadek Yuni Utami ◽  
Ni Made Sri Wahyuni Trisna

The purpose of this report is to provide an explanation of the visibility, legibility and readability aspects in the design of the Kahyangan Kaja Temple sign board, Panjer Village, Denpasar. This report is part of the Community Service activities of the Bali Design and Business Institute in the manufacture of Environmental Facilities at Banjar Maniksaga, Panjer Village, Denpasar. The benefit of this report is that it pays attention to the condition of design facilities in public spaces, one of which is the Kahyangan Kaja Temple sign board which is owned by the people of Panjer Village as well as giving consideration in designing the public space sign board to the public. This report is carried out using a descriptive analysis method to describe the considerations of the visibility, legibility and readability aspects in terms of material selection, typography and placement in the design. With these considerations, it is hoped that the public will be more aware of the existence of the Kahyangan Temple and at the same time support the aesthetics of the Kahyangan Temple in Panjer Village, Denpasar, as well as provide an overview of the design aspects that support the optimization of the function of a nameplate in a public space.   Keywords: signboard, design, material, placement, typography, Kahyangan Kaja Temple, Panjer Village

Jurnal Dakwah ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (2) ◽  
pp. 235-256
Charis Manto

This paper tries to describe the da'wah strategy applied by the preachers in conveying da'wah messages in a village called Bina Karya, where the majority of the village community are transmigrants from Java. In addition, because of the heterogeneity of the village community, there are challenges that are also opportunities for the preachers in that area. This paper is the result of field research conducted by going directly to the field with a descriptive analysis approach. In it process, the success of da'wah in transmigration areas is also determined by the da'i in addressing each individual mad'u’s diverse personality. The da'wah strategy used is the da'wah strategy of the walisongo in Islamizing the people of Java. These methods are tadrij (gradual) and adamul haraj (harmless). The da'wah strategy like this is an implementation of the al-Quran, namely 'mawidzatul hasanah wa mujadalah billati hiya ahsan'. In addition, the face to face method of da'wah is a method that is considered very appropriate to be applied in the transmigration community, because they are still considered to be in the lower middle class, both in terms of knowledge, welfare, religion and technology..Tulisan ini mencoba menggambarkan mengenai strategi dakwah yang diterapkan oleh para muballigh ketika menyampaikan pesan-pesan dakwah di Desa Bina Karya yang notabenenya adalah masyarakat transmigran dari pulau Jawa. Selain itu pula dikarenakan heterogenitas masyarakatnya, menjadikan adanya tantangan sekaligus peluang tersendiri bagi para muballigh di daerah tersebut. Tulisan ini merupakan penelitian hasil studi (Field Research) dengan turun ke lapangan secara langsung serta dengan pendekatan analisis deskriptif.Dalam prosesnya, keberhasilan dakwah di daerah transmigrasi juga ditentukan juga oleh da’i dalam menyikapi setiap diri pribadi mad’u yang berbeda-beda. Strategi dakwah yang dipakai adalah strategi dakwah para walisongo dalam mengislamkan masyarakat di pulau Jawa.  Metode tersebut yakni tadrij (bertahap) dan adamul haraj (tidak menyakiti). Adapun strategi dakwah seperti ini merupakan implementasi dari al-Qur’an yaitu ‘mawidzatul hasanah wa mujadalah billati hiya ahsan’. Selain itu pula, metode dakwah face to face merupakan metode yang dinilai sangat cocok diterapkan pada masyarakat transmigrasi dikarenakan masyarakatnya yang masih dinilai berada di kelas menengah ke bawah baik dari segi pengetahuan, kesejahteraan, keagamaan maupun teknologi.

2020 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-28
Firhan Firhan ◽  
Ibnu Irawan

Abstract [English]:In the customary of low,  marriage is a matter that is blessed with kinship, family and community. until now some communities have consistently carried out weddings that are based on the culture of the local community. Pineng marriage to Abung Nunyai in North Lampung is one example of this traditional marriage. The author is interested in researching the marriage practices of indigenous Abung Nunyai and a review of Islamic law regarding the practice of traditional marriage. The purpose of this study was to determine the local culture of the community in marriage, as well as the legal status of implementing the practice of marriage. This research is field research, using al-Urf theory and descriptive analysis method.Abstrak[Indonesia]: Secara hukum, adat pernikahan merupakan urusan yang berkaitan dengan kekerabatan, keluarga dan masyarakat, sehingga sampaisaat ini beberapa masyarakat tetap konsisten melaksanakan pernikahan yang berlandasakan kebudayaan masyarakat lokal, salah satunya adalah pernikahan Pineng masyarakat adat Abung Nunyai di Lampung Utara. Hal tersebut yang menarik penulis untuk meneliti terkait  praktik pernikahan masyarakat adat Abung Nunyai dantinjauan hukum Islam mengenai praktik pernikahan adat tersebut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kebudayaan lokal masyarakat di dalam pernikahan, serta status hukum pelaksanaan praktik pernikahan tersebut. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian lapangan, dengan menggunakan teori al-Urf dan metode deskriptif analisisustomary of low,  marriage is a matter that is blessed with kinship, family and community. until now some communities have consistently carried out weddings that are based on the culture of the local community. Pineng marriage to Abung Nunyai in North Lampung is one example of this traditional marriage. The author is interested in researching the marriage practices of indigenous Abung Nunyai and a review of Islamic law regarding the practice of traditional marriage. The purpose of this study was to determine the local culture of the community in marriage, as well as the legal status of implementing the practice of marriage. This research is field research, using al-Urf theory and descriptive analysis method.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 18-25

The purposes of this research are to find out the types of politeness strategies used to save the face of the characters in Once Upon A Time season 1 and to identify the dominant scale of social dimensions when using politeness strategies in Once Upon A Time season 1. This research uses qualitative-descriptive analysis method and to get the data needed in this research the writer did the following steps: watching the movies, transcribing the speech, searching the data, classifying the data, analyzing the data and drawing a conclusion related to the types of politeness strategies and the dominant scale of social dimensions. The source of the data used is taken from the serial film Once Upon A Time season 1 by Edward Kitsis dan Adam Horowitz. The results of this research show that there are four types of politeness strategies found in the serial film Once Upon A Time season 1. They are 10 data of bald on-record (28,6%), 8 data of positive politeness strategies (22,9%), 13 data of negative politeness strategies (37,1%) and 4 data of off-record consists (11,4%) and the most dominant scale of four social dimension scales is social distance scale 14 data (40%).

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