scholarly journals Calcium deposition in egg due to substitution of limestone by eggshell flour in feed of laying hens

2018 ◽  
Vol 43 (3) ◽  
pp. 257 ◽  
S. Kismiati ◽  
T. Yuwanta ◽  
Z. Zuprizal ◽  
S. Supadmo ◽  
U. Atmomarsono

The aim of this research was to evaluate calcium deposition in egg using eggshell flour as a limestone substitute in feed. Two hundreds laying hen of Isa Brown strain of 25 weeks were used in this study. Treatments were diet with 7.5% limestone as control (T0), 2.5% limestone is substituted with eggshell flour(T1), 5% limestone is substituted with eggshell flour (T2) and limestone is substituted with eggshell flour (T3). A completly randomized design were used to allocated the treatments with 5 replications of each. Each experimental unit consists of 10 laying hens. Parameters measured were egg weight, yolk weight, albumen weight, eggshell weight, calcium of egg (yolk, albumen and eggshell), length, weight and Ca of tibia bone. The results showed that substitution of limestone with eggshell flour had significantly effect (P<0.05) on eggshell weight, Ca deposition on yolk, albumen, and Ca of tibia bone but non significantly effect on egg weight, weight and percentage of yolk, weight and percentage of albumen, percentage and Ca of eggshell, length and weight of tibia bone. In conclusion, calcium deposition in yolk was the highest in the use of 7.5% eggshell flour to substitute limestone but obtained the lowest Ca of bone , while calcium deposition in albumen was the highest in the use of 2.5% eggshell flour.

2020 ◽  
Vol 40 (2) ◽  
pp. 418
Armando Paat ◽  
C.L. Sarajar ◽  
J. R. Leke ◽  
F. N. Sompie

UTILIZATION AND INTERNAL QUALITY OF EGG ON PAPAYA PEEL MEAL DIET (CARICA PAPAYA L). The aim of research was to utilization and internal quality of eggs on papaya (carica papaya L) peel meal diet. The material used in this study were one hundred laying hens (MB 402). The completely randomized design (CRD) was done in this research for analysing of statistics to five treatments and four replications, each replications was occupied by five laying hens (MB 402). The variable measured were egg weight, egg yolk, colour of egg yolk.  The result of this research showed that egg weight, egg yolk, the colour egg yolk was not significantly different (P>0.05). Conclusion, the utilization of flour skin papaya until 16% in feed will increase the quality of chicken eggs. Kata Kunci: Papaya peel meal, laying feed, the quality internal egg.

2016 ◽  
Vol 38 (2) ◽  
pp. 151 ◽  
Amanda Lapa Silva ◽  
Romênia Regina Pires Lage ◽  
Daniel Emygdio de Faria Filho ◽  
Izabela Lorena Azevedo ◽  
Adélio Nunes Dias ◽  

This study evaluated the effect of pequi peel meal in the diet for laying hens on performance and egg quality. Hy-Line® Brown hens (n=160) aged 55 weeks with 1642±63g body weight were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replications of eight birds each. The treatments consisted of isometric substitution of corn by pequi peel meal at 0, 2.5, 5.0, 7.5 and 10%. The performance and internal and external egg quality were evaluated. Egg production, egg mass and feed conversion worsened linearly with increasing replacement of corn with pequi peel meal, while the yolk color increased linearly. The other variables related to performance and internal and external egg quality were not significantly affected by the treatments. It can be concluded that the use of pequi peel meal replacing corn in laying hen diet does not change the internal and external egg quality, improves the pigmentation of egg yolk, and impairs performance of laying hens. 

2010 ◽  
Vol 79 (9) ◽  
pp. S29-S34 ◽  
Miroslav Macháček ◽  
Vladimír Večerek ◽  
Nora Mas ◽  
Pavel Suchý ◽  
Eva Straková ◽  

The aim of this study was to assess the effects of two levels of clinoptilolite administered in feed (2% and 4%) on some selected performance indicators, metabolic utilization of basic nutrients and the health status of laying hens. The selected 24 Bovans Goldline hybrid laying hens were divided into three equal groups, two experimental groups (E1 and E2) and one control group (C). The laying hens were housed individually in cages with an automatic supply of drinking water, manual feeding, in a setting with controlled light and temperature regimens. Hens from individual groups were all fed a complete feed mix of the same composition and the only difference was in clinoptilolite supplementation: feed mixes for E1 and E2 groups contained 2% and 4% of clinoptilolite (commercial additive ZeoFeed) respectively, replacing the same amounts of wheat. The hens received feed mixes and drinking water ad libitum. During this 28-day experiment, feed consumption and the number and weight of eggs laid were monitored individually for each hen. At the end of the experiment, the balance test using the indicator method (Cr2O3) was performed in all eight hens in each of the groups. The results of balance tests were then used to calculate the metabolic utilization of selected nutrients (nitrogen, fat, ash, nitrogen-free extracts, starch, gross energy, Ca, P). After the balance tests, blood samples for haematological and biochemical examinations were collected via puncture of the vena basilica. The addition of 2% clinoptilolite to feed mix resulted in a highly significant (P ⪬ 0.01) increase in mean egg weight to 64.69 g, but the addition of 4% clinoptilolite in group E2 resulted in a highly significant (P ⪬ 0.01) decrease in mean egg weight to 62.20 g compared to the control (63.73 g). Moreover, daily feed mix consumption in group E1 decreased to 114 g per one laying hen/day compared to the controls (118 g per one laying hen/day). In group E2 (4% clinoptilolite), daily consumption of feed mix increased compared with the controls to 124 g. The 2% clinoptilolite supplementation of E1 group feed slightly increased metabolic utilization of fat, nitrogen-free extracts, starch and gross energy compared to group C. Results of haematological test of the hens’ blood showed significant changes in haemoglobin, whose values in groups C and E1 were significantly higher (P ⪬ 0.05) than in group E2. Differences in the values of the biochemical indicators monitored (total protein, glucose, cholesterol, triacylglycerols, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium and the AST enzyme) between group C and experimental groups E1 and E2 were not significant and remained within the range of reference values.

2017 ◽  
Vol 39 (3) ◽  
pp. 273
André Ferreira Silva ◽  
Frank George Guimarães Cruz ◽  
João Paulo Ferreira Rufino ◽  
Waldo Mateus Plácido Miller ◽  
Nathália Siqueira Flor ◽  

 This study aimed to evaluate the increasing levels (0, 1, 2, 3 e 4%) of fish by-product meal in diets for laying hens on performance, egg quality and economic analysis. A total of 160 Dekalb White hens with 52-wk old were distributed in a completely randomized design with five treatments and four replicates of eight birds each. The experiment lasted 84 days divided into four periods of 21 days. Estimates of fish by-product meal levels were determined by polynomial regression. Differences (p < 0.05) were detected for all variables of performance, in egg weight, yolk and albumen percentage, yolk and albumen height, feed cost and production cost, in which the inclusion of fish by-product meal in the diets showed better results. It can be concluded that fish by-product meal can be used in diets for hens as alternative feed, with better results in egg production, feed conversion, egg weight, yolk-albumen ratio and a reduction in feed cost and production cost. 

2019 ◽  
Vol 59 (3) ◽  
pp. 420 ◽  
H. C. P. Bendezu ◽  
N. K. Sakomura ◽  
E. B. Malheiros ◽  
R. M. Gous ◽  
N. T. Ferreira ◽  

A model that can estimate the changes that occur to the composition of egg components over time is an important tool for the nutritionists, since it can provide information about the nutrients required by a laying hen to achieve her potential egg output. In this context, the present study was aimed to model the potential egg production of laying hens during the egg-production period. One hundred and twenty Hy-Line W36 and ISA-Brown layers were used from 18 to 60 weeks of age, with each bird being an experimental unit. The birds were housed in individual cages during the experimental period. Egg production (%), egg weight (g) and the weight of egg components were recorded for each bird. The data were used to calculate the parameters of equations for predicting the weights of yolk, albumen and shell, and for predicting internal cycle length. The predicted results were evaluated by regressing residual (observed minus predicted) values of the predicted values centred of their average value. The equations for predicting mean yolk weight with age are for Hy-Line W36 (y1) and ISA-Brown (y2) respectively. Albumen and shell weights for Hy-Line W36 were described by the equations 15.07 × (yolk weight)0.37 and 0.70 × (yolk + albumen weight)0.50 respectively, and for ISA-Brown, 21.99 × (yolk weight)0.24 and 1.60 × (yolk + albumen weight)0.34 respectively. The average internal cycle length over time for Hy-Line W36 (ICL1) is described by the model 22.95 + 5.24 × (0.962t) + 0.02 × t and for ISA-Brown by 24.01 + 10.29 × (0.94t) + 0.004 × t, where t is the age at first egg (days). The assessment of the results indicated that the equations for predicting egg weight were more accurate for Hy-Line W36 but less precise for both strains, whereas the equation models for predicting the internal cycle lengths were more accurate and precise for ISA-Browns. The models could predict the potential weight of egg components and the rate of laying associated with the internal cycle lengths, and, on the basis of this information, it is possible to improve the nutrient requirement estimated.

2019 ◽  
Vol 20 (3) ◽  
pp. 147
Jein Rinny Leke ◽  
Florencia Nery Sompie ◽  
Erwin Wantasen ◽  
Trina Ekawati Tallei

The objectives of this study were to analyze the eggs nutritional characterics and quality from laying hens fed with diried papaya (Carica papaya L) peel meal diets. A total 200 brown laying hens strain MB 402 (42 week-old). The design used in this study was  a The objectives of this study were to analyze the eggs’ nutritional characteristics and quality from laying hens fed with dried papaya (Carica papaya L) peel meal diets. A total of 200 brown laying hens strain MB 402 (42 week-old) were used in this experiment. The design used in this study was a completely randomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications (10 hens each). The treatments consisted of dried papaya peel meal (DPPM) 0%, 3%, 6%, 9% and 12%. Total feeding trial was 8 weeks. The parameters recorded included egg weight (g/bird)), egg yolk weight (g/bird), yolk index (%), albumen index (%), egg yolk color, egg cholesterol (mg/100g), egg crude protein (%), egg crude fat (%), egg white crude protein (%), egg yellow fat (%),  eggshell calcium (%), eggshell phosphorus (%), blood cholesterol (mg/dl), blood LDL cholesterol (mg/dl), and blood HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) of the laying hens. The results showed that feeding birds with 12 %   increased egg yolk weight, egg yolk color, egg crude fat, egg yellow fat, egg cholesterol, egg shell calcium, egg shell phosphor, blood cholesterol, blood HDL. Moreover there were no significant differences in egg weight, yolk index , albumen index, egg crude protein, egg white crude protein and blood LDL. In Conclusion, DPPM diets can be fed to the laying hens up to 12 % to produce eggs without negative effects on the egg quality.ransomized design (CRD) consisting of 5 treatments and 4 replications (10 hens each). The treatments made use of dried papaya peel meal (DPPM) 0%, 3%, 6 %, 9 % and 12 %. Total feeding trial was 8 weeks . The parameters recorded included egg weight (g/bird), egg yolk weight (g/bird), yolk index (%), albumen index(%), egg yolk calor, egg cholesterol (mg/100g), egg crude protein (%), egg crude fat (%), egg white crude protein (%), egg yellow fat (%), eggshell calsium (%), eggshell phosphorus (%), blood cholesterol (mg/dl), blood LDL Cholesterol  (mg/dl), and blood HDL cholesterol (mg/dl) of the laying hens, The results showed that feeding dried papaya peal meal in cinclusion 12 % increased egg yolk weight, egg yolk color, egg crude fat, egg yellow fat, egg cholesterol,  egg shell calsium, egg shell prosphor, blood cholesterol, blood HDL. Moreover there were no significant diffirence in egg weight, yolk index, albumen index, egg crude protein, egg white crude protein and blood LDL. In conclusion DPPM diets can be fed to the laying hens up to 12 % to produce eggs without negative effects on the egg quality.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-47
Bagus Uda Palgunadi ◽  
Ratna Widyawati ◽  
Dian Ayu Kartika Sari ◽  
Halimah Tusadiah

The purpose of this research aims to determine the effect of adding enzymes (amylase, protease, xylanase) in feed on egg weight and egg yolk diameter in mixed ducks. The experimental animals used were 24 laying ducks. The design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) with 4 treatments and 6 replications. The four treatments were P0 (Control), P1 (6 ducks with Avizym1502®5gram / kg), P2 (6 ducks with Avizym1502® 10gram / kg), and P3 (6 ducks given Avizym1502). ® 15gram / kg). This treatment is carried out once a day for 9 weeks. Before the treatment, the ducks were adapted for a week. After that, the initial egg weight and yolk diameter were measured at week 0, week 6, and week 9. Data obtained from the results of weighing eggs found an average value of P0 (59.1667 ± 3.9200a) g, P1 5gram / kg (56.1667 ± 2.9268a) g, P2 10gram / kg (60.1667 ± 4.9966a) g, and P3 15gram / kg (67.6667 ± 2.7325ᵇ) g. The results of data from examining the diameter of the egg yolk found an average value of P0 (45.03 ± 1.2956a) mm, P1 5gram / kg (44.35 ± 0.7969a) mm, P2 10gram / kg (45.75 ± 1.5694a) mm, and P3 15gram / kg (48.83 ± 0.7394ᵇ) mm. The data obtained were then analyzed using the ANOVA test which statistically showed that there was a significant difference (P <0.05) between egg weight and yolk diameter in mixed ducks treated with enzymes (amylase, protease, xylanase) in the feed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 63 (No. 1) ◽  
pp. 11-16 ◽  
M. Ketta ◽  
E. Tumova

The objective of the present study was to compare the eggshell characteristics and cuticle deposition of Lohmann Brown, Hy-Line Silver Brown, and Isa Brown layers kept in two different housing systems. The three laying hen genotypes were housed in enriched cages (100 hens, 750 cm<sup>2</sup>/hen, 10 hens/cage) and in littered pens (100 hens, 9 hens/m<sup>2</sup>, 10 hens/pen). The experiment was carried out in weeks 40–56 of hens age. Non-significant interactions of genotype and housing system for eggshell quality parameters and cuticle deposition were detected in this study. Egg weight was significantly affected by genotype (P ≤ 0.001) and housing system (P ≤ 0.043). The heaviest eggs were laid by Lohmann Brown, while the lightest eggs were produced by Hy-Line Silver Brown. Eggshell strength was not affected by genotype and housing system, however, genotype had a significant effect on eggshell thickness (P ≤ 0.033). Isa Brown eggs had thicker eggshells compared to Lohmann Brown and Hy-Line Silver Brown. However, a non-significant effect of housing system on eggshell thickness was observed. Eggshell percentage was significantly affected by both genotype and housing system. Genotype of laying hens had a significant effect on cuticle deposition; significantly higher cuticle deposition was observed in Lohmann Brown eggs (P ≤ 0.001). It could be concluded that genotype had a significant effect on eggshell quality parameters and cuticle deposition. However, the housing system effect was less important in these characteristics.

2017 ◽  
Vol 40 ◽  
pp. 37677
Daniel Araujo Netto ◽  
Héder José D'Ávila Lima ◽  
Julia Rodrigues Alves ◽  
Bianca Corrêa de Morais ◽  
Mauricio Silva Rosa ◽  

 The environment is very important for the performance of laying hens; thus, techniques are required to improve production systems, providing better welfare for poultry and consequent increase in the quality of the final product, the egg. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of rearing system, on the floor and in cage, on the performance and egg internal and external quality of laying hens. A total of 320 Hysex Brown laying hens, with 34-43 weeks days of age, was distributed in a completely randomized design, with two treatments, floor and cage, with 10 replicates each. The parameters evaluated were: individual feed intake, egg production per replicate, feed conversion per dozen eggs, egg weight; weight and percentage participation of shell, albumen and yolk, specific gravity, body weight variation and viability of birds. The results show that the birds raised on the floor showed best results as to egg production, besides the best internal and external quality, with greater weight of egg, yolk, albumen, shell and with lower losses of eggs. Because of the negative effects of the cage system, in general, hens presented lower results when compared to results of those raised on the floor. 

2015 ◽  
Vol 46 (1) ◽  
pp. 157-162 ◽  
Flavia Kleszcz da Cruz ◽  
Elis Regina de Moraes Garcia ◽  
André Luiz Julien Ferraz ◽  
Karina Márcia Ribeiro de Souza ◽  
William Britez Feliciano ◽  

ABSTRACT: This study aimed to evaluate the effect of using lycopene and organic minerals in diets for laying hens on the egg quality and stability of eggs stored for 30 days under different storage environments. An entirely randomized design was adopted in 2x3x3 factorial scheme (mineral sources x lycopene levels x storage periods) with six replicates of eight hens per experimental unit. The experimental diets were: feed containing inorganic minerals (IM) without added lycopene; IM with added lycopene (400mg kg-1); IM with added lycopene (800mg kg-1); organic minerals (OM) without added lycopene; OM with added lycopene (400mg kg-1); OM with added lycopene (800mg kg-1). After 112 days of feeding experimental diets, it was selected 60 eggs treatment-1, which were later labeled, stored in room and refrigerated temperature, and subjected to different storage periods (0, 15 and 30 days). Variables analyzed were: Haugh unit, yolk index, yolk color, albumen and yolk pH, and lipid oxidation (TBARS). Stability of eggs is not altered as a function of mineral sources and levels of lycopene studied. However, increasing storage time affects the quality of the eggs of laying hens at both storage conditions.

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