scholarly journals Middle-late Eocene dinoflagellate cysts from NE Ukraine (Borehole No. 230, Dnepr-Donets Depression): stratigraphic and palaeoenvironmental approach

2015 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 19-53 ◽  
Alina I. Iakovleva

Abstract Analysis of the stratigraphic and quantitative distribution of dinoflagellate cysts and other palynomorphs from a shallow marine Eocene section drilled from borehole No. 230 (NE Ukraine) resulted in an updated age-assessment of regional formations and a reconstruction of the major transgressive-regressive trends in the North Ukrainian palaeosedimentological province. Based on dinocyst age-diagnostic events, the Buchak Formation is attributed to the mid-upper Lutetian; the Kiev Formation is assigned to the Bartonian-?lowermost Priabonian; finally, the Obukhov Formation is dated Priabonian. The Buchak Formation accumulation reflects the first major transgressive episode in the North Ukrainian Province; the accumulation of the lower Kiev Formation corresponds to the maximum of regional marine transgression, while the palynological assemblages from the upper Kiev Formation indicate a protracted regression. The beginning of the Obukhov Formation accumulation corresponds to the last marine transgressive cycle.

1985 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-149 ◽  
B. Thusu ◽  
J. G. L. A. Van Der Eem

Abstract. INTRODUCTIONThis study is primarily concerned with the Neocomian to Aptian palynomorphs recorded in selected exploration wells (See Fig. 9). In order to document a complete Early Cretaceous microfloral succession in the studied wells, a reconnaissance of Aptian to Early Cenomanian palynomorphs was also undertaken. Details of the results from this younger interval appear in a later section.Palynomorph assemblages vary in preservation and character. To the north, sandstone, siltstone and shale deposited in shallow-marine environments, contain well-preserved assemblages of dinoflagellate cysts, pollen and spores which can be used for stage-level age determination. A majority of the samples analysed, however, contain moderate numbers of dinoflagellate cysts, but fewer miospores. The abundance of land derived detritus indicates the relatively close proximity of the shoreline. In the central and southern parts of the study area, sandstone and siltstone that are deposited in non-marine, fluvial, lacustrine or lagoonal environments show a general paucity of well-preserved palynofloras. Miospores of stratigraphic value are generally rare or absent although the majority of the samples are dominated by land derived detritus.PALYNOMORPH SUCCESSIONThe majority of the wells from northern Cyrenaica show a hiatus at the Jurassic Cretaceous boundary. Late Neocomian or Aptian sediments occur immediately above Middle or early Late Jurassic sediments. Well preserved Neocomian palynomorphs were recorded in wells A1-36, B1-36, Bla-18 and A1-45. The stratigraphical ranges of palynomorphs presented on the plate explanations are local ranges and are based on the studied intervals only. A preliminary palynological zonation of Late Jurassic (Late Kimmeridgian) to . . .

Ozcan E

The Eocene shallow marine Pellatispira-beds in the upper part of the Drazinda Formation represent the latest phase of Cenozoic Tethyan marine deposition in the Sulaiman Range, West Pakistan. The unit consists of stratigraphically important taxa as Heterostegina,Silvestriella, Pellatispira, a new Baculogypsina (possibly ancestral to modern Baculogypsina) and reticulate Nummulites implying a latest middle to late Eocene (late Bartonian-Priabonian) age. A more precise age of the unit requires the biometric study of reticulate Nummulites, the evolutionary scheme of which is better known from the peri-Mediterranean region in the Tethys. This group, which was subdivided into a series of successive chrono-species based on the biometry of inner cross-diameter of proloculus and changes in the types of granulation/reticulation on the test surface in the late Eocene-late Oligocene interval, appears to have a significant biostratigraphic potential for a high-resolution biostratigraphy in the peri-Mediterranean region (Western Tethys). The reticulate Nummulites in two samples from Rakhi Nala and Zinda Pir, ZP22 and RNB10, were studied and compared with those from the peri-Mediterranean region. The isolated specimens have a weak surface granulation externally, a distinct small umbonal granule (pile) and typical reticulation. The samples ZP22 and RNB10 from Zinda Pir and and Rakhi Nala sections have an average inner cross diameter of proloculus of 152.0 and 153.0 μm respectively. The reticulate Nummulites in both samples are assigned to N. hormoensis, a chrono-species characteristic for the shallow benthic zone (SBZ 18), referable to latest Bartonian-early Priabonian time interval. Since Heterostegina in peri-Mediterranean region and in Pakistan belongs to different lineages, a correlation of N. hormoensis in the studied samples with the wellestablished evolutionary scheme of Heterostegina reticulata and H.armenica lineages from the Western Tethys was not possible.

2016 ◽  
Vol 85 (1) ◽  
pp. 13-35 ◽  
Magdalena Łukowiak

The late Eocene ‘soft’ sponge fauna of southern Australia is reconstructed based on disassociated spicules and is used to interpret the paleoecology and environmental context of shallow marine communities in this region. The reconstructed sponge association was compared with coeval sponge assemblages from the Oamaru Diatomite, New Zealand, and with the modern ‘soft’ sponge fauna of southern coastal of Australia. Based on the predominance of shallow- and moderately shallow-water species, the late Eocene assemblage is interpreted to have inhabited waters depths of about 100 m. This contrast with the spicule assemblage from New Zealand, which characterized deeper waters based on the presence of numerous strictly deepwater sponge taxa, and the absence of spicules of shallow-water demosponges represented in the Australian material. The southern Australian Eocene sponge assemblages have clear Tethyan affinities evidenced by the occurrence of sponges known today from diverse regions. This distribution suggests much wider geographical ranges of some sponge taxa during the Eocene. Their present distributions may be relictual. The modern sponge fauna inhabiting southern Australian waters shows only moderate differences from these of the late Eocene. Differences are more pronounced at lower taxonomic levels (family and genus).

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Bastien Mennecart ◽  
Manuela Aiglstorfer ◽  
Yikun Li ◽  
Chunxiao Li ◽  
ShiQi Wang

AbstractFaunal provincialism between the North and South parts of Eastern Asia is shown to have been in place since the late Eocene. This provincialism structured the mammalian dispersals across Eurasia for millions of years and provides insights into both palaeonvironments and palaeoclimate zonation. In addition, this study reveals the oldest record of a crown ruminant (Iberomeryx from Shinao, China). Ecologically, as well as economically, ruminant artiodactyls are one of the most important large mammal groups today. The revision of the ruminants from the Shinao Formation, from the Caijiachong marls and Xiaerhete, resulted in two new taxa and shows that the different provinces were populated by distinct taxa living in different environments, dominated by the monsoon in the South and drier conditions in the North. Evaluating this result in a Eurasian context demonstrates that the dispersals from Asia to Europe was complex. These results confirm that there were at least two dispersal events, distinct in space and time: the Grande-Coupure from Northern and Central Asia along the North ca. 34 Mya and the Bachitherium dispersal event from the Southern province along a southerly route ca. 31 Mya.

1997 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 348-350 ◽  
S. F. Vizcaino ◽  
M. Bond ◽  
M. A. Reguero ◽  
R. Pascual

The record of fossil land mammals from Antarctica has been restricted previously to the middle levels of the Eocene-?early Oligocene La Meseta Formation in Seymour Island, Antarctic Peninsula. This mostly shallow-marine sequence was divided informally into seven subunits (Tertiary Eocene La Meseta or TELM 1 to 7) by Sadler (1988). Land mammals, representing South American lineages of marsupials, edentates, and ungulates were recovered from TELM 3, 4, and 5 (Marenssi et al., 1994; Vizcaíno et al., 1994). The purpose of the present note is to report the discovery of a well-preserved ungulate tooth from the uppermost level of the La Meseta Formation (TELM 7) and to discuss its paleoenvironmental implications.

1970 ◽  
Vol 107 (4) ◽  
pp. 297-317 ◽  
M. G. Laird ◽  
W. S. McKerrow

SummaryThis work describes the Wenlock sedimentary sequences south of Killary Harbour where the fullest successions in north-west Galway are exposed; much of the Upper Silurian in the east (Joyces Country) has been removed by erosion.The Wenlock beds (the Upper Owenduff and Killary Harbour Groups) rest on shallow marine and continental sediments (the Lower Owenduff Group) of Upper Llandovery (C5–6) age. Conglomerates near the base of the Wenlock are followed by 1,500 m of sandstones, which are mostly turbidites and which contain Middle Wenlock graptolites. These basin deposits are succeeded by a transitional sequence of rise, slope and shelf clastics, also of Middle Wenlock age. The youngest Silurian beds exposed are 800 m of red lagoonal deposits withLingula.During Wenlock times, the sediment supply to north-west Galway was mainly from the north and north-west. This observation fits well with the regional picture which places Galway near the north-west margin of a Silurian basin which extended eastwards across Ireland.

1997 ◽  
Vol 45 (3) ◽  
pp. 359 ◽  
L. A. Frakes

Grossplots are compilations of globally distributed palaeotemperature data onto latitude versus age plots, which are then contoured. The results specifically show the distribution of temperature over the globe and its variations over the Cretaceous to Middle Miocene interval. Data for continents and oceans are plotted separately in this investigation, and each such grossplot is in accord with the known climate changes of this time. The general scarcity of quantitative palaeotemperature information for Australia can be rectified by deriving, from the global continental grossplot, the relationship between mean annual temperature and latitude. When these are applied to the latitude band progressively occupied by Australia, the following observations can be made: (1) during the Early Cretaceous, the south-east of the continent was subjected to freezing wintertime temperatures; (2) peak warming of northern Australia was attained in the Turonian–Santonian, but this was followed by cooling later in the Cretaceous; (3) Early Tertiary warming until the Late Eocene particularly affected the northern half of the continent, but this region then underwent the most severe cooling in the Early Oligocene; (4) subsequently, the whole of the continent cooled uniformly from conditions only slightly warmer than at present. Despite Australia’s equatorward march, the Late Cretaceous to Palaeocene climates of the continent have been influenced more effectively by changes in the global climate state. However, global cooling since the Eocene has been less effective than drift in controlling the warming climate of Australia. The time–space distribution of precipitation over Australia is estimated from the global relationship between terrestrial temperature and rainfall. The Eocene experienced the heaviest rainfall (> 1560 mm year-1, in the north only), and the Eocene to Middle Miocene experienced moderately high rates (> 500 mm year-1 in the northern three-quarters of the continent). Tertiary brown coals in southern regions were formed in proximity to areas of high rainfall. Continentwide low rates (< 500 mm year-1; semi-arid) are suggested for the Cretaceous, except for wet conditions in the north during the Albian–Santonian and the Late Maastrichtian. Estimates of precipitation are subject to factors such as continentality and location of moisture sources, which cannot be evaluated at present.

1993 ◽  
Vol 6 (6) ◽  
pp. 491 ◽  
HA Martin

The principles of pollen dispersal and deposition show that the pollen spectrum is produced by the plants of the locality, with a little transported in from long distances. The 'locality' has a radius of no more than 500 m, and it could be much less. Adherence to these principles has allowed a detailed reconstruction of the palaeovegetation. Nothofagus grew throughout the Murray Basin, probably on the dry ground in the flood plain complex. Occasionally it was dominant, but most of the forests were mixed. The fusca-type flourished on well drained sites, especially in the north-east. The menziesii-type became prominent in the mid-Miocene, when the climate was becoming drier. The brassii-type was probably the only type in the deeper, swampier parts of the basin. Gymnosperms were intimately connected with the semi-swamp forest. Araucariaceae–Casuarinaceae forests formed a coastal zone around the Miocene marine incursion. Herbaceous fresh water swamps were found in the north-west, where they formed disjuncts from the swampy margin of Lake Frome. Myrtaceae was found throughout, sometimes abundantly, but eucalypts were rare. Geographic variation, changes through time and forest dynamics, including possibly one very rare modification after burning, are detailed.

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