large mammal
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2022 ◽  
Vol 163 ◽  
pp. 103125
Saverio Bartolini-Lucenti ◽  
Omar Cirilli ◽  
Luca Pandolfi ◽  
Raymond Louis Bernor ◽  
Maia Bukhsianidze ◽  

2022 ◽  
Vol 13 (1) ◽  
Vinicius L. Dantas ◽  
Juli G. Pausas

AbstractLarge mammal herbivores are important drivers of plant evolution and vegetation patterns, but the extent to which plant trait and ecosystem geography currently reflect the historical distribution of extinct megafauna is unknown. We address this question for South and Central America (Neotropical biogeographic realm) by compiling data on plant defence traits, climate, soil, and fire, as well as on the historical distribution of extinct megafauna and extant mammal herbivores. We show that historical mammal herbivory, especially by extinct megafauna, and soil fertility explain substantial variability in wood density, leaf size, spines and latex. We also identified three distinct regions (‘‘antiherbiomes’’), differing in plant defences, environmental conditions, and megafauna history. These patterns largely matched those observed in African ecosystems, where abundant megafauna still roams, and suggest that some ecoregions experienced savanna-to-forest shifts following megafauna extinctions. Here, we show that extinct megafauna left a significant imprint on current ecosystem biogeography.

2022 ◽  
pp. 299-314

2021 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 134-149
Mahakata I. ◽  
Bishi T.M.

Protected area (PA) downsizing has been documented worldwide, but associated challenges on biodiversity and large mammal conservation in Chirisa Safari Area (CSA) are poorly understood. This study assesses the challenges associated with CSA downsizing on large mammals and biodiversity conservation. Field observations and face-to-face interviews were done with park management of CSA and SWRI from the 28th May 2021 to 10th June 2021. Analysis of station records on illegal activities, human-wildlife conflict (HWC) reports and land cover changes from 2010 to 2020 was also done. Poaching, encroachment by local people and veld fires, habitat fragmentation and HWC were sighted as major threats to large mammal biodiversity conservation in CSA. Analysed land cover and land use changes show evidence of the expansion of cultivation land and human settlements into areas that previously served as wildlife habitats. These changes have implications on large mammal and biodiversity conservation in CSA related to species migration, population decline, habitat loss and conflicts. We recommend that further research be undertaken in other areas affected by downsizing in Zimbabwe to aid knowledge in explaining its effect on large mammals and biodiversity conservation in adjacent PAs.

Boreas ◽  
2021 ◽  
Irina V. Kirillova ◽  
Olga K. Borisova ◽  
Olga F. Chernova ◽  
Gary Haynes ◽  
Nina V. Narina ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Bastien Mennecart ◽  
Manuela Aiglstorfer ◽  
Yikun Li ◽  
Chunxiao Li ◽  
ShiQi Wang

AbstractFaunal provincialism between the North and South parts of Eastern Asia is shown to have been in place since the late Eocene. This provincialism structured the mammalian dispersals across Eurasia for millions of years and provides insights into both palaeonvironments and palaeoclimate zonation. In addition, this study reveals the oldest record of a crown ruminant (Iberomeryx from Shinao, China). Ecologically, as well as economically, ruminant artiodactyls are one of the most important large mammal groups today. The revision of the ruminants from the Shinao Formation, from the Caijiachong marls and Xiaerhete, resulted in two new taxa and shows that the different provinces were populated by distinct taxa living in different environments, dominated by the monsoon in the South and drier conditions in the North. Evaluating this result in a Eurasian context demonstrates that the dispersals from Asia to Europe was complex. These results confirm that there were at least two dispersal events, distinct in space and time: the Grande-Coupure from Northern and Central Asia along the North ca. 34 Mya and the Bachitherium dispersal event from the Southern province along a southerly route ca. 31 Mya.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (9) ◽  
pp. 19223-19231
Anna Niang ◽  
Papa Ibnou Ndiaye

Wildlife in the Great Green Wall (GGW) area, northern Senegal, is threatened by the cumulative effects of anthropogenic activities, drought, and climatic changes. To support conservation planning in line with the GGW management objectives, we studied large mammal diversity in the Koyli Alpha Community Wildlife Reserve in the GGW extension area. We interviewed local communities, made reconnaissance & transect walks, placed camera traps, and carried out fixed point surveys to map the distribution of mammals & to estimate their relative abundance. The surveys were conducted between May 2017 and December 2019. We identified the presence of nine mammal species belonging to six families: one lagomorph, Cape Hare Lepus capensis; seven carnivores, Common Jackal Canis aureus, Pale/Sand Fox Vulpes pallida, Wild Cat Felis silvestris, Marsh Mongoose Atilax paludinosus, Honey Badger Mellivora capensis, Zorilla Ictonyx striatus, Common Genet Genetta genetta, and one primate, Patas Monkey Erythrocebus patas. Our results indicate that the most of the observed species range broadly across the Koyli Alpha Reserve. The Wild Cat and the Sand Fox were also found outside the reserve around the village of Koyli Alpha. Camera trapping events of humans and domestic animals were high throughout the survey area, and the majority of the large mammals observed were mainly nocturnal. The diversity of large wild mammals identified during this study points to the urgent need for the implementation of a management plan of the biodiversity in this area of the Ferlo. 

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
Teresa Calderón ◽  
Walter Arnold ◽  
Gabrielle Stalder ◽  
Johanna Painer ◽  
Meike Köhler

AbstractGrowth rates importantly determine developmental time and are, therefore, a key variable of a species' life history. A widely used method to reconstruct growth rates and to estimate age at death in extant and particularly in fossil vertebrates is the analysis of bone tissue apposition rates. Lines of arrested growth (LAGs) are of special interest here, as they indicate a halt in bone growth. However, although of great importance, the time intervals between, and particularly the reason of growth arrests remains unknown. Therefore, experiments are increasingly called for to calibrate growth rates with tissue types and life history events, and to provide reliable measurements of the time involved in the formation of LAGs. Based on in vivo bone labelling, we calibrated periods of bone tissue apposition, growth arrest, drift and resorption over the period from birth to post-weaning in a large mammal, the red deer. We found that bone growth rates tightly matched the daily weight gain curve, i.e. decreased with age, with two discrete periods of growth rate disruption that coincided with the life history events birth and weaning, that were visually recognisable in bone tissue as either partial LAGs or annuli. Our study identified for the first time in a large mammal a general pattern for juvenile bone growth rates, including periods of growth arrest. The tight correlation between daily weight gain and bone tissue apposition suggests that the red deer bone growth model is valid for ruminants in general where the daily weight gain curve is comparable.

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