scholarly journals Design of an experimental four-camera setup for enhanced 3D surface reconstruction in microsurgery

2017 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 539-542 ◽  
Christian Marzi ◽  
Andreas Wachter ◽  
Werner Nahm

AbstractFuture fully digital surgical visualization systems enable a wide range of new options. Caused by optomechanical limitations a main disadvantage of today’s surgical microscopes is their incapability of providing arbitrary perspectives to more than two observers. In a fully digital microscopic system, multiple arbitrary views can be generated from a 3D reconstruction. Modern surgical microscopes allow replacing the eyepieces by cameras in order to record stereoscopic videos. A reconstruction from these videos can only contain the amount of detail the recording camera system gathers from the scene. Therefore, covered surfaces can result in a faulty reconstruction for deviating stereoscopic perspectives. By adding cameras recording the object from different angles, additional information of the scene is acquired, allowing to improve the reconstruction. Our approach is to use a fixed four-camera setup as a front-end system to capture enhanced 3D topography of a pseudo-surgical scene. This experimental setup would provide images for the reconstruction algorithms and generation of multiple observing stereo perspectives. The concept of the designed setup is based on the common main objective (CMO) principle of current surgical microscopes. These systems are well established and optically mature. Furthermore, the CMO principle allows a more compact design and a lowered effort in calibration than cameras with separate optics. Behind the CMO four pupils separate the four channels which are recorded by one camera each. The designed system captures an area of approximately 28mm × 28mm with four cameras. Thus, allowing to process images of 6 different stereo perspectives. In order to verify the setup, it is modelled in silico. It can be used in further studies to test algorithms for 3D reconstruction from up to four perspectives and provide information about the impact of additionally recorded perspectives on the enhancement of a reconstruction.

M. Dergach

The article reveals the peculiarities of playback theater as a psychodramatic technique, analyzes the current practice of using playback theater in the system of socialization and re-socialization. The author found that socialization, as a necessary process for interaction with the outside world, is manifested in the assimilation and appropriation of social experience for the purpose of productive functioning in it and to construct an image of the common and own world (as a part of the common), which allows a person to live a life while preserving individuality. and creatively influence the world. Within this provision, playback theater should be regarded as a technology of the paratheater system of dramatherapy, which is relevant at any stage of the socialization of the individual or as a means in the mechanisms of socialization. Playback theater contributes to the development of tolerance for social differences, the acceptance of another with all its features, values. Thanks to him, we learn to listen to understand others, because in the performance the main thing is the story of the viewer, the realization of which is impossible in reality without careful perception. The author has found that playback theater as a paratheater system of drama is a rather interesting and important means of socialization and re-socialization of the personality, it can be used in any group of people to solve problems of a wide range. The article describes in detail the content of the playback theater application, namely: social integration of individual subgroups into society; social and psychological adaptation of personality; social-psychological and therapeutic support for people who are in emotional and psychological state; creation of a more favorable social and psychological climate for the team; social and psychological support in complex events; development of personal qualities of children in educational institutions; social and psychological support of people in recreational activities; playback theater as a means of creating space for social networking. Prospects for further research on the topic of the article are to study the attitude of the audience to the performances of the playback theater, the search for the means of expression of the actors, the impact of playback on the children's audience.

Nasim Jahan ◽  
Ramesh Chandra ◽  
Mohd Shoeb ◽  

Birds contribute indirectly to human welfare as majority of them feed on insects and rodents and some are efficient scavengers. Poultry forming is a leading profession which provides nutritive food products for human consumption. However, these valuable resources can be infected with a wide range of blood parasites which may affect their survival and existence. In this study, the impact of Haemoproteus, an intracellular sporozoan parasite of the common pigeon. Columba livia on some heamatological parameters (Hb% and TEC) was examined. The investigations were conducted in two groups of Columba livia. Group A: Control, Group B, Heamoproteus infected. The Hb values (13.410.17gm/100ml) in Group A decline to (10.8±0.37 gm/100ml) in Group B. TEC in Group B also declined to 1.620.05×106/Cmm from the normal values of 2.19±0.02×10/Cmm in Group A. The fall in Hb% was 18.97%. and that in TEC was 24.2%. The values of TEC are more affected (24.2 %) as compared to Hb (18.97%). Being an intracellular parasite, the metabolism of Heamoproteus appears to be directly associated with the cells.

2019 ◽  
Vol 31 (4) ◽  
pp. 603-611 ◽  
Xiaorui Qiao ◽  
Atsushi Yamashita ◽  
Hajime Asama

Structure from Motion (SfM), as a three-dimensional (3D) reconstruction technique, can estimate the structure of an object by using a single moving camera. Cameras deployed in underwater environments are generally confined to waterproof housings. Thus, the light rays entering the camera are refracted twice; once at the interface between the water and the camera housing, and again at the interface between the camera housing and air. Images captured from scenes in underwater environments are prone to, and deteriorate, from distortion caused by this refraction. Severe distortions in geometric reconstruction would be caused if the refractive distortion is not properly addressed. Here, we propose a SfM approach to deal with the refraction in a camera system including a refractive surface. The impact of light refraction is precisely modeled in the refractive model. Based on the model, a new calibration and camera pose estimation method is proposed. This proposed method assists in accurate 3D reconstruction using the refractive camera system. Experiments, including simulations and real images, show that the proposed method can achieve accurate reconstruction, and effectively reduce the refractive distortion compared to conventional SfM.

Lenka Schnaubert ◽  
Simon Krukowski ◽  
Daniel Bodemer

AbstractSelf-regulated learning rarely happens in isolation and although there is a wide range of evidence that socio-cognitive information may impact decision making and learning, its role in metacognitive self-regulation remains understudied. Thus, we investigated how socio-cognitive information on assumptions and confidence in assumptions of an unknown other in a learning setting affects (1) changes in assumptions (i.e., convergence towards other), (2) perception of the other’s competence, and (3) the search for information (i.e., metacognitive and conflict-based regulation). In our empirical study, N = 60 students first read texts, then judged statements as being true or false and stated their confidence in these assumptions on an integrated confidence/answer scale, were then confronted with bogus information on the supposed answers of another learner (computer generated), and were then asked to (1) re-state their assumptions including confidence judgment, (2) judge the other’s competence, and (3) decide what statements they wanted additional information on. Results showed that learners (1) converged towards the other learner, (2) judged the other’s competence in accordance with the other’s stated confidence, and (3) regulated their learning based on their own (adjusted) confidence rather than on the presence or absence of socio-cognitive conflicts. This suggests that socio-cognitive information can affect how learners metacognitively evaluate own assumptions and thus impact self-regulatory processes, but also that confidence of others affects their perceived competence. Although the direct impact of socio-cognitive conflicts on regulatory processes remains unclear, this study fosters our understanding of self-regulated learning processes within social contexts.

2020 ◽  
Juan A. Balbuena ◽  
Clara Montlleó ◽  
Cristina Llopis-Belenguer ◽  
Isabel Blasco-Costa ◽  
Volodimir L. Sarabeev ◽  

Abstract1. Most species in ecological communities are rare whereas only a few are common. This distributional paradox has intrigued ecologists for decades but the interpretation of species abundance distributions remains elusive.2. We present Fuzzy Quantification of Common and Rare Species in Ecological Communities (FuzzyQ) as an R package. FuzzyQ shifts the focus from the prevailing species-categorization approach to develop a quantitative framework that seeks to place each species along a rare-commonness gradient. Given a community surveyed over a number of sites, quadrats, or any other convenient sampling unit, FuzzyQ uses a fuzzy clustering algorithm that estimates a probability for each species to be common or rare based on abundance-occupancy information. Such as probability can be interpreted as a commonness index ranging from 0 to 1. FuzzyQ also provides community-level metrics about the coherence of the allocation of species into the common and rare clusters that are informative of the nature of the community under study.3. The functionality of FuzzyQ is shown with two real datasets. We demonstrate how FuzzyQ can effectively be used to monitor and model spatio-temporal changes in species commonness, and assess the impact of species introductions on ecological communities. We also show that the approach works satisfactorily with a wide range of communities varying in species richness, dispersion and abundance currencies.4. FuzzyQ produces ecological indicators easy to measure and interpret that can give both clear, actionable insights into the nature of ecological communities and provides a powerful way to monitor environmental change on ecosystems. Comparison among communities is greatly facilitated by the fact that the method is relatively independent of the number of sites or sampling units considered. Thus, we consider FuzzyQ as a potentially valuable analytical tool in community ecology and conservation biology.

Feng Wang ◽  
Jiangchuan Liu

Network-wide Broadcast is one of the most fundamental services in wireless sensor networks (WSNs). It facilitates sensor nodes to propagate messages across the whole network, serving a wide range of higher-level operations and thus being critical to the overall network design. A distinct feature of WSNs is that many sensor nodes alternate between the active state and the dormant state, so as to conserve energy and extend the lifetime of the network. Unfortunately, the impact of such cycles has been largely ignored in existing network-wide broadcast implementations that adopt the common assumption of all sensor nodes being active all over the whole broadcast process. In this chapter, we first provide a brief survey on previous research works on network-wide broadcast services. We then revisit the network-wide broadcast problem by remodeling it with active/dormant cycles and showing the practical lower bounds for the time and message costs, respectively. We also propose an adaptive algorithm named RBS (Reliable Broadcast Service) for dynamic message forwarding scheduling in this context, which enables a reliable and efficient broadcast service with low delay. The performance of the proposed solution is evaluated under diverse network configurations. The results suggest that the proposed solution is close to the lower bounds of both time and forwarding costs, and it well resists to the network size and wireless loss increases.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 1-2
Nasim Jahan ◽  
Ramesh Chandra ◽  
Mohd Shoeb ◽  

Birds contribute indirectly to human welfare as majority of them feed on insects and rodents and some are efficient scavengers. Poultry forming is a leading profession which provides nutritive food products for human consumption. However, these valuable resources can be infected with a wide range of blood parasites which may affect their survival and existence. In this study, the impact of Haemoproteus, an intracellular sporozoan parasite of the common pigeon. Columba livia on some heamatological parameters (Hb% and TEC) was examined. The investigations were conducted in two groups of Columba livia. Group A: Control, Group B, Heamoproteus infected. The Hb values (13.410.17gm/100ml) in Group A decline to (10.8±0.37 gm/100ml) in Group B. TEC in Group B also declined to 1.620.05x106/Cmm from the normal values of 2.19±0.02x10/Cmm in Group A. The fall in Hb% was 18.97%. and that in TEC was 24.2%. The values of TEC are more affected (24.2 %) as compared to Hb (18.97%). Being an intracellular parasite, the metabolism of Heamoproteus appears to be directly associated with the cells.

2009 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
Chalimah .

eamwork is becoming increasingly important to wide range of operations. It applies to all levels of the company. It is just as important for top executives as it is to middle management, supervisors and shop floor workers. Poor teamwork at any level or between levels can seriously damage organizational effectiveness. The focus of this paper was therefore to examine whether leadership practices consist of team leader behavior, conflict resolution style and openness in communication significantly influenced the team member’s satisfaction in hotel industry. Result indicates that team leader behavior and the conflict resolution style significantly influenced team member satisfaction. It was surprising that openness in communication did not affect significantly to the team members’ satisfaction.

2021 ◽  
Ekaterina Mosolova ◽  
Dmitry Sosin ◽  
Sergey Mosolov

During the COVID-19 pandemic, healthcare workers (HCWs) have been subject to increased workload while also exposed to many psychosocial stressors. In a systematic review we analyze the impact that the pandemic has had on HCWs mental state and associated risk factors. Most studies reported high levels of depression and anxiety among HCWs worldwide, however, due to a wide range of assessment tools, cut-off scores, and number of frontline participants in the studies, results were difficult to compare. Our study is based on two online surveys of 2195 HCWs from different regions of Russia during spring and autumn epidemic outbreaks revealed the rates of anxiety, stress, depression, emotional exhaustion and depersonalization and perceived stress as 32.3%, 31.1%, 45.5%, 74.2%, 37.7% ,67.8%, respectively. Moreover, 2.4% of HCWs reported suicidal thoughts. The most common risk factors include: female gender, nurse as an occupation, younger age, working for over 6 months, chronic diseases, smoking, high working demands, lack of personal protective equipment, low salary, lack of social support, isolation from families, the fear of relatives getting infected. These results demonstrate the need for urgent supportive programs for HCWs fighting COVID-19 that fall into higher risk factors groups.

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