scholarly journals Changes and Differences in Poles’ Hierarchy of Values – on Basis of the European Social Survey

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 101-114 ◽  
Krzysztof Błoński

Abstract The purpose of this paper is to present the changes that have place with regard to Poles’ value system over the last 12 years, as well as to demonstrate differences based on sex, level of education and household income level. The analysis was based on the results of the European Social Survey (ESS). The research results indicate that the hierarchy of values cherished by Poles does not undergo significant changes. The most important values are security, universalism and benevolence. The least significant values include hedonism, stimulation and power. There are no identifiable differences in the hierarchies of values of women and men. However, there are noticeable differences depending on the level of education, household income level and age of surveyed respondents.

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (4) ◽  
Marcel Erlinghagen

The paper investigates in the question if and how the subjective well-being (SWB) of German emigrants, German non-migrants, and German remigrants differ. Based on regression analyses of data from the European Social Survey (ESS) the analyses focus on life satisfaction and happiness as main indicators of SWB. It turns out that German emigrants show increased SWB compared to German non-migrants or remigrants. However, these findings cannot be explained by differences in the socio-economic or socio-demographic group structure. In fact, the increased SWB of emigrants is much more an effect of psychosocial differences and differences in the individual evaluation of household income.

2006 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
Jürgen Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik ◽  
Uwe Warner

During the last decade, the number of cross-national and cross-cultural empirical research has increased; at the same time the need for comparative survey data grew considerably. Also more and more politicians and policy decision makers are looking across the national and cultural borders of their countries. Looking at the question of total net household income, we discus advantages and weaknesses of an input harmonized social survey. We demonstrate the impact of the national social, economic and legal particularities on the answering behavior of the surveyed respondent by comparing across countries the interview outcomes from the European Social Survey (ESS) and the European Community Household Panel (ECHP). ESS used a crude measurement of the total net household income interviewing only one randomly selected household member. ECHP surveyed all persons living in a sampled household and asked all income sources and components of the respondents and the household. In this paper we use ECHP as a reference showing the most accurate method to measure income, and compare this with the interview results of ESS. For comparative social surveys we propose a set of questions on income that takes into account the national circumstances. We get comparable data across countries reflecting the national tax systems, the particular practices in the earning structures and the national habits in summing up the different income components. We expect that such a new fieldwork instrument integrated into the data production of cross-national surveys may increase the analytical power of the comparative socio-demographic variable "total net household income".

Field Methods ◽  
2016 ◽  
Vol 29 (2) ◽  
pp. 140-153 ◽  
Celine Wuyts ◽  
Geert Loosveldt

Previous research shows that interviewers to some extent fail to expend the effort that is needed to collect high-quality survey data. We extend the idea of interviewer satisficing to a related task, in which the interviewers themselves answer survey questions. We hypothesize that interviewers who self-administer the questionnaire in a careless manner will also not apply themselves fully to the task of administering survey interviews. Based on interviewer and respondent data from the sixth round of the European Social Survey in Belgium, we find support for some of the hypothesized associations between (suboptimal) response characteristics of interviewers in the “task as respondent” and the same (suboptimal) response characteristics recorded for their respondents, specifically with regard to interview speed, multiple response, and item nonresponse to the household income question.

2015 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
Juergen Hoffmeyer-Zlotnik ◽  
Uwe Warner

In social surveys "total net household income" is an indicator of the re-spondent's socio-economic status. It describes the economic situation of household members and their positions in an income distribution. It is used as an explanatory variable in mobility studies and as a social-demographic back-ground item in inequality research. This paper shows the impact of questionnaire design on measurements of "total net household income" in social surveys. In particular we illustrate how the measurement quality of the income variable depends on the data sources about the national income distributions used to design the answer categories offered to the respondent. Beginning with the fourth round of European Social Survey fielded in 2008 and the following years, the income categories for the question about the "total net household income" amount are built on national income distribution of households resident in the country under study. The response categories of the modified ESS questionnaires have been based on deciles of the actual household income distribution in the country in question. The central organizers of European Social Survey (ESS) instruct the national questionnaire designers to define the income brackets for the answer categories using the deciles of the most reliable national income data source. Analyzing the ESS data from 2008, 2010 and 2012, we found in some countries remarkable divergences from the expected 10% frequencies in each category. In this article we argue that the quality of this new income measure depends on the quality of the reference statistics from which the national household income ranges are derived. The quality of the responses to the survey question about the "total net household income", and finally the quality of the obtained survey measure, depends on the quality of the reference statistics from which the household income categories for the answers is derived. These reference data must cover all types of the household's income from all household members and optimally represent the national distribution of household income across the survey universe. That means first that all possible payments accruing to a household and all its members in a given country must be reported in references, and second that all households in the survey's universe must be represented in the statistics used to detect the answer categories. Then the income brackets for the response categories can be calculated using the 10% percentiles from the income distribution in the reference data. Relevance, accuracy, timeliness, comparability, coherence, accessibility and clarity are quality domains of official statistics used as reference data for the survey measurement. We conclude that the central coordinators of the ESS define and communicate minimum threshold values for quality domains of the reference data. The national coordinators should report deviations. This would give the users of ESS data an insight into the quality of the income measurement.

Mega Calvina Kaparang ◽  
Djuwitha R.R. Aling ◽  
Grace O. Tambani

Abstract This research aims to study and determine the effect of diversification on household income of traditional fisherman in Mega Mas beach area and Bahu’s area. Based on the results of this research in the social condition of traditional fisherman can greatly affect the level of income and expenditure themselves level of education age structure, work experience, number of dependents. From both a research sites in 22 respondents took them to diversify their own business. The types of diversification of fisherman, among others, motorcycle taxis, construction workers, carpenters, stalls, tailors, cafeteria. Based on the research results, the revenues that fisherman can earn per trip was very varied. Income (fishing and diversification) are the most that they can earn is accordance with the result is on respondent No.1 Mr. Sony Broh (58years old) in coastal areas Mega Mas with total revenues accounted Rp. 11.712.000,- and the type of business diversification is open stalls/small kiosk. And revenues for at least the results of the research is on the respondent No.2 Mr. Wilson Lumikis (45 years old) in coastal areas Mega Mas with total revenues of Rp. 3.412.000,- millions and diversification effort is to become a tailor. Keyword: Business diversification, fisherman, revenue Abstrak Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mempelajari dan mengetahui pengaruh diversifikasi usaha terhadap pendapatan rumah tangga nelayan tradisional dikawasan pantai Mega Mas dan Bahu. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang di dapat kondisi sosial nelayan tradisional sangat mempengaruhi tingkat pendapatan dan pengeluaran nelayan itu sendiri, dilihat dari tingkat pendidikan, struktur umur, pengalaman kerja, jumlah tanggungan keluarga. Dari kedua tempat lokasi penelitian di ambil 22 responden nelayan yang melakukan diversifikasi usaha. Jenis-jenis diversifikasi usaha para nelayan antara lain menjadi tukang ojek, buruh bangunan, tukang kayu, warung, penjahit, kantin. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian, pendapatan yang di dapat para nelayan setiap pergi melaut (per-trip) sangat bervariasi. Pendapatan (menangkap ikan dan diversifikasi usaha) yang paling banyak di dapat sesuai dengan hasil penelitian adalah pada responden nomor 1 Bapak Sony Broh (58 tahun) di kawasan pantai Mega Mas dengan jumlah pendapatan sebesar Rp.11.712.000,- dan jenis diversifikasi usaha adalah membuka warung/kios kecil. Dan pendapatan yang paling sedikit dari hasil penelitian adalah pada responden nomor 2 Bapak Wilson Lumikis (45 tahun) di kawasan pantai Mega Mas dengan jumlah pendapatan sebesar Rp. 3.412.000 dan diversifikasi usaha yang dilakukan adalah menjadi penjahit. Kata kunci ; diversifikasi usaha, nelayan, pendapatan

Jana Stávková ◽  
Martin Souček ◽  
Naďa Birčiaková

The net financial income of households plays a crucial role in assessing their living standard. It determines of which social class they are members and, thus, their social status as well. In order to monitor their income situation, this paper uses survey data of the European Union Statistics on Income and Living Conditions (EU SILC). An abundance of identification data, such as economic activity, industrial classification or sector of economic activity, level of education, age, number of household members, place of residence, household type and others, makes it possible to identify factors that demonstrably influence the household income level. On this basis, it is possible not only to determine the commonly available social class definitions using income intervals, but also to identify specific causes affecting household income and, thus, link a particular household to a given social class. The goal of this article is to establish which factors influence the income level of households. The authors of this paper focused on four factors: social group membership, occupation classified according to the national economy sectors, the highest level of education attained by the household leader and their age. To analyse the influence of selected factors including their interaction and impact on the income situation of households, the authors applied the method of analysing variance between groups (ANOVA) using STATA statistical software. The Scheffe’s method of contrasts was used to determine specific differences between factor levels.

Intersections ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
Miroslava Bozogáňová ◽  
Jozef Výrost

While people have an influence on current political decisions, and as ordinary citizens represent the basis for political participation, depicting such political engagement in an empirical/practical way creates a concerning amount of methodological questions. Data obtained via the European Social Survey Round 1–7 offers the opportunity to outline and broaden the picture in terms of the personal (demographic and psychological) features of individuals who participate in politics to a greater or lesser degree. Participants from the seven rounds of the European Social Survey (ESS) were divided into three groups: higher, medium, and lower political participation (α = 0.642). A Scale of Political Participation was created based on ‘yes’ answers. It was found that those individuals who were female or had a lower level of education participated less, while older people were more politically participative than younger people. The psychological profile of these groups differs in terms of preferred values: attitudes, satisfaction, trust in people, and institutions.

2000 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 47-54 ◽  
Harvinder Sareen ◽  
Kimberley I. Shoaf

AbstractIntroduction:The medical impacts of disasters have focused on the injuries, illnesses, and deaths related to the disaster. Little has been written about the impact of disasters on persons who use prescription medications or those medications that require refrigeration, or those who require health aids. The objective of this study was an evaluation of the level of utilization of prescription medications and medications that require refrigeration as well as the use of health aids by the population affected by the disaster.Methods:Following the Northridge earthquake of 1994, a survey of Los Angeles County households was conducted to assess the impact of the earthquake. A total of 1247 households completed the 48 minute telephone interview. As part of the interview, 10 questions assessed the utilization of medications and medical aids by household members and the effects that the earthquake had on those medications and devices. Chi-square, analysis of variance (ANOVA), and logistic regression analysis were applied.Results:Of the 1,212 completed interviews, 21% of the households had a family member taking a prescription medication or a medication requiring refrigeration. Associated factors included gender, race, age, household income, level of education, presence of children, and the intensity of the earthquake (by the Modified Mercalli Index). Only 3% of those that reported medication usage noted problems associated with the use of these medications.Thirty-nine percent of the respondents indicated that someone in the household used a health aid (e.g., eyeglasses, hearing aid, etc.). Usage was related to gender, race, age, household income, level of education, presence of children, and the intensity of the shaking associated with the earthquake. Of these, 6.5% reported difficulty with these aids, usually related to loss or breakage.Conclusions:Although the proportions of the population requiring prescription or refrigerated medications and/or for those using health aids in Los Angeles seemingly are small, this translates to 630,000 households in which someone requires medications and 1.2 million households with a requirement for health aids. Thus, there are a huge number of persons at risk for serious medical problems related to these medications and devices that could produce profound medical problems during a disaster. However, during and following a moderate earthquake, it does not seem that the consequences will be great.

2012 ◽  
Vol 42 (1) ◽  
pp. 57-72 ◽  

AbstractIs public support for redistribution affected by the number of people experiencing economic strain in a country? This question is investigated by comparing twenty-eight countries in the fourth round of the European Social Survey 2008–09 using two-level linear regression models. The results show that individuals reporting economic strain support redistribution more strongly than those who do not experience economic strain. Further, individuals living in countries where many other people report economic strain also support redistribution more strongly than individuals living in countries with less economic strain. The latter correlation is not explained by objective measures of the economic situation such as household income or the income dispersal of the country. The country-level effect of economic strain holds for all income levels. It is largely driven by a tendency to strongly believe in redistribution when living in countries of widespread economic strain. The results indicate that governments would receive more rather than less public support for redistributive policies during periods of economic strain.

Pflege ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 28 (4) ◽  
pp. 233-243 ◽  
Gianfranco Zuaboni ◽  
Luciana Degano Kieser ◽  
Bernd Kozel ◽  
Katharina Glavanovits ◽  
Jörg Utschakowski ◽  

Zusammenfassung. Hintergrund: Der Recovery-Ansatz gewinnt in der psychiatrischen Forschung und Praxis zunehmend an Bedeutung. Im englischen Sprachraum ist die praktische Etablierung und wissenschaftliche Auseinandersetzung fortgeschritten. Um die Implementierung des Ansatzes zu unterstützen, sind Einschätzungsinstrumente notwendig. Ein verbreitetes und anerkanntes Instrument ist die Recovery Self Assessment Scale (RSA). Diese besteht aus vier Versionen eines Fragebogens, welche die Perspektiven von Nutzenden, Fachpersonen, Angehörigen und dem Management erfassen. Ziel/Methode: In diesem Artikel werden die Entwicklung des Instrumentes und der Übersetzungsprozess dargestellt. Zwei voneinander unabhängige Arbeitsgruppen verwendeten unterschiedliche Übersetzungsverfahren: Die Arbeitsgruppe aus der Schweiz (AGS) orientierte sich an den ISOR-Prinzipien, die Arbeitsgruppe aus Norddeutschland (AGN) an den Richtlinien des European Social Survey Programme zur Übersetzung von Fragebögen – TRAPD. Die Methoden unterscheiden sich darin, dass die TRAPD Fokusgruppen vorsieht. Die Ergebnisse der Arbeitsgruppen wurden mittels eines Konsensusverfahrens zur RSA-D zusammengeführt. Ergebnisse: Bei der Übersetzung und kulturellen Anpassung der RSA-D wurde die Nähe zum theoretischen Bezugsrahmen der RSA gewahrt und die Übertragbarkeit in den deutschsprachigen Kontext berücksichtigt. Schlussfolgerung: Bevor die RSA-D in der Praxis und Forschung eingesetzt werden kann, sollte in weiterführenden Studien die psychometrische Testung erfolgen.

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