scholarly journals Creating a Better Patient Safety Culture in Taiwan: The Viewpoints of Physicians and Registered Nurses

2017 ◽  
Vol 2 (4) ◽  
pp. 122-124
Chih-Husan Huang ◽  
Hsin-Hung Wu ◽  
Yii-Ching Lee ◽  
Li Li ◽  
Cheng-Feng Wu
2013 ◽  
Vol 19 (6) ◽  
pp. 609-617 ◽  
Hannele Turunen ◽  
Pirjo Partanen ◽  
Tarja Kvist ◽  
Merja Miettinen ◽  
Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen

Healthcare ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 9 (2) ◽  
pp. 189
Amy Campbell ◽  
Diana Layne ◽  
Elaine Scott

Registered nurses (RNs) working within acute care hospitals have an incredible responsibility to provide safe care in a complex environment which requires trust, teamwork, and communication. Nursing assistants (NAs) play a critical role in working with RNs to meet these growing demands of inpatient care. Minimal evidence exists exploring the relational quality between RNs and NAs within hospitals. The aim of this study is to explore RN and NA behaviors and experiences that promote patient safety and teamwork and enhance communication between RNs and NAs within the hospital environment. Qualitative analysis was used, with two focus groups which included six participants within each group (three RNs and three NAs) from two separate inpatient units. Transcripts were reviewed and coded for themes. Collaborative teamwork and two-way communication were commonly reported as behaviors that promote patient safety. Trust between RNs and NAs was identified as a key component of positive relationships between RNs and NAs. Participants identified four common behaviors that build trust, which were accountability, effective conflict resolution, collaborative teamwork, and prioritizing patient needs. Finally, teamwork was identified as a common strategy to increase communication effectiveness between RNs and NAs. High relational quality (RQ) between the RN and NA is an important component of teamwork and patient safety culture.

1970 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
Lia Mulyati ◽  
Dedy Rachman ◽  
Yana Herdiana

Budaya keselamatan merupakan kunci untuk mendukung tercapainya peningkatan keselamatan dan kesehatan kerja dalam organisasi. Upaya membangun budaya keselamatan merupakan langkah pertama dalam mencapai keselamatan pasien. Terdapat beberapa faktor yang berkontribusi dalam perkembangan budaya keselamatan yaitu; sikap baik individu maupun organisasi, kepemimpinan, kerja tim, komunikasi dan beban kerja. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui faktor determinan yang berhubungan dengan terciptanya budaya keselamatan pasien di RS Pemerintah Kabupaten Kuningan. Teknik pengambilan sampel yang digunakan incidental sampling 88 orang perawat pelaksana. Rancangan penelitian menggunakan survey analitik dengan pendekatan cross sectional, uji hipotesis digunakan Chi Square dan regresi logistik ganda. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan antara persepsi terhadap manajemen (p 0.0005, odd rasio 21.3), dukungan tim kerja (p 0.0005, odd rasio 13.34), stress kerja (p 0.006, odd rasio 3.94), kepuasan kerja (nilai p 0. 002) dengan budaya keselamatan pasien. Tidak terdapat pengaruh yang signifikan kondisi kerja dengan budaya keselamatan pasien dengan nilai p 0.507. Berdasarkan analisis multuvariat diperoleh persepsi terhadap manajemen menjadi factor determinan dengan nilai p 0.000 < α 0.05. Simpulan; unsur pimpinan memiliki pengaruh yang signifikan dalam menciptakan budaya keselamatan pasien. Pimpinan memiliki kewenangan dalam menerapkan system yang berlaku dalam organisasi, oleh karena itu gaya kepemimpinan, teknik komunikasi serta kemampuan manajerial merupakan suatu hal yang sangat perlu diperhatikan dalam menciptakan atmosfer kerja yang kondusif sebagai upaya terciptanya budaya keselamatan pasien. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian bahwa model kepemimpinan transformasional merupakan model yang sesuai diterapkan untuk meningkatkan budaya keselamatan pasien, pelatihan keterampilan komunikasi efektif serta pengembangan model pendidikan antar profesi sebagai upaya peningkatan kemampuan kolaborasi.Kata kunci:Budaya keselamatan pasien, stress kerja, kepuasan kerja.Determinant factors that are Influencing Patient Safety Culture in a Government-owned Hospitals in Kuningan Regency AbstractSafety culture is a key to support the achievement of occupational health and safety in an organization. An effort to build safety culture is the first step in ensuring patient safety. There are some factors that contribute in the development of safety culture, namely, individual and organizational attitude, leadership, team work, communication, and work load. This study aimed to identify the determinant factors that are related to achievement of patient safety culture in a government-owned hospital in Kuningan Regency. Eighty eight samples of nurses were recruited using incidental sampling technique. The research design was using cross sectional study, the hypothesis testing were using Chi Square and multiple logistic regression. The results showed that there were significant influenced between perception towards management (p= 0.0005, odd rasio 21.3), team work support (p= 0.0005, odd rasio 13.34), work-related stress (p= 0.006, odd rasio 3.94), work satisfaction (p= 0. 002) with patient safety culture. There was not significant influenced between work condition and patient safety (p= 0.507). The multivariate analysis showed that perception towards management was the determinant factor for patient safety culture (p 0.000 < α 0.05). In conclusion, leaders have significant influence in creating patient safety culture. Leaders have authority to implement systems in the organization. Therefore, leadership style, communication technique, and managerial ability are important in order to create a conducive atmosphere for developing patient safety culture. As recommendation, transformational leadership is a model that is appropriate to be applied in order to increase patient safety culture, trainings of effective communication and inter-professional education model are also needed to increase the collaboration skills among health professionals.Keywords:Patient safety culture, work-related stress, work satisfaction.

Edenise Maria Santos da Silva-Batalha ◽  
Marta Maria Melleiro

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a percepção de trabalhadores de enfermagem de um hospital de ensino acerca da cultura de segurança do paciente frente à gestão hospitalar. Trata-se de uma pesquisa quantitativa desenvolvida em um hospital de 900 leitos. A amostra foi composta por 301 profissionais de enfermagem. O instrumento de coleta foi o questionário da Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality, intitulado Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture, traduzido para o Português e adaptado da versão original em inglês. A análise deu-se por meio de estatísticas descritivas e testes específicos. Os resultados referentes à dimensão “Apoio da gestão hospitalar para segurança do paciente” evidenciaram que 53,6% dos participantes discordavam que a administração propiciava um clima de trabalho favorável à segurança do paciente, 46% discordavam que a segurança do paciente fosse uma prioridade da administração e 58,3% concordavam que a administração apenas se interessava pela segurança após a ocorrência de eventos adversos. Tais resultados demonstram a necessidade de envolvimento maior da gestão hospitalar para com a segurança dos pacientes, favorecendo o amadurecimento da cultura de segurança. Ainda, a relação entre a enfermagem e a gestão hospitalar deve ser fortalecida, baseando-se em relações mais próximas e lineares. Conclui-se que não é apenas uma parte da organização que é responsável pela cultura de segurança, há, portanto, a necessidade de envolver a gestão e todos os trabalhadores na criação, implementação e fortalecimento dos sentimentos, valores, comportamentos, atitudes e ações que irão fomentar essa cultura. Palavras-chave: Administração hospitalar. Segurança do paciente. Enfermagem.

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