Water balance Simulation Model for Optimal Reservoir Sizing and Multi-crop Cultivation Area for Small Scale Water Harvesting in rainfed farming System at Khor Abu Farga - Gadarif –Sudan

1997 ◽  
Vol 123 (2) ◽  
pp. 123-128 ◽  
I. Sanchez-Cohen ◽  
V. L. Lopes ◽  
D. C. Slack ◽  
M. M. Fogel

2007 ◽  
Vol 15 (3) ◽  
pp. 83-97
Dr. Mohammad E. Mohammad ◽  
Dr. Ahmed Y. Hachum

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (5) ◽  
pp. 853
Mohsen Soltani ◽  
Julian Koch ◽  
Simon Stisen

This study aims to improve the standard water balance evapotranspiration (WB ET) estimate, which is typically used as benchmark data for catchment-scale ET estimation, by accounting for net intercatchment groundwater flow in the ET calculation. Using the modified WB ET approach, we examine errors and shortcomings associated with the long-term annual mean (2002–2014) spatial patterns of three remote-sensing (RS) MODIS-based ET products from MODIS16, PML_V2, and TSEB algorithms at 1 km spatial resolution over Denmark, as a test case for small-scale, energy-limited regions. Our results indicate that the novel approach of adding groundwater net in water balance ET calculation results in a more trustworthy ET spatial pattern. This is especially relevant for smaller catchments where groundwater net can be a significant component of the catchment water balance. Nevertheless, large discrepancies are observed both amongst RS ET datasets and compared to modified water balance ET spatial pattern at the national scale; however, catchment-scale analysis highlights that difference in RS ET and WB ET decreases with increasing catchment size and that 90%, 87%, and 93% of all catchments have ∆ET < ±150 mm/year for MODIS16, PML_V2, and TSEB, respectively. In addition, Copula approach captures a nonlinear structure of the joint relationship with multiple densities amongst the RS/WB ET products, showing a complex dependence structure (correlation); however, among the three RS ET datasets, MODIS16 ET shows a closer spatial pattern to the modified WB ET, as identified by a principal component analysis also. This study will help improve the water balance approach by the addition of groundwater net in the ET estimation and contribute to better understand the true correlations amongst RS/WB ET products especially over energy-limited environments.

Africa ◽  
1992 ◽  
Vol 62 (4) ◽  
pp. 465-489 ◽  
Jane I. Guyer

AbstractA comparison of data collected in western Nigeria (the Yoruba area) in 1968-69 and 1988 suggests that small-scale male farmers' patterns of work remained quite similar in the total amount of work they did and in the amount by task. This finding seemed surprising, since the study area lies in the food supply hinterland of the rapidly growing cities of Ibadan, Lagos and Abeokuta. The farming system has changed in several ways in response to increased urban demand and improved transport, including an increase in farm size on the part of male farmers. Changed cropping patterns, the increased use of hired labour and somewhat increased returns to labour seem only partly to account for the persistence. Analysis of the work data in terms of its timing, rather than in terms of time, suggests that farmers are tending to work at the same task in longer stretches ofconsecutive days, and this, in turn, is related to the marked rescheduling of traditional ceremonial life and the intensified politico-associational life moved to the weekend.

2005 ◽  
Vol 41 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-92 ◽  
G. P. BUTLER ◽  

Potatoes are an important cash crop for small-scale producers worldwide. The move away from subsistence to commercialized farming, combined with the rapid growth in demand for processed agricultural products in developing countries, implies that small-scale farmers and researchers alike must begin to respond to these market changes and consider post-harvest treatment as a critical aspect of the potato farming system. This paper presents and assesses a low cost potato-grading machine that was designed explicitly to enable small-scale potato growers to sort tubers by size for supply to commercial processors. The results of ten experiments reveal that the machine achieves an accuracy of sort similar to commercially available graders. The machine, which uses parallel conical rollers, has the capacity to grade different tuber shapes and to adjust sorting classes, making it suitable for locations with high potato diversity. Its relatively low cost suggests that an improved and adapted version of this machine might enhance market integration of small-scale potato producers not only in Peru, but in other developing countries as well.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (3) ◽  
pp. 194-207

The Hoge Kempen rural industrial transition landscape: a layered landscape of Outstanding Universal Value? Up until the beginning of the 20th century, the eastern part of the Belgian province of Limburg was a sparsely populated and not very productive part of the country. The dominating heathland was maintained with sheep, which were an essential part of a small-scale extensive farming system. This all changed when coal was discovered in 1901. Seven large coalmines were established in a few decades, each one employing thousands of coal-miners. This also meant that entire new garden cities were built, to house the coal-miners and their families. The confrontation between the small-scale traditional land-use and the new large-scale industrial developments defines the landscape up to today. The scale and the force of the turnover are considered unprecedented for Western Europe, which is why it is being presented by Belgium for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

2019 ◽  
Vol 34 (02) ◽  
R. K. Jaiswal ◽  
T. Thomas ◽  
Jyoti P Patil ◽  
Meeta Gupta ◽  
V. C. Goyal

It is a well-known fact that it is not all possible to avoid droughts, but droughts can be managed to minimise the hardships of the local population. For this purpose, understanding of the supply-demand scenario is of utmost importance to understand the overall hydrology and planning needs of any watershed. It is in this direction, the comprehensive water balance analysis has been performed for the Sajnam watershed in Lalitpur district of Bundelkhand which is susceptible to regular and continuous droughts. The detailed water balance has been carried out after identification of important components and their quantification using the advance tools of Remote Sensing and GIS alongwith standard estimation techniques of individual components. It was observed that the runoff at the outlet of Sajnam basin is influenced by the water storage in the irrigation project located on the main river. The higher surface runoff of 668.53 MCM, 406.17 MCM, 343.46 MCM and 214.00 MCM is generated only during 2013-14, 2008-09, 2012-13 and 2010-11 respectively. During the remaining years, the runoff varied between 89.35 MCM and 209.81 MCM. Efforts can be initiated towards exploring the possibility of more water harvesting structures onthe lower order tributaries as well as artificial recharge measures depending on the hydro-geology of the watershed..

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