Land Use Change and Commodity Frontiers

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
Daniel M. Cáceres ◽  
Esteban Tapella ◽  
Diego A. Cabrol ◽  
Lucrecia Estigarribia

Argentina is experiencing an expansion of soya and maize cultivation that is pushing the agricultural frontier over areas formerly occupied by native Chaco forest. Subsistance farmers use this dry forest to raise goats and cattle and to obtain a broad range of goods and services. Thus, two very different and non-compatible land uses are in dispute. On the one hand subsistance farmers fostering an extensive and diversified forest use, on the other hand, large-scale producers who need to clear out the forest to sow annual crops in order to appropriate soil fertility. First, the paper looks at how these social actors perceive Chaco forest, what their interests are, and what kind of values they attach to it. Second, we analyze the social-environmental conflicts that arise among actors in order to appropriate forest’s benefits. Special attention is paid to the role played by the government in relation to: (a) how does it respond to the demands of the different sectors; and (b) how it deals with the management recommendations produced by scientists carrying out social and ecological research. To put these ideas at test we focus on a case study located in Western Córdoba (Argentina), where industrial agriculture is expanding at a fast pace, and where social actors’ interests are generating a series of disputes and conflicts. Drawing upon field work, the paper shows how power alliances between economic and political powers, use the institutional framework of the State in their own benefit, disregarding wider environmental and social costs. 

2016 ◽  
Vol 60 (2) ◽  
pp. 15-25
V. Obolenskiy

The development of Russian foreign trade during the previous five years is analyzed. It is stated that, in terms of value, exports of services and imports of goods and services steadily grew during the first four years of the period under review. Exports of goods also rose during three years, but in 2014 both exports and imports again fell in comparison with the previous year as was the case five years ago. The composition of the Russian exports and imports of goods did not change radically during the previous years. The main items of export are, as always, mineral products, metals and fertilizers. Import is prevailed by foodstuffs, chemicals and heavy engineering equipment. The current situation is featured by the reduction of world oil prices, slump of the domestic economy and war of sanctions with the Western countries. All this substantially impairs the conditions of Russia’s foreign trade activities and inhibits its development in the upcoming years. In the author’s view, the implementation of measures worked out by the government – correction of tariff liabilities before the WTO, redirecting of trade streams from the European to the Asian markets, import substitution and export support – will unlikely improve the situation. Revision of the liabilities before the WTO in the conditions of the decrease of the internal demand and serious devaluation of Ruble is considered as inappropriate and counterproductive. “Asiatic turn” is only capable to compensate to a certain respect the loss of supplies of some food products from Europe, but cannot fully offset the loss of potentialities of the acquisition of modern technologies and equipment from the developed countries. It is doubtful that it will be possible to dramatically cut the import dependence. It is necessary to replace many kinds of foreign goods, but it is impossible to implement a frontal substitution of import in all directions. Excessive stress on the import substitution might lead to the emergence of shortages and poorer availability of some goods at the internal market and, at the worst, to self-isolation and economic autarky. The attempts to build up an effective system of export support might be successful only in the conditions of the establishment of the large-scale production of goods and services which would be comparable with the foreign analogues in respect to the criteria of price and quality. Taking this into consideration the technological renovation of production processes, first of all in the manufacturing industry, and on this basis rising up of the competitiveness of plants and factories are the most important prerequisites for encouraging export activities and formation of the new export specialization of the country.

One of the leading causes of economic instability is the large-scale counterfeiting of the paper currency notes. Several media reports bring to light the alarming cases and the humungous scales of currency counterfeiting and how this issue has become very serious now. A report on how the Government is coping with these threats with new and stricter rules however counterfeiters adapt to the new rules in an alarmingly fast pace. Criminals continue to find a loophole in the system despite such strict security features. There have been impressive discoveries in the field of counterfeit currency, and this coupled with new age digital technology, counterfeiting is being fought well. However, it is impossible to track all counterfeit notes and impossible to have them checked at a short amount of time. Existing systems involve filing a case with the police, sending the documents for verification and waiting for the results to come. This method is based on Deep Learning, which has seen tremendous success in image classification tasks in recent times. This technique can help both people and machine in identifying a fake currency note in real time through an image of the same. Traditional Deep Learning algorithms require tremendous amount of compute power and storage and hence it is an expensive and elaborate process. The main goal is to make a faster and simpler mechanism to detect a counterfeit note that can be implemented in any random place like an ATM dispenser or an android application. The success of this application will greatly help the quick identification of the threat and help law enforcement in finding the source of the threat faster.

2018 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 59-72
Sri Hudiarini ◽  
Galuh Kartiko ◽  
Hudriyah Mundzir

Today the growth of the business world is growing so rapidly, it is also supported to expand the business which is more varied, including through franchise (Franchise). Which of these principles for some entrepreneurs is considered more effective, effective and profitable in the development of a business. In Indonesia, the regulation of franchises is based on agreements made by the parties on the basis of the applicable law, in this case the Government Regulation and the Minister of Trade Regulation. Franchise is a form of business that gets a lot of attention from business people, because it can be one way to increase economic activity and give opportunity to weak economic class to try, this means, Franchise can provide job opportunity, equality and also create field work for the community. In addition, the profits of this business are low cost and the materials already provided are also not too take place so vast, franchise recipients no longer need to bother developing their business by building a good and famous image. It is enough to ride on the famous fame of the franchisor, so franchisees who are generally small entrepreneurs will enjoy the success and luck of large-scale companies without having to carry out their own research and development, marketing and promotion that usually requires enormous expenses that the small businessman is unlikely to bear.

2016 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 227
Hadi Arnowo ◽  
Djudjuk Tri Handayani

Abstract : ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) has the aims to transform ASEAN into a stable, prosperous, and highly competitive region through equitable economic development, poverty reduction and socio-economic disparities. As a consequence, since 2015, ASEAN becomes region with free trade of goods, services, investment, and skilled labor. The impact of the implementation of MEA is shown by the price and quality of goods and services that become competitive, affecting domestic products and services from Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs), as well as farmers. The government has sought to support SMEs and farmers through direct and indirect assistance. Land is the sector that has the most influential effect among other sectors to provoke economic growth of SMEs and farmers, because land has the function as natural resource as well as work location. To optimize this, land policies are needed to regulate land use arrangement, land asset legalization, control of land utilization and community empowerment through access reform. Asset legalization for SMEs and farmers, as well as asset legalization for infrastructures. Land use and land utilization control was implemented to optimize large-scale agricultural area by set up cooperation scheme with local people. Community empowerment was implemented through access reform, prioritized to the regions that have leading commodities or products. Keywords : competition, land use arrangement, assets legalization, land utilization, community empowermentIntisari : Pembentukan Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (MEA) bertujuan untuk mentransformasikan ASEAN menjadi kawasan yang stabil, makmur, dan sangat kompetitif melalui ekonomi pembangunan yang adil, berkurangnya kemiskinan dan kesenjangan sosial-ekonomi. Sebagai konsekuensinya, ASEAN menjadi daerah dengan pergerakan bebas barang, jasa, investasi, tenaga kerja terampil, dan aliran modal sejak tahun 2015.Dampak pemberlakuan MEA adalah terjadinya persaingan harga dan kualitas barang dan jasa yang berpengaruh terhadap produk dan jasa domestik yang umumnya dilakukan oleh pelaku Usaha Kecil dan Menengah (UKM) dan petani. Pemerintah telah berupaya membantu pelaku UKM dan petani melalui bantuan langsung dan tidak langsung. Sektor pertanahan adalah sektor yang paling berpengaruh terhadap tumbuhnya perekonomian pelaku UKM dan petani. Hal tersebut karena tanah merupakan sumberdaya alam sekaligus ruang tempat berusaha. Agar dapat membantu pelaku UKM dan petani diperlukan langkah–langkah kebijakan pertanahan berupa penatagunaan tanah, legalisasi aset, pengendalian pemanfaatan tanah, dan pemberdayaan masyarakat melalui akses reform. Legalisasi aset bagi pelaku UKM dan petani serta legalisasi aset untuk infrastruktur. Pengendalian pemanfaatan tanah adalah untuk mengoptimalkan tanah pertanian berskala besar melalui kerjasama dengan penduduk sekitar. Pemberdayaan masyarakat dilaksanakan dengan menfasilitasi UKM dan petani untuk memperoleh akses permodalan dimana prioritas ditujukan pada lokasi–lokasi yang memiliki produk atau komoditi unggulan. Kata Kunci : kompetisi, penatagunaan tanah, legalisasi aset, pemanfaatan tanah, pemberdayaan masyarakat

2019 ◽  
Vol 118 (10) ◽  
pp. 365-372
Jayanti.G ◽  
Dr. V.Selvam

India being a democratic and republic country, has witnessed the biggest indirect tax reform after much exploration, GST bill roll out on 1 April 2017.  The concept of this reform is for a unified country-wide tax reform system.  Enterprises particularly SMEs are caught in a state of instability.  Several taxes such s excise, service tax etc., have been subsumed with a single tax structure. it is the responsibilities of both centre and state government to shoulder the important responsibility to cater the needs of the people and the nation as a whole.  The main basis of income to the government is through levy of taxes.  To meet the so called socio-economic needs and economic growth, taxes are considered as a main source of revenue for the government.  As per Wikipedia “A tax is a mandatory financial charge or some other type of levy imposed upon tax payer by the government in order to fund various public expenditure”   it is said that tax payment is mandatory, failure to pay such taxes will be punishable under the law.   The Indian tax system is classified as direct and indirect tax.   The indirect taxes are levied on purchase, sale, and manufacture of goods and provision of service.  The indirect tax on goods and services increases its price, this can lead to inflationary trend.  Contribution of indirect taxes to total tax revenue is more than 50% in India, therefore, indirect tax is considered as a major source of tax revenue for the government, which in turn is one of source for GDP growth.  Though indirect tax is a major source of revenue, it had lot of hassles.  To overcome the major issues of indirect tax system the government of India subsumed most of the indirect tax which in turn gave birth to the concept called Goods and Service Tax.

2019 ◽  
Vol 12 (3) ◽  
pp. 77-85
L. D. Kapranova ◽  
T. V. Pogodina

The subject of the research is the current state of the fuel and energy complex (FEC) that ensures generation of a significant part of the budget and the innovative development of the economy.The purpose of the research was to establish priority directions for the development of the FEC sectors based on a comprehensive analysis of their innovative and investment activities. The dynamics of investment in the fuel and energy sector are considered. It is noted that large-scale modernization of the fuel and energy complex requires substantial investment and support from the government. The results of the government programs of corporate innovative development are analyzed. The results of the research identified innovative development priorities in the power, oil, gas and coal sectors of the fuel and energy complex. The most promising areas of innovative development in the oil and gas sector are the technologies of enhanced oil recovery; the development of hard-to-recover oil reserves; the production of liquefied natural gas and its transportation. In the power sector, the prospective areas are activities aimed at improving the performance reliability of the national energy systems and the introduction of digital technologies. Based on the research findings, it is concluded that the innovation activities in the fuel and energy complex primarily include the development of new technologies, modernization of the FEC technical base; adoption of state-of-the-art methods of coal mining and oil recovery; creating favorable economic conditions for industrial extraction of hard-to-recover reserves; transition to carbon-free fuel sources and energy carriers that can reduce energy consumption and cost as well as reducing the negative FEC impact on the environment.

Angela Dranishnikova

In the article, the author reflects the existing problems of the fight against corruption in the Russian Federation. He focuses on the opacity of the work of state bodies, leading to an increase in bribery and corruption. The topic we have chosen is socially exciting in our days, since its significance is growing on a large scale at all levels of the investigated aspect of our modern life. Democratic institutions are being jeopardized, the difference in the position of social strata of society in society’s access to material goods is growing, and the state of society is suffering from the moral point of view, citizens are losing confidence in the government, and in the top officials of the state.

1996 ◽  
pp. 64-67 ◽  
Nguen Nghia Thin ◽  
Nguen Ba Thu ◽  
Tran Van Thuy

The tropical seasonal rainy evergreen broad-leaved forest vegetation of the Cucphoung National Park has been classified and the distribution of plant communities has been shown on the map using the relations of vegetation to geology, geomorphology and pedology. The method of vegetation mapping includes: 1) the identifying of vegetation types in the remote-sensed materials (aerial photographs and satellite images); 2) field work to compile the interpretation keys and to characterize all the communities of a study area; 3) compilation of the final vegetation map using the combined information. In the classification presented a number of different level vegetation units have been identified: formation classes (3), formation sub-classes (3), formation groups (3), formations (4), subformations (10) and communities (19). Communities have been taken as mapping units. So in the vegetation map of the National Park 19 vegetation categories has been shown altogether, among them 13 are natural primary communities, and 6 are the secondary, anthropogenic ones. The secondary succession goes through 3 main stages: grassland herbaceous xerophytic vegetation, xerophytic scrub, dense forest.

Morten Egeberg ◽  
Jarle Trondal

Chapter 8 draws attention to meta-governance and how the governing of reforms is affected by how reform processes are organized. The chapter asks how reformers can ensure support for large-scale reforms that are likely to attract profound resistance. The focal point of the chapter is a study of geographical decentralization of central government agencies. The chapter argues that successful meta-governance can be provided for by careful organization of the reform process. The empirical case studied is a large-scale relocation of government agencies in Norway during the early 2000s. In carrying out this reform, the government succeeded against the odds. Most importantly, research has revealed huge constraints on the instrumental control of large-scale reforms in general and of geographical relocation of organizations in particular. Yet, this chapter shows that large-scale reforms can be successfully achieved through careful crafting of the reform organization.

2020 ◽  
Luca Menghini ◽  
Nicola Cellini ◽  
Aimee Goldstone ◽  
Fiona C Baker ◽  
Massimiliano de Zambotti

Abstract Sleep-tracking devices, particularly within the consumer sleep technology (CST) space, are increasingly used in both research and clinical settings, providing new opportunities for large-scale data collection in highly ecological conditions. Due to the fast pace of the CST industry combined with the lack of a standardized framework to evaluate the performance of sleep trackers, their accuracy and reliability in measuring sleep remains largely unknown. Here, we provide a step-by-step analytical framework for evaluating the performance of sleep trackers (including standard actigraphy), as compared with gold-standard polysomnography (PSG) or other reference methods. The analytical guidelines are based on recent recommendations for evaluating and using CST from our group and others (de Zambotti and colleagues; Depner and colleagues), and include raw data organization as well as critical analytical procedures, including discrepancy analysis, Bland–Altman plots, and epoch-by-epoch analysis. Analytical steps are accompanied by open-source R functions (depicted at In addition, an empirical sample dataset is used to describe and discuss the main outcomes of the proposed pipeline. The guidelines and the accompanying functions are aimed at standardizing the testing of CSTs performance, to not only increase the replicability of validation studies, but also to provide ready-to-use tools to researchers and clinicians. All in all, this work can help to increase the efficiency, interpretation, and quality of validation studies, and to improve the informed adoption of CST in research and clinical settings.

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