1967 ◽  
Vol 55 (1) ◽  
pp. 91-96 ◽  
Benno Runnebaum ◽  
Josef Zander

ABSTRACT Progesterone was determined and identified in human peripheral blood during the preovulatory period of the menstrual cycle, by combined isotope derivative and recrystallization analysis. The mean concentration of progesterone in 1.095 ml of plasma obtained 9 days before ovulation was 0.084 μg/100 ml. However, the mean concentration of progesterone in 1.122 ml of plasma obtained 4 days before ovulation was 0.279 μg/100 ml. These data demonstrate a source of progesterone secretion other than the corpus luteum. The higher plasma-progesterone concentration 4 days before ovulation may indicate progesterone secretion of the ripening Graafian follicle of the ovary.

1972 ◽  
Vol 52 (1) ◽  
pp. 23-36 ◽  

SUMMARY Progesterone concentrations in the peripheral plasma of goats were measured by a protein-binding assay. The mean concentration was extremely low on the day of oestrus (0·2 ng/ml) and was not significantly different from that found in anoestrous or ovariectomized animals. The concentration increased to a maximum of 4 ng/ml on about day 10 of the 21-day cycle, and decreased rapidly during the last 3 days of the cycle. Plasma progesterone concentration during early pregnancy (2·5–3·5 ng/ml) was similar to the luteal phase value and remained steady from day 8 to day 60. Between days 60 and 70 there was a secondary increase in progesterone concentration which was maintained at this increased level (4·5–5·5 ng/ml) until just before parturition. In twin-bearing animals, the secondary increase was greater. Progesterone concentration decreased rapidly during the 1–2 days preceding parturition, but the concentration was still quite high on the day of parturition (1·25 ng/ml). The progesterone concentration in peripheral plasma was markedly increased during anaesthesia and the operation. After bilateral ovariectomy of the pregnant goat, peripheral progesterone concentration fell rapidly from 9 to 2·5 ng/ml during the first ½ h and then more slowly during the next 5–6 h. The animals aborted 36–48 h later. A consistent positive arterio—venous difference for progesterone was observed across the pregnant uterus in two unanaesthetized goats. These results indicate that the ovary is the main site of progesterone production in the pregnant goat and that production by the placenta is small and unlikely to influence the level of this hormone in the maternal circulation.

1982 ◽  
Vol 99 (4) ◽  
pp. 605-611 ◽  
I. F. Lau ◽  
S. K. Saksena ◽  
R. Salmonsen

Abstract. The concentrations of progesterone (Δ4P), 20α-dihydroprogesterone (20α-DHP), testosterone (T), oestrone (E1) and oestradiol-17β (E2β) in peripheral blood serum (PBS), amniotic fluid (AF) and placental tissue of rabbits during gestation were determined by radioimmunoassay. The placenta of the 10-day pregnant rabbit was fragile and composed mainly of maternal tissue. By the 12th day of pregnancy it was separable into maternal and foetal placentae. The mean concentration of Δ4P in PBS rose from 200 pg/ml (day 1 of pregnancy) to 17–21 ng/ml (days 10–15) and decreased gradually to 1 ng/ml a few hours before parturition. The 20α-DHP in PBS also showed an increase from 1.5 ng/ml (day 1) to 12 ng/ml (day 6) but fluctuated thereafter. The concentration of 20α-DHP in the PBS tended to be lower than that of Δ4P during pregnancy until the regression of the corpus luteum. An interesting observation was an increase of T on days 6–8 of pregnancy, the time when implantation occurs. The concentrations of E1 and E2β in PBS remained very low throughout pregnancy. Δ4P and 20α-DHP in AF ranged between 25 pg to 1 ng/ml and in no case during the course of pregnancy were the levels of T, E1 and E2β in AF higher than in PBS. Where the maternal placental Δ4P content remained between 1–2 ng/placenta, the foetal placenta Δ4P rose to a level of 15 ng/placenta by day 31 of pregnancy. A similar trend was recorded for 20α-DHP content. It is concluded that although a parallelism between PBS and myometrial steroid concentration was observed, no relationship could be drawn between the concentrations of steroid in PBS and those of the placental tissue and AF.

2019 ◽  
Vol 19 (2) ◽  
pp. 107-112
Budianto Panjaitan ◽  
Citra Chyntia Helwana ◽  
Nellita Meutia ◽  
Yusmadi Yusmadi ◽  
Tongku Nizwan Siregar ◽  

ABSTRAK.  Progesteron merupakan hormon yang berperan penting dalam proses pemeliharaan kebuntingan dan dihasilkan oleh corpus luteum. Penelitian ini bertujuan mengetahui hubungan antara kadar hormon progesteron pada fase awal luteal dengan kematian embrio pada sapi Aceh. Dalam penelitian ini digunakan empat ekor sapi betina dewasa berumur 3-5 tahun, bobot badan 150-250 kg, sehat secara klinis, dan memiliki reproduksi normal. Sapi disinkronisasi menggunakan 5 ml prostaglandin F2 alfa (PGF2α) dengan pola penyuntikan ganda berinterval 11 hari. Koleksi sampel darah untuk pengukuran konsentrasi progesteron dilakukan pada hari ke-5, 6, dan 7 pasca inseminasi. Pengukuran konsentrasi progesteron dilakukan menggunakan metode enzymelinked-immunoassay (ELISA), pemeriksaan kebuntingan dan kematian embrio menggunakan metode transrektal ultrasonografi pada hari ke-25 pasca inseminasi. Pemeriksaan diulang setiap 10 hari sampai hari ke-55 pasca inseminasi. Puncak sekresi progesteron pada sapi bunting dengan embrio yang bertahan hidup terdapat pada hari ke-7 (2,082 ng/ml), pada sapi Late Embryonic Mortality (LEM) di hari ke-5 (8,209 ng/ml) dan pada sapi tidak bunting di hari ke-7 (3,051±1,157 ng/ml). Sekresi progesteron sapi LEM pada hari ke-5 sampai dengan ke-7 cenderung menurun sedangkan pada sapi yang bertahan hidup cenderung meningkat.  (Correlation between progesterone levels in early luteal phase and embryonic death  in Aceh cattle) ABSTRACT. Progesterone is an important hormone that functions to maintain pregnancy and is produced by the corpus luteum. The aim of this study was to see a correlation between progesterone and the incidence of embryonic death in Aceh cattle. This study used four adult female cows, 3-5 years old, 150-250 kg body weight, clinically healthy, and have a normal reproduction. The synchronized with 5 ml prostaglandin F2 alfa hormone, and double injection pattern with 11-day intervals. The blood was collected for progesterone measurements on 5th, 6th, 7th day post artificial insemination. Measurement of progesterone concentration was carried out using an enzymelinked-immunoassay (ELISA), while pregnancy and embryo mortality was performed using the trans-rectal ultrasonography method on the 25th day after insemination. The examination was repeated every 10 days until day 55th after insemination. Progesterone secretion peaks in pregnant cows were on day 7th (2.082 ng/ml), in cattle Late Embryonic Mortality (LEM) on day 5th (8.209 ng/ml) and in cattle not pregnant on day 7th (3.051±1.157 ng/ml). The pattern of LEM progesterone secretion on days 5th to 7th tends to decrease while those that survive tend to increase.

1963 ◽  
Vol 27 (3) ◽  
pp. 333-336 ◽  
F. FUCHS ◽  

SUMMARY Progesterone determinations were carried out in twenty-eight samples of uterine venous blood collected from women between the 9th and 22nd weeks of pregnancy. The mean progesterone concentration was 35·4 μg./100 ml. plasma (range 8–97), which is ten times as high as the concentration in the peripheral blood.

Reproduction ◽  
2001 ◽  
pp. 643-648 ◽  
A Shaham-Albalancy ◽  
Y Folman ◽  
M Kaim ◽  
M Rosenberg ◽  
D Wolfenson

Low progesterone concentrations during the bovine oestrous cycle induce enhanced responsiveness to oxytocin challenge late in the luteal phase of the same cycle. The delayed effect of low progesterone concentrations during one oestrous cycle on uterine PGF(2alpha) secretion after oxytocin challenge on day 15 or 16 of the subsequent cycle was studied by measuring the concentrations of the major PGF(2alpha) metabolite (13,14-dihydro-15-keto PGF(2alpha); PGFM) in plasma. Two experiments were conducted, differing in the type of progesterone treatment and in the shape of the low progesterone concentration curves. In Expt 1, progesterone supplementation with intravaginal progesterone inserts, with or without an active corpus luteum, was used to obtain high, or low and constant plasma progesterone concentrations, respectively. In Expt 2, untreated cows, representing high progesterone treatment, were compared with cows that had low but increasing plasma progesterone concentrations that were achieved by manipulating endogenous progesterone secretion of the corpus luteum. Neither experiment revealed any differences in plasma progesterone concentrations between the high and low progesterone groups in the subsequent oestrous cycle. In both experiments, both groups had similar basal concentrations of PGFM on day 15 (Expt 1) or 16 (Expt 2) of the subsequent oestrous cycle, 18 days after progesterone treatments had ended. In both experiments, the increases in PGFM concentrations in the low progesterone groups after an oxytocin challenge were markedly higher than in the high progesterone groups. These results indicate that low progesterone concentrations during an oestrous cycle have a delayed stimulatory effect on uterine responsiveness to oxytocin during the late luteal phase of the subsequent cycle. This resulting increase in PGF(2alpha) secretion may interfere with luteal maintenance during the early stages of pregnancy.

2002 ◽  
Vol 55 (1-2) ◽  
pp. 11-20 ◽  
Luigi Devoto ◽  
Margarita Vega ◽  
Paulina Kohen ◽  
Olga Castro ◽  
Pilar Carvallo ◽  

1999 ◽  
Vol 11 (6) ◽  
pp. 317 ◽  
K. H. Al-Gubory ◽  
A. Solari ◽  
B. Mirman

In sheep, there have been few and conflicting data regarding the necessity of the corpus luteum (CL) for the maintenance of pregnancy. The aims of the present study were to examine the effect of luteectomy on and after Day 50 of pregnancy on maternal plasma progesterone concentrations and the progression of pregnancy, to determine the minimum placental progesterone support required for the maintenance of pregnancy, and to evaluate the effect of luteectomy on lambing performance. In Experiment 1, four ewes luteectomized on Day 50 of pregnancy aborted 2–7 days after surgery, whereas pregnancy progressed and parturition occurred between Days 143 and 149, with live lambs, in three of four ewes and in four ewes luteectomized on Days 60 and 70 of pregnancy respectively. The mean ( SEM) progesterone concentrations on the day before and one day after luteectomy decreased from 4.87 0.85 to 0.42 0.06 ng mL –1 (P<0.01), from 4.57 0.51 to 0.80 0.12 ng mL –1 (P<0.02) and from 6.05 0.52 to 1.67 0.11 ng mL –1 (P<0.01), respectively, for the ewes luteectomized on Days 50, 60 and 70 of pregnancy. The fall in progesterone concentrations was 90%, 80% and 71%, respectively, for the ewes luteectomized on Days 50, 60 and 70 of pregnancy. In Experiment 2, pregnancy progressed in four ewes luteectomized on Day 70 and parturition occurred between Days 146 and 149, with live lambs. The mean progesterone concentrations declined (P<0.01) from 6.9 0.7 ng mL –1 on the day before luteectomy to 2.1 0.3 ng mL –1 the day after surgery. The concentrations of progesterone in blood collected every 3 h during a 24-h period were stable on Days 60 and 80 of pregnancy, but they were lower (P<0.03) on Day 80 than on Day 60 of pregnancy, for each time period examined. In Experiment 3, the gestation length and birthweights of single, twin and triplet lambs were not different between the control intact ewes (n = 111) and the ewes luteectomized on Days 70–80 of pregnancy (n = 71). Lamb mortality was not different between the two groups (7.2% v. 8.4%, control v. luteectomized). In conclusion, these results showed that (1) the sheep CL is necessary to maintain pregnancy until at least Day 60, (2) progesterone withdrawal induced by luteectomy on and after Day 50 of pregnancy must be of a critical magnitude to provoke abortion, (3) after Day 60 of pregnancy, the CL and the placenta together secrete more progesterone than required for pregnancy maintenance, (4) there is no apparent 24- hour rhythm in maternal plasma progesterone concentrations before and after luteectomy, and (5) luteectomy at mid pregnancy has no apparent effect on gestation length, lamb birthweight or lamb mortality.

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