scholarly journals Eds. Lobanov, N. A., Mažeikienė, N., Skvortsov, V. N. 2013. Continuous education as a prerequisite of the development of professional competences

2014 ◽  
Vol 26 (31) ◽  
pp. 304-307
Ewa Kula ◽  
Tomasz Maliszewski

Continuous education as a prerequisite of the development of professional competences. Monography. Eds. N. A. LOBANOV, N. MAŽEIKIENĖ, V. N. SKVORTSOV. Saint-Petersburg: Pushkin Leningrad State University, 2013. 280 pp. ISBN 978-5-8290-1275-5.

2011 ◽  
pp. 93-97
O. I. Sumina

From 31 January to 2 February 2011 in St. Petersburg state University was held All-Russian conference "Development of geobotany: history and modernity" devoted to the 80 anniversary of the Department of geobotany and plant ecology of St. Petersburg state University and anniversaries of its teachers.


Приведен обзор особенностей применения портативныхNIR спектрометров общего назначения, используемых для анализа состава продуктов питания и лекарственных средств. Представлена модель агрегированного потока сетевого трафика от нескольких спектрометров и модель предоставления услуги, обеспечивающая снижение сетевой задержки и объема передаваемых данных. Рассмотрен метод построения сети на основе граничных вычислений для снижения сетевой задержки. Для проверки предложенной модели и метода проведено имитационное моделирование в среде AnyLogic. The Bonch-Bruevich Saint-Petersburg State University of Telecommunications The article provides an overview of the features of the use of portable general-purpose NIR spectrometers to analyze the composition of food or medicines. A model of the aggregated network traffic flow of several spectrometers and a service delivery model, which provides the reduction of network delay and amount of transmitted data, are presented. A method of constructing a network based on edge computing for reduction of network delay is considered. To verify the proposed model and method simulation modeling was carried out in the software environment AnyLogic.

2015 ◽  
Vol 11 (1) ◽  
pp. 35-40
A Vafeev Ravil ◽  
V Filimonova Natalia

The article is an analysis of the characteristics and constraints to the integration of the Yugra state university into the world educational space on the way to formation of the national model of multilevel continuous education that meets the needs of the individual and society. The article considers the main directions of the interuniversity educational cooperation and describes the possibility of introducing a system of motivational measures for their full and meaningful implementation.

Larisa Alexandrovna Darinskaia ◽  
Galina Molodtsova

The chapter deals with the problem of preparing a graduate of a classical university, possessing both professional and special competencies, which include expertise, knowledge, and skills obtained in the study of pedagogical disciplines. The effectiveness of student preparation largely depends on the results of their independent work, which is given a significant amount of academic time. At the same time, the teacher's task is to accompany the student's independent work and to draw up a system of non-standard tasks that develop communicative and creative skills, skills of working with scientific texts and project activities. The aim of the chapter is to reveal the possibilities of technologies of independent work organization that motivate students to dynamic cognitive activity while studying pedagogical disciplines (on the example of studying the course “Pedagogy” at Saint Petersburg State University).

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