scholarly journals Spatial injustice in the formation of land use territories in united communities

2020 ◽  
Vol 75 (4) ◽  
pp. 81-98
O. L. Popova ◽  

The author revealed the injustices in the territories formation of the united territorial communities (UTC) under the local self-government reform, which are manifested in different, uneven volumes of their land use and the resource basis in general for local socio-economic development. The methodological approach used by the authorities in determining the capacity of united communities in their formation (in terms of compliance with the criteria – the area and the population density), led to the fact that in rural areas with low population density they had to form large UTCs to reach specific parameters by population. The hypothesis that territorially large UTCs are capable is ambiguous: on the one hand, land tenure and land use is a resource for socio-economic development of communities, on the other – in a large area the cost of providing essential services to the population in remote villages increases together with the administrative and other costs. Paper proves that large-scale rural UTCs should become objects of the state support as the “rural areas in unfavourable conditions” under the State Strategy for Regional Development for 2021–2027. The author justifies injustices in the centralization of powers on disposal of land resources. The land decentralization as a transfer of relevant powers to UTC local governments will be finally completed, according to the Decree of the President of Ukraine “On some measures to accelerate reforms in the field of land relations” № 449 from 15.10.2020, which will contribute to orderliness in this area and filling local budgets. It is also advisable within the UTCs to give internal communities the right to dispose of their economic territory’s land resources in these communities’ interests. The paper shows discriminatory aspects of administrative reformatting of 120 voluntarily formed and functioning UTCs, according to the Government’s long-term plans for 2020: by recognizing them as insufficiently capable, they should join other communities or unite into larger UTCs.

Iryna Storonyanska ◽  
Khrystyna Patytska ◽  
Iryna Hrynchyshyn ◽  
Vasyl Chemerys

Purpose. The purpose of the article is to identify the spatial features of the social-economic development of territorial communities in the context of administrative and financial decentralization. Methodology /approach. The method of system analysis is used in the work – to research the spheres of central-peripheral interactions at the level of territorial communities; method of comparative analysis – to identify trends in the formation and development of interactions between the center and the periphery in communities and the factors that determine them; abstract-logical method – for the formation of theoretical generalizations and formulation of conclusions from the research; method of graphic visualization, which allows providing a clear presentation of the results of the analysis; sociological survey of chairmen of local councils of territorial communities of Lviv region – to determine the state of development of central-peripheral interactions in their communities. The key role of territorial and systemic approaches to the analysis of core-peripheral interactions in territorial communities is emphasized, which made it expedient to form a research method based on taking into account the conditions for the development of a particular environment and existing spatial restrictions. Results. The article identifies the features of the formation of core-peripheral interactions in the territorial communities of rural areas. It is focused on the formation of derivative core-peripheral interactions that arise in the territorial communities created during the implementation of administrative-territorial reform. On the basis of a systematic and comprehensive analysis, the existing and hidden core-peripheral dependencies were identified and the features of the mutual influence of the centers of the united territorial communities of the rural areas of the Lviv region on the socio-economic development of the community territory were revealed. The problems and risks of the development of the territory of the community are substantiated in the context of the mutual influence of a derivative nature. Originality / scientific novelty. A scientific approach to the identification of central-peripheral interactions in territorial communities was developed, which allows identifying the spatial effects of social, economic, managerial interactions of the center and the periphery within the community. A scientific-and-methodological approach to the assessment of central-peripheral interactions was developed, which provides for the selection of community groups according to certain criteria (community type (urban / rural / urban), community composition, location in the region) and their diagnosis in areas: analysis of strategic documents of local council on the development of central-peripheral interactions in a community; analysis of the management structure of the local council, representation of peripheral communities, compliance of the composition and structure of the governing body with the goals of community development; analysis of budget support for infrastructure development; research of employment opportunities in the community. The application of the approach will reveal the patterns of formation of central-peripheral interactions at the level of territorial communities. Practical value / implications. The results of the study make it possible to have a more comprehensive assessment of the state of the formation of central-peripheral interactions in territorial communities, contribute to the identification of risks of social conflict between different groups in the community and to form recommendations for their activation. The results are recommended for consideration by local governments when preparing proposals for socio-economic development and ensuring the financial capacity of local communities.

N.N. Balashova ◽  
D.A. Korobeynikov ◽  
S.A. Popova ◽  

Typologization of rural areas, taking into account differences in population density and level of socio-economic development, is necessary to identify “growth points” and strategic sustainability benchmarks. The method of integrated assessment of the level of socio-economic development of rural territories is proposed, according to which the grouping of Russian regions is carried out. Applying data on rural population density to the results of calculations allowed us to identify 12 typological groups, in the context of which unified recommendations on sustainable development of territories should be formed.

Svitlana Belei ◽  

The article considers the features and nature of changes in modern challenges in rural areas. Destabilizing trends of socio-economic development of rural areas have been identified. It is confirmed that despite the new opportunities for rural areas, strengthening the cohesion of rural communities, there are significant obstacles to their development, in particular, the state can not provide the necessary funds for projects or other measures to address social problems. Rural areas are significantly deprived of state support and financial and resource provision, and it is justified that in this aspect is very relevant fundraising activities, as it is focused on finding sources of funding for programs and projects of socio-economic development of rural areas. This encourages the development of fundraising in rural areas. The state of elaboration of problems of formation of financial and economic potential of territorial communities is defined, namely concerning use of fundraising activity as the innovative tool of formation of financial and economic potential of development of rural territories in the conditions of decentralization. The organizational and legal aspects of fundraising, factors of development of fundraising activity and influence of these factors on domestic realities are investigated; the characteristic features of fundraising in rural areas are determined, the priority directions of its development are revealed. Taking into account the peculiarities of rural areas, an algorithmic model of fundraising activities from the origin of ideas to the implementation and establishment of feedback from the donor has been developed. The methodological basis of the article is the fundamental provisions of economic theory, regional economy, inclusive development of rural, local finances and inter-budgetary relations. A set of both general scientific and special methods of economic research was used to solve the set tasks, which created a basis for a comprehensive analysis of the process of rural development on the basis of fundraising activities.

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 25-32
Farhana Mohamad Suhaimi ◽  
Ahmad Fatin Mohamad Suhaimi

This article examines waqf(pious endowment) hotel projects developed by Yayasan Waqaf Malaysia(YWM) for the economic development of Malaysian communities. Hotel projects were selected as the scope of this study because of their function as large-scale commercial projects and their impact on the development of Malaysian communities. The study involved three waqfhotel projects in Peninsular Malaysia. This study used interviews as primary sources and relevant documents as secondary sources. Data were analysed using a thematic approach. This study found that waqf hotel projects contribute to the economy through the optimal use of land resources, income generation and employment opportunities. Thus, the implementation of waqfhotel projects have the ability to contribute to the socio-economic development of society and the state.

2021 ◽  
pp. 31-34
Volodymyr HORYN ◽  

Introduction. Given the limited own resources of local self-government, it is important to ensure the effective functioning of the mechanism for providing investment subventions from the state budget. Such investment subventions include subventions for the formation of infrastructure in the united territorial communities and subventions for the implementation of measures of socio-economic development of separate territories. The purpose of the paper is the analysis of the mechanism of providing and using investment subventions to local budgets in order to identify disadvantages and eliminate them. Results. Providing an “infrastructure” subvention to local budgets has strengthened the capacity of united territorial communities and to some extent improved the quality of services provided to the population. During 2016–2019, UAH 6.5 billion was allocated from the State Budget of Ukraine to local budgets for infrastructure development and 9475 projects were implemented. With the help of these subventions, schools, kindergartens, outpatient clinics, cultural and sports institutions, water mains and roads were built and repaired, and specialized transport was purchased. However, in recent years, the role of this subvention has decreased significantly due to the fact that the number of UTCs that received an infrastructure subvention during 2016–2021 has increased significantly, and its volume has hardly changed. The amount of subventions from the state budget to local budgets for the implementation of measures for socio-economic development of certain territories has also decreased, which negatively affects the capacity of local governments in the field of investment projects. Conclusion. The volume of investment subventions remains insufficient, and their distribution is partly in a “manual mode”, which creates a favorable environment for political corruption and lobbying.

І. А. Маркіна

Розроблено кластерну модель дуалістичного (традиційна та органічна продукція) розвитку землекористування в Україні. Принциповою відмінністю від існуючих моделей є наявність Національного науково-виробничого агроекологічного парку, регіональних наукових (економічних) центрів розвитку сільських територій та зміщення акценту ролі держави на реалізацію економічних функцій як агента земельних інтересів. Представлена  система інформаційного провайдингу в управлінні земельними ресурсами аграрного сектору економіки. Запропоновано концепцію розвитку державно-приватного партнерства в системі землекористування, що заснована на агрохімічному, меліоративному, логістичному та збутовому напрямах та має на меті забезпечення поєднання можливостей мікро-, мініагентів, спільних агентів та держави, в тому числі із залученням коштів регіональних і глобальних агентів, на компліментарній основі з приводу раціонального землекористування та підвищення прямих і непрямих доходів всіх представників груп земельних інтересів. A cluster model of dualistic (traditional and organic products) development of land use in Ukraine has been developed. A fundamental difference from existing models is the existence of the National Research and Production Agroecological Park, regional scientific (economic) centers for the development of rural areas and the shift in the emphasis of the role of the state on the realization of economic functions as an agent of land interests. The presented system of information providers in the management of land resources of the agricultural sector of the economy. The concept of development of public-private partnership in the land use system based on agrochemical, meliorative, logistic and marketing directions is offered and aims to ensure the combination of the capabilities of micro-, miniagents, general agents and the state, also with the involvement of regional and global agents, on a complimentary basis for rational land use and increasing the direct and indirect income of all representatives of land interest groups.

Andriy Sava ◽  
Borys Sydoruk ◽  
Roman Voloshyn

Introduction. Under decentralization, there is a gradual transfer of powers and resources to local governments. In this case, one of the most urgent problem for rural areas, is the organization of rational land management from the position of financial support improving through the disposing of lands, and using available lands for community needs. Methods. General and special methods – monographic and abstract-logical, methods of generalization, comparison and analysis have been applied for data processing. Results. During the decentralization reform, it was found that 488 rural united territorial communities were formed, covering almost half the area of all UTCs created. In addition, nearly 800 village councils joint to the city-based UTCs. The ways of the redistribution of powers on the UTC land resources management are established at the expense of acquiring their own powers, obtaining delegated ones, as well as acquiring the rights of other institutions. Emphasis is placed on the benefits of managing land resources of rural communities at the local level. It has been determined that the applicable law restrict communal land use of UTC. At the same time, the importance of agricultural land outside the settlement transfer to the disposal of communities is emphasized. The importance of the land payment in the structure of local budget revenues is analyzed in detail, the key problems and contradictions that accompany the process of land management powers reallocation are identified. Suggestions are made to improve the rural communities land resources management through their inventory, accounting and monitoring, revision of rental rates for communal property, strengthening control over compliance with the terms of land use agreements, use of free lands in the interests of communities. Discussion. Further studies in this area are going to be aimed at developing a comprehensive mechanism for ensuring effective management of land resources in rural areas after the completion of decentralization. Keywords: land resources, rural territories, decentralization, united territorial communities, local governments.

1970 ◽  
Vol 4 (2) ◽  
pp. 42-61
C Okafor ◽  
EEO Chukwuemeka ◽  
JO Udenta

In the past five decades of political independence in Nigeria, local government administration has moved from the colonial styled Local administration characterized by peculiar systems to the federating units to the present unified and standardized system that constitutionally recognizes local government as the third tier of government. As the third tier of government, local governments are entitled to a statutory allocation of national revenue and the carrying out of specific functions in response to local needs. The objective of the problem statement of this article is to show that the present system whereby, the Constitution gives the State governments the power to handle issues of organization and responsibility in the local governments places a strong limitation on local autonomy and governance at the local level. The abuse of these provisions in the Constitution by the State governments coupled with other issues such as low level of commitment to the people and lack of monitoring and evaluation are negatively affecting grassroots socio-economic development in the Country. Local economic growth and development is an imperative for overall socio-economic development of the Country (the local population presently faces high incidence of poverty, unemployment, lack of social infrastructure and low economic activities). It is in this context that the article prescribes a developmental local government model which has local economic development (LED) as ‘the mandate’ to address the concerns of poverty, unemployment and inadequate resources in the rural areas. The LED approach enables local governments to stimulate economic activities and improve the socioeconomic conditions of people in the localities by working in partnership with private and other non-governmental sectors.

S.A. Popova ◽  
E.E. Smotrova ◽  
E.A. Kolpakova ◽  

The relevance of the study is that the poor quality and fragmentary engineering arrangement of rural settlements negatively affects the demographics of rural areas. The aim of the study is to develop a comprehensive methodology for assessing the impact of the state of engineering infrastructure of rural settlements on the demography of rural territories, which is an integral indicator of the proposed rural population density. The paper proposes a method for a comprehensive assessment of rural areas by the level of development of engineering infrastructure. The composite index of rural engineering infrastructure development aggregates seven private statistical indicators calculated for each region of Russia in 2018 and normalized using the linear scaling method. The main difference between the author’s method and the previously conducted research is the combination of the results of ranking Russian regions by the level of development of engineering infrastructure in rural areas with grouping by the density of the rural population. The novelty of the proposed approach is associated with the formation of two-dimensional groupings of rural areas, where population density is regarded as the primary grouping characteristics, and the level of development of engineering infrastructure as a secondary grouping characteristic that gave the possibility to evaluate the correlation between the level of development of social and engineering infrastructure of rural territories and their people. The results of the correlation analysis indicate a moderate relationship between the density of the rural population and the level of development of engineering infrastructure in rural areas. In practical terms, the typology formed serves as an objective basis for identifying and comparing growth points and priorities for sustainable spatial development of rural territories in the future, which creates prerequisites for the unification of state approaches to strategic planning and management of socio-economic development of rural territories of the Russian Federation and regions. The directions of further research are related to the development of the proposed approach in terms of comprehensive coverage of other components of socio-economic development of rural areas (demography, economy, agriculture, social infrastructure) for a more complete assessment of their impact on the rural population density.

2020 ◽  
Vol 10 (4) ◽  
pp. 594-603
G.K. Zinurova ◽  

The actual problem of optimizing financial management in state budgetary healthcare institutions is considered. In the framework of the state policy, it is necessary to clearly define the limit of social guarantees provided at the expense of budgets, and to create new mechanisms for social protection of citizens. The implementation of this task largely depends on the condition and stability of the state and municipal finances, which are the main source of healthcare funding. The Federation entities and municipalities are independent in determining the list of target programs due to different priorities of socio-economic development, differences in the structure of state authorities and local governments. When forming the procedure for the development, implementation and evaluation of the effectiveness of targeted programs, the Federation entities and municipalities must find a balance between approaches of the federal government level, the specifics of the territory and the features of the existing system of state (municipal) managing its socio-economic development. The authorities of various levels are forced to limit the growth of budget expenditures against the backdrop of an unfavorable economic situation. The most important condition for the development of the budget system of the Russian Federation in such a situation is to increase the efficiency of the use of budget funds. Health expenditures account for about a quarter of territorial budget expenditures. Therefore, one of the most important issues of financing state medical budgetary institutions is financing from the funds received from the provision of paid services through active cooperation with insurance companies. The analysis of the structure of financial flows revealed trends and deviations from the planned values. The effect from cooperation of medical institutions with insurance companies is analyzed. Cooperation is based on the variation of two main variable factors - the discount and the expected increase in demand for services, which allows us to determine the effectiveness of project implementation both for individual groups of services and for the entire commercial activity of the hospital as a whole.

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