2014 ◽  
Vol 2 (1) ◽  
pp. 95-108
Muhamad Arif

Abstract: This research was conducted in order to find the teaching of history model that is integrated with the character of religious values ​​through values ​​clarification techniques. Given the results of the study are expected in the form of a draft model of learning, the study was conducted using the method of literature study. There are three points of major concern in this research. First, study the history of the learning materials that will be used as the basis for the development of the model at the same goal of learning, namely the material "Declaration of Independence and the Establishment of the Republic of Indonesia". Secondly, the study of the concept of didactic and methodical which allows to integrate historical material with the value and character of religion. In this case the researchers choose values ​​clarification techniques. Third, the study of religious values ​​that will be integrated in the teaching of history. In this case the value and character of the struggle, discipline in time, independent, strong stance, deliberation to reach consensus, and the unity and integrity. The process of analysis and synthesis of these components produce a learning model by integrating historical and religious character values ​​through values ​​clarification techniques. DOI: 10.15408/tjems.v1i1.1120

2021 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 101
Ahmad Munjin Nasih ◽  
Meidi Saputra ◽  
Tasmuji Tasmuji ◽  
Abd. Syakur

The purpose of this study was to describe the history of the Shiddiqiyyah Tarekat, the forms of nationalism in the Shiddiqiyyah Tarekat, and the meeting point of religion and nationalism in the Shiddiqiyyah Tarekat. The research approach used a qualitative approach with a descriptive research type. The data collection techniques used were observation, in-depth interviews, and literature study. The results showed that the Shiddiqiyyah Tarekat was a tarekat with very rapid development and had its own uniqueness that was different from other Sufi groups or tarekat. The forms of nationalism of the shiddiqiyyah tarekat were the eight abilities that must be held, the national monument, the poetry of the source of the independence of the Indonesian nation and the establishment of the Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia and the establishment of a brotherhood of love for the Indonesian homeland. The meeting point of religion and nationalism in the shiddiqiyyah tarekat was the concept of hubbul wathan minal iman, which means that love for the country was part of faith.

Mardiah Mardiah

Kanker serviks menjadi urutan ke 7 dari segi angka kejadian kasus dan urutan ke 8 sebagai penyebab kematian secara global di dunia. Di Indonesia Kanker serviks sendiri menduduki urutan kedua dari 10 kanker yang meyebabkan kematian.Menurut Perkiraan Deperteman Kesehatan RI pada tahun 2013 jumlah wanita penderita kanker serviks sejumlah 98.962 kasus,dan sekitar 90-100 kasus kanker serviks baru terjadi, berarti setiap satu atau dua hari selalu terjadi satu kasus kanker serviks pada wanita. Pusat data dan Informasi Kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia mencatat kejadian kanker serviks pada wanita terus menaglami peningkatan. Kejadian kanker serviks akan sangat mempengaruhi hidup penderitanya dan juga keluarganya serta akan sangat mempengaruhi sektor kesehatan. Terjadinya peningkatan kematian akibat kanker serviks diduga karena keterlambatan penanganan, dikarenakan ketidaktahuan wanita tentang predisposisi dan bagaimana upaya pencegahan kanker serviks dapat dilakukan.Tujuan penulisan ini adalah untuk mengetahui predisposisi kanker servik dan bagaimana upaya prevensi yang dapat dilakukan oleh wanita untuk mencegah terjadinya keganasan kanker serviks. Dengan metode studi literatur berupa jurnal Penelitian Cholifah, et al (2017) Meneliti tentang faktor yang mempengaruhi deteksi kanker serviks,Penelitian Susi, Et al (2017) Persepsi Kanker serviks dan upaya Prevensinya pada perempuan yang memiliki keluarga dengan riwayat kanker, dan telaah buku panduan Penatalaksanaan kanker serviks yang diterbitkan oleh kementrian Kesehatan Republik Indonesia.Kata kunci: Kanker serviks, Predisposisi, PrevensiABSTRACTCervical cancer ranks 7th in terms of number of cases and ranks 8th as a cause of death globally in the world. In Indonesia, cervical cancer ranks second in 10 cancers that cause death. According to the 2013 Ministry of Health's Ministry of Health estimates the number of women with cervical cancer was 98,962 cases, and about 90-100 new cases of cervical cancer occurred, meaning that every one or two days always there is one case of cervical cancer in women. Data and Information Center of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia noted the incidence of cervical cancer in women continues to increase. The incidence of cervical cancer will greatly affect the lives of sufferers and their families and will greatly affect the health sector. The occurrence of an increase in deaths from cervical cancer is thought to be due to late treatment, due to ignorance of women about predisposition and how prevention of cervical cancer can be carried out. With the literature study method in the form of the journal Cholifah Research, et al (2017) Examining the factors that influence the detection of cervical cancer, Susi Research, Et al (2017) Perception of Cervical Cancer and Prevention efforts in women who have a family with a history of cancer, and study guidebook Management of cervical cancer published by the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Indonesia.Keywords: Cervical Cancer, Predisposition, Prevention

Chronologia ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 39-46
Toto Suharya

Historical material around the proclamation includes knowledge that must become the collective memory of the Indonesian people. The history of the proclamation became a milestone for the success of the Indonesian nation in breaking away from colonialism. However, according to Hatta, there were many stories and writings that were not true about the Indonesian proclamation. In fact, the importance of writing history cannot be separated from the historical facts that were found. Thus, the objectives to be achieved in this study are to compile historical stories based on primary evidence and find the legitimacy of historical writing based on the theoretical point of view of historical writing for history textbooks. Meanwhile, the method used is literature study. The results show that the writing of the history of the proclamation of Indonesian independence in history textbooks does not reflect a narrative that has considered primary sources, both from the archives and the views of historical actors. The history of the proclamation that circulates in textbooks is dominated by historical stories based on the source of Adam Malik's book. Hatta's book of direct testimony which is more authentic, because as a direct actor in the incident, it is worth considering.   Abstrak Materi sejarah sekitar proklamasi termasuk pengetahuan yang harus menjadi memori kolektif bangsa Indonesia. Sejarah proklamasi menjadi tonggak keberhasilan bangsa Indonesia dalam melepaskan diri dari penjajahan. Namun, menurut Hatta banyak tersiar cerita dan karangan yang tidak benar tentang proklamasi Indonesia. Padahal, kepentingan penulisan sejarah tidak lepas dari fakta sejarah yang ditemukan. Sehingga, tujuan yang ingin dicapai dalam penelitian ini adalah menyusun cerita sejarah berdasarkan bukti primer dan menemukan legitimasi penulisan sejarah berdasarkan sudut pandang teori penulisan sejarah bagi buku teks pelajaran sejarah. Sedangkan, metode yang digunakan adalah studi pustaka. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penulisan sejarah proklamasi kemerdekaan Indonesia dalam buku teks pelajaran sejarah, belum mencerminkan narasi yang sudah mempertimbangkan sumber-sumber primer, baik dari arsip maupun pandangan pelaku sejarah. Sejarah peristiwa proklamasi yang beredar dalam buku teks, didominasi oleh cerita sejarah berdasarkan pada sumber buku Adam Malik. Buku kesaksian langsung dari Hatta yang lebih otentik, karena sebagai pelaku langsung dalam perisitwa tersebut layak untuk dipertimbangkan.

2018 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
Zudy Setiawan

The history of conflict among religious believers in Indonesia has existed since theexistence of religion itself. This conflict does not only happen between differentreligions, but also between people in the same religion. Indonesia is a multi-religiouscountry. All the major religions of the world grow and flourish in Indonesia. Not tomention the existence of local religions scattered in various regions. Such conditionslead to high levels of possible inter-religious conflicts in the country. This conflict isquite difficult to stop if there is no concept that can mediate. Pancasila as the basicideology and philosophy of the Indonesian state is considered as an ideal mediatorconcept for the people of Indonesia. Pancasila is not only able tomediate thedifferences that exist because of the diversity of religions, but also the diversity interms of race, ethnicity, language and culture. This research uses a qualitativeapproach and literature study method that aims to find out the paradigm ofthoughtand practice of religious organizations that accept and reject Pancasila againstefforts to strengthen nationalism and harmony of religious communities in Indonesiawith Nahdlatul Ulama (NU) and Hizbut Tahrir Indonesia (HTI) . The results of thisstudy indicate that NU is a religious organization that accepts Pancasila as theideology and basic state of Indonesia. NU also proved to have made efforts in theframework of strengthening nationalism and religious harmony in Indonesia.Meanwhile, HTI isa religious organization that does not want to include the principleof Pancasila in its organization. Therefore, HTI also did not make efforts in theframework of strengthening nationalism because its ideology is contrary to theconcept of nationalism ofthe Unitary State of the Republic of Indonesia. HTI is alsoseen as lacking in building interfaith harmony in Indonesia.Key Words: Pancasila, Nationalism, Harmony of Religious, NU, HTI 

Itama Citra Dewi Kurnia Wahyu ◽  
Warto Warto ◽  
Leo Agung S

<p><em>History learning generally refers to the material in the textbook and does not mention the local history that is around students. As a result, students are less interested and do not understand the historical material presented by the teacher. Lack of knowledge about local history in history learning material has an impact on the fading of the local values of students. The purpose of this study was to identify the use of Dluwang Ponorogo narrative as material enrichment in local wisdom-based historical learning. The method used in this research is qualitative research with data collection techniques in the form of literature studies. The findings of this study resulted in the conclusion that the use of local history in enriching history learning materials can increase the locality of learners. The enrichment of material in historical learning based on local wisdom can be obtained by students by studying the local history of the area where they live. In fact, local history is shaped by the local wisdom of the community and local wisdom itself comes from the culture of a community.</em></p>

2018 ◽  
Vol 33 (2) ◽  
Mbuzeni Mathenjwa

The history of local government in South Africa dates back to a time during the formation of the Union of South Africa in 1910. With regard to the status of local government, the Union of South Africa Act placed local government under the jurisdiction of the provinces. The status of local government was not changed by the formation of the Republic of South Africa in 1961 because local government was placed under the further jurisdiction of the provinces. Local government was enshrined in the Constitution of the Republic of South Africa arguably for the first time in 1993. Under the interim Constitution local government was rendered autonomous and empowered to regulate its affairs. Local government was further enshrined in the final Constitution of 1996, which commenced on 4 February 1997. The Constitution refers to local government together with the national and provincial governments as spheres of government which are distinctive, interdependent and interrelated. This article discusses the autonomy of local government under the 1996 Constitution. This it does by analysing case law on the evolution of the status of local government. The discussion on the powers and functions of local government explains the scheme by which government powers are allocated, where the 1996 Constitution distributes powers to the different spheres of government. Finally, a conclusion is drawn on the legal status of local government within the new constitutional dispensation.

2018 ◽  
pp. 1274-1279
Elena V. Olimpieva ◽  

The article reviews O. A. Shashkova’s ‘... Call the Mute Artifacts to Speech.’ Essays on the History of Archaeography of the 15th - Early 20th Century. Wide array of sources and broad geographical frameworks allow Shashkova to present emergence and development of Russian and European archaeography from the 15th to early 20th century intelligibly enough for educational purposes. A whole chapter is devoted to the manuscript tradition and publishing of sources before Gutenberg. When considering the formation of archaeographical tradition, the author uses comparative method. O. A. Shashkova offers a historical overview and analyzes theoretical and practical issues of archaeography. The reviewer notes the significance of the chosen topic due to a need to reconsider the development of publishing in light of modern views on archaeography and to make it accessible to students and non-professionals. She notes traditional academic approach of O. A. Shashkova to presentation of the development publication practices. The review considers the possibility of using the ‘Essays...’ in studying the history of archaeography and offers possible directions for a broader consideration of historical experience, in particular, of Novikov’s publication projects. The review notes the controversial nature of the author’s approach to systematization of her large historical material in order to consider issues concerning the study of archaeographical practices. It stresses that coverage of issues of development of methods of preparation of publications separately from its historical and practical aspects hinders successful mastering of the material by an untrained reader. It concludes that the publication has high practical value for specialists in archaeography and students.

Elena A. Kosovan ◽  

The paper provides a review on the joint Russian-Belarusian tutorial “History of the Great Patriotic War. Essays on the Shared History” published for the 75th anniversary of the victory in the Great Patriotic War. The tutorial was prepared within the project “Belarus and Russia. Essays on the Shared History”, implemented since 2018 and aimed at publishing a series of tutorials, which authors are major Russian and Belarusian historians, archivists, teachers, and other specialists in human sciences. From the author’s point of view, the joint work of specialists from the Russian Federation and the Republic of Belarus in such a format not only contributes to the deepening of humanitarian integration within the Union state, but also to the formation of a common educational system on the scale of the Commonwealth of Independent States or the Eurasian integration project (Eurasian Economic Union – EEU). The author emphasises the high research and educational significance of the publication reviewed when noting that the teaching of history in general and the history of the Second World War and the Great Patriotic War in particular in post-Soviet schools and institutes of higher education is complicated by many different issues and challenges (including external ones, which can be regarded as information aggression by various extra-regional actors).

Sri Wahyuningtyas ◽  
Wahid Saputra

This literature study aims to find out whether the Teams Games Tournament learning model with task and forced strategies influences the development of Teams Games Tournament modifications and the tasks and forced students in the class. The problem in this learning is the activeness and creativity of students. The task strategy and force are chosen to complement the shortcomings of the Teams Games Tournament Learning Model. With the modifications can improve the quality of student learning, making students responsible and disciplined so that this learning is achieved. For educators, it is recommended to apply the Teams Games Tournament learning model to the task strategy and force at school, so that the learning objectives can be achieved optimally.

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