Social, Humanities, and Educational Studies (SHEs): Conference Series
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Published By Universitas Sebelas Maret

2620-9292, 2620-9284

Christianto Dedy Setyawan ◽  
Sariyatun Sariyatun ◽  
Cicilia Dyah Sulistyaningrum Indrawati

<p><em>The existence of a leader is related to the aspects of role models, protection, and decision making. Leaders stand at the forefront of creating the realization of community welfare. The public's initial perception of the figure who is believed to be an ideal leader is often broken by the pattern of policies taken after the election of the figure as a leader. This also applies at the village to provincial levels of government. This social portrait is quite risky because it saves a latent danger in the form of people's disappointment with the leader. Writing this article aims to (1) describe the ideal leader figure coveted by the community and (2) explain the importance of leadership aspects that are able to answer the challenges of the times.This writing is done in descriptive analytical with literature study. The results were obtained: (1) There are aspects that are missed consistently in the community, such as integrity, fairness, and responsibility. The characteristics of positive leaders are able to create public optimism in looking at the future. (2) Leadership based on the foundation of virtuous character is needed in dealing with the dynamics of a rapidly changing era.</em><em></em></p>

Monalisa Monalisa ◽  
Muhammad Akhyar ◽  
Musa Pelu

<em>Being a millennial entrepreneur who serves as a professional CEO, despite his young age as a millennial generation, there are several main approaches to leadership that need to be done by a millennial CEO that is seen from the point of view of millennial netizens. So how millennial entrepreneurs have a leadership attitude to become a millennial CEO who can increase professional value among relationships, customers and the wider community. The method used in this study is case studies with qualitative approaches. The type of data used is primary data through instagram social media surveys to see the activities of millennial entrepreneurs who reflect the leadership attitude of a millennial CEO. The sample of concern is CEO Indra Kesuma, a millennial entrepreneur from the field with his business instagram account, action.kindness and others. And Esther Nathalia who became the CEO of millennials of my produktifkuy Instagram account. The results of the research findings are that millennial entrepreneurs with ceo positions in their businesses, have an advanced leadership attitude. Millennial CEOs are hardworking, resilient, responsible, and still care about the people below by helping and helping them both help in the form of money, open jobs and provide very useful knowledge through instagram content shared. In conclusion, although millennials are considered a vulnerable generation of despair, they show their own value through their leadership attitude in developing their entrepreneurship.</em>

Chalimah Chalimah ◽  
Ainiyah Mahmudah

<p><em>Language style is operated to convey ideas and thoughts as well as to express intentions and to show who the speakers themselves. In the era of glory for You-tube, this research focuses on categorizing the language style used by the Indonesian Minister of Education in Najwa program uploaded in Najwa You-tube channel. The researcher used qualitative research to analyze and describe language style used in the transcript of video interview and document analysis. The data of this research is in the form of utterances. The data analysis technique was obtained through qualitative analysis by doing three steps; organizing and familiarizing, coding and reducing, and interpreting and representing. Researchers only found 3 styles, namely: casual style, intimate style and consultative. This research gives contribution in learning the character leadership shown by the Indonesian Minister of Education.</em></p>

Faruq Hasan Asy’ari

<p><em>The millennial generation is a generation born between 1980-2000 when there was rapid technological progress and continues to grow. They are called the millennial generation because they are the generation that lives at the turn of the millennium. Simultaneously in today's digital technology began to penetrate into human life rapidly. When viewed from the age, this millennial generation is between 21-41 years old. In this paper, data were obtained from articles and journals, books, and news sources in the mass media. This study uses descriptive analysis method to analyze the data. A leader is someone who is able to move others by commanding, directing, and guiding others, in order to take action in order to achieve an expected goal according to the agreement. With the development of the times, many leaders emerged because of the demands and environmental conditions at this time. Then in the growing era of the millennial generation, the government should have prepared what the millennial generation needs so that they will become ideal leaders for the Indonesian people. In order to be realized, the millennial generation as the regeneration of the nation's leaders must be prepared from an early age by providing nationalism, religion, character and moral education.</em></p>

Sutina Sutina

<em>A government has several leadership traits, one of which is the leadership trait that comes from Java, namely Asta (Astha) Brata. Etymologically comes from Sanskrit, Asta means eight; and Brata: means practice or guidelines, in essence it contains eight teachings of leadership behavior which are symbolized by the attributes of the gods of nature, namely: sky, sun, wind, water, ocean, moon, stars, and fire. The current generation is still many who do not know the importance of the values contained in the teachings of Astha brata. This paper aims to manifest the values of Astha Brata for the development of the leadership spirit of Generation Z. This article uses a literature study method which will then be analyzed in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results carried out in the literature study stated that the leadership values in the teachings of Astha Brata can be manifested in the development of the leadership spirit of generation Z.</em>

Table of Contents SHEs: Conference Series

Siharta Leman Anwar Nababan ◽  
Warto Warto ◽  
Triana Rejekiningsih

<p><em>This study aims to formulate indicators and characteristics of an effective leader and are desired by a multicultural society. This research is important to answer various problems or conflicts that occur in Indonesian society, especially social conflicts related to religion. Based on the existing literature, it is explained that the factors associated with effective multicultural leadership to deal with social conflict are personal identity, individual competence and individual experiences related to diversity. The method used in this article is through normative research or through literature searches such as books, journals, papers and other sources that are considered to be similar or relevant. The results of the research in this article indicate that factors related to multicultural leadership expected by society are one's innate nature, values that support diversity that are instilled early in a person and environmental factors that can provide experiences to increase cultural intelligence. In the indicators there are innate traits that are important to have, such as: patient, courageous, assertive and innovative.</em></p>

Siti Musa’adah ◽  
Akhmad Arif Musadad ◽  
Sudiyanto Sudiyanto

<p><em>The purpose of this study is to find out and examine the existing leadership Nganjuk Regency, as for the formulation of the problem to be discussed, namely 1) what is the defenition of leadership?, 2) how is the concept of Astha Brata teachings?, 3) how is the image of the Nganjuk Regent’s leadership based on Astha Brata teachings?, research using a qualitative methodology with a literature study appoach. The findings show that leaders in Nganjuk Regency don’t yet have and apply the leadership attitudes that exist in the teaching of the Astha Brata, leaders often abuse power, to improve the image of the Nganjuk leadershio, it is necessary to reorganize so that the same case does’nt happen again.</em></p>

Atik Dwi Kurniasih

<p><em>To realize the Pancasila Student Profile, the Ministry of Education and Culture, Research and Technology issued one of the Independent Learning Program policies, namely the "Sekolah Penggerak". "Sekolah Penggerak" is implemented by strengthening the capacity roles of principals and driving teachers. The principal is a learning leader in each academic unit who is expected to move the school by collaborating with stakeholders to realize a student-centred school. "Guru Penggerak" are learning leaders who apply independent learning and move the entire educational ecosystem to realize learner-centred education. Becoming a learning leader as a "Sekolah Penggerak" Principal or "Guru Penggerak" requires a new paradigm shift. There is one Javanese local wisdom that can be actualized as a leadership model, namely Astha  Brata . This research is a descriptive study by examining the actualization of Astha  Brata 's leadership to realize the Pancasila Student Profile in the "Sekolah Penggerak". The method used is literature study through books, journals related documents and news/online. Study results show that Astha  Brata 's leadership values are still relevant and can be actualized to answer the challenges of being a school principal and "Guru Penggerak", who is expected to become a learning leader to realize the Pancasila Student Profile.</em></p>

Asri Laksmi Riani ◽  
Dodi Wirawan Irawanto ◽  
Yanki Hartijasti ◽  
Ulfa Puspita

<p><em>This study identifies the determinants of leadership behavior using LBDQ XII and job satisfaction with a sample of bank staff and managers in the island of Central Java. The leadership style in a country is characterized by cross-cultural as a form of national culture that plays an important role in the application of the leadership theory in a country. The role of leadership on the job satisfaction of supervisors and managers is very important to know to see their performance, which will result in organizational performance. The data collection in this study was conducted by distributing online questionnaires to 60 entrepreneurs in the banking sector. LBDQ XII containing 100 instruments and job satisfaction using the Minnesota Satisfaction Questionnaire (MSQ) containing 20 items in the study population. The results show that Indonesian banking practitioners, especially in Central Java, have leaders who are persuasive, production emphasis, predictive accuracy, tolerance for freedom and initiative for structure have the most role in the job satisfaction of banking supervisors and managers in Central Java, respectively Java.</em></p>

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