Elevated Blood Pressure in Hospitalized Children Predicts True Elevated Blood Pressure Outpatient

Hadassa E. Leader ◽  
Twiza Mambwe

OBJECTIVES: To determine if elevated blood pressure (EBP) in hospitalized children accurately predicts EBP outpatient. METHODS: A multicenter retrospective chart review was conducted at a large hospital system in Northeastern United States. Mean blood pressures during hospitalizations were classified as elevated or not elevated, by using the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) 2017 parameters. Mean blood pressure was then compared with each patient’s mean blood pressure measured 3 times postdischarge. The data were analyzed to determine if inpatient EBP is an accurate predictor of outpatient EBP. RESULTS: Of 5367 hospitalized children, 656 (12.2%) had EBP inpatient. Inpatient EBP was highly predictive of outpatient EBP, with a positive predictive value of 96% and negative predictive value of 98%. CONCLUSIONS: Diagnosing hospitalized children with EBP, as defined by the AAP 2017 guidelines, accurately predicts true EBP outpatient.

2003 ◽  
Vol 21 (7) ◽  
pp. 1383-1389 ◽  
Jørgen V Bjørnholt ◽  
Gunnar Erikssen ◽  
Sverre E Kjeldsen ◽  
Johan Bodegård ◽  
Erik Thaulow ◽  

2021 ◽  
Vol 21 (1) ◽  
Elena Churilova ◽  
Vladimir M. Shkolnikov ◽  
Svetlana A. Shalnova ◽  
Alexander V. Kudryavtsev ◽  
Sofia Malyutina ◽  

Abstract Background Hypertension is recognized as an important contributor to high cardiovascular mortality in Russia. A comprehensive analysis of data from Russian studies that measured blood pressure in population-based samples has not been previously undertaken. This study aims to identify trends and patterns in mean blood pressure and the prevalence of hypertension in Russia over the most recent 40 years. Methods We obtained anonymized individual records of blood pressure measurements from 14 surveys conducted in Russia in 1975–2017 relating to a total of 137,687 individuals. For comparative purposes we obtained equivalent data from 4 surveys in the USA and England for 23,864 individuals. A meta-regression on aggregated data adjusted for education was undertaken to estimate time trends in mean systolic and diastolic blood pressure, the prevalence of elevated blood pressure (> 140/90 mmHg), and hypertension (defined as elevated blood pressure and/or the use of blood pressure-lowering) medication. A meta-analysis of pooled individual-level data was used to assess male-female differences in blood pressure and hypertension. Results During the period 1975–2017 mean blood pressure, the prevalence of elevated blood pressure and hypertension remained stable among Russian men. Among Russian women, mean systolic blood pressure decreased at an annual rate of 0.25 mmHg (p < 0.1) at age 35–54 years and by 0.8 mmHg (p < 0.01) at ages 55 and over. The prevalence of elevated blood pressure also decreased by 0.8% per year (p < 0.01), but the prevalence of hypertension remained stable. Mean blood pressure and prevalence of hypertension were higher in Russia compared to the USA and England at all ages and for both sexes. Conclusions In contrast to the generally observed downward trend in elevated blood pressure in many other countries, levels in Russia have changed little over the past 40 years, although there are some positive trends among women. Improved strategies to bring down the high levels of mean blood pressure and hypertension in Russia compared to countries such as England and the USA are important to further reduce the high burden of CVD in Russia.

2007 ◽  
Vol 292 (5) ◽  
pp. H2083-H2092 ◽  
Zheng Wang ◽  
Ines Armando ◽  
Laureano D. Asico ◽  
Crisanto Escano ◽  
Xiaoyan Wang ◽  

G protein-coupled receptor (GPCR) kinases (GRKs) regulate the sensitivity of GPCRs, including dopamine receptors. The GRK4 locus is linked to, and some of its polymorphisms are associated with, human essential hypertension. Transgenic mice overexpressing human (h) GRK4γ A142V on a mixed genetic background (C57BL/6J and SJL/J) have impaired renal D1-dopamine receptor (D1R) function and increased blood pressure. We now report that hGRK4γ A142V transgenic mice, in C57BL/6J background, are hypertensive and have higher blood pressures than hGRK4γ wild-type transgenic and nontransgenic mice. The hypertensive phenotype is stable because blood pressures in transgenic founders and F6 offspring are similarly increased. To determine whether the hypertension is associated with increased production of reactive oxygen species (ROS), we measured renal NADPH oxidase (Nox2 and Nox4) and heme oxygenase (HO-1 and HO-2) protein expressions and urinary excretion of 8-isoprostane and compared the effect of Tempol on blood pressure in hGRK4γ A142V transgenic mice and D5R knockout (D5−/−) mice in which hypertension is mediated by increased ROS. The expressions of Nox isoforms and HO-2 and the urinary excretion of 8-isoprostane were similar in hGRK4γ A142V transgenic mice and their controls. HO-1 expression was increased in hGRK4γ A142V relative to hGRK4γ wild-type transgenic mice. In contrast with the hypotensive effect of Tempol in D5−/−mice, it had no effect in hGRK4γ A142V transgenic mice. We conclude that the elevated blood pressure of hGRK4γ A142V transgenic mice is due mainly to the effect of hGRK4γ A142V transgene acting via D1R and increased ROS production is not a contributor.

1982 ◽  
Vol 63 (s8) ◽  
pp. 403s-405s ◽  
S. Freestone ◽  
L. E. Ramsay

1. Patients with mild hypertension who habitually smoked cigarettes and consumed caffeine were examined after abstaining from caffeine and cigarettes overnight. Their mean blood pressure (147/89 mmHg) was substantially lower than values recorded in the clinic (164/102 mmHg) and remained so when they continued to abstain (149/94 mmHg at 2 h). 2. Smoking two cigarettes (3.4 mg of nicotine) elevated blood pressure by 10/8 mmHg but for only 15 min. 3. Drinking coffee (200 mg of caffeine) elevated blood pressure by up to 10/7 mmHg between 1 and 2 h. 4. Combined coffee and cigarette smoking caused a sustained rise in blood pressure from 5 to 120 min to levels similar to those measured in the clinic (162/102 mmHg at 2 h). The interaction of coffee and cigarettes on blood pressure, but not on pulse rate, was significant. 5. Caffeine ingestion with or without smoking may be important in the genesis of mild hypertension.

2013 ◽  
Vol 03 (02) ◽  
pp. 116-126 ◽  
Robert J. Carrico ◽  
Shumei S. Sun ◽  
Adam P. Sima ◽  
Bernard Rosner

1940 ◽  
Vol 71 (2) ◽  
pp. 175-185 ◽  
Harry Goldblatt ◽  
Joseph R. Kahn ◽  
Francis Bayless ◽  
Morris A. Simon

Excision of both carotid sinuses, with or without section of cardio-aortic inhibitor fibers, was not followed by a significant change of femoral mean blood pressure from the normal. This procedure did not interfere with the development of hypertension produced by renal ischemia. There was no significant difference between the levels of hypertension due to renal ischemia in animals with both carotid sinuses previously excised and in those with both carotid sinuses intact. In one of three animals with hypertension due to renal ischemia, in which the elevated blood pressure had gradually subsided, there was a slight and only temporary reelevation of pressure after excision of both carotid sinuses. In the other two animals, excision of the carotid sinuses had no effect on the blood pressure. In all three, however, increased constriction of the renal arteries caused significant and persistent reelevation of the blood pressure. The carotid sinus has no demonstrable influence upon hypertension caused by renal ischemia, although in such animals it probably plays the same part in the regulation of blood pressure as it does in normal animals (7).

1960 ◽  
Vol XXXIV (III) ◽  
pp. 411-429 ◽  
Melvin J. Fregly ◽  
Kenneth M. Cook

ABSTRACT The anti-thyroid drugs, thiouracil, propylthiouracil, and methimazole, prevented both development of elevated blood pressure and cardiac hypertrophy usually accompanying kidney encapsulation with latex envelopes. These drugs also reduced elevated blood pressure of rats with hypertension of 13 to 40 weeks' duration prior to drug administration. Addition of desiccated thyroid powder to diet containing an anti-thyroid drug overcame the anti-hypertensive effect of the latter. Withdrawal of thyroid powder only was followed by return of blood pressure to previous low level within 3 weeks. The results suggest that the anti-hypertensive effect of these drugs is related directly to the hypothyroidism produced rather than to extrathyroidal effects of the drugs. Comparison of potencies of the 3 drugs in terms of anti-hypertensive effect, inhibition of growth rate, increase in testicular size, and increase in thyroid size suggests that propylthiouracil and methimazole are equally potent per unit weight of drug. Thiouracil has approximately half the potency of the other two.

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