scholarly journals Hyphessobrycon natagaima (Characiformes: Characidae) a new species from Colombia, with a key to the Magdalena Basin Hyphessobrycon species

Caldasia ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 221 ◽  
Carlos A. García-Alzate ◽  
Donald C. Taphorn ◽  
Cesar Roman-Valencia ◽  
Francisco A. Villa-Navarro

<p>A new species, Hyphessobrycon natagaima, is described from the upper Magdalena River Basin in Colombia. It differs from all other species of Hyphessobrycon with a dark lateral stripe inhabiting the Magdalena River Basin: H. poecilioides, H. proteus and H. ocasoensis, by having eight to twelve pored lateral-line scales (vs. 14-26); four scales between the lateral line and the pelvic-fin insertions (vs. five or six); one tooth on the maxilla (vs. zero in H. poecilioides, and two to five in H. proteus; except H. ocasoensis, with one), a dark, interrupted, lateral stripe that is not in contact with the caudal peduncle spot (vs. absence of caudal spot in H. poecilioides, lateral stripe continued that is in contact with the caudal peduncle spot in H. ocasoensis). It has a rhomboid shaped caudal-peduncle spot that continues on to middle caudal-fin rays (vs. absence of caudal peduncle spot in H. poecilioides and caudal peduncle spot round and not continued on to middle caudal-fin rays in H. ocasoensis); and presence of hooks on all fins in mature males (vs. males with hooks on anal, pelvic and pectoral fins). Hyphessobrycon natagaima differs from H. ocasoensis, in addition to the above characters, by having four scale rows between the lateral line and the anal-fin origin (vs. six); three or four scale rows between the lateral line and the pelvic-fin insertions (vs. six); ten or eleven predorsal scales (vs. nine); i,9,i dorsal-fin rays (vs. ii,8,i); 18-20 branched anal-fin rays (vs. 21-22) and eleven branched pectoral-fin rays (vs. twelve). A key for the identification of Hyphessobrycon species present in the Magdalena River Basin is provided.</p>

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 (3) ◽  
pp. 251-257 ◽  
Vinicius A. Bertaco ◽  
Luiz R. Malabarba ◽  
Max Hidalgo ◽  
Hernán Ortega

A new characid species, Hemibrycon divisorensis, is described from the río Ucayali drainage, Loreto, Peru. The new species is distinguished from all Hemibrycon species by the presence of a wide black asymmetrical spot covering base of caudal-fin rays and extending along entire length of caudal-fin rays 9 to 12-13 (except from H. surinamensis), and a black band in the lower half of the caudal peduncle extending from the region above the last anal-fin rays to the caudal-fin base. Furthermore, it is distinguished from most species of the genus by the number of scale rows below the lateral line (4-5 vs 5-9), except H. jabonero, H. microformaa, H. orcesi, and H. surinamensis. It differs from these species by scale and fin ray counts and color pattern. The lack of a supraorbital in Hemibrycon species is discussed and confirmed.

2015 ◽  
Vol 7 (1) ◽  
pp. 89-97 ◽  
Carlos A. García-Alzate ◽  
César Román Valencia ◽  
Donald C. Taphorn

Hemibrycon is a group of freshwater characid fish species first recognized by Günther (1864) as a subgenus of Tetragonopterus, and now included in the subfamily Stevardiinae. There are 21 speciesrecorded from the rivers of Colombia, but only one species, H.santamartae, has been reported previously in drainages of the Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta. Hemibrycon sierraensis n. sp. is described fromthe Río Gaira, Caribbean coastal drainage. It is distinguished from all congeners by having in life a bright red adipose fin (vs. hyaline or transparent)that turns dark brown in specimens preserved in alcohol. It differs from Hemibrycon beni, H. boquiae, H. brevispini, H. colombianus, H. mikrostiktos, H. metae, H. microformaa, H. palomae and H. rafaelense in having a vertically elongate humeral spot that extends 3-4 longitudinal scale series below the lateral line. It differs from H. divisorensis, H. pautensis and H. santamartae by having the last dorsal-fin ray unbranched; and from H. pautensis by the number of scale series between the lateralline and the pelvic-fin insertions. It differs from H. divisorensis in the number of unbranched anal-fin rays, and the number of teeth on the dentary and maxilla. It differs from H. santamartae in the number of supraneurals, caudal peduncle depth, head length and orbital diameter.

2007 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 31-36 ◽  
Katiane M. Ferreira ◽  
Fernando M. Carvajal

Knodus shinahota, new species, is described from río Shinahota, a tributary of the upper rio Mamoré basin, Província de Tiraque, Cochabamba State, Bolivia. The new species can be distinguished from all congeners except K. chapadae and K. geryi by having six rows of scales between the lateral line and the dorsal-fin origin (vs 4 or 5 rows of scales in the other species). Knodus shinahota differs from K. chapadae by possessing more rows of scales between the lateral line and the pelvic-fin origin (5 vs 3½ or 4, respectively) and more lateral line scales (38-41 vs 36-38, respectively). It differs from K. geryi by possessing more rows of scales between the lateral-line and the pelvic-fin origin (5 vs 4, respectively); fewer branched anal-fin rays (17-20 vs 15-17, respectively), and by lacking the two symmetric, large, dark, blotches on the basal portions of the caudal-fin lobes that characterize K. geryi.

2014 ◽  
Vol 12 (2) ◽  
pp. 327-332 ◽  
Bruno F. Melo ◽  
Richard P. Vari

A new species of Cyphocharax, Curimatidae, apparently endemic to the blackwater upper rio Negro of the Amazon basin in northern Brazil, is described.The new species is readily distinguished from its congeners by the presence of a distinctly longitudinally elongate, posteriorly vertically expanding patch of dark pigmentation along the midlateral surface of the caudal peduncle, with the patch extending from the base of the middle caudal-fin rays anteriorly past the vertical through the posterior terminus of the adipose fin. The new species additionally differs from all congeners in details of body and fin pigmentation and meristic and morphometric ratios. Evidence for the assignment of the species to Cyphocharax and the occurrence of other species of the Curimatidae apparently endemic to the upper rio Negro catchment is discussed.

2011 ◽  
Vol 9 (1) ◽  
pp. 127-134 ◽  
Frank Raynner V Ribeiro ◽  
Carlos Alberto S. de Lucena ◽  
Osvaldo T Oyakawa

Pimelodus multicratifer, a new species, is described from the rio Ribeira de Iguape basin. The new species differs from the other Pimelodus species by the following features: 26 to 30 gill rakers on the first branchial arch; a combination of three to six rows of dark spots regularly or irregularly scattered on the flanks and several small dark spots irregularly scattered on the dorsal surface of head, supraoccipital process, and sometimes on the dorsal and caudal fins; striated lips; maxillary barbels reaching between posterior tip of the pelvic-fin rays and posterior tip of the middle caudal-fin rays.

2005 ◽  
Vol 3 (1) ◽  
pp. 83-88 ◽  
Vinicius A. Bertaco ◽  
Luiz R. Malabarba

A new species of characid, Hyphessobrycon hamatus, is described from the upper rio Tocantins, Goiás, Brazil. The new species is distinguished from all other Hyphessobrycon species by the presence of bony hooks on dorsal, anal, pelvic, and pectoral fins of males, the two black humeral spots, the 4 or 5 teeth in the inner series of the premaxilla, a maxilla with 2-3 teeth, the iii-v, 16-18 anal-fin rays, and a lateral line with 10-32 perforated scales and 33-35 scales in a longitudinal series.

2005 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 383-388 ◽  
Carolina Ferreira Haluch ◽  
Vinícius Abilhoa

A new species of characid fish, Astyanax totae, is described from a small tributary in the upper drainage of the rio Iguaçu, Paraná basin, Brazil. The new species is distinct from most species of Astyanax by the vertically elongated humeral spot, slightly expanded above the lateral line to posterodorsal margin of opercle, followed by a midlateral dark stripe expanded from the humeral region to the median caudal-fin rays, maxilla with 2 to 5 teeth (usually 3) and 15 to 18 branched anal-fin rays.

Zootaxa ◽  
2009 ◽  
Vol 1977 (1) ◽  
pp. 39-48

Parakysis hystriculus, new species, is described from the Lalang River drainage in southern Sumatra. It can be distinguished from congeners in having a combination of branched pelvic-fin rays with anterior branch always shorter than posterior branch, lateral edges of head evenly sloping in dorsal view, anteriormost pair of accessory inner mandibular barbels longer than distance separating bases of left and right barbel, outer mandibular barbel with one accessory barbel, mandibular laterosensory pore between bases of inner and outer mandibular barbels present, margin of lower lip with medial concavity, anal fin rounded, caudal fin with narrow lobes having evenly-tapering posteromedial margins and 10 branched rays without secondary branches.

Zootaxa ◽  
2006 ◽  
Vol 1328 (1) ◽  
pp. 51 ◽  

Nandus prolixus sp. nov. is described from the Sepilok River drainage in Sabah, northeastern Borneo. This species is distinguished from its only Sundaic southeastern Asian congener, N. nebulosus, in having a longer, more produced snout (25.7–30.6% HL vs. 18.5–26.1), more lateralline scales (33–37 vs. 24–34), more scales below the lateral line (12 vs. 10–11), fewer spines in the dorsal fin (XIV vs. XV–XVI), and fewer pectoral-fin rays (15–16 vs. 17–19). It differs from N. nandus (from India) in having fewer lateral-line scales (33–37 vs. 42–55), fewer scales above the lateral line (4–5 vs. 6–7), fewer scales below the lateral line (12 vs. 14–18), more dorsal spines (XIV vs. XII–XIII), and the absence (vs. presence) of a distinct dark spot at the base of the caudal peduncle. It differs from N. oxyrhynchus (from mainland southeastern Asia) in having a more slender body (body depth 37.6–40.5% SL vs. 41.3–44.1) and a less steeply sloping predorsal profile.

2014 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 81-87 ◽  
Oscar Akio Shibatta

A new species of Microglanis is described from the upper rio Tocantins basin, Barro Alto, Goiás State, Brazil. This species is distinguished from the others by presenting a unique color pattern, consisting of round spots in the flank between the larger dark brown blotches. Moreover, it can be distinguished by the combination of the following features: caudal fin emarginate, the upper lobe slightly larger than the lower, lateral line relatively long, reaching vertical through posterior margin of the pelvic fin, and light stripe on supra-occipital region absent or very narrow and with irregular shape.

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