Joanna Stawska

The study presents the impact of monetary-fiscal policy mix on economic growth, mainly for the investments of euro area in financial crisis. Fiscal policy and monetary policy play an important role in the economy, influencing each other and on a number of economic variables as well. In the face of the recent financial crisis, which turned into a debt crisis, fiscal and monetary authorities have been working together to revive economic activity. There was a significant economic impact on the level of government investments. The central bank kept interest rates at very low levels and used nonstandard instruments of monetary policy. Fiscal authorities have increased government spending to stimulate investment and economic recovery. The paper concludes that the management of the fiscal and monetary authorities in a crisis situation has been modified compared to the period before the crisis, when the coordination of these policies was clearly weaker.

2018 ◽  
Vol 87 (3) ◽  
pp. 47-63
Mathias Binswanger

Zusammenfassung: Als Folge der jüngsten Finanzkrise ist der Einfluss der Zentralbanken auf die Geldschöpfung weitgehend verloren gegangen. Denn die Kontrolle über Reserven funktioniert nur solange, wie diese knapp sind und deren Bezug an bestimmte Bedingungen geknüpft werden kann. Seither halten die Geschäftsbanken in den ökonomisch wichtigsten Ländern de facto dermaßen viele Reserven, dass sie nicht mehr auf die jeweilige Zentralbank angewiesen sind. Diese Entwicklung lässt sich sowohl für die FED als auch für die EZB aufzeigen. Dies führt zu geldpolitisch neuen Herausforderungen, die bisher kaum beachtet wurden. Die Einflussmöglichkeit der Zentralbanken auf den Geldschöpfungsprozess der Geschäftsbanken wurde noch nie in so großem Stil ausgehebelt. Deshalb müssen Zentralbanken in Zukunft ihr Repertoire an geldpolitischen Massnahmen erweitern. Nur mit dem Drehen an der Zinsschraube wird man den Geldschöpfungsprozess in Zukunft kaum mehr in gewünschter Weise beeinflussen können. Summary: As a result of the recent financial crisis, the influence of central banks on money creation has largely disappeared. Controlling this process only works as long as money creation of commercial banks also leads to a need for additional reserves from the central bank. However, the large asset purchase programs of monetary authorities after the financial crises resulted in an enormous increase in reserves at commercial banks. Therefore, commercial banks have enough reserves to create additional money at large amounts and do not depend on central banks any more. This development is indicative for both the FED and the ECB. Therefore central banks face the challenge how they can restore their influence on the process of money creation. Just lowering or increasing interest rates, which was the major way of conducting monetary policy in the past, will not work anymore in the future.

2020 ◽  
Yuriy Nikolayev ◽  

The article is devoted to the study of conditions of application and influence of non-traditional monetary policy of central banks of developed countries on national economies and economies of emerging market countries. Based on critical analysis and systematization of basic research on the analysis of non-traditional monetary policy and its impact on the economies of different countries, it is substantiated that non-traditional monetary policy is a set of measures aimed at restoring the transmission mechanism and eliminating financial market imbalances. The main tools of non-traditional monetary policy are - previous management, quantitative easing; credit easing; negative interest rates, qualitative mitigation. Relevant areas of research on the financial performance of economies were also justified, as monetary policy directly affects interest rates, money supply, exchange rates, availability of credit, and through the financial sector to other sectors of the economy. During the aggravation of the economic and debt crisis, which had a negative impact on the Eurozone countries, investors' interest in CEE countries increased due to higher interest rates and the opportunity to make more profits. The study of the impact of the ECB's monetary policy on the financial indicators of Central and Eastern Europe revealed that the ECB's unconventional policy, including quantitative easing aimed at lowering long-term interest rates, affected the yield on government bonds of almost all EU countries, not only member states. euro area, which generally declined after 2014. Non-traditional monetary policy and an increase in the ECB's balance sheet also affect investment flows to CEE countries, but are mainly debt instruments in both direct and portfolio investment. The opposite situation is observed in the Eurozone countries with a high debt burden, especially in Greece and Italy. Despite the fact that the ECB's policy has led the euro area countries with a high level of debt to reduce the debt-to-GDP ratio, there is a tendency to increase the share of public debt payments to GDP. In this situation, the ECB simply cannot significantly change the purpose of its monetary policy, because any, even small, increase in the discount rate will lead to a new debt crisis in the Eurozone with its epicenter in Italy and Greece. The study of the impact of non-traditional policies of the Bank of Japan, the Fed and the ECB on the economy of Ukraine confirms the hypothesis that the actions of the ECB have the greatest impact on the financial performance of Ukraine. The analysis shows the impact of non-traditional monetary policy on the exchange rate of the Ukrainian hryvnia to the euro, US dollar and Japanese yen, but it was not significant. This is due to the fact that monetary policy in Ukraine only in 2015 actually moved from a fixed exchange rate to a floating exchange rate and began to apply inflation targeting. Announcements of non-traditional monetary policy have also affected government bond yields and stock indices, but the Ukrainian stock market is underdeveloped and has little effect. The main influence was the first programs of non-traditional monetary policy of the ECB, the USA and the Bank of Japan. In times when non-traditional measures were just being introduced and difficult to regulate and predict. Thus, it was proved that, on the one hand, unconventional monetary policy can stimulate economic growth, and on the other hand, create significant risks for further monetary policy opportunities to counter future crises.

2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (116) ◽  
Marco Arena ◽  
Gabriel Di Bella ◽  
Alfredo Cuevas ◽  
Borja Gracia ◽  
Vina Nguyen ◽  

Estimates of the natural interest rate are often useful in the analysis of monetary and other macroeconomic policies. The topic gathered much attention following the great financial crisis and the Euro Area debt crisis due to the uncertainty regarding the timing of monetary policy normalization and the future path of interest rates. Using a sample of European countries (including several members of the Euro Area), this paper provides estimates of country-specific natural interest rates and some of their drivers between 2000 and 2019. In line with the literature, our findings suggest that natural interest rates declined during this period, and despite a rebound in the last few years of it, they have not recovered to their pre-crisis levels. The paper also discusses the implications of the decline in natural interest rates for monetary conditions and debt sustainability.

2018 ◽  
Vol 08 (01) ◽  
pp. 1840002 ◽  
Marcello Pericoli ◽  
Giovanni Veronese

We document how the impact of monetary surprises on euro-area and US financial markets has changed from 1999 to date. We use a definition of monetary policy surprises, which singles out movements in the long-end of the yield curve — rather than those changing nearby futures on the central bank reference rates. By focusing only on this component of monetary policy, our results are more comparable over time. We find a hump-shaped response of the yield curve to monetary policy surprises, both in the pre-crisis period and since 2013. During the crisis years, Fed path-surprises, largely through their effect on term premia, account for the impact on interest rates, which is found to be increasing in tenor. In the euro area, the path-surprises reflect the shifts in sovereign spreads, and have a large impact on the entire constellation of interest rates, exchange rates and equity markets.

2012 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 177-219 ◽  
Tumpak Silalahi ◽  
Tevy Chawwa

The objective of this paper is to review the impact of crisis and policy measures taken during the crisis, to evaluate the effectiveness of those measures and to analyze the exit strategy in Indonesia. The econometric model was used to evaluate the impact of monetary and fiscal policy to economic output using quarterly data from 1990 - 2010. The result shows that monetary and fiscal policies have significant impact to economic output. In the short run the changes in real GDP is significantly affected by changes in real monetary supply in the previous three quarter and real fiscal expenditures. The lesson learned from this research among other are that cooperation and coordination among the policy makers and the timely responses are very important in tackling the crisis; an effective conventional monetary policy in normal times may become less effective in a crisis thus unconventional monetary policy indeed necessary as timely policy response and the improvement for more timely disbursement of government expenditure is important to increase the effectiveness of this policy to stimulate economic output. Moreover, several Indonesian exit strategy and policies to face future challenges are very important to reach the ultimate objective of sustainable economic growth while maintaining macroeconomic stability. JEL Classification : E52, E62, E63Keywords: monetary policy, fiscal policy, financial sector policy, global financial crisis.

2018 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
Stefan Krause Montalbert

Several years have passed since the onset of the most recent financial crisis, and Europe is still not “off the hook.”  A twin crisis emerged: the sovereign debt crisis.  The main objective of this paper is to design a mechanism for pooling Euro Area debt together, in order to lower short-term interest rates, and limit the risk of contagion.  This design, which draws from existing proposals for jointly issued bonds in the Euro Area, contains features that would make it acceptable for participants (such as no ex-ante fiscal transfers across countries, and widespread benefits from lower debt-service payments), while placing a reasonable cap on potential losses from default by other participants through limited liability.

2012 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 187-228
Tumpak Silalahi ◽  
Tevy Chawwa

The objective of this paper is to review the impact of crisis and policy measures taken during the crisis, to evaluate the effectiveness of those measures and to analyze the exit strategy in Indonesia. The econometric model was used to evaluate the impact of monetary and fiscal policy to economic output using quarterly data from 1990 - 2010. The result shows that monetary and fiscal policies have significant impact to economic output. In the short run the changes in real GDP is significantly affected by changes in real monetary supply in the previous three quarter and real fiscal expenditures. The lesson learned from this research among other are that cooperation and coordination among the policy makers and the timely responses are very important in tackling the crisis; an effective conventional monetary policy in normal times may become less effective in a crisis thus unconventional monetary policy indeed necessary as timely policy response and the improvement for more timely disbursement of government expenditure is important to increase the effectiveness of this policy to stimulate economic output. Moreover, several Indonesian exit strategy and policies to face future challenges are very important to reach the ultimate objective of sustainable economic growth while maintaining macroeconomic stability. JEL Classification : E52, E62, E63Keywords: monetary policy, fiscal policy, financial sector policy, global financial crisis.

Ioana Plescau

The aim of our paper is to analyze the conventional and unconventional monetary policy in Romania, in the context of the recent financial crisis. We study the relationship between interest rates and credit risk, but also the non-standard monetary measures that were adopted by the National Bank of Romania and their impact on the banking system. Our results point to a decrease of interest rates in the years after the crisis, which is in line with the majority of central banks that have reduced monetary rates in order to sustain the economy and the credit activity.

2010 ◽  
pp. 191-218
Carlo Panico ◽  
Francesco Purificato

The paper examines how economic policy have been carried out in Europe during the recent financial crisis. It focuses on the changes introduced in the operational procedures of monetary policy in the euro area in 2007 and 2008, pointing out that the objective of the authorities has been to respond to the liquidity needs of the monetary financial institutions, avoiding to loose control over M3. The paper argues that the interventions of the Eurosystem have produced satisfactory results and underlines the problems generated by the fall in productive activity and the need to face them with fiscal policies instruments. The inefficient forms of coordination between monetary and fiscal policies and the management of the government debt in some euro area countries are seen as the main sources of preoccupation for the evolution of the crisis.

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