scholarly journals Transformation of the Minangkabau Islamic Education: The Study of Educational thought of Abdul Karim Amrullah, Abdullah Ahmad And Rahmah El-Yunusiyah

2015 ◽  
Vol 22 (2) ◽  
pp. 155-164
Zulmuqim Zulmuqim

Transformation of education in Minangkabau at the Beginning the 20th Century was done by established figure of Islam, such as Abdul Karim Amrullah, Abdullah Ahmad and Rahmah el-Yunusiyah. Abdul Karim Amrullah begins transforming Islamic education by changing the status of Jembatan Besi Surau to become Islamic modern school (Madrasah) with class system, which is known as Sumatera Thawalib. Abdullah Ahmad transforms Islamic education by establishing HIS Adabiyah with school system, and also includes Islamic subjects in the curriculum. Moreover Rahmah el-Yunusiyah committed renewal by building woman Islamic school (Madrasah). Key words:Renewal, Islamic Education, Education Thinking.Copyright © 2015 by Al-Ta'lim All right reserved

2020 ◽  
Vol 8 (1) ◽  
pp. 161
Hamid Fahmy Zarkasyi

<p>This paper aimed at elaborating Imam Zarkasyi’s thought and practices in modernizing the traditional Islamic education called <em>Pesantren.</em> The method employed for this study is descriptive and explanatory research. The data is collected from documents such as books, research article and brochure, and from author observation from time to time. This paper identifies that the educational thought and experiences of Imam Zarkasyi as well as his religious inclination played an important role in his modernization of <em>pesantren</em>. The research also found that Imam Zarkasyi’s thought and practices in modernizing <em>Pesantren </em>system started from his serious observation and evaluation as well as his appreciation of traditional <em>pesantren</em> and <em>madrasah</em> system of education. The step taken by Imam Zarkasyi to modernize the education system was by integrating <em>pesantren</em> and <em>madrasah</em> system. In modernizing curriculum Imam Zarkasyi integrated the formal, non-formal and informal education utilizing <em>pesantren</em> environment. Students are taught not only subjects on religion and general sciences in the classroom, but also obtaining morality, mental and job skill education and other values in <em>pesantren</em> tradition within a well-designed informal and non-formal education.  Finally, to ensure the sustainability of <em>pesantren</em> Imam Zarkasyi changed the status of <em>Pesantren</em> institution from personal ownership into public property by way <em>Waqf. </em>The thought had been practically implemented successfully in secondary level and now the <em>Waqf</em>  Board started to implement the practice at university level.</p>

2009 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 185
Mah Fur

The research objectives of this research are: (1) What is the concept Mohammad Natsir of Islamic education?, (2) What are the cornerstone concept of thought Mohammad Natsir in Islamic education?, (3) How relevant is the idea Mohammad Natsir on the thinking of Islamic education in Indonesia today?. To answer these questions, this study used literature research. Because here is a literature review of research, the author examines the concept of thought in Mohammad Natsir with the help of books in his own writings as well as books written by others that tell about the Islamic educational thought by Mohammad Natsir. The results showed that the concept Mohammad Natsir of Islamic education that Education should be able to bring man achieve his goal, which devote themselves to God, having good character (akhlakul karimah) and got a decent living in the world. While the foundation of Islamic education is to know God, to acknowledge the ones of God and not to consider as an ally of Him. Relevance thought Mohammad Natsir to education in Indonesia today, as evidenced by the existence of public schools and Islamic school (madrasah), even schools that combine general education and religious education, as well as coordination among the schools with the holding of the National exam together.

2015 ◽  
Vol 32 (1) ◽  
pp. 196
Badrudin Badrudin

The Principles of Islam requirehuman to maintain  and improve their moral values BuT in fact, many  Moslems  face problems of moral deteriora tion, crisis of beliefs, and moral decadence that happenin all aspects of life. This moral deterioration is often associated by  the  experts  of  education  with the failure of educat ion. The failure of education relates to the education system that has various components that affect each other. The elements needed in the education system are the goal of education , educators, students, tool s,  and  natural  surroundings. The results of this study indicate that the essence of  spiritual  learning obligations according to Syaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilaniy is araising the total of  truth towards  Allah SWT's path.  The aims of the learning areto implement knowledge and clean  the heart (tazkiyyah al-nafs) from worldly characters and the lust of dirtiness to ma'rifatullah. Spiritual educators are  those who  practice  the law of Allah, clean the heart and  guide  students to the  safety of life  in the Hereafter . Learners constantly face Allah and obey Him, do not meet the call besides Allah, listen  to  the  call  of  Allah  and implement everything stated in the Qur ·an  and  the  Prophet tradition. Teaching method used is the method of mau'izhah, sima',  ahwal ,   and   muhasabah  fial-nafs (introspection). Educational materials are  based  on  the  basics  of  spiritual education in the Qur'an, the Prothet tradition. and the opinion of Muslim religious leaders who have noble characters and integrate science.  Moral education  is  the core of Islamic education. The implications of the spiritual educational thought of Syaikh 'Abd al-Qadir al-Jilaniy toward the reality of Islamic education in Indonesia is the emphasis of moral education that leads to a balance relationship  between  the  exoteric  and esoteric aspects of the learning process.

Achmad Habibullah

AbstractPedagogical competence is one of important competencies to the teachers. Therefore, this study aims to determine how the pedagogical competence of teachers is, viewed from the aspects of learning know­ledge skills, preparation of lesson plans, and learning in the classroom. This study used the quantitative method with 631 respondents of civil servant teachers of Islamic Education at school and teachers of ge­neral subjects at madrasah (Islamic school) recruited from non-permanent teachers in 20 districts/cities in Central Java province, selected at random. The findings show that teachers’ pedagogical competence knowledge on the aspect of learning knowledge skills is in the “poor” category, the aspect of students’ potential development knowledge and reflective efforts to improve the learning quality becomes a very weak point at an average value with the “very poor” category. In addition, the aspect of ability to prepare lesson plans is in the “sufficient” category, the teaching material organization and the evaluation aspect are very weak competence aspects, which get “poor”. Meanwhile, the competence of learning implemen­tation aspect is in the “sufficient” category. AbstrakKompetensi pedagogik merupakan salah satu kompetensi yang penting bagi guru. Untuk itu, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui bagaimana kompetensi pedagogik guru, dilihat dari aspek kemampuan pengetahuan pembelajaran, menyusun rancangan pembelajaran (RPP), dan pembelajaran di kelas. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan responden 631 guru PNS Pendidikan Agama Islam pada sekolah dan guru mata pelajaran umum pada madrasah yang direkrut dari guru honorer di 20 Kabupaten/Kota di Provinsi Jawa Tengah yang dipilih secara random. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kompetensi pedagogik guru pada aspek kemampuan pengetahuan pembelajaran dalam kategori “kurang”, aspek pengetahuan pengembangan potensi peserta didik dan upaya reflektif untuk meningkatkan mutu pembelajaran menjadi titik yang sangat lemah dengan mendapat nilai rata-rata dengan kategori “sangat kurang”. Selain itu, aspek kemampuan menyusun RPP dalam kategori “cukup”, aspek pengorganisasian materi ajar dan aspek evaluasi merupakan aspek kemampuan yang sangat lemah dengan mendapatkan nilai “kurang”. Sedangkan, aspek kemampuan dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran dalam kategori “cukup”.

S. E. Sidorova ◽  

The article concentrates on the colonial and postcolonial history, architecture and topography of the southeastern areas of London, where on both banks of the River Thames in the 18th–20th centuries there were located the docks, which became an architectural and engineering response to the rapidly developing trade of England with territories in the Western and Eastern hemispheres of the world. Constructions for various purposes — pools for loading, unloading and repairing ships, piers, shipyards, office and warehouse premises, sites equipped with forges, carpenter’s workshops, shops, canteens, hotels — have radically changed the bank line of the Thames and appearance of the British capital, which has acquired the status of the center of a huge empire. Docks, which by the beginning of the 20th century, occupied an area of 21 hectares, were the seamy side of an imperial-colonial enterprise, a space of hard and routine work that had a specific architectural representation. It was a necessary part of the city intended for the exchange of goods, where the usual ideas about the beauty gave way to considerations of safety, functionality and economy. Not distinguished by architectural grace, chaotically built up, dirty, smoky and fetid, the area was one of the most significant symbols of England during the industrial revolution and colonial rule. The visual image of this greatness was strikingly different from the architectural samples of previous eras, forcing contemporaries to get used to the new industrial aesthetics. Having disappeared in the second half of the 20th century from the city map, they continue to retain a special place in the mental landscape of the city and the historical memory of the townspeople, which is reflected in the chain of museums located in this area that tell the history of English navigation, England’s participation in geographical discoveries, the stages of conquering the world, creating an empire and ways to acquire the wealth of the nation.

2021 ◽  
pp. 22-31

The object of the research in this article is associativity as a characteristic feature of 20th century art. The nature, the role of the association in the work of artistic thinking, the principles of its functioning are considered. The subject of the research is the editing form of a musical work of the second half of the 20th century. Particular attention in the article is paid to the consideration of such an important factor influencing the formation of a stable associative connection as repetition. At the same time, it is specified that repetition is caused by a specific life situation. This repetition forms a chain of associations that create an integral content space of a musical work. The work uses general scientific research methods in the framework of comparative and logical analysis, including generalizations and comparisons. The work is based on the analytical method and has a systemic interdisciplinary nature as well. In revealing the specifics of the installation form, the author of the article turns to the theory of compositional ellipsis V. Bobrovsky. The main conclusion of the study is that the importance of associativity in the work of Russian composers in the second half of the 20th century is increasing, reaching the status of a characteristic feature of artistic thinking. The process of expanding associativity manifested itself, in particular, in the emergence in musical creativity of a new type of form creation - editing. The analysis revealed the features inherent in the montage type of construction of a work of art. This is the dismemberment of thematic material, the syntactic isolation of thematic structures, the organization of the form «from the end», the internal unity of the mosaic structure, and others. The novelty of this research lies in the fact that for the first time associativity is considered as a source of montage shaping, in the choice of research methodology, as well as in the identification of special features of the composition, manifested in the conditions of montage drama.

1969 ◽  
Vol 3 (3) ◽  
pp. 3-19
Chaim Adler

This article deals with the issue of educational versus social integration. It attempts to analyze the historic and social motives of the Israeli elite in delegating to education an important role in the social integration of ethnically different groups. A distinction between two main groups of factors responsible for these students’ failure in school are made: (1) causes of failure directly related to a state of disadvantage; (2) causes of failure stemming from the nature of modern school. The article concludes with a discussion of the measures employed by the Israeli school system to reduce this failure and offers a set of additional measures.

Anne Knudsen

Anne Knudsen: The Century of Zoophilia Taking as her point of departure the protests against a dying child having his last wish fulfilled because his wish was to kill a bear, the author argues that animals have achieved a higher moral status than that of humans during the 20th century. The status of animals (and of “nature”) is seen as a consequence of their muteness which on the one hånd makes it impossible for animals to lie, and which on the other hånd allows humans to imagine what animals would say, if they spoke. The development toward zoophilia is explained as a a logical consequence of the cultural naturalisation of humans, and the author draws the conclusion that we may end up entirely without animals as a category. This hypothetical situation will lead to juridical as well as philosophical complications.

2021 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 61-73
Nur Adila Muhammad ◽  
Izziah Suryani Mat Resad @ Arshad

Abstract Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah was one of the Islah Minangkabau scholar that play a huge role in the Islah Islamic thought and Islamic education reformation. Even though his education background is informal and was only received in the Minangkabau region, he can be regarded as an exemplary scholar that is very progressive and can be regarded highly with other Islah scholars. His biggest contribution that gives a huge impact towards the Muslim Minangkabau community is the Islamic education reformation with modern orientation. This model of modern Islamic education Institution that was introduced by Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyah became a prime example to the establishment of other Islamic education institution. Thus, this research will study the Islah movement in Minagkabau and the biography of Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah. In addition, the objective of this research is to analyse his role regarding the thought purification and Islamic education reformation in Indonesia.This research is a qualitative research that utilizes the content analysis as the research design with the use of historical research method.The finding of this research shows that Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah was one of the Islah scholars from the 20th century. Even though he did not receive a formal education and only receive his education in Minangkabau, he emerge as one of the reformation figure of Islah that have a huge impact to the Islah movement in Minangkabau especially the Islamic education reformation and also the Islah of Islamic thought in Minangkabau. The Islamic education reformation that has been done by Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah become the foundation and model of the Islamic education reformation in whole of Minangkabau and Indonesia. Keywords: Islah scholar, islah of Islamic thought, education reformation, Zanuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah, Minangkabau   Abstrak Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah merupakan seorang daripada ulama islah Minangkabau yang memainkan peranan besar dalam islah pemikiran dan reformasi pendidikan Islam. Walaupun beliau mempunyai latar belakang pendidikan yang tidak teratur dan hanya belajar dalam wilayah Minangkabau, namun beliau merupakan seorang tokoh ulama yang begitu progresif dan mampu menyamai tokoh-tokoh islah terkemuka yang lain. Sumbangan terbesar beliau yang memberi impak besar kepada umat Islam Minangkabau ialah pembaharuan pendidikan Islam berorientasikan moden. Model institusi pendidikan Islam moden yang diperkenalkan oleh Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah menjadi contoh kepada penubuhan institusi pendidikan Islam yang lain. Justeru, kajian ini meneliti gerakan islah di Minangkabau dan biografi Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah. Selain itu, objektif kajian ini juga menganalisis peranan beliau terhadap pemurnian pemikiran dan pembaharuan pendidikan Islam di Indonesia. Kajian ini merupakan kajian yang berbentuk kualitatif menggunakan analisis kandungan sebagai reka bentuk kajian dengan menggunakan metode kajian sejarah. Hasil kajian mendapati Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah merupakan seorang daripada ulama islah abad ke-20. Walaupun beliau tidak mendapat pendidikan yang sistematik dan hanya belajar di Minangkabau sahaja, beliau mampu muncul sebagai tokoh pembaharu dan islah yang memberi impak besar kepada gerakan islah di Minangkabau terutamanya reformasi pendidikan Islam dan juga islah pemikiran Islam di Minangkabau. Pembaharuan pendidikan Islam yang dilakukan oleh Zainuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah menjadi asas dan model kepada pembaharuan pendidikan Islam di seluruh Minangkabau dan juga Indonesia. Kata kunci: ulama islah, islah pemikiran Islam, reformasi pendidikan Islam, Zanuddin Labay al-Yunusiyyah, Minangkabau

2020 ◽  
Vol 42 ◽  
pp. 9-20

The position of regional geography in the system of geographical sciences is a topic that has been the subject of intense epistemologically and methodologically focused discussion within scientific realm at the global level since the middle of the 20th century. The initial outcome of these processes at the academic level was the marginalization of regional geography in the study of spatial phenomena, but since then there was a partial revitalization of the regional approach. In view of these changes, the place of regional geography within geographical education also began to be problematized. In this paper, it is conducted a critical review of selected academic articles from the last few decades that at least in a certain segment touch on this topic, as well as analysis of recent trends in school geography. This analysis suggests that it is difficult to find an adequate replacement for regional content, especially in the geographical education at lower levels of education, and that in many countries it still represents the basis or at least an important part of the geographical curriculum. However, at the same time, the need for change of teaching approach based on the excessive so-called regional inventory of space, by introducing general geographical concepts in the study of regional units of various levels, and putting them in the service of the development of critical thinking in students.

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