Amorphous Silicon Precipitates in (100) c-SI Films Grown by ECRCVD

1999 ◽  
Vol 557 ◽  
M. Birkholz ◽  
J. Platen ◽  
I. Sieber ◽  
W. Bohne ◽  
J. Röhrich ◽  

AbstractSilicon films were grown on (100) n-Si with an electron-cyclotron resonance chemical vapor deposition (ECRCVD) system by decomposition of SiH4 at 325°C. Structure and composition of thin films were investigated by SEM, Raman spectroscopy, elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA) and TEM. Excellent epitaxial growth was achieved for some hundred nm thickness. For more than 1 μm thick films, however, SEM revealed the occurrence of conical structures orientated upside-down with their basal plane in the film surface. Depth-profiling of the elemental composition of thin films by means of ERDA showed the hydrogen content CH to exhibit a pronounced increase with increasing film thickness. Raman spectroscopy evidenced the coexistence of c-Si and a-Si:H by the occurrence of two bands at 520 and 480 cm-1, the ratio of which was found to depend sensitively upon the position of the laser spot on the sample. All experimental results could be consistently explained by assuming the conical precipitates to consist of a-Si:H which was finally proven by coherent electron beam diffraction (CEBD).

2014 ◽  
Vol 936 ◽  
pp. 264-268
Hua Cheng ◽  
Yong Chan Qian ◽  
Jun Xue

Microcrystalline Si films were deposited by electron cyclotron resonance plasma-enhanced chemical vapor deposition (ECR-PECVD) using Ar diluted SiH4gaseous mixture. The effects of the substrate on deposition rate, preferred orientation and roughness of the films were investigated. The results show that, the influence of the substrate surface chemical nature on the deposition rate is significant in the initial stage of the growth. And considering the crystallinity and roughness of the films, the substrate is favored in its preferred orientation with a rougher surface. Based on these results, it is confirmed that the combination of diffusion and etching is indispensable to describe the deposition of μc-Si with SiH4diluted by Ar, and the mechanism of μc-Si growth could be controlled by diffusion of Si and etching of the Ar+on the film surface.

2000 ◽  
Vol 638 ◽  
W. Bohne ◽  
J. Röhrich ◽  
B. Selle ◽  
M. Birkholz ◽  
F. Fenske ◽  

AbstractRutherford Backscattering Spectroscopy (RBS) and channeling studies with 1.4 MeV−4He ions as well as Heavy-Ion Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (HI-ERDA) with 230 MeV 129Xe ions have been applied to characterize structural properties and the impurity content of thin Si films. The analytical potential of these ion-beam techniques is demonstrated for two types of samples: (1) μc-Si films prepared by dc magnetron sputtering in a pure Ar plasma and (2) homoepitaxial Si films deposited by low-temperature electron-cyclotron resonance PECVD at the transition from oriented to disordered growth. For μc-Si the atomic area density N.d obtained by RBS was compared with the optical thickness n.d (n=refractive index) derived from the interference structure of IR reflection spectra. It is shown that the ratio R=n.d/N.d of these quantities can serve as a figure of merit for the degree of crystalline order. An apparent similarity was found in the case of the epitaxially grown films between the Si disorder profiles evaluated from the RBS channeling spectra and the hydrogen and oxygen profiles determined by HI-ERDA. This suggests that hydrogen and oxygen are preferentially incorporated in the disordered parts of the films.

2001 ◽  
Vol 686 ◽  
J. Platen-Schwarzkopf ◽  
W. Bohne ◽  
W. Fuhs ◽  
K. Lips ◽  
J. Röhrich ◽  

AbstractHomoepitaxial Si layers were grown on Si(100) at temperatures of 325 - 500 °C by Electron-Cyclotron Resonance Plasma-Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (ECR PECVD) from a gas mixture of SiH4,H2 and Ar. Ar was added in order to realize high growth rates where the breakdown of epitaxy was well observed. Si disorder depth profiles derived from RBS channeling spectra were compared with hydrogen depth distributions measured by Heavy-Ion Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (HI-ERDA) and Secondary Ion Mass Spectroscopy (SIMS). The results suggest that the transition from epitaxial to amorphous growth proceeds through two stages: (1) a highly defective but still ordered growth with the defect density increasing as the growth proceeds and (2) the formation of conically shaped precipitates of amorphous Si. Both regions act as an increasingly effective sink for excessive hydrogen which diffuses from the growth surface into the bulk of the sample. In perfectly grown epitaxial films, where the overall concentration of excessive hydrogen was low, the hydrogen diffusion tail was found to extend far beyond the interface into the Si substrate.

1994 ◽  
Vol 354 ◽  
Dong-Gu Lee ◽  
Rajiv K. Singh

AbstractPlanarization of diamond thin films has been carried out using a remote electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) oxygen plasma under a negative bias. Diamond thin films were synthesized by hot filament chemical vapor deposition (HFCVD). The surface roughness (RJ of the diamond films could be considerably reduced from 0.2 μπι to 0.05 μπι using the ECR oxygen plasma. Low planarization and a high etching rate of diamond films were observed for an incident angle of the ion beam to the film surface normal below 45 degrees. High applied bias above -600 V caused secondary discharge effects, resulting in inhomogeneous etching. With an increase in incident angle, needlelike morphology was observed in the diamond film.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (4) ◽  
pp. 40
Keisuke Yasuda

The time-of-flight elastic recoil detection analysis (TOF-ERDA) method is one of the ion beam analysis methods that is capable of analyzing light elements in a sample with excellent depth resolution. In this method, simultaneous measurements of recoil ion energy and time of flight are performed, and ion mass is evaluated. The energy of recoil ions is calculated from TOF, which gives better energy resolution than conventional Silicon semiconductor detectors (SSDs). TOF-ERDA is expected to be particularly applicable for the analysis of light elements in thin films. In this review, the principle of TOF-ERDA measurement and details of the measurement equipment along with the performance of the instrumentation, including depth resolution and measurement sensitivity, are described. Examples of TOF-ERDA analysis are presented with a focus on the results obtained from the measurement system developed by the author.

1992 ◽  
Vol 271 ◽  
R. Morancho ◽  
A. Reynes ◽  
M'b. Amjoud ◽  
R. Carles

ABSTRACTTwo organosilicon molecules tetraethysilane (TESi) and tetravinylsilane (TVSi) were used to prepare thin films of silicon carbide by chemical vapor deposition (C. V. D.). In each of the molecule, the ratio C/Si = 8, the only difference between TESi and TVSi is the structure of the radicals ethyl (.CH2-CH3) and vinyl (.CH=CH2). This feature induces different thermal behavior and leads to the formation of different materials depending on the nature of the carrier gas He or H2· The decomposition gases are correlated with the material deposited which is investigated by I.R. and Raman spectroscopy. The structure of the starting molecule influences the mechanisms of decomposition and consequently the structure of the material obtained.

1992 ◽  
Vol 283 ◽  
C. Manfredotti ◽  
F. Fizzotti ◽  
G. Amato ◽  
L. Boarino ◽  
M. Abbas

ABSTRACTBoth B- and P- doped silicon films deposited by Low Pressure Chemical Vapor Deposition (LPCVD) at 300 °C (p-type) and 420 °C (n-type) have been characterized by optical absorption, Photothermal Deflection Spectroscopy (PDS), resistivity, Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis (ERDA), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), Convergent-Beam Electron Diffraction (CBED) and Raman spectroscopy measurements. P-doped films, deposited at large PH3 flux rates, show a high degree of microcrystallinity, indicating that P activates the nucleation process even at low temperatures. In this case, values of activation energy of resistivity as low as 0.007 eV were obtained. Both TEM and RAMAN results confirm a volume percentage of micro crystallinity above 30%. On the contrary, B-doped samples are not microcrystalline at least in the doping range investigated, and show a behaviour not different from samples deposited by PECVD.

1991 ◽  
Vol 250 ◽  
Hsin-Tien Chiu ◽  
Shiow-Huey Chuang

AbstractThe possibility of growing tungsten nitride thin films from (tBuN)2W(NHtBu)2, a single-source molecular precursor with two nitrogen to tungsten double bonds, by low pressure chemical vapor deposition (LPCVD) was investigated. Deposition of thin films on silicon and glass substrates was carried out at temperatures 500 – 650 °C in a cold-wall reactor while the precursor was vaporized at 60 – 100 °C. Elemental composition of the thin films, studied by wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS), is best described as WNx (x = 0.8 – 1.8). Elemental distribution within the films, studied by Auger depth profiling, is uniform. X-ray diffraction (XRD) studies show that the films have a cubic structure with a lattice parameter a = 4.14 – 4.18 Å. A stoichiometric WN thin film has a lattice parameter a equal to 4.154 Å. Volatile products, trapped at −196°C, were analyzed by nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) and gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Isobutylene, acetonitrile, hydrogen cyanide and ammonia were detected in the condensable mixtures.

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