scholarly journals Knowledge level of farmers about vermicompost production technologies

2014 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
pp. 407-410
S.G. ASKI ◽  
Shashidhar K. Baraker ◽  
K. C. Lalitha ◽  
K. V. Manjunath ◽  
Dadimi Anilkumar Reddy

Aim: To assess the Knowledge level of Onion growers on Improved Onion production technologies and to find out the Relationship between personal, socio economical and psychological characteristics of onion growers with their knowledge level. Study Design: “Ex-post facto” research design. Place and Duration of the Study: The present study was conducted during 2017–18 in Gadag district of Karnataka. Methodology: Two villages from each of the four Taluks of Gadag district were randomly selected and from eight villages, 15 respondents were selected from each village by adopting random sampling method to form a sample of 120 farmers. Data was collected from the respondents by personal interview method using a pre-tested structured interview schedule. Results: Majority of the farmers have medium level (42.50%) of knowledge followed by high level (31.66) of knowledge. Further study revealed that farmers had cent percent knowledge on seed rate, time of sowing, irrigation and weeding, whereas low level of knowledge on transplanting (10%), fertilizer dose (10%) and plant protection (15%). Independent variables like, Education, Mass media exposure, Extension contact, Management Orientation were have significant relationship with knowledge level of onion growers at 1 per cent level of significance, While Age, Farming experience, Innovativeness, Extension participation, Social participation and Risk Orientation at 5 per cent level of significance and variables such as Family size, Land holding , Area under Onion cultivation, Annual income exhibit non-significant relationship with knowledge level of onion growers. Conclusion: Significant portion of respondents were having medium level of knowledge with most of the independent variables contributing significantly towards their knowledge level on improved onion production technologies.

2020 ◽  
Vol 15 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-406
S. K. Deshmukh ◽  
D. N. Ingole

Small and marginal farmer do not have economic strength to adopt advanced production technologies, services and marketing including processing and value addition. Through formation of FPCs farmers will have better collective strength for better access to quality input, technology, credit and better marketing access through economies of scale for better realization of income. Therefore, during lockdown period online study was under taken to measure knowledge level of KVK Subject Matter Specialist (Extension Education), KVK SMS of other disciplines, stake holders from NABARD and ATMA (MACP). Knowledge test was administered to the 65 respondent in the Google form, which has reduced influence of interviewers and ease of filling the interview schedule. A total 65 respondents were selected and a knowledge test consisting of 17 dimensions was prepared to measure their knowledge level. The study revealed that majority of the respondents had awareness regarding farmers producer company’s profit sharing, followed by company registration under companies act, information about ownership and management as a share holders and priority sector for formation of farmers producer company’s. It is also found that respondent had poor knowledge about processing, marketing, branding of produce by FPC, benefits of formation of FPCs, followed by implanting agencies for FPCs and financial sustainability of FPCs. Categorization of respondents based on their knowledge level indicate that majority of respondent were in high level of knowledge i.e. 41.53 per cent respondent have high level of knowledge followed by 32.30 per cent in medium level while 26.15 per cent low level of knowledge category. In order to enhance farmers income and empowers small and marginal farmers promotions of farmers producer company has intervention for agril. entrepreneurship development.

2015 ◽  
Vol 10 (2) ◽  
pp. 102-111 ◽  
Justen O. Smith ◽  
Tim Kock ◽  
Zurishaddai A. Garcia ◽  
Anvar Suyundikov

The 4-H volunteer program is a new concept to the people of Iraq, for decades the country has been closed to western ideas. Iraqi culture and the Arabic customs have not embraced the volunteer concept and even more the concept of scientific animal production technologies designed to increase profitability for producers. In 2011 the USAID-Inma Agribusiness program teamed with the Iraq 4-H program to create youth and community entrepreneurship opportunities for widowed families. Iraq 4-H provided the youth members and adult volunteers and Inma provided the financial capital (livestock) and the animal science training program for the volunteers. The purpose of this study was to measure the knowledge level gained through intensive animal science training for Iraqi 4-H volunteers. Researchers designed and implemented a pre and post test to measure the knowledge of fifteen volunteers who participated in the three day course. The pretest exposed a general lack of animal science knowledge of all volunteers; over 80% of the participants incorrectly answered the questions. However, the post-test indicated positive change in the participants understanding of animal science production principles.

2021 ◽  
Vol 57 (4) ◽  
pp. 139-142
Parvez Rajan ◽  
S. B. Nahatkar ◽  
Moni Thomas

Soybean has emerged as a potential oilseed crop and has brought perceptible change in the economy of the farmers in the state of Madhya Pradesh. Demonstration on soybean production technologies were conducted under Technical Cooperation Project of Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA). For present investigation primary data were collected from six beneficiaries and six non-beneficiaries soybean growers from six demonstration sites, the overall sample size comprises of 72 soybean growers (36 beneficiaries and 36 non-beneficiaries). The results showed that the knowledge level about soybean production technologies of beneficiary farmers was higher as compared to non beneficiaries farmers and this was significantly associated with level of education whereas other socio-economic aspects were not associated with knowledge level about soybean production technologies.

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