knowledge test
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2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. em0093
Taqi Mohammed Jwad Taher ◽  
Mohammed Hassan Khalil ◽  
Firas Turki Rashed Sarray

2022 ◽  
Vol 5 (1) ◽  
pp. 164-173
Rido Putra ◽  
Wawan Purwanto ◽  
Hasan Maksum ◽  
Dedy Irfan ◽  
Muslim Muslim ◽  

Learning requires support from a reliable media, one of which can be a learning module. Based on several previous studies regarding the module, there are still some shortcomings from the module under study. So that further development of the given module is needed by adding the contents of the module using the project. This study aims to examine the development of heavy equipment technology modules including validity tests, practicality tests and project-based effectiveness tests. This research is included in Research and Development (R&D) research. The model used in this study uses the ADDIE principle, the data collection method is through questionnaires and learning outcomes tests, the data analysis is processed using a quantitative approach and described through a qualitative approach to conclude the research results, the research subjects consist of lecturers and students. The results of the research conducted on the development of PjBl-based modules meet the feasibility, in terms of aspects of validity, practicality and effectiveness. The results of the analysis of the validity aspect are 89.07% very valid criteria, the average practicality aspect is 87.92% very practical criteria. The effectiveness aspect is seen from the knowledge test and project test. The test results on 30 students have an average score of 86.67% in the good category and in the field of skills (projects) of 86.67% very high criteria. The conclusion is that the development of PjBL-based modules is able to attract attention and make students understand the material and be able to work together in groups.

2022 ◽  
Vol 58 (1) ◽  
pp. 49-52
B. C. Sharma ◽  
Rakesh Kumar ◽  
P. S. Slathia ◽  
Ramphool Puniya ◽  
Amrish Vaid

Human behavior consists of knowledge, skill and attitude and timely up gradation of thesethree components is must for better human resource development. Training is medium formodification of human behavior to efficiently discharge one’s own duties and responsibilitiesat their respective work place. The paper attempts to evaluate the impact of 10 daystraining programme entitled “Conservation agriculture practices for enhancing productivityand resource use efficiency in major cropping pattern” conducted in the Division ofAgronomy, SKUAST-Jammu on knowledge of the participants regarding different aspectsof conservation agriculture as well as their opinion towards overall organization of trainingprogramme. Gain in knowledge was taken as indicator for assessing the immediate outputof the training programme. Participants were exposed to pre and post knowledge test andthe results of two sample paired t-test (p=.000) so applied revealed that there wassignificant gain in knowledge about different aspects of conservation agriculture afterattending the training programme. Overall majority of the respondents were of opinionthat training programme was well planned and very effective and they had learned differentpractical aspects of conservation agriculture.

Pharmacy ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 8
Rand Hussein ◽  
Zhoushanyue He ◽  
Julia Bareham ◽  
Tejal Patel ◽  
Rosemary Killeen ◽  

Background: Computer-based education has been widely implemented in healthcare professional development education. However, there has been little examination of the potential for computer-based education to enhance pharmacists’ knowledge. This study aims to assess the effectiveness of computer-based education on improving pharmacists’ knowledge compared to printed education material. Methods: This study was a web-based randomized controlled trial. Participants were randomly allocated to either an intervention group where they had access to the computer-based education module on or to a control group where they had access to printed educational material. Knowledge gain was assessed using a pre- and post-knowledge test. Results: A total of 120 pharmacists were recruited and 101 completed the post-knowledge test (50/60 in the intervention group; 51/60 in the control group). Both groups showed a significant increase in knowledge gain (intervention group: pre-test mean score 19.35 ± 3.56, post-test mean score 22.42 ± 3.812, p value < 0.001; control group pre-test mean score 19.22 ± 3.45, post-test mean score 23.29 ± 3.087, p value < 0.001). However, the difference in knowledge change was not significant between the two groups (22.42 vs. 23.29, p value = 0.333). Conclusions: In this study, a computer-based education module enhanced pharmacists’ knowledge to a similar degree to printed education material. Efforts should be made to provide computer-based education as an option to support pharmacists’ professional development.

2022 ◽  
Vol 22 (1) ◽  
pp. 142-145
Subhransu Mohan Nanda ◽  

In the present study, to test the knowledge level of veterinary students on ICT, one hundred and seventy-one items were initially constructed on the basis of promoting thinking rather than rote memorization. It was designed in a manner that could differentiate the well-informed veterinary students from less informed ones. The scores of the respondents were subjects to item analysis to find the item difficulty index and item discrimination index. In the final selection, a total of 34 items with difficulty index between 30 and 80 and discrimination index ranging from 0.30 to 0.55 were selected. The reliability of the knowledge test developed was tested using split half technique. The coefficient of correlation value in split half test was 0.89, which was found to be significant at 1 per cent level of significance. It was found that, the developed knowledge test scale of Veterinary students on ICT was highly stable and can be used for measurement.

2021 ◽  
Vol 11 (3) ◽  
pp. 263-268
Umi Kulsum ◽  

The purpose of this study was to determine the effectiveness of hybrid learning time modification in terms of learning outcomes; knowing the relationship between learning activities and learning outcomes and knowing the effect of hybrid and one other group is the conventional group (face-to-face only), this group is the control group.Collecting data using a learning activity questionnaire and a knowledge test to determine learning outcomes. Data analysis technique with Ancova. The results of the study: (1) hybrid learning time modification is effective in improving learning outcomes (2) significant relationship between learning activity and learning outcomes, significance 0.000; (3) there is a significant difference in the effect of variations in hybrid learning time modification on learning activity and learning outcomes, the significance of 0.037 Keywords: Time Modification, Hybrid Learning, Active Learning, Learning Outcomes

2021 ◽  
Kouichi Tanabe ◽  
Atsumi Nitta ◽  
Hideki Origasa ◽  
Miyuki Nishitani ◽  
Miki Yatsuduka ◽  

Abstract Background: Focusing on medical instruments and materials used for high-risk medicines for cancer treatments, a test on knowledge of medical instruments requiring acquisition of basic knowledge and materials was developed for students in pharmacy school. The aim of the study is to investigate the reliability and validity of the test (medical instruments and materials for cancer treatment-Questionnaire 45; MIMCT-Q45) we developed.Patients and Methods: Focus group discussion was performed by participants consisting of medical staff considered to have abundant experience of cancer chemotherapy. Content analysis was performed and a list of extracted medical instruments and materials was prepared. A questionnaire survey was performed twice in pharmacy students to confirm reliability employing the retest method. Responses were also collected from nurses and pharmacists to investigate discriminative validity on comparison with the students. Furthermore, difficulty and discrimination were estimated using the item response theory (IRT).Results: Thirteen types of medical instruments and materials were extracted and listed in the knowledge test. In the questionnaire survey, the overall Cronbach’s α and interclass correlation coefficient were high, but Cronbach’s α was slightly low (0.56-0.58) in some categories. The range of discrimination estimated based on IRT was 0.98-3.09, and that of difficulty was -0.91-3.00.Conclusions: A knowledge test on cancer chemotherapy-related medical instruments and materials including palliative care at home (MIMCT-Q45) was prepared, and its reliability and validity were confirmed. MIMCT-Q45 might serve as a guidance on basic knowledge to be acquired by students and resident pharmacists and be useful to confirm the level of acquired knowledge.

2021 ◽  
Vol 42 (4) ◽  
pp. 39-59
Mikyung Kim ◽  
Chang-ho Han

Objectives: This study aimed to evaluate the impact of a training course on pharmacovigilance for future doctors of Korean medicine (DKM).Methods: In 2020, a pharmacovigilance training course was conducted for 57 senior students of a Korean medicine (KM) college, and its impact to the students were assessed in terms of the knowledge, attitudes, and perceptions of these students at three-time points: pre-training, post-training, and 4-6 months after the end of the training.Results: A total of 38 students completed the survey. The average score from the knowledge test increased significantly after training compared to prior to the training (5.47±2.140, 6.61±1.001, respectively, p<0.001) and was maintained until the final survey (6.61±1.220). The rate of correct answers to most of the knowledge test questions increased after the training but decreased in the final survey. In terms of attitudes, self-confidence in causality assessment (2.63±1.025, 4.58±0.826, p<0.001) and spontaneous reporting (2.08±1.050, 4.74±0.446, p<0.001) significantly increased after the training and then slightly decreased (3.92±1.171, 4.40±0.755). The perception level was high prior to the training, and this pattern was maintained throughout the study period. Students responded that pharmacovigilance education was necessary for DKM after training, and for the undergraduates of KM colleges.Conclusions: This study shows that this pharmacovigilance training course is effective for students majoring in KM but that retraining is required at least 6 months after the initial training. Further follow-up studies are needed to ensure that students actively participate in spontaneous reporting after graduation, and continuous education should be provided to graduates.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 573-586
Marcin Warpechowski ◽  
Jędrzej Jan Warpechowski ◽  
Marcin Milewski ◽  
Adrianna Zańko ◽  
Robert Milewski

Abstract Infertility is a global problem affecting 48 to 186 million couples of reproductive age. In Poland, it concerns approx. 1.5 million couples, which amounts to 20% of the population capable of reproducing. One of the factors influencing the incidence of fertility disorders may be lifestyle, understood as a multi-disciplinary accumulation of everyday behaviours and habits. In the study, a group of 201 young adults, students of medical and related faculties, were surveyed in order to check the actual level of knowledge about the impact of lifestyle on reproductive health. The Kohonen network, which is an example of a self-learning neural network, was used to find non-obvious connections between the data. The trained Kohonen neural network formed 4 clusters with different characteristics. Based on analyses of the structure of each cluster, it was found that 2nd year students of Medicine are internally divided into 3 fractions. The first fraction declared a high level of knowledge, but did not have real knowledge. The second fraction was aware of their ignorance, as confirmed by the knowledge test. The last fraction was characterized by a high level of self-confidence regarding their knowledge about reproductive health and obtained a high result in the knowledge test. It was confirmed that people studying at the Medical faculty know more than students of the same year at faculties other than Medicine. Interesting results were obtained for a group of 3rd year students of first-cycle studies in Dietetics. They did not obtain a significantly better result in the knowledge test concerning the influence of diet and lifestyle on reproductive health. It would seem that one could expect at least a few highly knowledgeable students in a group of 3rd year students, but this was not confirmed by the study. In view of the obtained results, it was concluded that the Kohonen neural network is applicable to the analysis of data on the actual state of knowledge about the impact of lifestyle on reproductive health.

2021 ◽  
Vol 66 (3) ◽  
pp. 597-608
Adrianna Zańko ◽  
Karolina Milewska ◽  
Marcin Warpechowski ◽  
Robert Milewski

Abstract Many studies confirm the fact that women do not have sufficient knowledge about reproductive health, which is a significant problem nowadays due to the large percentage of people who suffer from infertility. A sources of knowledge from which information about health, including reproductive health, is obtained have various levels of reliability. The aim of the study was to use regression trees to find which of the analysed parameters had the greatest impact on the level of respondents’ knowledge about fertility and the impact of diet on fertility. The study was conducted among women who practice dance in Max Dance studio in Białystok. The group consisted of 42 women with an average age of 26.3 years, dancing in various dance styles at various levels of proficiency. A questionnaire on lifestyle and a sources of information on fertility was used; the questionnaire also contained a knowledge test focused on reproductive health and the impact of diet on fertility, in which the questions were based on information from the latest research. Three regression trees were created for three indicators determining the level of respondents’ knowledge. The obtained results revealed certain areas that have a significant impact on the level of knowledge about reproductive health, which may require additional education. The use of the regression trees method made it possible to determine the relationships between the analysed data that were not fully visible after standard biostatistical analyses had been performed. The created trees can be useful in improving the process of disseminating knowledge about reproductive health among women of childbearing age.

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