2019 ◽  
Vol 43 (5) ◽  
Nelson Castellón Rodríguez ◽  
Maria Isabel Vitorino ◽  
José Francisco Berrêdo ◽  
Mário Augusto Gonçalves Jardim ◽  
Adriano Marlison Leão de Sousa ◽  

ABSTRACT This research aimed to estimate the seasonal economic value of ecosystem goods and services from research on the use of mangroves in the Cuiarana community in the Eastern Amazon. The methodology of Total Economic Value was used, through interviews with 15 residents who extract products from the mangrove. For the ecosystem services, atmospheric carbon (measured by a micrometeorological tower), and organic carbon (monitored by soil sampling during 2017) were used. In determining product values, the quantities extracted at market prices and the value of services were estimated using carbon credits. The results indicate that the ecosystem produces 9 community assets, that generate R$ 75,033.50 (US$ 23,622.93 ha/year) and R$ 17,627.15 (US$ 5,549.58 ha/year) for capture and storage respectively. The VET value corresponded to R$ 986,132.50 (US$ 310,465.79). Ecosystem services and the economic values of atmospheric (p = 0.0278) and soil carbon credit (p = 0.0354) indicated higher importance in the rainy season due to the precipitation that favored an increase in the amount of carbon. This behavior was verified by the Principal Components Analysis (50.1%), which showed that in the less rainy season goods are more important when compared to the ecosystem services.

2020 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 485-503
K.M. Nitanan ◽  
A. Shuib ◽  
R. Sridar ◽  
V. Kunjuraman ◽  
S. Zaiton ◽  

Direct and indirect use of values and non-use values from forest ecosystem services perform an invaluable set of functions that cater to the needs of both living and non-living things. The values include market services obtained from timber and non-timber forest products, and non-market services (recreation, watershed protection and conservation value) were identified as components of the Total Economic Value (TEV). However, it is difficult to assign a monetary value to all goods and services provided by the forest. Failure to conserve the national park will result in the degradation of the forest and a reduction in the contribution of the forest ecosystem services to the community. Based on the result of this study, the TEV value of forest ecosystem services was estimated at RM 13 billion, and the estimation provides policy-relevant information for forest management and conservation purposes in Malaysia.

2019 ◽  
Vol 2019 (6) ◽  
pp. 54-78
Oksana VEKLYCH ◽  

The formalization of the economic damage from the deterioration/destruction of ecosystem services is carried out. On this basis, its output component is designated: the indicator of harm to ecosystem goods and services as assets of natural capital. For the first time, meaningful content of economic damage from the loss of ecosystem goods and services is revealed. Its content is based on the cost estimation of the total amount of harm caused to them (1), the volume of relevant public expenditure and financial resources to replace certain types of ecosystem services, which are lost in whole or in part (2), the costs necessary to prevent harm from the negative socioeconomic and environmental consequences of the loss of ecosystem services (3) and the elimination of these losses (4), as well as lost profits from lost opportunities (income) due to degraded ecosystem services and the resulting social costs (5). It is substantiated that in determining the overall rate of economic damage from environmental pollution by the ecosystem objects, its key parameter is exactly the cost measurement of the value of ecosystem services on the basis of an economic assessment of the degradation changes of ecosystem producers. A consistent parameterization of the economic value of ecosystem services is presented and the applied results of cost estimation of ecosystem services are generalized. These results provide reference methodological support for similar evaluation by other developers, in particular, professional appraisers licensed by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of Ukraine. The author introduces into scientific use the provisions on determining the economic value of ecosystem services and their contribution to well-being, which were set out in the four most important constitutional official documents developed by the United Nations Statistical Commission, FAO, the IMF and the World Bank in 2012-2017. For the first time, the estimated cost of ecosystem services for the Dnipro river Basin within Ukraine, including the Kiev Region, is calculated. A double excess of the value of ecosystem services of Kiev area (as the region of the middle reaches of the Dnipro Basin) over the value of the regional gross product for the same time period was found. The author proves the necessity to take into account the significant contribution of ecosystem services (or, conversely, their losses) to public income in order to create a scientifically plausible basis for making more substantiated and credible practical decisions when forming and implementing the socio-economic and environmental policies.

2013 ◽  
Vol 41 (2) ◽  
pp. 608 ◽  
Bogdan POPA ◽  
Claudiu COMAN ◽  
Stelian A. BORZ ◽  
Dan M. NITA ◽  
Codrin CODREANU ◽  

In the last two decades different methodologies for assessing the economic implications of protected areas have been developed within the framework of "Total Economic Value", taking into account not only goods and services that have a price and a market but also those not priced or marketed. The present paper, by using a number of recognized methodologies applied by environmental economists around the world, estimates the economic value of ecosystem services of Piatra Craiului National Park, in one of the first attempts to frame ecosystem services valuation in Romania. The approach and results include a benefit distribution analysis, for both the economic sectors and the groups of beneficiaries. Even if the data are not comprehensive and depend on several assumptions, the paper provides very important practical and policy-relevant information on the economic value of Piatra Craiului National Park, in an attempt to stimulate increasing of the budgetary allocation and economic policy priority for protected areas in Romania.

Land ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 9 (6) ◽  
pp. 194 ◽  
Ando Aulia ◽  
Harpinder Sandhu ◽  
Andrew Millington

Ecosystem services in oil palm plantations owned by smallholders in four villages in the Riau Province, Indonesia were identified and valued. Nine provisioning, three regulating and maintenance, one cultural ecosystem service, and a single ecosystem dis-service, were identified from interviews with 62 farming households. Direct and indirect market valuation methods were used to estimate the total economic value (TEV) of these services, which averaged USD 6520 ha−1 year−1 (range = USD 2970–7729 ha−1 year−1). The values of provisioning services were USD 4331 ha−1 year−1 (range = USD 2263–5489 ha−1 year−1), regulating and maintenance services were valued at USD 1880 ha−1 year−1 (range of USD 707–3110 ha−1 year−1), and cultural services were USD 309 ha−1 year−1. We conclude that identifying and valuing ecosystem services offers an opportunity to improve the environmental and economic sustainability of smallholders in oil palm landscapes in Indonesia.

Water ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (7) ◽  
pp. 1518 ◽  
J. Walter Milon ◽  
Sergio Alvarez

Coastal and marine ecosystem (CME) services provide benefits to people through direct goods and services that may be harvested or enjoyed in situ and indirect services that regulate and support biological and geophysical processes now and in the future. In the past two decades, there has been an increase in the number of studies and journal articles designed to measure the economic value of the world’s CME services, although there is significantly less published research than for terrestrial ecosystems. This article provides a review of the literature on valuation of CME services along with a discussion of the theoretical and practical challenges that must be overcome to utilize valuation results in CME policy and planning at local, regional, and global scales. The review reveals that significant gaps exist in research and understanding of the broad range of CME services and their economic values. It also raises questions about the validity of aggregating ecosystem services as independent components to determine the value of a biome when there is little understanding of the relationships and feedbacks between ecosystems and the services they produce. Finally, the review indicates that economic valuation of CME services has had a negligible impact on the policy process in four main regions around the world. An alternative direction for CME services research would focus on valuing the world’s CME services in a wealth accounting framework.

2021 ◽  
Vol 23 (1) ◽  
Joko Mulyo Ichtiarso

The benefit of ecosystem services are the completeness of the outputs resulting from biological, physical, chemical, and socio-cultural processes in the forest that are useful for human life and environment. The object of research is to know how much the economic value of fauna in ecosystem services which has been utilized by the community buffer village and the dependence on Baluran National Park (BNP). Method of research by quantitative and qualitative analysis. Data collected are typological conditions of BNP community buffer village, human resources who used the services of BNP ecosystem services, identity of community who used ecosystem services, types of ecosystem services used by community, harvest season, location of ecosystem services, community income that uses ecosystem and dependence on BNP ecosystem services. The result of research are economic value of the services of fauna that ecosystem components of BNP that have been used by buffer community village and dependence on BNP have form of forest honey (Rp. 1,073,332,000), kroto (Rp. 784,665,000), and snails (Rp. 648,080). Total economic value of fauna that ecosystem component of BNP is Rp. 2,506,077,000,- per year

2020 ◽  
Vol 007 (02) ◽  
pp. 142-156
Hades Mandela ◽  
Achmad Fahrudin ◽  
Gatot Yulianto ◽  

Mangrove ecosystems become an important ecosystem for the community of Mandah district, this is because the community uses the mangrove ecosystem as a producer of mangrove wood, as well as a place to catch fish, shrimp, and crabs. Therefore, it is important to maintain the sustainability of mangrove ecosystems in multiple ways; one option is by providing an economic report regarding the mangrove ecosystem. The purpose of this study is to estimate the economic value of mangrove ecosystems. This research was conducted in Mandah District using the survey method. Data analysis using economic valuation by calculating the total economic value of mangrove ecosystem services, comprising: supporting services, provisioning services, regulating services, and cultural services. The results showed that the total economic value of mangrove ecosystem services which has an area of 31,007 Ha amounting to IDR 6,100,130,675,685/year or IDR 196,733,985/Ha/year consisting of the value of supporting services amounting to IDR 2,843,521,034,280/year, the value of provisioning services IDR 120,274,922,887/year, the cost of regulatory services is IDR 3,132,894,718,518/year, and the value of cultural services is IDR 3,440,000,000/year. The high economic value of regulating and supporting services indicates that the mangrove ecosystem has a high value of environmental services, so it needs to be preserved and the sustainability of the mangrove ecosystem to remain of high economic value.

2021 ◽  
Vol 009 (01) ◽  
pp. 1-15
Eka Yudhistira ◽  
Tridoyo Kusumastanto ◽  
Luky Adrianto ◽  
Fredinan Yulianda ◽  

Ciletuh Bay has a natural magnificence that attracts local and foreign tourists. Tourist interest was reflected by the many visits demanding the government manage it properly to achieve social, economic, and ecological sustainability. Research on the assessment of cultural ecosystem services in Ciletuh Bay has not been carried out. At the same time, this is necessary for policymakers to maintain sustainable Ciletuh Bay coastal ecotourism. This study aims to estimate the value of cultural ecosystem services in Ciletuh Bay in two ways. The first method is assessing the balance of supply and demand for cultural ecosystem services that adopt the Burkhard Model, namely through individual preferences for the beauty of several types of landscapes in Ciletuh Bay. The second assessment is an economic valuation using the travel cost method (TCM). The results showed that the balance of supply and demand for cultural ecosystem services in Ciletuh Bay contained several types of landscapes in unstable conditions. The economic value of Ciletuh Bay coastal ecotourism is IDR 862,640,124,311.00/year or IDR 77,911,861.00/ha/year.

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