scholarly journals Emerging Adulthood in Brazilians of Differing Socioeconomic Status: Transition to Adulthood1

2014 ◽  
Vol 24 (59) ◽  
pp. 313-322 ◽  
Luciana Dutra-Thomé ◽  
Silvia Helena Koller

This study was a descriptive exploratory investigation into the transition to adulthood in Brazilian young people of differing socioeconomic status (SES), considering the phenomenon of Emerging Adulthood (EA). The variables analyzed were sociodemographic aspects, perceptions of adulthood, access to technology, and educational and employment status. The sample included 547 young people ranging between 18 and 29 years of age, residents of Porto Alegre (RS), of low and high SES. More than 50% of the total sample reported that they felt in-between adolescence and adulthood, which may indicate the existence of EA in individuals of both SES. However, EA was more likely to be present in high SES contexts. The low SES group presented a tendency to assume adult responsibilities earlier, which blocks their opportunities for experiencing a period of identity exploration.

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
pp. 229-248
Brigitte Schels

This study examines whether poverty becomes more meaningful for young people as they move from youth to adulthood; therefore, the main hypothesis is that poverty becomes increasingly detrimental to individual life satisfaction as young people grow older and – at the same time – enter working life and establish their own households or families. The empirical analysis uses German household panel data and applies indicators for income poverty and material deprivation for a sample of 15- to 29-year-old young men and women. Results show that few facets of poverty impair life satisfaction in youth, and indicators increasingly show significant negative effects as people age. Changes in employment status and household context in the transition to adulthood cannot explain the age differences. Findings indicate that age is an independent reference point for young people in the transition to adulthood. Results also suggest that a more critical discussion is required on the significance of poverty and its measurement during the transition from youth to adulthood.

2016 ◽  
Vol 40 (4) ◽  
pp. 401-408 ◽  
Jon-Patrick Allem ◽  
Steve Sussman ◽  
Jennifer B. Unger

Transition-to-adulthood themes, or thoughts and feelings about emerging adulthood, have been measured by the Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (IDEA) and found to be associated with substance use among emerging adults. It has been suggested, however, that the IDEA is lengthy and may not include the most unique and theoretically relevant constructs of emerging adulthood. The Revised Inventory of the Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood (IDEA-R) was developed as an alternative instrument, but research has yet to determine the relationship between the IDEA-R and substance use among emerging adults (ages 18–25 years). College students completed surveys indicating their identification with transition-to-adulthood themes and substance use. Logistic regression models examined the associations between transition-to-adulthood themes and marijuana use and binge drinking, respectively. Participants who felt emerging adulthood was a time of identity exploration were less likely to report marijuana use, while feelings of experimentation/possibility were positively associated with marijuana use and binge drinking. The IDEA-R may be useful for identifying correlates of substance use among emerging adults. Future research should evaluate the IDEA-R among representative samples of emerging adults to confirm the findings of this study. Health professionals working in substance use prevention may consider targeting the themes of identity exploration and experimentation/possibility in programs intended for emerging adults.

The goal of this volume is to highlight the third decade of life as one in which individuals have diverse opportunities for positive development that may set the stage for future adult development, as well as to encourage more research on how young people are flourishing during this time period. Despite a preponderance of focus on the negative or dark side of emerging adulthood in research and the media, there is mounting evidence that this time period, at least for a significant majority, is a unique developmental period in which positive development is fostered. The volume consists of chapters written by leading scholars in diverse disciplines who address various aspects of flourishing. It addresses multiple aspects of positive development, including how young people flourish in key areas of emerging adulthood (e.g., identity, love, work, worldviews), the various unique opportunities afforded to young people to flourish (e.g., service experiences, university-based cultural immersion), how flourishing might look different around the world, and how flourishing can occur in the face of challenge (e.g., health issues, disabilities, exposure to violence). In addition, most chapters are accompanied by essays from emerging adults who exemplify the aspect of flourishing denoted in that chapter, and make note of how choices and experiences helped them (or are currently helping them) transition to adulthood. Taken together, the book provides rich evidence and examples of how young people are flourishing as a group and as individuals in a variety of settings and circumstances.

2019 ◽  
Vol 9 (3) ◽  
Luciana Dutra-Thomé ◽  
Silvia Helena Koller

The present study aimed at investigating emerging adulthood features in Brazilians from low and high socioeconomic statuses (SESs). The sample was 547 Southern Brazilians; residents in the urban context, between 18 and 29 years old (Md = 22 years; IQR = 7), 64.2% females. From this sample, 13 participants were randomly selected to participate on the qualitative study. Instruments were the Brazilian Version of the Inventory of Dimensions of Emerging Adulthood, a Semi-structured interview, and the variable socioeconomic status (SES) from the Brazilian Adolescence and Youth Questionnaire. Analysis from Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) indicated no associations between SES and IDEA dimensions. Deductive thematic analysis revealed the presence of emerging adulthood features in Brazil (general Kappa = .83) and that economic disparities affected youth developmental trajectories. High SES individuals were more likely to experience EA features according to what has been observed in industrialized countries. Low SES individuals presented a divergent trend, because their opportunities to live a period of identity exploration would happen after an other-focused period. The transition to adulthood considered as a nonlinear process influenced by the socioeconomic context is discussed.

2017 ◽  
Vol 13 (3) ◽  
pp. 417-440 ◽  
Evangelia Galanaki ◽  
Sophie Leontopoulou

This study investigated emerging adulthood and transition to adulthood in Greece, a highly underresearched issue in this country. Participants were 784 university students aged 17.5-27.5 years. Criteria for the transition to adulthood, developmental features of emerging adulthood, perceived adult status, views of the future (optimism), and sociodemographic variables were assessed. The results support the existence of emerging adulthood as a distinct life period in Greece. More than two thirds of the sample were self-perceived emerging adults. Most prevalent criteria were Norm compliance and Family capacities. Developmental features of emerging adulthood ranked high, especially Identity exploration, Experimentation/possibilities, and Feeling “in-between”. Statistically significant variations emerged as a function of gender, age, living arrangement, job experience, and perceived adult status. Views of the future were cautiously optimistic. Similarities with existing data and differences related to the specific characteristics of the Southern European context are discussed.

2021 ◽  
pp. 216769682198912
Elizabeth Bowen ◽  
Annahita Ball ◽  
Annette Semanchin Jones ◽  
Berg Miller

Although it is widely acknowledged that emerging adulthood is experienced differently by various groups, few studies have directly examined the theoretical features of emerging adulthood in vulnerable subpopulations of low-income young people in the United States. This study addressed this gap by exploring the salience of the five features proposed in emerging adulthood theory—identity exploration, instability, feeling in-between, sense of self-focus, and optimism for the future—for cross-systems youth. Two samples from prior qualitative studies of young people age 18–24 who had experienced homelessness, child welfare involvement, and/or educational disadvantage were combined for the analysis ( N = 50). We noted important divergences and nuances in the ways in which the theoretical features resonated with the sample. For example, most participants sought financial stability and independence, rather than identity and career exploration. The findings speak to the importance of further research to establish features of emerging adulthood in diverse populations.

2021 ◽  
Vol 13 (16) ◽  
pp. 8919
Leticia Cano-López ◽  
Yolanda María De la Fuente-Robles ◽  
Virginia Fuentes ◽  
María Aranda ◽  
Macarena Espinilla-Estévez

The transition to adulthood is a process that brings childhood to an end and turns the individual into a young adult. This process is characterised by the acquisition of new roles for young people, roles linked to the development of personal autonomy that culminate in their emotional and functional independence. The aim of this study was to ascertain how young people with family ties and youths without family support perceive and understand their emancipation process. The study also sought to identify the extent to which family provides support during the emancipation process. The research design was qualitative and used the focus group technique for data collection. The total sample consisted of 12 participants (seven males and five females) with an average age of 18. Five of them were minors in the custody of the State, and seven were young adults in a regular family environment. The information collected was analysed using Atlas.ti software. The results highlighted the existence of difficulties and barriers among young people (with and without family ties) related to psychological problems, difficulties in choosing training, finding a job and, in short, emancipation. However, young people with healthy social ties and family stability during their childhood had more support for an effective transition to independent adulthood compared to young people without family ties.

2009 ◽  
Vol 14 (4) ◽  
pp. 372-375 ◽  
Katariina Salmela-Aro ◽  
Ingrid Schoon

A series of six papers on “Youth Development in Europe: Transitions and Identities” has now been published in the European Psychologist throughout 2008 and 2009. The papers aim to make a conceptual contribution to the increasingly important area of productive youth development by focusing on variations and changes in the transition to adulthood and emerging identities. The papers address different aspects of an integrative framework for the study of reciprocal multiple person-environment interactions shaping the pathways to adulthood in the contexts of the family, the school, and social relationships with peers and significant others. Interactions between these key players are shaped by their embeddedness in varied neighborhoods and communities, institutional regulations, and social policies, which in turn are influenced by the wider sociohistorical and cultural context. Young people are active agents, and their development is shaped through reciprocal interactions with these contexts; thus, the developing individual both influences and is influenced by those contexts. Relationship quality and engagement in interactions appears to be a fruitful avenue for a better understanding of how young people adjust to and tackle development to productive adulthood.

2018 ◽  
Vol 10 (1) ◽  
pp. 131-160
Pedro Henrique Araújo dos Santos ◽  
Juliana Kelly Dantas da Silva

 Resumo: Nos dias atuais, percebemos que muitas são as dificuldades para a organização da juventude e a participação política nos espaços de poder e decisão existentes na sociedade. Em muitos dos espaços políticos os jovens não se sentem representados, nem tem oportunidades de defender seus interesses. Nesse contexto, percebe-se a ausência de formação política e oportunidades de participação do jovem na sociedade. Nessa perspectiva, esta pesquisa está pautada no levantamento de elementos da participação social, cultura política dos jovens e da trajetória de organização da Rede de Juventudes do Seridó que contribuem para a formação da consciência crítica dos jovens e favorecem o exercício do controle social e da promoção de políticas públicas voltadas para a juventude.  Palavras-chave: Juventude; Participação Social; Rede de Juventudes.  Abstract: Nowadays, we realize that there are many difficulties for the organization of youth and political participation in the spaces of power and decision in society. In many political spaces young people do not feel represented, nor do they have opportunities to defend their interests. In this context, one can perceive the lack of political formation and opportunities for youth participation in society. 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