financial stability
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Yashaswini Kunjali Ajeeth Kumar ◽  
Adithya Kishore Saxena

In the present state of health and wellness, mental illness is always deemed less importance compared to other forms of physical illness. In reality, mental illness causes serious multi-dimensional adverse effect to the subject with respect to personal life, social life, as well as financial stability. In the area of mental illness, bipolar disorder is one of the most prominent type which can be triggered by any external stimulation to the subject suffering from this illness. There diagnosis as well as treatment process of bipolar disorder is very much different from other form of illness where the first step of impediment is the correct diagnosis itself. According to the standard body, there are classification of discrete forms of bipolar disorder viz. type-I, type-II, and cyclothymic. Which is characterized by specific mood associated with depression and mania. However, there is no study associated with mixed-mood episode detection which is characterized by combination of various symptoms of bipolar disorder in random, unpredictable, and uncertain manner. Hence, the model contributes to obtain granular information with dynamics of mood transition. The simulated outcome of the proposed system in MATLAB shows that resulting model is capable enough for detection of mixed mood episode precisely

2022 ◽  
Vol 6 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-9
Jens Malthe Molyneux ◽  
Henrik Soren Matheson ◽  

The insurance plays an essential role in economic development by alleviating business risks occasioned by abrupt and disastrous incidents in established and developing nations. Thus, the research assessed the financial role of insurance on economic development in Denmark. The research adopted the descriptive research design. The target population was 200 insurance companies. The research study sampled 100 participants that were chosen from the target population of 200. The sampling technique that was considered the most appropriate was stratified. Questionnaires were utilized to gather the data. The study results showed that insurance is significant in impacting the economic development in Denmark. Insurance activity improves families and organizations' financial stability and helps with competitiveness and the growth of trade and business. Insurance companies help businesses mitigate risk and protect their employees, thus spurring economic development. In addition, insurance companies help finance economic development projects. The study recommended that more emphasis should be developed by all the stakeholders in Denmark, including the government, to ensure the insurance companies are sustainable. The regulatory authorities should establish policies to make it attractive for its residents to patronize the insurance business. This would certainly translate to enhanced insurance investment and more outcomes to the development of the economy because insurance investment has a positive link with GDP. Insurance policies must be made mandatory for people and enterprises to motivate and shield financiers and ensure sustained economic growth. Keywords: Insurance, Economic Development, Denmark

2022 ◽  
Vol 12 (1) ◽  
pp. 1-27
Juan Ernesto Perez Perez

Research methodology An interview was conducted with the general manager and semi-structured interviews with Likert scale to the main clients, collaborators and suppliers to establish the key competencies of the firm. Secondary information was collected through the organization’s historical and strategic documents. Learning outcomes At the end of the case study, students will be able to learn international marketing, innovation, strategic management, international business strategy; analyze the brand equity construct through the associative neural network model for decision-making; determine the internationalization strategy using the dual pressures model and sources of competitive advantage for international marketing management; and propose the innovation of a product by applying creativity techniques or innovation models to enter international markets. Case overview/synopsis Café Galavis is a family business leader in the production and commercialization of roasted and ground coffee for 103 years in Colombia. The new chief executive officer recovered the financial stability during his management during the period from 2015 to 2019, implementing internationalization processes. However, the sanitary crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 in Colombia, generated an economic recession, which led to a decrease in coffee consumption. How to innovate in the development of a product or service in times of pandemic? What internationalization strategy implement? These are the challenges that the new management and its collaborators will confront. Complexity academic level The teaching case is aimed at students of postgraduate academic programs in areas Management or MBA. In the modules of Marketing the case allows the orientation of the concepts of brand equity or branding. Likewise, in the modules of International Management, the definition of the internationalization strategy through the analysis of dual pressures and sources of competitive advantage. Finally, in the modules of Innovation different methodologies or techniques for innovation can be applied such as: SCAMPER, Design thinking or the Stage Gate Model. Supplementary materials Teaching notes are available for educators only. Subject code CSS 5: International Business

Complexity ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-15
Lu Shen ◽  
Guohua He ◽  
Huan Yan

This paper investigates the relationship between technological finance, high-quality economic growth, and financial stability. Based on data of 30 provinces (including autonomous regions and municipalities) collected between 2004 and 2017, this paper adopts the method of factor analysis to construct comprehensive indexes of technological finance and financial stability before calculating green total factor productivity as the index of high-quality development, using the CRS Multiplicative Model. Then it constructs the spatial SAC model and PVAR model for analyses of the just-mentioned relationship based on the total sample of the nation and regional samples in eastern, middle, and western China, respectively. The results reveal that (1) All samples, whether the total national samples or regional samples of eastern, middle, and western China demonstrate the positive influence of technological finance on high-quality economic development, with an obvious spatial spillover effect. The impact factor is the highest in the eastern region, while the western region holds the lowest factor among the three. (2) Judging by the general national sample, technological finance has an obvious negative shock effect on financial stability within a short period, but the effect gradually dwindles as time goes by. This rule applies to the sample of the eastern region, as its technological finance poses a short-time negative shock effect on financial stability, before gradually diminishing to 0. Neither western nor middle regions have displayed an obvious shock impact on financial stability.

Ivan M. Gryshchenko ◽  
Liudmyla M. Hanushchak-Yefimenko ◽  
Valeriia G. Scherbak ◽  
Оleksii Yu. Volianyk

This study attempts to address the issues of enhancing energy efficiency using mathematical modeling methods. The research findings assert that energy saving is a new challenging task of the 21st century, since thermal and electric power consumption is essential to human life and building a favourable living environment. It is observed that boosting the competitiveness, financial stability, energy and environmental security of Ukraine’s economy, as well as improving the living standards and the life quality seem hardly possible without realizing the energy saving potential and increasing energy efficiency through modernization, technological advancements and the transition towards rational and environmentally responsible utilization of energy resources. It is argued that by resolving the above objectives, Ukraine might strengthen its positions among developed economies. The following methods were used to carry out mathematical modeling to enhance the university energy efficiency in the frameworks of the energy knowledge hub: neural network technologies, mean absolute and relative error, mean absolute deviation; statistical comparison of the forecast accuracy based on the mean absolute error, as well as time series forecasting. A model to boost the University energy efficiency has been developed within the knowledge energy hub by implementing neural network patterns based on the experimental data from the Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design for the heating period 2020–2021. In particular, to optimize the operating modes of automatic power supply control for University Building 4, mathematical models with a complex algorithm structure have been employed (offering the increased resource intensity of such tasks). It is argued that making a decision on the feasibility of using an energy hub for University buildings and selecting appropriate equipment should be accomplished with due regard to the structure and the capacity of energy consumers, their types, demands for quality and reliability of electric power supply, their compliance with operating and safety standards, as well as taking into account the results of climate, wind monitoring and monitoring of solar activity. The conclusions resume that to assure the energy quality and the system sustainability, it is considered important to resolve a range of issues related to inconsistency in generation and supply of renewable energy from power plants, ensuring reliability and quality of energy supply through the use of energy storage (batteries) in particular, etc.).

2022 ◽  
Vol ahead-of-print (ahead-of-print) ◽  
Peterson K. Ozili

Purpose The purpose of this paper is to gain some insight into central bank digital currency research by reviewing the recent advances in central bank digital currency (CBDC) research in a way that would help researchers, policy makers and practitioners to take a closer look at CBDC. Design/methodology/approach The paper uses a systematic literature review methodology. Findings The review shows a general consensus that a CBDC is a liability of the central bank and it has cash-like attributes. The review also presents the motivation and benefits of issuing a CBDC such as the need to increase financial inclusion, the need to improve the conduct of monetary policy and to foster efficient digital payments. The review also shows that many central banks are researching the potential to issue CBDCs due to its many benefits. However, a number of studies have called for caution against over-optimism about the potential benefits of CBDC due to the limiting nature of CBDC design and its inability to meet multiple competing goals. Suggested areas for future research are identified such as the need to find the optimal CBDC design that meets all competing objectives, the need for empirical evidence on the effect of CBDC on the cost of credit and financial stability, and the need to find a balance between limiting the CBDC holdings of users and allowing users to hold as much CBDC as they want, and there is a need to undertake country-specific and regional case studies of CBDC design. Originality/value This review paper offers new areas for further research in central bank digital currencies.

2022 ◽  
Vol 14 (2) ◽  
pp. 32
Osama Wagdi ◽  
Yasmeen Tarek

This study investigates the effectiveness of technology models in credit risk scoring modeling in emerging markets. the study proposes evaluation methods for credit risk scoring modeling for current and potential borrowers through an investigation into the Egyptian banking industry by offering and examining a framework for the integration of big data and artificial neural networks based on systematic and unsystematic risk for both the macroeconomic environment and characteristics of current and potential borrowers. The data for the borrowers under examination covers the period from 2015 to 2019 for 75 firms, excluding 2020 and 2021 data to isolate the impact of COVID-19 on the results of the inferred statistics. Artificial Neural Networks was training within 25 firms under NeuroXL program but examination for 50 firms. The study found the ability of artificial neural networks to rank the commitment of borrowers in Egyptian banks under big data about the firm and Egyptian economy. Additions to discrepancy between the proposed model against some traditional models. Finally; The Integration of Big Data and ANN can help banks to bring out the value of data within create a level of financial stability for banks. Especially in emerging markets characterized by information inefficiency.

Complexity ◽  
2022 ◽  
Vol 2022 ◽  
pp. 1-16
Enkeleda Lulaj ◽  
Ismat Zarin ◽  
Shawkat Rahman

Today, the risk management of budget challenges throughout the budget process is greater than ever. The process of change has been driven by new information and communication technologies, resulting in e-government. The purpose of this scientific paper is to see whether budgetary challenges have an effect on the performance of e-government in complex financial systems based on factors F1, F2, F3, F4, and F5: lack of information, lack of cooperation, lack of resources and reduction of focus, lack of budget experts and financial stability, and shortcomings and inconsistencies during the budget process. Therefore, this study aims to advance the understanding of how to manage risks from budgetary challenges by focusing on a novel approach to improve e-government performance in complex financial systems. Empirical research was based on three key issues: an approach to e-government, analyzing which variables need more attention to risk, and learning how to meet budgetary challenges to improve performance during governance. For this study, the data were conducted by Kosovo’s public institutions, more specifically at the central level (Ministry of Finance) and at the local level (38 municipalities of Kosovo). A total of 38 questionnaires were analyzed and divided into three sessions, which were analyzed through three analyses, such as factor analysis, data reliability analysis, and multiple regression analysis, using SPSS version 23.0 for Windows. The research was conducted over the years 2017, 2018, 2019, and 2020, while the analysis involved several processes, where some of the factors were removed in order to make the model acceptable. In this case, 21 variables were tested and divided into 5 factors. The results showed that special attention should be paid to these factors to reduce budgetary challenges and increase the performance of e-government in complex financial systems, such as (a) lack of resources (staff, funds, infrastructure, tools, etc.), (b) increasing the focus on risk management even after the transfer of funds from the ministry to the municipality, (c) the selection of programs based on priorities and not on the basis of wishes and policies, (d) having political stability, rule of law, and more control, and (e) having regulations and guidelines from the practices of developed countries as well as taking into account the opinions of budget experts. The implications of this paper have to do with only a considerable number of variables, which were taken in the study as well as only in the municipalities of Kosovo. In this case, for other analyses by other researchers, other variables can be analyzed in other countries by making comparisons.

2022 ◽  
pp. 0192513X2110569
Tumbwene E. Mwansisya ◽  
Ipyana H. Mwampagatwa

Marriage is considered as the most important social institution and symbol of adulthood in Africa. However, the trend of divorce has increased alarmingly in recent years. We explored the constraints towards marital satisfaction by using the Delphi technique with assumptions that couples are the experts on their marriages. Participant’s panel included married heterosexual couples divided into two groups: men and women couple’s panels. The group of women’s panel included 31 participants and men’s panel contained 25 males. Then in the final stage, both groups provided their views and discussed on the possible solutions to the identified constraints. Five major themes emerged: satisfaction in sexuality among couples, difficulties in communication, economic and financial conflicts, the role of extended families, and opportunity for behavioural change to achieve marital satisfaction. Our findings support the hypothesis that satisfaction with sexual intercourse, respectful communication, financial stability and careful handling of relatives influence marital satisfaction.

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