scholarly journals Cultural singularities: indigenous elderly access to Public Health Service

2015 ◽  
Vol 49 (4) ◽  
pp. 0589-0595 ◽  
Ana Carla Borghi ◽  
Angela Maria Alvarez ◽  
Sonia Silva Marcon ◽  
Lígia Carreira

OBJECTIVEDescribing how Kaingang seniors and their primary caregivers experience access to public health services.METHODA qualitative study guided by ethnography, conducted with 28 elderly and 19 caregivers. Data were collected between November 2010 and February 2013 through interviews and participative observation analyzed by ethnography.RESULTSThe study revealed the benefits and difficulties of the elderly access to health services, the facility to obtain health care resources such as appointments, medications and routine procedures, and the difficulties such as special assistance service problems and delays in the dispatching process between reference services.CONCLUSIONThe importance of knowing and understanding the cultural specificities of the group in order to offer greater opportunities for the elderly access to health services was reinforced.

2019 ◽  
Vol 4 (1) ◽  
pp. 1
Alfreda Dinayu Purbantari ◽  
Roesdiyanto Roesdiyanto ◽  
Nurnaningsih Herya Ulfah

Abstract: Tuberculosis (TB) is a contagious disease that is still the world's attention, Until now, there is not a single country that is free of TB (Kemenkes 2011). Public Health Center (puskesmas) Janti is a puskesmas where the number of TB BTA+ sufferers increases every year while the number of treatment success rate at Puskesmas Janti decreases every year. In 2013 is 96%, in 2014 is 87,50% and in 2015 is 85,37%. Increasing the number of patients and decreasing the number of success rates of treatment indicates that the utilization of health services is less. This study aims to find out the relationship of Education, Health Service Access and Family Support with Health Service Utilization of BTA+ Pulmonary TB Patients at Public Health Center (puskesmas) Janti Malang. The design of this study is quantitative correlation with samples of all patients with TB Paru + BTA who are still doing treatment at Puskesmas Janti in September 2016 until April 2017. The analysis used correlation test and logistic regression test with cross sectional approach. The results of the research analysis found that there is a significant relationship between education, access to health services and family support together with the utilization of health services of patients Tb Paru BTA+. Based on the results of determination coefficient R2 (Nagelkerke) of 0.619, this means that education (X1), access to health services (X2), and family support (X3) has contributed 61.9% to the utilization of health services of patients with TB Paru BTA+ at Puskesmas Janti.Keywords: education, access, family support, health service utilizationAbstrak: Tuberkulosis (TB) adalah penyakit menular yang masih menjadi perhatian dunia, hingga saat ini, belum ada satu negara pun yang bebas TB (Kemenkes 2011). Puskesmas Janti adalah satu puskesmas yang berada di Kota Malang dengan jumlah pasien TB Paru BTA+ yang paling tinggi dan meningkat setiap tahun diantara puskesmas yang lain di Kota Malang, sedangkan jumlah angka keberhasilan pengobatan di Puskesmas Janti mengalami penurunan setiap tahun. Tahun 2013 sebesar 96%, pada tahun 2014 sebesar 87,50% dan pada tahun 2015 sebesar 85,37%. Peningkatan jumlah penderita dan penurunan jumlah angka keberhasilan pengobatan menunjukkan bahwa pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan kurang. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Pendidikan, Akses Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Dukungan Keluarga dengan Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Penderita TB Paru BTA+ di Puskesmas Janti Kota Malang. Rancangan penelitian ini adalah kuantitatif korelasional dengan sampel seluruh penderita TB Paru BTA+ yang masih melakukan pengobatan di Puskesmas Janti pada bulan September 2016 sampai dengan April 2017. Analisis menggunakan uji korelasi dan uji regresi logistik dengan pendekatan cross sectional. Hasil analisis penelitian di dapatkan ada hubungan yang dignifikan antara pendidikan, akses pelayanan kesehatan dan dukungan keluarga secara bersama-sama dengan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan penderita Tb Paru BTA+. Berdasarkan hasil koefisien determinasi R2 (Nagelkerke) sebesar 0,619, hal ini berarti bahwa pendidikan (X1), akses pelayanan kesehatan (X2), dan dukungan keluarga (X3) memiliki kontribusi sebesar 61,9% terhadap pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan penderita TB Paru BTA+ di Puskesmas Janti.Kata Kunci:    pendidikan, akses pelayanan kesehatan, dukungan keluarga, pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan penderita TB Paru BTA+

2019 ◽  
Vol 29 (Supplement_4) ◽  
F Sesti ◽  
A Rosano ◽  
D Ingleby ◽  
G Baglio ◽  
R Bell ◽  

Abstract Issue With increasing of numbers of people moving in Europe and around the world, the health of migrants has become a key global public-health issue. Migrants in an irregular situation (MIS) represent an important part of the migration phenomenon, whether they have become irregular by entering a country without authorisation or by overstaying a visa, including whose applied unsuccessfully for asylum. Description of the problem Overstaying of visas is not unusual in EU countries and during 2015 and 2016 in particular, many countries experienced a large number of unauthorised entrants. Health policies for MIS are increasingly a matter of concern. Using the 2015 Migrant Integration Policy Index Health strand (MIPEX HS) it is possible to conduct an analysis of health policies, focusing on access to health services by MIS. Results Among the 34 European countries covered by the MIPEX HS, Italy’s overall score of 65 is exceeded only by Switzerland (70) and Norway (67). Averaging the indicators of access for MIS, Italy obtains the highest score (83), followed by Denmark, France, the Netherlands, Romania, Spain, Sweden and Switzerland with 67. Its score for legal entitlements to health care is 75 (the same as Sweden), while reporting of MIS to the immigration authorities is prohibited and there are no sanctions against helping them. However, legislation introduced by the new government in 2018 has restricted some of their rights. Lessons Current migration to Europe requires dealing with short-term health needs as well as strengthening public health and health systems in the long term. This presentation will discuss the lessons that can be learned from the comparative analysis of health policies for MIS using the MIPEX HS. Key messages Affordable health care is a human right, which should not be denied to any migrant. Policy analysis plays a key role in identifying interventions for promoting health equity.

2012 ◽  
Vol 1 (2) ◽  
pp. 41-54 ◽  
Krzysztof Landa ◽  
Karolina Skóra

Restrictions to health services in Poland have been an inspiration to establish Watch Health Care Foundation (WHC). The fundamental disease of the system is namely the disproportion between the amount of the funds and the contents of the package. It causes everywhere the same ’symptoms’ and leads to the same pathological phenomena: queues and other forms of rationing (’guaranteed’) health benefits, corruption, making use of privileges. Foundation uses the potential of information society and available infrastructure (web portal and all activities are presented on the website with the aim of influencing the health care system. On the basis of reports of limited access to health services, a ranking is created at WHC web portal, which aims to show what the biggest gaps in access to health services are - this is the way of showing the patient and health care system needs and also one possible approach of continuous education of the health care services consumers targeted at health care systems improvement.

Gubela Mji ◽  
Stine H. Braathen ◽  
Richard Vergunst ◽  
Elsje Scheffler ◽  
Janis Kritzinger ◽  

Background: There are many factors that influence access to public health services, such as the context people live in, the existing health services, and personal, cultural and community factors. People with disabilities (activity limitations), through their experience of health services, may offer a particular understanding of the performance of the health services, thus exposing health system limitations more clearly than perhaps any other health service user.Aim: This article explores how activity limitations interact with factors related to context, systems, community and personal factors in accessing public health care services in South Africa.Setting: We present four case studies of people with disabilities from four low-resource diverse contexts in South Africa (rural, semi-rural, farming community and peri-urban) to highlight challenges of access to health services experienced by people with activity limitations in a variety of contexts.Methods: One case study of a person with disabilities was chosen from each study setting to build evidence using an intensive qualitative case study methodology to elucidate individual and household experiences of challenges experienced by people with activity limitations when attempting to access public health services. In-depth interviews were used to collect data, using an interview guide. The analysis was conducted in the form of a thematic analysis using the interview topics as a starting point.Results: First, these four case studies demonstrate that equitable access to health services for people with activity limitations is influenced by a complex interplay of a variety of factors for a single individual in a particular context. Secondly, that while problems with access to public health services are experienced by everyone, people with activity limitations are affected in particular ways making them particularly vulnerable in using public health services.Conclusion: The revitalisation of primary health care and the introduction of national health insurance by the Health Department of South Africa open a window of opportunity for policy makers and policy implementers to revisit and address the areas of access to public health services for people with activity limitations.

2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (41) ◽  
pp. 372-377
Shiva Raj Adhikari ◽  
Diksha Sapkota ◽  
Arjun Thapa ◽  
Achyut Raj Pandey

Background: Access to high quality medicines is often considered as one of the main obstacle in achieving health for all. With the objective of increasing access to health services of poor segment of population, government of Nepal has implemented free health care program. However, there is strong need for evaluating the performance and coverage of free health Care scheme. In this context, this study aims to provide better understanding on the implementation status of free health care scheme in context of Nepal.Methods: It is a qualitative study conducted in 7 districts of Nepal. Total of 14 focused group discussion were conducted among service providers and service users. All the discussions were carried in neutral and natural setting making sure that each of participants feels free to express their opinion. Focused group discussions were transcribed, translated into English, coded and analyzed manually.Results: Participants shared that free health care has contributed positively in making essential health services reachable, affordable and accessible to all specially benefiting poor segment of population. However, multitude of factors like geographical access, perception of community people towards health services, availability of medicines, laboratory services and human resources come into play determining the utilization of health services. Service providers recommended that there need to be improvements in procurement and supply system for uninterrupted supply of services.Conclusions: Despite having some problems in availability of medicines, human resource and diagnostic services, free health care has improved access to health services specially for poor population. Decentralizing the procurement process can be one promising option to overcome the inappropriate supply of medicines.Keywords: Access to medicine; financial risk; free health care; Nepal; poor.

2015 ◽  
Vol 6 (3) ◽  
Sarah E. Kelling

Objective: To use selected literature to describe strengths and opportunities for improvement related to accessibility of health services in the community pharmacy setting. Summary: Pharmacists have been described as one of the most accessible health care professionals, particularly as nearly 90% of Americans live within 5 miles of a community pharmacy. However, geography alone does not provide access to health services. Individuals must be able to gain entry into the health care system, access a health care location where needed services are provided, and find a health care provider with whom the patient can communicate and trust. Current and potential opportunities for community pharmacists to increase access via each step are described. Conclusion: Community pharmacists are highly accessible health care professionals who are trusted by patients. Opportunities exist to further increase access to dispensing and non-dispensing services in order to better meet the needs of the public.   Type: Commentary

Christian Whalen

AbstractArticle 24 reflects the perspective of the drafters that the right to health cannot be understood in narrow bio-medical terms or limited to the delivery of health services. Rather, in its reference, for example, to food, water, sanitation, and environmental dangers, it recognises the wider social and economic factors that influence and impact on the child’s state of health. Thus, the text of Article 24 sets out: a broad right to health for all children combined with a right of access to health services a priority focus on measures to address infant and child mortality, the provision of primary health care, nutritious food and clean drinking water, pre-natal and post-natal care, and preventive health care, including family planning the need for effective measures to abolish traditional practices harmful to children’s health a specific obligation on States Parties to cooperate internationally towards the realisation of the child’s right to health everywhere, having particular regard to the needs of developing countries. The right to health is a prime example of the interelatedness of child rights as it is contingent upon and informed by the realization of so many other rights guaranteed to children under the convention. This chapter analyses the child’s right to health in relation to four essential attributes. The first attribute of the child’s right to the highest attainable standard of health emphasizes what an exacting standard this human rights norm contains. Taking a social determinants of health perspective the right entails not just access to health services but programmatic supports in sanitation, transportation, education and other fields to guarantee the enjoyment of health. The second attribute focuses on the Basic minimum criteria of the right to health as reflected in Article 24(2). A third attribute is the insistence upon child health accountability mechanisms using the Availability, Accessibility, Acceptability and Quality Accountability Framework. Finally, given the wide discrepancies in enjoyment of children’s right to health across the globe, a fourth attribute focuses upon international cooperation to ensure equal access to the right to health.

2020 ◽  
Maija Santalahti ◽  
Kumar Sumit ◽  
Mikko Perkiö

Abstract Background: This study examined access to health care in an occupational context in an urban city of India. Many people migrate from rural areas to cities, often across Indian states, for employment prospects. The purpose of the study is to explore the barriers to accessing health care among a vulnerable group – internal migrants working in the construction sector in Manipal, Karnataka. Understanding the lay workers’ accounts of access to health services can help to comprehend the diversity of factors that hinder access to health care. Methods: Individual semi-structured interviews involving 15 migrant construction workers were conducted. The study applied theory-guided content analysis to investigate access to health services among the construction workers. The adductive analysis combined deductive and inductive approaches with the aim of verifying the existing barrier theory in a vulnerable context and further developing the health care access barrier theory. Results: This study’s result is a revised version of the health care access barriers model, including the dimension of trust. Three known health care access barriers – financial, cognitive and structural, as well as the new barrier (distrust in public health care services), were identified among migrant construction workers in a city context in Karnataka, India. Conclusions: Further qualitative research on vulnerable groups would produce a more comprehensive account of access to health care. The socioeconomic status behind access to health care, as well as distrust in public health services, forms focal challenges for any policymaker hoping to improve health services to match people’s needs.

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