scholarly journals Beaufils ranges to assess the cotton nutrient status in the southern region of Mato Grosso

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (1) ◽  
pp. 171-182 ◽  
Ademar Pereira Serra ◽  
Marlene Estevão Marchetti ◽  
Enrique Pouyú Rojas ◽  
Antônio Carlos Tadeu Vitorino

The relationships between nutrient contents and indices of the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) are a useful basis to determine appropriate ranges for the interpretation of leaf nutrient contents. The purpose of this study was to establish Beaufils ranges from statistical models of the relationship between foliar concentrations and DRIS indices, generated by two systems of DRIS norms - the F value and natural logarithm transformation - and assess the nutritional status of cotton plants, based on these Beaufils ranges. Yield data from plots (average acreage 100 ha) and foliar concentrations of macro and micronutrients of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum r. latifolium) plants, in the growing season 2004/2005, were stored in a database. The criterion to define the reference population consisted of plots with above-average yields + 0.5 standard deviation (over 4,575 kg ha-1 seed cotton yield). The best-fitting statistical model of the relationship between foliar nutrient concentrations and DRIS indices was linear, with R² > 0.8090, p < 0.01, except for N, with R² = 0.5987, p < 0.01. The two criteria were effective to diagnose the plant nutritional status. The diagnoses were not random, but based on the effectiveness of the chi-square-tested method. The agreement between the methods to assess the nutritional status was 92.59-100 %, except for S, with 74.07 % agreement.

M.B. Jones ◽  
A.G. Sinclair ◽  
M.J.S. Floate ◽  
C.C. Boswell

Plant tissue analysis is useful to assay plant nutrient status, but has limitations due to changes in nutrient concentrations with physiological age, and variation between plant parts. The Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) uses nutrient ratios calculated from plant tissue analyses to evaluate plant nutrient status. It calculates indices for each nutrient, and ranks them in order of their deficiency. An exploratory assessment of DRIS has been conducted for New Zealand high country pasture using chemical analysis and yield data from field trials. In this limited assessment, DRIS consistently ranked S and P deficiencies in the same order as indicated by yield responses to fertiliser treatments. It was generally successful in distinguishing between deficient and nondeficient conditions. Results are considered to justify a more comprehensive evaluation of DRIS for New Zealand pastures. Keywords DRIS, plant analysis, P deficiency, S deficiency

2003 ◽  
Vol 38 (3) ◽  
pp. 379-385 ◽  
Roberto dos Anjos Reis Junior ◽  
Pedro Henrique Monnerat

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the relationship between the diagnosis and recommendation integrated system (DRIS) indices and foliar nutrient concentrations, to establish optimum foliar nutrient concentrations with DRIS and to validate the DRIS norms for sugarcane crop. Foliar nutrient concentrations from 126 sugarcane commercial fields were analyzed during the 1996/97 season, to calculate DRIS indices. Regression analysis was used to fit a model relating DRIS indices to nutrient concentrations. Experiments were carried out during the 1997/98 season, whose treatments consisted of the addition of the most limiting nutrients according to DRIS. A new diagnosis was performed. At the end of 1997/98 season, the yields of each plot were collected. Analysis of variance and Duncan test (5%) were used for the evaluation of the collected data. There was a positive and significant relationship between sugarcane foliar nutrient concentrations and DRIS indices. The optimum foliar nutrient concentrations for sugarcane are: 13.4 g ha-1 for N, 1.91 g ha-1 for P, 12.2 g ha-1 for K, 2.99 g ha-1 for Ca, 2.15 g ha-1 for Mg, 1.61 g ha-1 for S, 4.48 mg ha-1 for Cu, 67.8 mg ha-1 for Mnand 11.7 mg ha-1 for Zn. DRIS norms evaluated are useful to correct nutritional imbalances and to increase sugarcane yield.

2004 ◽  
Vol 28 (1) ◽  
pp. 15-20 ◽  
Paulo Guilherme Salvador Wadt

Nutritional status of eight 1.0 and 4.7 years old clones of Eucalyptus grandis, cultivated in a medium textured Ustults - US - and a Quartzipsamments - PS - soils, in Lençóis Paulista, São Paulo, were evaluated by the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) and Critical Level (CL) methods. Based on multivariate discriminant analysis, the DRIS indices described the nutritional status of trees better in relation to tree age and soil type than in relation to nutrient composition. Spearman's correlation coefficients showed statistically significant relationships between volumetric tree growth and nutrients when applying DRIS indices or foliar nutrient concentrations. However, the DRIS indices indicated a lower number of trees with nutritional deficiencies, in relation to the CL method. According to the CL method, P, S, and Ca were deficient in the majority of the soils and tree age categories. By the DRIS method, Ca was the only deficient nutrient in PS soils, and appeared to be particularly limited in one-year-old trees. In conclusion, the DRIS method was more efficient than the CL method in evaluating the nutritional status of eucalyptus trees.

2021 ◽  
Vol 27 (4) ◽  
pp. 462-469
Marília Milani ◽  
Elisandra Maria Pradella ◽  
Willian Heintze ◽  
Gilmar Schafer ◽  
Renar João Bender

Abstract Vegetative tissue analyses might help to diagnose nutritional status of a crop. Foliage diagnosis is an effective method to set up balanced fertilization procedures. The current work aims to evaluate nutrient contents of two gerbera leaf sampling periods as a cut flower cultivated in pots with different doses of nitrogen (N) and calcium (Ca) under greenhouse conditions. The experiment was carried out in a protected environment, shelter type, in a container containing substrate in a 3x3+1 factorial scheme. Three doses of N (0.07, 0.15 or 0.2 g L-1) or three doses of Ca (0.02, 0.03 or 0.04 g L-1) were applied every 15 days. Control plants did receive neither N nor Ca. The substrate was analyzed before and after cultivation, and at the end of production years, as well as completely expanded leaves were collected for nutrient analyses. There was not significant interaction between N and Ca doses. Regarding the sampling period or doses of N and Ca, the determined macronutrient concentrations were in the following order of N>K>Ca>P>S>Mg. The micronutrient concentrations were in the following order of Fe>Mn>B>Zn>Cu. Except for K, all the other nutrient concentrations were in the recommended range for gerberas production.

2004 ◽  
Vol 61 (5) ◽  
pp. 501-506 ◽  
Jonas Ruschel ◽  
Quirino Augusto de Camargo Carmello ◽  
Alberto Carlos de Campos Bernardi ◽  
Sérgio Alves de Carvalho ◽  
Dirceu Mattos Jr.

Analysis of leaf nutrient contents can demonstrate plant nutritional status, identify symptoms of deficiency and toxicity, and evaluate the need to adjust fertilization programs. This research determined N:P:K:Ca:S rates for optimal nutrition of Rangpur lime - RL (Citrus limonia Osb.) rootstock, in an experiment arranged in a fractional factorial design of the (¹/25) 5(4) type, with 25 treatments distributed within five blocks. Seedlings of RL were transplanted into 3.8-dm³ containers filled with commercial growing media, when plant height = 10 cm, in a nursery. Treatments consisted of the following nutrient rates (g per plant): N = 0.31, 0.62, 1.25, 2.5 and 5; K = 0.4, 0.62, 1.25, 2.5 and 5; P = 0.35, 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.0; and Ca = 3.5, 5.0, 6.0, 7.0 and 8.0. Phosphorus and Ca were applied to the compost before transplant of seedlings, while N and K were applied later and total amounts were split into 20 weekly applications via fertigation. Nutrient sources were triple super phosphate, gypsum, NH4NO3 and KCl. Leaf nutrient concentrations of five-mo-old plants were high or in excess for N, P, K and S. Calcium and Mg concentrations were low. Greater dry mass of plants were observed at nutrient rates of N = 3.5, P = 2.7, K = 2.0, and Ca = 6.5 g per plant.

2017 ◽  
Vol 52 (9) ◽  
pp. 776-785 ◽  
Jairo Rafael Machado Dias ◽  
Paulo Guilherme Salvador Wadt ◽  
Fábio Luiz Partelli ◽  
Marcelo Curitiba Espindula ◽  
Daniel Vidal Perez ◽  

Abstract: The objective of this work was to determine reference values for evaluating the nutritional status of 'Pêra' orange trees in different fruiting stages, using the compositional nutrient diagnosis (CND) method. The study used 243 leaf samples from 81 plots, with samplings performed in plants bearing fruits with three and six months of age, and also in the main harvest (nine months). Plots with productivity higher than 30 Mg ha-1 were selected for the establishment of reference standards. Three normal ranges were evaluated for each nutrient in the reference population, comprehended by the confidence interval (CI) of the foliar content averages, by the mean±standard deviation (±SD), and by the mean±⅔SD. Regardless of the normal range of nutrients used, the leaf sampling periods interfered with the nutritional status of 'Pêra' orange tree. The normal ranges obtained from the criteria CI and ±⅔SD of the nutrient contents observed in the reference population frequently provided similar nutritional diagnoses. Zn, Ca, and Fe are the elements that most often limit the production of 'Pêra' orange in the state of Amazonas, Brazil.

2001 ◽  
Vol 58 (3) ◽  
pp. 483-497 ◽  

The floristic composition, structure, soil fertility and leaf nutrient concentrations were analysed in a monodominant forest of Brosimum rubescens Taub. located in the Areões Xavante Indigenous Reserve (14°34′S, 51°58′W). The area lies in the ecotone between Amazonian forest and cerrado in the municipality of Água Boa, Mato Grosso State, Brazil. Sixty nested plots (10 × 10m each) were located in a representative portion of the forest, giving a total sampling area of 0.6ha (40 × 150m). A total of 609 trees ≥ 5cm dbh belonging to 57 species, 46 genera and 32 families were present. The most important family was Moraceae, with B. rubescens as the dominant species with a relative dominance of 59%. The diameter distribution of B. rubescens was unbalanced, indicating an episodic recruitment that could lead to future changes in the forest structure. The high basal area per hectare of B. rubescens indicates the possibility of sustainable logging for commercial exploitation. Analysis of composite soil samples collected from the surface layer (0–10cm) of each of the 60 plots did not indicate any significant gradients in fertility within the area sampled. Mean soil pH was 4.6 and the availability of essential nutrients was very low (0.22cmol(+) kg−1 K, 0.048cmol(+) kg−1 Ca, 0.167cmol(+) kg−1 Mg, and 1.5mg kg−1 P). The higher availability of Mg in the soils in comparison with Ca was a feature observed in other monodominant forests in the Amazon region, as well as in other parts of the world. Analysis of foliar samples showed that the dominant species, B. rubescens, maintained higher foliar concentrations of K, Ca and Mg than other species in the forest. This probably indicates a competitive advantage for this species. Also, the higher concentrations of Mg in the soil did not affect its uptake of Ca or K.

e-GIGI ◽  
2018 ◽  
Vol 6 (2) ◽  
Charlene Pioh ◽  
Krista V. Siagian ◽  
Lydia Tendean

Abstract: Tooth loss is commonly found among elderly and have bad impact on the TMJ, mastication, aesthetics as well as speech function. Due to mastication disorder, the elderly tend to choose certain food which influences their nutritional status. This study was aimed to obtain the relationship between tooth loss and nutritional status based on BMI among the elderly at Kolongan Atas II, Sonder. This was an analytical descriptive study with a cross-sectional design. Population included elderly aged 60-65 years old at Kolongan Atas II, Sonder. Samples were obtained by using total sampling method. The results showed that there were 30 elderlies that fulfilled the inclusion criteria. Tooth loss more than ten teeth was most common among elderly with normal nutritional status followed by those with overweight. Meanwhile, there was no elderly with underweight. The relationship between the tooth loss and nutritional status was tested with the chi-square which resulted in P value of 0.597. Conclusion: There was no significant relationship between tooth loss and nutritional status among elderly at Kolongan Atas II, Sonder. The elderlies were advised to pay attention to their nutritional status and to use dentures for replacement of their missing teeth.Keywords: tooth loss, nutrient status, elderly Abstrak: Pada masa lansia sering terjadi kehilangan gigi yang menyebabkan gangguan TMJ, pengunyahan, estetik, dan fungsi bicara. Gangguan pengunyahan pada lansia menyebabkan kecenderungan memilih makanan tertentu yang dapat memengaruhi status gizi. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kehilangan gigi dengan status gizi berdasarkan IMT pada lansia di Desa Kolongan Atas II Kecamatan Sonder. Jenis penelitian ialah deskriptif analitik dengan desain potong lintang. Populasi penelitian ialah lansia berusia 60-65 tahun di Desa Kolongan Atas II Kecamatan Sonder sedangkan sampel diperoleh menggunakan metode total sampling. Hasil penelitian mendapatkan sebanyak 30 responden yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi. Kehilangan gigi >10 gigi terbanyak pada lansia dengan gizi normal diikuti dengan gizi lebih. Tidak didapatkan lansia dengan gizi kurang. Hubungan antara kehilangan gigi dengan status gizi berdasarkan IMT diuji dengan uji chi square dan mendapatkan nilai P=0,597. Simpulan: Tidak terdapat hubungan bermakna antara kehilangan gigi dengan status gizi pada lansia di Desa Kolongan Atas II Kecamatan Sonder. Disarankan agar para lansia untuk tetap memperhatikan asupan makanan agar dapat mempertahankan status gizi yang baik dan menggunakan gigi tiruan sebagai pengganti gigi yang hilang.Kata kunci: kehilangan gigi, status gizi, lansia

2012 ◽  
Vol 36 (2) ◽  
pp. 437-445 ◽  
Celsemy Eleutério Maia

Leaf analysis is the chemical evaluation of the nutritional status where the nutrient concentrations found in the tissue reflect the nutritional status of the plants. Thus, a correct interpretation of the results of leaf analysis is fundamental for an effective use of this tool. The purpose of this study was to propose and compare the method of Fertilization Response Likelihood (FRL) for interpretation of leaf analysis with that of the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS). The database consisted of 157 analyses of the N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, Cu, Fe, Mn, Zn, and B concentrations in coffee leaves, which were divided into two groups: low yield (< 30 bags ha-1) and high yield (> 30 bags ha-1). The DRIS indices were calculated using the method proposed by Jones (1981). The fertilization response likelihood was computed based on the approximation of normal distribution. It was found that the Fertilization Response Likelihood (FRL) allowed an evaluation of the nutritional status of coffee trees, coinciding with the DRIS-based diagnoses in 84.96 % of the crops.

Marcelo B. da Silva ◽  
Fábio L. Partelli ◽  
Ivoney Gontijo ◽  
Marcellus M. Caldas

ABSTRACT Information obtained from studies of spatial variability and the Diagnosis and Recommendation Integrated System (DRIS) may contribute to understanding better the relationship between mineral nutrient balance and factors that limit the crop yield. This study shows that nutritionally balanced plants may be associated with low productivity in Conilon coffee fields. The study was carried out on a highly productive Conilon coffee (Coffea canephora) field, in São Mateus, state of Espírito Santo, Brazil. A sample grid was established with 100 points, each point linked to one plant. Twenty pairs of leaves from each plant were collected from productive branches to create a sample for nutritional analysis. The rust incidence (Hemileia vastatrix), the presence of the coffee borer (Hypothenemus hampei), and the physical characteristics of the soil were evaluated in each sampled plant. DRIS and Nutrient Balance Index (NBI) were calculated, and from the yield data, they were characterized using descriptive statistics. Maps were created showing the spatial distribution of the NBI, yield, total sand, and incidence of rust and coffee borer. It was verified the low relationship between nutritional balance and yield in Conilon coffee, suggesting that non-nutritional factors also influenced plant production. In areas of the maps with high NBI, the plant’s nutritional balance was the main limiting factor of production, since most plants in this area produced less than the average productivity of the plants sampled. The use of a geostatistics tool combined with the NBI resulted in better understanding of the relationship between nutritional and non-nutritional variables on the Conilon coffee yield.

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