Classical-quantum versus exact quantum results for a particle in a box
The problems of a free classical particle inside a one-dimensional box: (i) with impenetrable walls and (ii) with penetrable walls, were considered. For each problem, the classical amplitude and mechanical frequency of the T -th harmonic of the motion of the particle were identified from the Fourier series of the position function. After using the Bohr-Sommerfeld-Wilson quantization rule, the respective quantized amplitudes and frequencies (i.e., as a function of the quantum label n ) were obtained. Finally, the classical-quantum results were compared to those obtained from modern quantum mechanics, and a clear correspondence was observed in the limit of n » τ.
1944 ◽
Vol 62
pp. 40-57
1999 ◽
Vol 32
pp. L57-L62
2021 ◽
1997 ◽
Vol 12
pp. 1455-1463