Experiments on composite steel beams with precast concrete hollow core floor slabs

D. Lam ◽  
K. S. Elliott ◽  
D. A. Nethercot
2019 ◽  
Vol 968 ◽  
pp. 330-341
Talyat Azizov ◽  
Wit Derkowski ◽  
Nadzieja Jurkowska

The paper discusses the principles of precast concrete hollow-core slabs taking into account their spatial work. It is shown that consideration of spatial work makes it possible to determine the forces in individual floor slabs significantly more precise. The fact that strain redistribution between precast floor slabs depends on slabs’ bending and torsional stiffness is shown. The research has been mostly devoted to determination of the bending stiffness with regard to formation of cracks and the change in torsional stiffness, especially considering the presence of normal cracks, which is still unstudied. This paper presents the technique for determining the torsional stiffness of hollow-core slabs with normal cracks. In order to determine the components included in the resolving system of equations, it is proposed to use an approximation method based on the processing of numerical data using spatial finite elements.

2016 ◽  
Vol 107 ◽  
pp. 135-150 ◽  
Daniel de Lima Araújo ◽  
Marcel William Reis Sales ◽  
Silenio Marciano de Paulo ◽  
Ana Lúcia H. de Cresce El Debs

2012 ◽  
Vol 5 (6) ◽  
pp. 848-873 ◽  
M. N. Kataoka ◽  
M. A. Ferreira ◽  
A. L. H. C. El Debs

Due to the large increase in the use of precast concrete structures in multistory buildings, this work covers a study on the behavior of beam-column connection with emphasis on the continuity provided by the slab reinforcement. Two prototypes were tested, each one with a different detail of the continuity reinforcement distribution. In both connections, the steel area used on the concrete cover of the hollow core slab was the same, varying the amount of bars that passed through the column and the ones that were placed adjacent to the column. The experimental results showed that the connection with bars adjacent to the column presented stiffness increase and a better cracking control. According to the classification the two tested connections can be considered semi-rigid.

2020 ◽  
Vol 1 (01) ◽  
pp. 7-15
Alma Christine Puspasari Rumaseb ◽  
Made Dharma Astawa ◽  

Gedung Kuliah Bersama was modified into ten floors, constructed using precast pretension slabs, namely hollow core slabs on the second to five floors and cast in situ slabs, namely steel deck on floors six to ten. Gedung Kuliah Bersama is located at the UPN “Veteran” East Java in the city of Surabaya. Geologically and tectonically, Surabaya City is in an active fault zone, so that the tectonic activity that occurs can cause damage to building structures and construction materials. Pushover analysis is an analysis that can be used to determine the pattern of structural collapse when an earthquake occurs. Based on the results of the analysis, precast pretension slabs (hollow core slabs) with segments of 1500 mm × 7000 mm × 150 mm with PC Wire reinforcement ϕ7-121 mm and cast in situ (steel deck) slabs with a thickness of 120 mm with wiremesh reinforcement M8-150 mm. The difference in the bending strength of the two types of slabs is 38.73%. The results of the pushover analysis show that the structural performance at the Damage Control (DO) level shows that the building is able to withstand the earthquake that occurs and the risk of casualties is very small.

Yevhen Dmytrenko

Traditional methods of calculation of beam constructions of floors and coverings of industrial buildings assume their consideration when calculating separately from the frame structures, in particular, reinforced concrete slabs, without taking into account their joint work, which leads to a significant margin of safety. Today in Ukraine there is a significant number of industrial buildings and structures that need strengthening and reconstruction. In this regard, of particular importance are studies of the actual load-bearing capacity of the frames of single-storey and multi-storey industrial buildings, and both in the reconstruction and in new construction, the results of which will significantly reduce costs and more rationally design structures. At the same time, one of the most relevant areas is the study of the joint work of metal load-bearing structures with prefabricated reinforced concrete structures of rigid disks of coatings and floors in their calculation.           Moreover, in the national building codes, as well as in the educational and methodological literature, the calculation methods of taking into account the joint work of such constructions are not fully covered. The purpose of this work is to estimate the reduction of mass of the metal beam structure in its calculation in bending, taking into account the joint work with the rigid disk of the floor consist of precast concrete. As part of the study, the calculation of the floor beam according to the traditional calculation scheme - without taking into account the joint work with the floor slab, the calculation of its cross-section taking into account the joint work with floor slabs and experimental numerical study of the floor by the finite element method. Modeling of the floor fragment was performed in the software packages "SCAD Office" and "LIRA CAD 2019". Numerical research is aimed at verifying the feasibility of using the calculation methodology of DBN B.2.6-98-2009 to determine the effective width of the shelf when calculating the T-sections for prefabricated reinforced concrete slabs, which are included in the joint work with the floor beams. A comparative analysis of the obtained cross-section of the beam with the beam which was previously calculated by the traditional method of calculation  in stresses in the most dangerous cross section and the total mass of the beams. According to the results of the analysis, the correctness of the application of the above normative method for determining the effective width of the shelf of T-bending reinforced concrete elements was confirmed.

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