scholarly journals Legal Aspects of Immunodiagnostics and Immunoprophylaxis of Certain Diseases

O. A. Ivanova

Introduction: the article analyzes one of the aspects of Russian and international experience in immunological diagnostics and immunological prophylaxis of certain diseases, namely application of procedures that may restrict the rights of citizens while ensuring public safety. This topic is becoming more and more controversial due to collision of public and private interests, so its study appears to be highly relevant. Purpose: to evaluate the legality and validity of restricting the rights of citizens as part of application of immunodiagnostics and immunoprophylaxis procedures, to formulate proposals on improving legal regulation covering the procedures themselves and the harm compensation procedures in case of postvaccinal complications – all based on the analysis of scientific information sources, legal acts, materials of law enforcement statistics, opinion polls, foreign experience. Methods: dialectical, formal-logical, functional, sociological and other general scientific methods of research; specific legal methods: comparative-legal and formal-legal. Results: the approaches to understanding immunodiagnostics and immunoprophylaxis procedures and their significance have been analyzed, the problematic aspects of legal regulation and law enforcement in this sphere, and also violations of legislation have been identified; the experience of compensating for harm caused by vaccination has been studied. Conclusions: in order to effectively achieve the goals of public health maintenance and boosting public confidence in the procedures of immunodiagnostics and immunoprophylaxis, and to ensure the rights of citizens, a set of measures is needed as follows: constant cooperation with civil society institutions that should go in parallel to the application of medical and pharmacological advances accompanied by the improvement of legal norms; control over the safety of drugs; budget financing of alternative diagnostic methods and additional examinations aimed at reducing the risk of harm to health and at identifying all the contraindications; maximum public awareness of all procedures and medications when obtaining voluntary informed consent; imposition of restrictions on persons who refused to undergo the procedures in strict accordance with the law and in proportion to the real danger to the public interest; additional training of medical staff; improvement and simplification of procedures for compensation for harm in the event of postvaccinal complications with the priority of non-judicial procedures; increase of the compensation size.

2020 ◽  
Vol 4 (91) ◽  
pp. 19-24
M.G. Tirskikh ◽  

Violation of the universal requirement of harmony in law causes negative legal consequences. In the end, this leads to the emergence of obstacles in legal regulation, violations of law and order. Long-term violation of harmony in law, caused by stable factors, leads to the emergence of “protrusion of law.” “Protrusion of law” is a complex phenomenon that exists in the legal system of a particular state, associated with the negative influence of long-standing factors of disharmony, manifested in the existence of a set of legal norms (established models of law enforcement and positions of interpretation of law), which for one reason or another is not coherent to the general one, established, legal order, which causes a set of negative consequences in the end, leading to a complex violation of legal regulation. Protrusion has three main forms: normative protrusion (based on a violation of the coherence of a rule of law to other legal norms), law enforcement (sacred with the contradiction of the content of a legal norm and a law enforcement position developed in the course of applying such a norm) and hermeneutic protrusion (associated withare typical, as a rule, for special situations and legal regimes. They are manifested to the greatest extent in conditions of special administrative regimes of emergency and martial law, legal regimes of functioning of certain political regimes (in particular, an autocratic regime). Protrusions are manifested in different ways in legal systems belonging to different legal families. So, in the conditions of the Romano-Germanic legal family, the protrusion of law, as a rule, manifests itself in the normative sphere and is associated with the emergence of legal norms that are not coherent with other norms. The main form of overcoming protrusion is rule-making activity aimed at identifying and eliminating norms that lead to protrusion. In an Anglo-Saxon legal family, protrusion is less likely to occur. The presence of normative non-coherence does not lead directly to negative consequences, but is leveled by the action of the court, which, through case-law, can harmonize this norm in the context of the general legal order. At the same time, protrusions can occur in the very law enforcement practice, causing the destruction of the previously achieved harmony. In the context of other legal systems, the emergence of protrusion, as a rule, is caused by the identification of legal regulations that contradict the basic principle of the formation of such legal systems (religious, doctrinal, traditional).

2021 ◽  
Vol 37 (1) ◽  
pp. 75-79
R.D. Farkhutdinov ◽  

The article suggests and justifies the concept of "commercial transaction" is currently not fixed in civil legislation as a civil definition, while a number of scientists have repeatedly justified the need and importance of fixing such a concept to solve a number of problems in legal regulation. In addition, it offers ways to solve the problem of the conceptual apparatus of the practice of separate consideration of "commercial transactions" in civil law, which allows solving a number of practical problems of law enforcement. The article uses comparative, formal-legal and functional research methods. The article identifies individual features of a commercial transaction, the legal limits of mutual synthesis of public and private interests, and determines the forms of protection of such interests.

2020 ◽  
Vol 73 (7) ◽  
pp. 1533-1538
Sandra Kaija ◽  
Inga Kudeikina ◽  
Nataliya Gutorova

The aim: The aim of the study is to define the legal framework of forensic psychiatric examination commissioned by the court in relation to the competence of medical practitioners and the position of the subject as a patient in the process of forensic psychiatric examination in order to determine the correlation of special legal regulation with criminal and civil procedure regulation and to make proposals for the enhancement of the legal regulation. Materials and methods: This study is based on the analysis of international law, medical civil procedure and criminal procedure legislation, juridical practice, medical law legal doctrine. The following methods were used in this research: the method of interpretation of legal norms, analysis of legal acts, and the induction-deduction method, upon which the conclusions were drawn and recommendations were provided. Conclusion: The current regulatory framework does not provide for the procedure by which the subject’s medical treatment is conducted during forensic psychiatric examination, nor does it determine the criteria for the admissibility of treatment of the persons concerned and the extent of treatment. During the examination, the medical practitioner who is in the expert’s procedural position in relation to the subject under examination in the particular examination should not carry out the treatment of the subject.

Marina Afanas'evna Lapina

The subject of this research is the legal norms of the Constitution of the Russian Federation, as well as laws and bylaws regulating the system of organization of state and municipal administration of the territories of the Russian Federation with their further development. A substantial place within legal regulation is allocated to the Strategy of Spatial Development of the Russian Federation until 2025, passed in 2019. The article elucidates the problems of organization of public administration of the newly created territorial units – spatial agglomerations. The goal consists in presenting the analysis of the correspondence of legislation in the area of organization of public administration of the newly created administrative-territorial units based on economic priorities. The novelty of this research consists in the proposed strategy of scientifically substantiated recommendations on legislative regulation of public administration of the territories of the Russian Federation, with consideration of newly created territorial units – spatial agglomerations. The conclusion is made on the need to develop a single system of optimal legal regimes per specific territorial unit, representing certain type of agglomeration of supraregional, regional and/or municipal level in different variations.

V. Shulhin ◽  

The article analyzes organizational and legal (theoretical and legal, organizational and technical), comparative and applied and terminological and conceptual aspects of codification of legislation in the field of defense of Ukraine, which has important theoretical, legal, practical and applied significance for the effective operation of national defense forces. Security and defense in a special period of conducting a joint operation and on the way to the Euro-Atlantic integration of our country, interoperability with the armed forces of NATO member states are also within the focus of the paper. In order to determine the system-scientific approach to the implementation of this national-strategic task, the subject of which is the regulation of military-legal social relations in the field of defense forces of the security and defense sector of Ukraine, an attempt was made to explore organizational and legal, defense-institutional national features and capabilities, quality and degree of readiness of separate acts (legal norms) of the current legislation in the field of defense to their codification. The legal nature of codification of legislation is established and substantiated; its general and special concept is clarified taking into account existing problems and features of modern process of defense normative-legal regulation, military law enforcement, improvement of nationaldefense and military-legal relations; proposals for process algorithms codification of legislation in the field of defense of Ukraine are formulated.

K. V. Trifonova

In the article, from the standpoint of legal science and practice of state regulation of migration relations, the author examines the application of legal liability to violators of the norms of migration legislation. The author conducts a theoretical and legal analysis of the institution of legal responsibility. The definition of legal responsibility as a legal reaction of society and the state to the unlawfulness of actions (inaction) allows us to conclude that the introduction by the state of special legal regulation is a form of disposition of state power. The implementation of legal responsibility in the dynamics of legal regulation is characterized by the intertwining of regulatory, substantive and procedural and legal aspects, which allow ensuring the passage of responsibility through all stages and procedures of legal regulation, which creates an ordering effect. In conclusion, the author points out that legal responsibility, being an element of the legal regulation mechanism, clearly demonstrates its specificity and features, as well as general efficiency in the law enforcement process of imposing punishment.

2021 ◽  
pp. 133-138
Tamara Terekhova

Formulation of the problem. At the present stage of development of land relations in Ukraine, the activity related to the maintenance of the state land cadastre is of great importance and is intended to collect information and inform the participants of land relations about the real value and legal regime of each land plot in Ukraine. Such activity requires effective legal support because maintenance of the state land cadastre requires clear and transparent procedures for entering information into it and receiving information from its registry. Recent research on the topic. Problems of legal regulation of the maintenance of the state land cadastre has not received a wide coverage. Among the most revealing researches it is necessary to emphasize the dissertation of N. Grabovets , in which the subject of research was the legal support of the main types of land cadastral activity, and the scientific study of O. I. Sidorchuk , in which the legal aspects of the order of maintenance of natural resource cadastres were discussed. Legal aspects of maintaining the state land cadastre can be found in scientific works of A. G. Borovitskaya, N. O. Kuchakovskaya and Z. V. Yaremak. Currently, a comprehensive study of the legal regulation of the state land cadastre has not been conducted in the domestic literature. The purpose of this study is to determine the legal specifics of maintaining the state land cadastre. Article’s main body. Scientific research is devoted to determination of legal peculiarities of introduction of the state land cadastre. It was found that the legal regulation of the state land cadastre must be a relationship between landowners and landowners, the state, state entities and the community. The foundation of the legal regulation of the state land cadastre is the Constitution of Ukraine, which states that the laws of Ukraine determine the principles of land use exclusively. However, it should be noted that the main legal act on the maintenance of the state land cadastre is the Law of Ukraine "On the State Land Cadastre". In addition, some provisions concerning the maintenance of the state land cadastre are reflected in the Land Code of Ukraine, the laws of Ukraine "On Land Assessment", "On Land Surveying", "On Topographic and Geodesic and Cartographic Activities" and several bylaws. As a result of the conducted research it was established that the complex interconnected process of maintaining the state land cadastre requires a clear legal support for its organization. Law norms that regulate the organization of the areas of cadastral activities, including those related to the maintenance of the state land cadastre, are contained in different legal acts, which leads to the need for their systematization in a single legal act. Conclusions and prospects for the development. As a result of the conducted research it was established that the complex interrelated process of maintaining the state land cadastre requires a clear legal support for its organization. However, legal norms that regulate the organization of the areas of cadastral activity, including those related to the maintenance of the state land cadastre, are contained in different legal acts, which leads to the need for their systematization in a single legal act.

V.V. Surin

The article is devoted to the issues of legal regulation of the activities of the penitentiary system, including the legal aspects of informatization of the penitentiary department. The author analyzes the retrospective of the development of legal norms regulating the processes of information support for the execution and serving of criminal sentences. The interrelationships of the development of legal regulation of the processes of informatization of public administration bodies, in general, and divisions of the Federal Penitentiary Service, in particular, are investigated. The paper presents a comparative analysis of a number of legal regulations that currently define various aspects of the information activities of prison staff, in particular, the goals, objectives and methods of implementing this area of activity. On the basis of the conducted research, proposals are formulated to optimize the processes of digitalization of institutions and bodies that execute criminal penalties, and the mechanism for implementing this activity.

Alexandr Kuznetsov ◽  
Roman Novikov

The institute of the deferral of punishment is one of the steadily developing institutes of contemporary criminal law in the Russian Federation that reflects a trend for the humanization of punishment, the economy of repressive criminal law measures, and for widening the list of measures and sanctions alternative to punishment. The relevance of the key aspects of research presented in the article is connected with the fact that the evolution of the institute of deferral of punishment in the doctrine of criminal law gives rise to a number of discussions both about the legal nature of this institute, its role and place among other criminal law measures, and the specific features of its application in the practice of law enforcement. Deferral of punishment is a socially relevant institute in Russian criminal law aimed at the correction of convicts without severing their socially relevant links. The impact of the requirements of international legislation on reducing the number of persons isolated from society and a wide use of alternative punishments in Russia have lead to a wider application of the deferral of punishment. The authors analyze specific aspects of the legal regulation of the deferral of punishment, study the criminologically relevant characteristics of persons to whom this criminal law measure is applied, as well as the law enforcement practice of appointing and enforcing the deferral of punishment. They present the results of surveying 250 convicts, and also of interviewing 300 employees of the penitentiary system, who ensure compliance with the requirements of law on the deferral of punishment in a number of regions of the Russian Federation, such as the Udmurt Republic, the Bashkortostan Republic, Kurgan Region, Kirov Region, Sverdlovsk Region, Chelyabinsk Region and Perm Region. The research also includes the analysis of departmental and court statistics, federal legislation and departmental normative acts. The conducted research allowed the authors to present their suggestions on improving the current legislation of the Russian Federation that regulates the penitentiary sphere.

2020 ◽  
Vol 6 (4) ◽  
pp. 35-45
Оlena Busol

The article is devoted to the issues of international cooperation of the bodies regarding asset recovery and management with a purpose of combating transnational crime. It emphasizes the main provisions of international treaties on combating crime and provides an analysis of foreign legislation in the given sphere. The subject of the study is international legal regulation and problems of corrupt assets recovery, which required the application of interdisciplinary scientific approach in considering its economic, political, philosophical, historical and legal aspects. The purpose of the article is to highlight the main issues that arise when the states try to recover corrupt assets, as well as to provide national governments with appropriate recommendations, taking into account international instruments and best practices. The article considers world practice of conducting criminal proceedings and execution of court decisions. It covers the features and problems of specialized government bodies as for the recovery of the assets. The article is based on the application of a set of the following methodologies: philosophical, dialectical and synergetic. The study used the method of systematic analysis, which is the most commonly applied in criminological research to combat corruption. To achieve these purposes, the following research methods are used: analysis of theoretical sources and scientific literature; abstract-logical method in the process of theoretical generalizations and formation of conclusions; prognostic methods. The author applies the comparative method (i.e. the method of comparative jurisprudence) when comparing international documents with the legal norms of other states. Results. Foreign experience shows that development of a modern and effective system of combating organized corruption in any country is possible subject to application of legal norms that meet international standards, as well as the integrated use of advanced computer information technology. The author emphasize the need for OECD (Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development) member states to develop adequate regulations that will allow immediate disclosure and exchange of information on the freeze of assets with foreign jurisdiction, in order to ensure the effectiveness of the asset recovery procedure. Conclusions. It is recommended to adopt laws at the national level or to introduce a regulation in the criminal law of the state on illicit enrichment; to develop comprehensive national strategy; as well as to finance measures to recover corrupt assets within the framework of anti-corruption programs at the state level. It emphasizes the need to have a united state register of assets seized in criminal proceedings. In order to recover assets from abroad, states need to have political will and to use the latest technologies.

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