scholarly journals La verdad y la justicia frente a la prueba en el proceso penal

Justicia ◽  
2015 ◽  
Vol 20 (27) ◽  
Maximo Vicu ◽  
Sergio Hernando Castillo Galvis

ResumenEl articulo 361 del Código de Procedimiento Penal prohibe de manera ab- soluta al juez del conocimiento decretar pruebas de oficio, restringiendo la bus- queda de la verdad y la justicia; y por ello, en esta investigación, se pretende establecer la incidencia de los derechos sociales a la verdad y la justicia, por cuenta de la limitación de la prueba oficiosa en el proceso penal; utilizando la hermenéutica y el análisis documental sobre libros, artículos y sentencias de la Corte Suprema de Justicia y la Constitucional previamente clasificados. Se identificaron criterios encontrados entre las Altas Cortes frente a la prohibición de la practica de la prueba de oficio en el sistema adversarial. La posición to- mada por la Corte Constitucional quiebra el sistema jurídico mixto, porque con la prohibición impuesta al juez del conocimiento desconoce los principios a la verdad y la justicia plasmados en el preambulo de la Norma Superior. AbstractThe Article 361 of Criminal Procedure Code absolutely prohibits the order of evidence by the judge, restricting the search for truth and justice. Objective: To establish the incidence of the social rights to the truth and justice by the limitation of the officious evidence in criminal proceedings. We used herme- neutic and documentary analysis of books, articles and judgments of Constitu- tional and Supreme Court Justice previously classified. Results: We identified the criteria exposed by the High Courts in front of the prohibitions of officious evidence in the adversarial system. Conclusions: The position taken by the Constitutional Court brakes the mixed legal system because the prohibition imposed on the judge on the case is unknown principia of truth and justice enshrined in the preamble to the higher standard.

2017 ◽  
Vol 1 (100) ◽  
pp. 849
Miguel Agudo Zamora

Resumen:Este trabajo analiza la situación en el modelo constitucional español del principio de no regresividad de los derechos sociales. Se parte del análisis sucinto del modelo social de nuestra Constitución lo que implica el reconocimiento de derechos económicos y sociales. Este reconocimiento es la plasmación constitucional de los principios de solidaridad y de cohesión social. El principio de cohesión social ha sido definido por el Consejo de Europa e incluido explícitamente en los tratados constitutivos de la Unión Europea. La necesidad de lograr la cohesión social fundamenta la inclusión en las Constituciones y en los tratados internacionales del principio de no regresividad de los derechos sociales. En la Constitución española de 1978 este principio no se incluye expresamente. La no inclusión en la Constitución de este principio supone un peligro para la cohesión social en tiempos de crisis económica. Por su parte, el Tribunal Constitucional ha sentado una doctrina ambigua sobre este asunto, que ha sido analizada en este trabajo, así como las más significativas aportaciones doctrinales sobre la materia. Para saber cuáles son los limites de la regresividad de los derechos sociales que dotan de contenido este principio se ha realizado una comparativa internacional y de los principios constitucionales. Del estudio del ordenamiento internacional y de los valores y principios constitucionales se ha obtenido una serie de límites a la regresividad del contenido, eficacia y protección de los derechos sociales. Concluye este trabajo sugiriendo una propuesta de reforma constitucional que incluya el principio de no regresividad de los derechos sociales en el texto constitucional estableciendo una serie de requisitos de aquellas medidas que puedan suponer una regresión de contenido de los mismos tales como que deberán justificarse plenamente en referencia a la totalidad de los derechos, valores y principios recogidos en la Constitución y en los tratados internacionales suscritos por el Estado español y en el contexto del aprovechamiento pleno del máximo de los recursos de que se disponga; se aplicarán tras el examen más exhaustivo de todas las alternativas posibles; tendrán en todo caso carácter temporal hasta que las circunstancias económicas permitan restablecer el ámbito material de contenido, eficacia, protección y garantía prexistente de los derechos sociales afectados; en todo caso respetarán el contenido mínimo esencial de los derechos sociales como manifestación de la dignidad humana; serán razonables y estarán suficientemente motivadas; no vulnerarán, entre otros, los principios de seguridad jurídica, confianza legítima, no discriminación e irretroactividad de disposiciones restrictivas de derechos individuales, serán proporcionadas y respetarán los principios de solidaridad, cohesión y sostenibilidad social. Summary1. State, solidarity and social cohesion. 2. Doctrinal and jurisprudential notes on the principle of non-regressivity of social rights. 3. Limits to the regressivity of social rights. a) Limits derived from international law. b) Limits derived from dignity as essential content of social rights. c) Limits derived from the prohibition of arbitrariness: the need for sufficient motivation. 4. Conclusion: constitutionalamendment and non-regressivity of social rights.Abstract:This paper analyzes the constitutional recognition of the principle of non-regressivity of social rights in Spain. It starts from the succinct analysis of the social model of our Constitution which implies the recognition of economic and social rights. This recognition is the constitutionalization of the principles of solidarity and social cohesion. The principle of social cohesion has been defined by the Council of Europe and explicitly included in the constitutive treaties of the European Union. The need to achieve social cohesion underpins the inclusion in the Constitutions and international treaties of the principle of non-regression of social rights. In the Spanish Constitution of 1978 this principle is not expressly included. The non-inclusion in the Constitution of this principle poses a danger to social cohesion in times of economic crisis. For its part, the Constitutional Court has established an ambiguous doctrine on this subject, which has been analyzed in this work, as well as the most significant doctrinal contributions on the subject. In order to know which are the limits of the regressivity of the social rights that give content of this principle an international comparison has been made as well as a study of constitutional principles. Limits to the regressivity of content, effectiveness and protection of social rights have been obtained from the study of international order and constitutional values and principles. This paper concludes by suggesting a proposal for constitutional amendment that includes the principle of non-regressivity of social rights in the Spanish Constitution establishing some requirements of those measures that imply a regression of their content such as: they shall be fully justified in relationship with all the rights, values and principles contained in the Constitution and in the international treaties signed by the Spanish State and in the context of full exploitation of the maximum resources available; Shall be applied after a more comprehensive examination of all possible alternatives; Shall in any case be of a temporary nature until the economic circumstances permit the restoration of the content, effectiveness, protection and pre-existing guarantee of the social rights affected; In any case they will respect the essential minimum content of social rights as a manifestation of human dignity; Shall be reasonable and sufficiently motivated; Shall not infringe, inter alia, the principles of legal certainty, legitimate expectations, non-discrimination and non-retroactivity of provisions restricting individual rights; Shall be proportionate and shall respect the principles of solidarity, cohesion and social sustainability.

Issues of Law ◽  
2020 ◽  
Vol 20 (4) ◽  
pp. 89-93
S.M. Darovskikh ◽  
Z.V Makarova ◽  

The article is devoted to the issues of formulating the definition of such a criminal procedural concept as «procedural costs». Emphasizing the importance both for science and for law enforcement of clarity and clarity when formulating the definition of criminal procedural concepts, the authors point out that the formulation of this concept present in the current Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation is far from being improved. Having studied the opinions on this issue of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, a number of procedural scholars, the authors propose their own version of the definition of the concept of «criminal procedural costs» with its allocation in a separate paragraph of Article 5 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation.

2020 ◽  
pp. 124-149
Alessia Barroso Lima Brito Campos Chevitarese ◽  
Ana Borges Coêlho Santos ◽  
Camila Nascimento de Souza

RESUMOO artigo tem por objetivo analisar a efetividade da jurisdição constitucional como mecanismo de emancipação social de determinados grupos a partir de decisões da Corte Constitucional colombiana. Nesse sentido, busca-se compreender a tutela dos direitos sociais, conforme o disposto na Constituição Colombiana de 1991, e os desafios de implementação dos direitos previstos, bem como o contexto de desenvolvimento de um protagonismo mais acentuado da Corte Constitucional colombiana. O estudo investiga se as progressistas decisões da citada Corte são capazes de modificar positivamente a situação social de grupos socialmente vulneráveis, com a finalidade de ponderar, nesse contexto, o papel da jurisdição constitucional na efetividade dos direitos sociais dos jurisdicionados.PALAVRAS-CHAVECorte Constitucional da Colômbia. Emancipação social. Efetividade dos direitos sociais. ABSTRACTThe article aims to analyze the effectiveness of judicial review as a mechanism of social emancipation of certain groups based on decisions of the Colombian Constitutional Court on social rights. In this sense, we seek to understand the protection of social rights, in accordance with the Colombian Constitution of 1991 and the challenges of implementing the rights envisaged, as well as the context of developing a more prominent role of the Colombian Constitutional Court. The study investigates whether if the progressive decisions of the aforementioned Court are capable of positively changing the social situation of socially vulnerable groups, in order to consider, in this context, the role of constitutional jurisdiction in the effectiveness of the social rights.KEYWORDSColombian Constitutional Court. Social emancipation. Effectiveness of social rights.

2010 ◽  
Vol 35 (4) ◽  
pp. 369-396
Mircea Damaschin

AbstractThis article analyzes the special procedure for compensating material or moral damages where there has been a wrongful conviction—or other wrongful injury to individual liberty—caused by error in Romanian criminal proceedings.This remedy is provided for by the 1969 Romanian Criminal Procedure Code; however (perhaps inevitably), tension has risen between these provisions and those of the 1991 Romanian Constitution resulting in amendments to both the Code and the Constitution. The most significant of these amendments have flowed from decisions of the Romanian Constitutional Court; in turn, the Constitutional Court has been guided in its determinations of constitutionality by interpretations of the 1950 European Convention on Human Rights.In the present article, the author presents the evolution of Romania's legal framework in this field, analyzing key decisions of the Romanian Constitutional Court. Also considered here is the jurisprudence of Romanian ordinary courts dealing with the compensatory remedy for material or moral damages awarded to victims of judicial error in Romanian criminal proceedings. The relevance here of the practice of the European Court of Human Rights, which has been critical of Romania in this regard, cannot be overestimated.Finally, this article considers the potential effect of changes contained the new Criminal Procedure Code, which has been adopted in mid-2010 by the Romanian Parliament.

El'vira Mirgorodskaya

The purpose of this study was an attempt to theoretically understand the subject of judicial consideration of complaints against decisions, actions (inaction) of officials carrying out criminal prosecution. The research was carried out on the basis of comparative legal, formal logical, empirical, statistical methods. Judicial statistics for the year 2020 have been provided, and legislation has been studied from a historical and contemporary perspective, taking into account the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation. The problem is that, in practice, for about 20 years the courts have had difficulties in determining the subject of complaints, since neither in theory nor in practice a consensus has been developed on this issue. The Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation also does not contain a definition of the concept of «subject matter». The situation is aggravated by the presence of evaluative concepts in the text of the law, leading to a varied understanding of the subject of appeal by the courts, which leads to a violation of the constitutional rights of citizens at the pre-trial stages of criminal proceedings. In the article, taking into account the analysis of the practice of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation, legislation and the opinion of scientists, a recommendation was made to amend the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation to specify the subject of consideration of complaints in accordance with Art. 125 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation in order to eliminate existing contradictions in practice and increase the level of protection of individual rights in pre-trial proceedings.

Ius Poenale ◽  
2021 ◽  
Vol 2 (2) ◽  
pp. 75-86
M. Kemal Pasha Zahrie

The presence of Constitutional Court Decision Number 65/PUUVIII/2010 expands the meaning of witnesses in Article 1 point 26 of the KUHAP, resulting in the emergence of various interpretations in criminal justice practice concerning the position of verbal witness testimony as evidence. Juridically, the decision creates problems considering that the Criminal Procedure Code or Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Acara Pidana (KUHAP) does not recognize verbal witnesses' testimony as evidence. This study examined the position and the strength of verbal witnesses' testimony as evidence in criminal proceedings. After gathering all the data using normative and empirical juridical research, this paper concludes that the testimony of verbal witnesses is grouped in the evidence of guidance in Article 188 Paragraph (1) of the KUHAP because the testimony of verbal witnesses is not primary evidence. After all, its existence is contingent on the judge's willingness to employ it. The strength of proof of testimony of verbal witnesses is that they must satisfy the elements of Article 188 paragraph (1) of the KUHAP, namely the information referred to in the form of events or circumstances concerning a criminal act, as well as conformity with other evidence, as required by Article 188 paragraph (2) of the KUHAP.

José Theódulo Esquivel Grados ◽  
Valia Luz Venegas Mejía ◽  
Migdonio Nicolás Esquivel Grados

The emancipation of the South American countries was aimed at achieving the freedom and dignity of the oppressed peoples for three centuries and claiming their rights. In this sense, the article is the result of a study whose objective was to analyze social rights in thought, the work of the Liberator Simón Bolívar and his General Minister José Faustino Sánchez Carrión, as well as their significance over time. Social rights are those that are aligned with human dignity and linked to the achievement of substantial objectives such as access to work, health, education, justice, among others. From the documentary analysis it is observed that these rights were originally consigned in 1824 by the Liberator and his minister at the time of founding the first republican University in the final phase of the emancipation of Peru and South America, but gradually they were legalized in the social constitutionalism of many countries during the twentieth century, which highlights its importance in the line of achieving human dignity. Social rights had as precursors the aforementioned heroes of freedom, defenders of human dignity and visionaries who were ahead of their time.

Boris B. Bulatov ◽  
Alexander S. Dezhnev ◽  

The article examines the normative legal basis of the grounds for canceling property seizure in pre-trial criminal proceedings. The problem of the legislator’s usage of evaluative categories in removing investigator’s, interrogator’s or court’s restrictions is also analyzed. The solution of this problem is made dependent on the implementation of public or private interests. Discussing these issues, the authors come to the conclusion that this sphere is neither presented nor analyzed in academic monographic works. This circumstance indicates the novelty of the study owing to the legal positions of the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation on the issue. The conclusion about the priority of public principles over private interests concerning matters which are not related to civil lawsuits is made on the grounds of empirical data and the analysis of legislative approaches. The contradictions of the provisions of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation regulating the basis and procedure for canceling property seizure and the laws on bankruptcy are identified. The directions for improving the legal regulation of these issues are presented. The necessity of a multisectoral regulation of some aspects of law enforcement is inferred. The examination of private principles in canceling property seizure is connected with securing a civil lawsuit in criminal proceedings. The authors substantiate the existence of additional opportunities in making decisions in this field via the legal regime. This regime is also used in some other legal acts and may be put into practice in accordance with the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. However, the imposed restrictions can be canceled on the basis of the decision by a person considering a criminal case. The authors note the incoherence of some provisions of Part 3 and Part 9 of Article 115 of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Russian Federation. This incoherence is connected with different approaches to the view on public and private interests in decision making. The authors substantiate the necessity of a legal linking of grounds for canceling property seizure with the decision on imposing this resriction. The conclusion about the comprehensive order of property seizure is made in the final part of the article. It is also stated that this order does not contain distinct criteria of the legality of the decision. Certain parts of the criminal procedure laws should be corrected. Some ways to improve the field of legal regulation concerning the opportunity of canceling seizure are given.

2020 ◽  
Vol 23 (4) ◽  
pp. 71-82
Oleg Boldyrev ◽  
Yulia Nenakhova

The 1993 Constitution of the Russian Federation enshrined the principle of social state, a number of social rights of citizens and other provisions of a social nature. However, according to many researchers, the actual situation, including mass poverty and extreme property differentiation of the population, and the dominant vector of social policy, which is reflected in commercialization and "optimization" of the social sphere, raising the retirement age, strengthening the selective character of social assistance, etc. speak of the dismantling of the welfare state. At the same time, the Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation does not adequately fulfill its function of protecting the Constitution and, in particular, ensuring the constitutional principle of social state and social rights of citizens, does not recognize the legislative norms that normatively formalize such reforms as unconstitutional, sometimes — as in the case of considering the constitutionality of increasing retirement age in 2018 — actually avoiding consideration of the case on the merits. The draft Law on Amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation "On Improving Regulation of Certain Issues of Organizing Public Authority", proposed by the President of Russia in the winter of2020, was substantiated, inter alia, by considerations of the development of social state, ensuring the social rights of citizens and the corresponding social obligations of the State. The article shows which of the key social problems could be solved within the framework of the previous version of the Constitution; the question is examined whether their solution requires its changing. It is shown that the Law on Amendment to the Constitution of the Russian Federation adopted in the spring of 2020 does not solve a number of the key social problems in modern Russia, and does not make enough use of foreign experience in constitutional regulation of the social sphere. Based on the experience of other countries, the article proposes a number of norms, the constitutional enshrining of which could to a greater extent ensure implementation of the principle of social state.

Bumke Christian ◽  
Voßkuhle Andreas

This chapter deals with Art. 6 of the Grundgesetz (GG), which guarantees protection for marriage and the family. Art. 6 GG protects marriage and the family from state interference, and also creates a special principle of equality. Paragraphs 4 and 5 create constitutional rights for mothers and children born outside of marriage. The chapter first considers the jurisprudence of the Federal Constitutional Court concerning the scope of protection for marriage and the family, including issues concerning discrimination against same-sex relationships, freedom to marry, marital cohabitation, the right to divorce, and the right to spousal maintenance. It then examines the constitutional rights of parents and the social rights of mothers before concluding with an analysis of the social rights of children born outside of marriage.

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