scholarly journals The Coverage of the Policy of the German Chancellor in the Conditions of the Migration Crisis of 2013-2018 in the Materials of the Magazine "Der Spiegel"

Galina Voronenkova ◽  
Julia Islanova

Starting from 2013, the authors of “Der Spiegel” have been actively criticizing the policy of the Chancellor Merkel for inaction in the conditions of an increasing number of migrants from Middle Eastern countries. At the same time, the main opponents of the Chancellor were also criticized for their trying to pull away from the increasing migration problem and to absolve themselves of responsibility for migrants rushing deep into Europe, recalling the terms of the Dublin Regulation. The situation changed in 2015 when Angela Merkel not only recognized the ongoing crisis, but opened the borders of Germany for hundreds of thousands of illegal migrants. Unlike Merkel`s political opponents and even many party fellows, “Der Spiegel” supported the Chancellor for her readiness to jeopardize her political career to save European humanistic values. However, it soon became obvious that the Chancellor`s magnanimity wasn`t based on a precise plan for integration. Despite the authors of “Der Spiegel” who like Merkel considered Germany to be the heart of human and hospitable Europe, the center of tolerance, they had to admit that the uncontrolled stream of refugees turned to be a serious threat for the economy, social peace and national security. In 2017, it became obvious that Merkel changed the direction of her migration policy for a more pragmatic one aimed to control the illegal migration, to limit the migration stream from Middle Eastern countries, to develop the system of revealing and deporting illegal migrants. “Der Spiegel” regarded this as her readiness to change her own position according to the political circumstances in favor of the political rating. This led to disappointment and a new wave of criticism.

Aleksei Aleksandrovich Matveev

This article is dedicated to migration security, which is viewed within the paradigm of sustainable development and as part of the global security system. The author attempts to reveal the mechanisms and principles that define the effect of migration security upon the political and social stability of the countries in the period of migration crisis. The role actors in achieving sustainable development through the discourse of global security is determined. For solving the set tasks, the article employs comparative and systematic approaches. The key factors of the global security system are identified. An assessment is given to migration processes and their impact upon the goals of sustainable development. The author carries out the analysis of the current European migration policy. The relevance and novelty of this article are substantiated by the the philosophical discourse of migration security and synergy, encompassing the global social security system; whereas this question has been previously studied with focus on the legal, demographic, ethnic, or economic aspects. Analysis is also conducted on the the stage-by-stage mechanisms of migration security implemented by the political regimes of majority of the developed democratic countries. Description is given to the three-tier system of interaction of agents in implementation of migration security. The author examines the content and attitude towards migrants in the EU border countries, and the impact of structural violence in society within the “own/alien” discourse. An alternate solution for solving the dilemma of social tension and retaining  the “thread of governance” in the question of mobility of the citizens is offered. The analysis is given to the Global Compact for Migration, its capabilities, and shortcomings. The author also provides a philosophical understanding of migration security.

2020 ◽  
Vol 26 (4) ◽  
pp. 59-67
Gulnara I. Gadzhimuradova ◽  
Sofia R. Kerimova

The article analyzes the consequences of the 2014-2016 migration crisis in Spain. Today the migration crisis in Europe is far from being resolved. Every day hundreds of people from Africa, Asia and America move here hoping for a better life. The Mediterranean route used by migrants passes through Spain. The country has faced a record increase in migration flows from African countries and has found itself in a difficult situation. On the one hand, the state protects migrants’ rights; on the other hand, the refugee influx and a sharp increase in the level of illegal migration have become destabilizing and dangerous factors in the country’s politics. Consequently, the European migration crisis affects the country’s political life and causes divisions and confrontations between various political parties and resentment among the native population. The authors make an attempt to show the political consequences of the migration collapse in Spain.

2022 ◽  
pp. 52-69
Kateryna Tryma ◽  
Kostyantyn Balabanov ◽  
Natalia Pashyna ◽  
Olena Hilchenko

The current migration crisis has far-reaching challenges for EU countries. Global migration is forcing countries to completely reconsider their migration policies, the effectiveness of control, and the integration of migrants. As one of the EU's leading countries, Germany is the biggest lobbyist for the establishment of a common migration policy in the EU. This chapter contributes to the academic discussion on establishing a single mechanism for managing migration flows in the European Union. The analysis confirms that EU countries are faced with the need to find new ways to resolve the migration crisis. In this direction, Germany has become the country where one can trace the uniqueness of the political phenomenon of integration of migrants into the host community as a measure to overcome the migration crisis. The evidence reveals the growth of threats for national, regional, and international security caused by the growing migration crisis and transformation of the policy of integration of migrants in Germany under the influence of this factor.

2021 ◽  
pp. 33-57
Bela Y. Zhelitski ◽  

Following a brief description of the unprecedented waves of migration flowing into Europe from the Middle East and Africa, the author analyses the migration policy of the European Union and Hungary's attitude towards this policy between 2014 and 2019. The study centers on the positions, views, and specific actions of the leadership of the European Commission and the political class of Hungary, as well as the relations between them. The main approaches of the parties towards solving the problems of the migration crisis and the differences between them on key issues of migration policy, which at times turned into confrontations between Budapest and Brussels, are shown. Particular attention is given to the circumstances that led to the EU migration crisis.

Politeja ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 16 (6(63)) ◽  
pp. 167-175
Ludovica Grossi

The Global Compact for Safe, Orderly and Regular Migration is, as The Economist described it in a recent column by Tom Nuttall, a dull piece of reading. At best, stressed Nuttal, it helps build the trust between sending and receiving countries that is the foundation of any meaningful international policy.Then how did a non-binding, declaratory intergovernmental agreement becamea crucial part of the political discourse in a considerable number of EU countries, effectively leading to the withdrawal of several governments from the Compact? The upheaval caused by the adoption of the Compact (which hadalready been discussed and agreed upon by all signatory governments in July, before becoming a token for nationalist propaganda) has once again demonstrated the inability of the EU to grow towards a sensitive migration policy, and the recklessness of many governments in refusing to engage in a reasonable conversation with other international actors in favour of a political line led by sensationalism and misinformation. The aim of this research paper is to map thedevelopment of the debate over the Global Compact in Italy building up to its abstention during the Marrakesh Conference on December 10th-11th. The research focuses on the main actors of the current political discourse in Italy, their inaccuracy and deliberate ambiguity in addressing concerns over the Compactduring Parliamentary sessions and through the mass media, and the failure of the opposition, together with civil society, to leverage a valid counterargument to the growing hysteria about the migration crisis. The expected outcomes are the identification of common patterns in the nationalist discourse in Italy and the advancement of possible new practices to effectively foster a consistent, level-headed conversation about migration management that steers away from sterile symbolism and responsibly addresses community issues at the national and EU levels.

2021 ◽  
Vol 1 (1) ◽  
pp. 106-115
Mikhail S. Guzhev ◽  
Maria S. Semenova

The importance of studying migration processes is due to their massive, regular nature, the impact on the political and social environment of the host countries. Often, a poorly thought out, inconsistent and generally ineffective immigration policy leads to problems in the host countries, reduces the quality of life of the indigenous population, thus creating a split in society, which may result in increasing migrant phobia, xenophobia, etc. A particularly striking example of this situation can serve as some countries of the European Union, in particular, Germany and France. The populations of these countries account for one of the largest shares of migrants not only in Europe, but throughout the world. Of particular research interest is the change in the political preferences of the voters in favor of the forces advocating a rigid migration policy. Within the framework of the systematic and historical-descriptive approaches, the electoral processes in Germany and France were analyzed during the period of the most intense manifestation of the migration problem. It was found that in parallel with the migration crisis in the host countries, a reshuffling of political forces is rapidly taking place: lesser-known political leaders, parties, movements not only appear on the political arena, but quickly gain voters’ support, starting to determine immigration policy. There is a clear relationship between anti-immigration slogans and the entry into the arena of Germany and France of right-wing parties, which are fundamentally changing the political alignment of forces and their political course as a whole. Supporters of the right-wing political persuasion quickly gained popularity at the peak of the migration crisis, but with this problem fading into the background, the need for these political forces began to decrease. As a result of the study, the hypothesis that the migration problem is one of the key factors in the alignment of political forces in Germany and France was confirmed.

Dildora Olimjanovna Akhmedova

Over the past decades, the migration policies of the main destination countries have become much more stringent. In developing and improving migration policies, destination countries faced a difficult task - to find a balance between two factors: free market interests and border control / national security. In the context of globalization in the market, there is a growing demand for cheap and legally uncontrolled labor, while migration policy pays more and more attention to border control and the expulsion of illegal migrants. Millions of migrants are looking for a way out in these difficult conditions, attracted by job opportunities in destination countries, but with little legal access to it. This has resulted in a high growth in illegal migration, which has had a positive impact on many sectors of the economy in destination countries, where they are accustomed to relying on a cheap and flexible labor force - people who agree to any working conditions and are deprived of legal protection. This article is written about the problems and their solutions in different countries of the world faced by women migrants.

2019 ◽  
Vol 3 (2) ◽  
pp. 63
Iuliana Mihai ◽  
Isabel Novo-Corti

AbstractAim: Millions of people are displaced globally, as refugees, asylum seekers or migrants. Although, at a first glance, crisis and conflicts are considered the main trigger for these movements, the migration challenge may have different roots: demographic trends, poverty, the globalization of communication, etc. The present article is an introduction to the main concepts and terminology regarding migration and it links the migration with actual labor problems within the EU.Design: The article shows how migration terminology is reflected in the EU migration policy and how migration policy affects labor policy and vice versa. The article is to be considered a state of the art or methanalysis and explains the concepts: in-migration, out-migration, refugees, asylum-seekers. In addition, it draws attention to controversies regarding the use of concepts: illegal migration, irregular migration and return migration.Conclusions: The article presents eight main economic theories of migration. Five of them have as subject of analysis the determinants of migration and the other three have the subject of analysis the perpetuation of migration. Some of the main theories analyzed here are the neoclassical theory of migration, the human capital theory of migration, the new economics theory of migration, world system theory, network theory, migration systems theory.Originality: The article demonstrates the fact that neither of these economic theories/models explain adequately the actual determinants of migration and it proposes a new model focused more on the transdisciplinary effects of human movements. Keywords: migration, crisis, development, asylum seekers, labor market policiesJEL: J015, J61, J15

2019 ◽  
Vol 22 (4) ◽  
pp. 15-24
М. М. Шелемба

The main features of the transformation of the EU migration policy in the beginning of the XXI century were systematized. The author’s methodical approach, based on the use of comparative analysis, statistical analysis, the method of content analysis of the discourse of the provisions of the legal mechanism (the basic principles of rules and directives), discourse analysis, is used to carry out the research. The assessment showed the complexity, thoroughness, scientific novelty of the proposed author’s methodical approach regarding the analysis of the effectiveness of the transformation of the EU migration policy in the early twenty-first century. It was established that according to the first stage of the analysis it was determined: intensification of migration flows, connected with factors of deterioration of political, socio-economic situation in some regions of the world; the growth of the split in terms of the soundness, expediency of the basic principles of the super-state migration policy. The research at the second stage of the analysis, devoted to the study of the situation after reforming the legal mechanism of the regulation of migration policy, made it possible to identify: the reduction of migration flows (especially illegal ones) after the changes of the legal mechanism of regulation of migration policy in the EU; improvement of the main migration procedures in the EU; improving the external position of the European Union as an effective supranational organization with the potential and capabilities for managing migration. The assessment showed that changes in the legal mechanism for regulating the migration crisis in the EU have determined the following policy areas in this area: responding to current problems and finding possible ways and strategies for solving the migration crisis (emergency measures for the rescue of migrants in the Mediterranean, the allocation of additional funds for rescue operations, the coordination of enhanced security measures, which required the mandatory removal of fingerprints from all migrants who arrived in the EU, as well as the accelerated process of deportation of illegal migrants or those who were refused asylum; involvement in the suspension of migration flows and the development of illegal migration into the EU of third countries in order to optimize and ensure effective results); the formation of a more effective system of migration legislation at the pan-European level as a whole (continuation of Turkey’s involvement in the settlement of illegal migrants; Reforming the pan-European asylum system). It is proved that these reforms were declared at the level of the provisions of the legal mechanism and implemented at the practical level.

2019 ◽  
pp. 121-140
Anita Adamczyk

The purpose of this article is to analyze Polish migration policy after 2015. The author would like to show discrepancies between the political declarations and reality. Its purpose is also to show the position of the Law and Justice government regarding the EU’s policy on solving the migration crisis and Poland’s openness to admitting refugees/immigrants. The article proposes the thesis that the Polish government’s migration policy from 2015–2019 was inconsistent.

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