scholarly journals Modern Trends in the Assortment Policy of Regional Food Retail Chains

2020 ◽  
Vol 11 (2) ◽  
Svetlana Shchepina

The main issue currently being addressed by the assortment policy is determining the set of product groups that will be the most preferable for the successful oper-ation of a retail enterprise. The most important direction of the assortment policy is to retain regular customers and attract the interest of new ones. Assortment management is of particular importance in the food market. A significant role in providing the population with food is played by regional distribution networks, which form the demand for products through competent assortment manage-ment. The article discusses ways to improve the assortment policy of regional re-tailers that are engaged in the food market. A general description of the function-ing of regional retail chains is illustrated by the example of «Slata» group of companies in order to optimize the process of managing the assortment of food products.

2019 ◽  
Vol 11 (22) ◽  
pp. 6408 ◽  
Paweł Bryła

The paper aims to assess the level and predictors of regional ethnocentrism on the market of regional food products in the context of sustainable consumption. The study contributes to the theory of consumer ethnocentrism by extending our knowledge about its regional dimension. Regional ethnocentrism is the preference for products originating from the consumer’s region. I conducted a survey in a representative sample of 1000 inhabitants of Poland with the use of the CAWI (Computer-Assisted Web Interview) methodology. Regional ethnocentric consumers were characterized by a significantly more favorable attitude to regional food products compared to the rest of the sample. In a multiple regression model, the following eight statistically significant predictors of the regional ethnocentrism were identified: the importance of brand and retailer trust on the food market; the importance of quality signs in regional food purchases; opinion that insufficient marketing constitutes an important barrier to the development of the regional food market; buying regional products in shops owned by producers, rather than large distribution networks; frequency of purchasing regional products as a tourist; and national ethnocentrism on the regional food market. These predictors are strongly related to the three major pillars of sustainable development—economic, social, and ecological.

А. Kh. Dikinov ◽  
А. А. Eshugaova ◽  
М. М. Abdurakhmanova ◽  
М. А. Sadueva

The most progressive and promising model of spatial organization of food markets of the North Caucasus Russian Theatre is a cluster model. In the proposed methodology of the process approach to develop a structural model of agro-food cluster in the NORTH is cluster analysis. The regional food market as a single system, which combines production, marketing and consumption of foods with a specific hierarchy, is characterized by different relationships and proportions between its components and is an important an indicator of a country's economic development, achieving food security. Disclosure of potential in a market system, its effective use, taking into account regional particularities and specificities of the economy, improvement of the spatial organization and improving the efficiency of such a complex system as the regional food market is impossible without knowledge of its essence, principles of formation and operation. In this connection there was a need to develop modern methods of research, evaluation, analysis, improvement of structure and functional organisation of the regional food markets as an important factor for the socio-economic development the country. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that the clustering of agribusiness implemented taking into account the peculiarities of regional AIC on the basis of strategic management zones: industrial, conventional and organic. To determine the effectiveness of the cluster algorithm of its evaluation, which is based on the criteria of usefulness and survival in the conditions of the cluster in the region, which are defined using evaluation scales and weights the main factors utility and survival in the cluster.

2021 ◽  
pp. 1-18
Bianca L. Gentil ◽  
A. Gabriel Vicencio Castellanos ◽  
Kenneth G. Hirth

This study investigates the impact of the Aztec Triple Alliance on trade and economic activity in the region of Puebla-Tlaxcala during the Late Postclassic period (AD 1200–1519). Ethnohistorical sources describe the Aztec Triple Alliance as constantly at war with settlements in the Tlaxcala region. To weaken their Tlaxcalteca rivals, the Aztecs imposed a trade blockade to reduce the flow of resources into Puebla-Tlaxcala. This article uses archaeological evidence to evaluate the effectiveness of this blockade. It compares the types of obsidian used to manufacture lithic tools from Aztec-controlled sources with those used within Puebla-Tlaxcala. Information from the large center of Tepeticpac and the small obsidian workshop site of Cinco Santos II, both in the Tlaxcala domain, are compared to other sites in Central Mexico prior to and during the height of Aztec influence. The results show little difference in regional trade patterns: obsidian from Sierra de las Navajas and Otumba was used in proportions in the Tlaxcala region in the Late Postclassic similar to those used during earlier periods. If an embargo was attempted, it was largely unsuccessful in isolating Tlaxcala from broader regional distribution networks.

2021 ◽  
Vol 9 ◽  
Liu Shengli ◽  
Wu Jun ◽  
Xue Longjiang ◽  
Wu Di ◽  
Lu Haiqing ◽  

Aiming at the problems of low power supply reliability, poor transfer capacity between stations, and low line utilization in the current distribution network, this paper proposes a diamond-shaped distribution network structure with a clear structure. First, we investigated the typical wiring patterns of medium-voltage distribution networks in Tokyo, Japan, Paris, France, and China’s developed cities, and summarized experience and shortcomings. Secondly, combining the typical wiring patterns of distribution networks in China and abroad, construct a diamond-shaped distribution network structure, and study its adaptability, safety and flexibility, power supply reliability, and economy. Finally, take the transformation of the wiring mode of a regional distribution network in a certain city as an example, compare the use of the diamond-shaped distribution network structure in this article with the use of cable double-ring network wiring, cable “double petal” wiring, and Shanghai diamond-type wiring distribution network grid reconstruction The effect verifies the superiority of the diamond-shaped distribution network structure in this paper.

2011 ◽  
Vol 58-60 ◽  
pp. 474-479
Yu Du

The high-medium voltage level distribution networks have their own characters. Because of the radiation characteristic of the network, this paper looks on the network as the combination of some small optimization unit. The paper simplifies the resolution of the reactive power optimization by the way of alternatively solving the adjusting transformer taps and switching capacity banks. At the same time, considering the practical operation request, the paper evaluates the regulation effect and improves the practicability of the software.

Foods ◽  
2019 ◽  
Vol 8 (10) ◽  
pp. 467 ◽  
Andrzej Soroka ◽  
Julia Wojciechowska-Solis

The aim of this paper is to determine the awareness measures of consumers from Eastern Poland and Western Ukraine towards regional food products, including consumer knowledge on regional products available in the media and their availability on the food market. The effort was made to compare consumers’ opinions on the reasons for purchasing regional food and ways of distinguishing it from conventional products, as well as on the availability of regional products. Consumer awareness—that is, making informed choices based on the knowledge we have—is a measure of attitudes and cognition, and sometimes can be directed towards the brand, which is the product’s regional designation. Therefore, it is necessary to comment that attitudes towards regionality can generate a behavioral intent. A diagnostic survey with an author’s questionnaire was used in the study, which helped to survey 1128 respondents from Eastern Poland—that is, from the Podlaskie, Lublin, and Subcarpathia regions—and 1072 from Western Ukraine, including the Volyn, Lviv, and Transcarpathia regions. Discriminant function analysis was used in statistical analysis. Both residents of Eastern Poland and Western Ukraine obtained information on regional food products from their friends or family and from television (TV), internet, and regional fairs. Consumers from both countries pointed at too many possibilities of purchasing regional products; at the same time, they paid attention to a limited number of points of sale. TV and Internet have a great promotional potential to educate young consumers focused on the purchase of regional food products.

2015 ◽  
Vol 15 (2) ◽  
pp. 166-172
Oksana Kiforenko

Competitiveness is the main driving force to the stable prosperity of a country and the increase of its citizens’ welfare. Agriculture is an important part of the economy of any country. The processing industries are a powerful driving force for rural development. The necessary prerequisite to ensure food security of any country is the successful development of the food market. In Ukraine approximately 10 thousand companies are involved in the food production. The food industry is among the leaders in terms of foreign direct investment into the industry of Ukraine. Transnational corporations are actively operating in the field of food production in Ukraine. The agro-industrial complex in general and food industry in particular can guarantee a significant increase in GDP of a country and as a result improve its position in the world markets.Journal of agricultural sciences №15 (02): 166-172, 2015

2021 ◽  
Vol 3 ◽  
pp. 154-161
A.A. Niyazbayeva ◽  
Z.О. Imanbayeva ◽  

The aim is to consider the current problems of ensuring food security, including the selfsufficiency of the region with food products with the effective functioning of the regional food market on the example of the Aktobe region. Methods - statistical and economic, comparative analysis, monographic, computational-constructive, abstract-logical. Results - the factors influencing on the formation of the level of food supply in the region and allowing the most reliable display of the structure of the diet of food products of the main population groups are systematized. The parameters that can be used to reflect the effectiveness of the action of specific types of food markets (meat, milk, bread, sugar, etc.) and effectiveness of government programs are highlighted. The features of the agro-industrial complex of the Aktobe region and the issues of ensuring its food security are determined. The effectiveness of agricultural policy measures to solve the problem of economic security of the region by regulating prices on market of consumer products has been proved. The results of the study of the main indicators characterizing the degree of socio-economic development of the region are presented. The analysis of the rate of expansion of food products market is presented. Conclusions - the authors focus on the need to develop measures aimed at achieving an optimal level of food self-sufficiency in the region, taking into account the factors that determine the development of food market and the food industry. The influence of digital and the latest communication technologies on increasing the information security of the subjects of the food market is justified, taking into account the level of consumer prices and effective demand of the population. Practical recommendations to improve food security and develop food market in the Aktobe region have been developed.

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